347 research outputs found

    S100 Calcium Binding Proteins and Ion Channels

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    S100 Ca2+-binding proteins have been associated with a multitude of intracellular Ca2+-dependent functions including regulation of the cell cycle, cell differentiation, cell motility and apoptosis, modulation of membraneā€“cytoskeletal interactions, transduction of intracellular Ca2+ signals, and in mediating learning and memory. S100 proteins are fine tuned to read the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration and affect protein phosphorylation, which makes them candidates to modulate certain ion channels and neuronal electrical behavior. Certain S100s are secreted from cells and are found in extracellular fluids where they exert unique extracellular functions. In addition to their neurotrophic activity, some S100 proteins modulate neuronal electrical discharge activity and appear to act directly on ion channels. The first reports regarding these effects suggested S100-mediated alterations in Ca2+ fluxes, K+ currents, and neuronal discharge activity. Recent reports revealed direct and indirect interactions with Ca2+, K+, Clāˆ’, and ligand activated channels. This review focuses on studies of the physical and functional interactions of S100 proteins and ion channels

    Mechanisms of Two Modulatory Actions of the Channel-binding Protein Slob on the Drosophila Slowpoke Calcium-dependent Potassium Channel

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    Slob57 is an ion channel auxiliary protein that binds to and modulates the Drosophila Slowpoke calcium-dependent potassium channel (dSlo). We reported recently that residues 1ā€“39 of Slob57 comprise the key domain that both causes dSlo inactivation and shifts its voltage dependence of activation to more depolarized voltages. In the present study we show that removal of residues 2ā€“6 from Slob57 abolishes the inactivation, but the ability of Slob57 to rightward shift the voltage dependence of activation of dSlo remains. A synthetic peptide corresponding in sequence to residues 1ā€“6 of Slob57 blocks dSlo in a voltage- and dose-dependent manner. Two Phe residues and at least one Lys residue in this peptide are required for the blocking action. These data indicate that the amino terminus of Slob57 directly blocks dSlo, thereby leading to channel inactivation. Further truncation to residue Arg16 eliminates the modulation of voltage dependence of activation. Thus these two modulatory actions of Slob57 are independent. Mutation within the calcium bowl of dSlo greatly reduces its calcium sensitivity (Bian, S., I. Favre, and E. Moczydlowski. 2001. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 98:4776ā€“4781). We found that Slob57 still causes inactivation of this mutant channel, but does not shift its voltage dependence of activation. This result confirms further the independence of the inactivation and the voltage shift produced by Slob57. It also suggests that the voltage shift requires high affinity Ca2+ binding to an intact calcium bowl. Furthermore, Slob57 inhibits the shift in the voltage dependence of activation of dSlo evoked by Ca2+, and this inhibition by Slob57 is greater at higher free Ca2+ concentrations. These results implicate distinct calcium-dependent and -independent mechanisms in the modulation of dSlo by Slob

    Phosphorylation of BK channels modulates the sensitivity to hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

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    Introduction: Gases, such as nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO) or hydrogen sulfide (H2S), termed gasotransmitters, play an increasingly important role in understanding of how electrical signaling of cells is modulated. H2S is well known to act on various ion channels and receptors. In a previous study we reported that H2S increased calcium-activated potassium (BK) channel activity. Aims: The goal of the present study is to investigate the modulatory effect of BK channel phosphorylation on the action of H2S on the channel as well as to recalculate and determine the H2S concentrations in aqueous sodium hydrogen sulfide (NaHS) solutions.Methods: Single channel recordings of GH3, GH4 and GH4 STREX cells were used to analyze channel open probability, amplitude and open dwell times. H2S was measured with ananion selective electrode. Results: The concentration of H2S produced from NaHS was recalculated taking pH, temperature salinity of the perfusate and evaporation of H2S into account. The results indicate that from a concentration of 300 ĀµM NaHS, only11-13%, i.e. 34-41 ĀµM is effective as H2S in solution. GH3, GH4 and GH4 STREX cells respond differently to phosphorylation. BK channel open probability (Po) of all cells lines used was increased by H2S in ATP containing solutions. PKA prevented the action of H2S on channel Po in GH4 and GH4 STREX, but not in GH3 cells. H2S, high significantly increased Po of all PKG pretreated cells. In the presence of PKC, which lowers channel activity, H2S increased channel Po of GH4 and GH4 STREX, but not those of GH3 cells. H2S increased open dwell times of GH3 cells in the absence of ATP significantly. A significant increase of dwell times with H2S was also observed in the presence of okadaic acid.Conclusions: Our results suggest that phosphorylation by PKG primes the channels for H2S activation and indicate that channel phosphorylation plays an important role in the response to H2S

    Endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth : a comprehensive review

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    The pulp plays a key role in the treatment of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) and is strongly associated with the outcome, particularly in severe cases. A correct pulp diagnosis is essential as it forms the basis for developing the appropriate management strategy. However, many TDIs are complex, and their treatment requires a profound knowledge of the physiological and pathological responses of the affected tissues. This comprehensive review will look at the dentine-pulp complex and its interaction with the surrounding tissues following TDIs. The literature up to 2020 was reviewed based on several searches on PubMed and the Cochrane Library using relevant terms. In addition to the recently revised guidelines of the International Association of Dental Traumatology, this article aims to provide background information with a focus on endodontic aspects and to gather evidence on which a clinician can make decisions on the choice of the appropriate endodontic approach for traumatized permanent teeth.Peer reviewe

    Is Consciousness Dissectible? Acute Slice Electrophysiology and a Bayesian Interpretation of Neural Correlates of Consciousness

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    The acute brain slicing method has become one of the foundations of modern neuroscience research. It is a laboratory technique in electrophysiology, which allows the study of electrical properties directly on a freshly prepared slice of animal brain tissue. During recording and/or stimulation, the acutely isolated brain slice is artificially kept Ć¢ā‚¬Å“aliveĆ¢ā‚¬ up to many hours after the animalsĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ death. During an acute brain slice preparation, cortical and subcortical areas, which are suggested to correlate with conscious experience in humans, such as the claustrum and the thalamus, are dissected. In this paper, we investigate whether scientific statements can be made regarding the likelihood that some neural activities on the brain slice still support consciousness or degrees thereof.We exemplarily demonstrate how acute slices are produced and provide own electrophysiological data combined with a short literature review. Subsequently, we introduce the concept of Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCC) and apply conditional probabilities inferred from BayesƂĀ“ theorem, in order to draw from it an informed hypothesis on the likelihood that specific neural activities that sustain on the slice still correlate with some form of conscious experience. We propose that the probability that there is something that is it like to be, even on the acutely isolated brain slice, is similar to the likelihood that certain mental states correlate with certain brain activities in a healthy human subject, depending on the robustness of the underlying NCC

    European Society of Endodontology position statement : endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth

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    This position statement represents a consensus of an expert committee convened by the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) on the endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth. A recent comprehensive review with detailed background information provides the basis for this position statement (Krastl et al. 2021, International Endodontic Journal, ). The statement is based on current scienti?c evidence as well as the expertise of the committee. Complementing the recently revised guidelines of the International Association of Dental Traumatology, this position statement aims to provide clinical guidance for the choice of the appropriate endodontic approach for traumatized permanent teeth. Given the dynamic nature of research in this area, this position statement will be updated at appropriate intervals.Peer reviewe
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