1,264 research outputs found

    The Effect of Gas-Pressure on Tesla-Luminescence

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    In investigating the tesla-luminescence of cod-liver oil, it was observed that the nature of the luminescence would change very rapidly with the pressure. This effect was noticed for the cod-liver oil vapor, for carbon-dioxide and for air. In the case of air it was found that there was an abrupt change from a pinkish glow at about 4 mm. pressure to a bright orange at about 2 mm. The actual value of the pressure at which this effect took place has not as yet been accurately determined. A preliminary spectroscopic study of the luminescence has shown that bands which are prominent at the higher pressure disappear at the lower

    A Simple Apparatus For Demonstrating Bernouli\u27s Principle

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    The Photographic Action of Irradiated Cod-Liver Oil

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    We have previously reported the results of experiments on the photographic action of irradiated oils. This paper gives the results obtained with various arrangements of the screens and the receptacles for the irradiated cod-liver oil

    Direct numerical simulation of turbulent mass transfer at the surface of an open channel flow

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    We present direct numerical simulation results of turbulent open channel flow at bulk Reynolds numbers up to 12 000, coupled with (passive) scalar transport at Schmidt numbers up to 200. Care is taken to capture the very large-scale motions which appear already for relatively modest Reynolds numbers. The transfer velocity at the flat, free surface is found to scale with the Schmidt number to the power ‘ −1/2 ’, in accordance with previous studies and theoretical predictions for uncontaminated surfaces. The scaling of the transfer velocity with Reynolds number is found to vary, depending on the Reynolds number definition used. To compare the present results with those obtained in other systems, we define a turbulent Reynolds number at the edge of the surface-influenced layer. This allows us to probe the two-regime model of Theofanous et al. (Intl J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 19, 1976, pp. 613–624), which is found to correctly predict that small-scale vortices significantly affect the mass transfer for turbulent Reynolds numbers larger than 500. It is further established that the root mean square of the surface divergence is, on average, proportional to the mean transfer velocity. However, the spatial correlation between instantaneous surface divergence and transfer velocity tends to decrease with increasing Schmidt number and increase with increasing Reynolds number. The latter is shown to be caused by an enhancement of the correlation in high-speed regions, which in turn is linked to the spatial distribution of surface-parallel vortices

    High-throughput discovery of post-transcriptional cis-regulatory elements

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    Validation of 8mers found in the main screen. (PDF 280 kb

    Recent STAR results in high-energy polarized proton-proton collisions at RHIC

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    The STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory is carrying out a spin physics program in high-energy polarized p+p\vec{p}+\vec{p} collisions at s=200500\sqrt{s}=200-500\,GeV to gain a deeper insight into the spin structure and dynamics of the proton. One of the main objectives of the spin physics program at RHIC is the extraction of the polarized gluon distribution function based on measurements of gluon initiated processes, such as hadron and jet production. The STAR detector is well suited for the reconstruction of various final states involving jets, π0\pi^{0}, π±\pi^{\pm}, e±^{\pm} and γ\gamma, which allows to measure several different processes. Recent results will be shown on the measurement of jet production and hadron production at s=200\sqrt{s}=200\,GeV. The RHIC spin physics program has recently completed the first data taking period in 2009 of polarized p+p\vec{p}+\vec{p} collisions at s=500\sqrt{s}=500\,GeV. This opens a new era in the study of the spin-flavor structure of the proton based on the production of W(+)W^{-(+)} bosons. Recent STAR results on the first measurement of WW boson production in polarized p+p\vec{p}+\vec{p} collisions will be shown.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Talk presented at the 26th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, January 2-9, 2010 to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) The author may be contacted via: [email protected]

    Державний фінансовий контроль є невід'ємною частиною державного управління

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    This multilevel study examined the relationships between moral climate factors and prosocial as well as antisocial behaviors inside and outside the school (school misconduct, delinquent behavior, and vandalism). The moral climate factors were punishment- and victim-based moral orientation, relationships among students, and teacher-student relationships. The analyses of data from 670 students in 69 classes showed that the classroom-level variables only had a significant impact on misconduct at school of students aged 12 to 20. For the other outcome variables, the student-level variables (student and teacher-student relationships, but especially students’ moral orientation) were significant. A novel finding was that a positive teacher-student relationship not only proved to be related to less misconduct inside the school but also to less delinquent behavior and vandalism outside the school. This indicates that the teacher is an important socializing agent for adolescent behavior in general

    Захист вітчизняного товаровиробника при здійсненні державних закупівель: зарубіжний досвід

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    Систематизовані знання щодо зарубіжного досвіду здійснення захисту вітчизняного товаровиробника при здійсненні державних закупівель. Проаналізовані основні елементи протекціонізму в США, Великобританії, Швейцарії, Італії, Ізраїлі. Висловлені пропозиції щодо особливостей впровадження їх у вітчизняних реаліях.Систематизированны знания относительно зарубежного опыта реализации защиты отечественного товаропроизводителя при осуществлении государственных закупок. Проанализированы основные элементы протекционизма в США, Великобритании, Швейцарии, Италии, Израиле. Сформулированы предложения относительно особенностей внедрения их в отечественных реалиях.In the articles systematized of knowledge in relation to foreign experience of realization of defence of domestic commodity producer during realization of the public purchasing. An analysis of basic elements of protectionism in the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Israel. Suggestions are expressed in relation to the features of introduction of them in domestic realities are detailed