63,023 research outputs found

    Gluon contributions to the pion mass and light cone momentum fraction

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    We calculate the matrix elements of the gluonic contributions to the energy-momentum tensor for a pion of mass 600 < Mpi < 1100 MeV in quenched lattice QCD. We find that gluons contribute (37 +/- 8 +/- 12)% of the pion's light cone momentum. The bare matrix elements corresponding to the trace anomaly contribution to the pion mass are also obtained. The discretizations of the energy-momentum tensor we use have other promising applications, ranging from calculating the origin of hadron spin to QCD thermodynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Remote sensing applications to forest vegetation classification and conifer vigor loss due to dwarf mistletoe

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    Criteria was established for practical remote sensing of vegetation stress and mortality caused by dwarf mistletoe infections in black spruce subboreal forest stands. The project was accomplished in two stages: (1) A fixed tower-tramway site in an infected black spruce stand was used for periodic multispectral photo coverage to establish basic film/filter/scale/season/weather parameters; (2) The photographic combinations suggested by the tower-tramway tests were used in low, medium, and high altitude aerial photography

    Two-temperature coronal flow above a thin disk

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    We extended the disk corona model (Meyer & Meyer-Hofmeister 1994; Meyer, Liu, & Meyer-Hofmeister 2000a) to the inner region of galactic nuclei by including different temperatures in ions and electrons as well as Compton cooling. We found that the mass evaporation rate and hence the fraction of accretion energy released in the corona depend strongly on the rate of incoming mass flow from outer edge of the disk, a larger rate leading to more Compton cooling, less efficient evaporation and a weaker corona. We also found a strong dependence on the viscosity, higher viscosity leading to an enhanced mass flow in the corona and therefore more evaporation of gas from the disk below. If we take accretion rates in units of the Eddington rate our results become independent on the mass of the central black hole. The model predicts weaker contributions to the hard X-rays for objects with higher accretion rate like narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s), in agreement with observations. For luminous active galactic nuclei (AGN) strong Compton cooling in the innermost corona is so efficient that a large amount of additional heating is required to maintain the corona above the thin disk.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. ApJ accepte

    Pair-factorized steady states on arbitrary graphs

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    Stochastic mass transport models are usually described by specifying hopping rates of particles between sites of a given lattice, and the goal is to predict the existence and properties of the steady state. Here we ask the reverse question: given a stationary state that factorizes over links (pairs of sites) of an arbitrary connected graph, what are possible hopping rates that converge to this state? We define a class of hopping functions which lead to the same steady state and guarantee current conservation but may differ by the induced current strength. For the special case of anisotropic hopping in two dimensions we discuss some aspects of the phase structure. We also show how this case can be traced back to an effective zero-range process in one dimension which is solvable for a large class of hopping functions.Comment: IOP style, 9 pages, 1 figur

    Majoron emission in muon and tau decays revisited

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    In models where the breaking of lepton number is spontaneous a massless Goldstone boson, the Majoron (JJ), appears. We calculate the theoretically allowed range for the branching ratios of Majoron emitting charged lepton decays, such as Br(μeJ\mu \to e J) and Br(μeJγ\mu \to e J \gamma), in a supersymmetric model with spontaneous breaking of R-parity. Br(μeJ\mu\to eJ) is maximal in the same region of parameter space for which the lightest neutralino decays mainly invisibly. A measurement of Br(μeJ\mu\to eJ) thus potentially provides information on R-parity violation complementary to accelerator searches. We also briefly discuss existing bounds and prospects for future improvements on the Majoron coupling to charged leptons.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    F-14 VSTFE and results of the cleanup flight test program

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    Flight transition data applicable to swept wings at high subsonic speeds are needed to make valid assessments of the potential for natural laminar flow or laminar flow control for transports of various sizes at various cruise speeds. NASA initiated the variable sweep transition flight experiment (VSTFE) to help establish a boundary layer transition data base for use in laminar flow wing design. The carrier vehicle for this experiment is an F-14, which has variable sweep capability. The variable sweep outer panels of the F-14 were modified with natural laminar flow gloves to provide not only smooth surfaces but also airfoils that can produce a wide range of pressure distributions for which transition location can be determined. The VSTFE program is briefly described and some preliminary glove I flight results are presented

    Development of advanced fuel cell system, phase 3

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    A multiple task research and development program was performed to improve the weight, life, and performance characteristics of hydrogen-oxygen alkaline fuel cells for advanced power systems. Gradual wetting of the anode structure and subsequent long-term performance loss was determined to be caused by deposition of a silicon-containing material on the anode. This deposit was attributed to degradation of the asbestos matrix, and attention was therefore placed on development of a substitute matrix of potassium titanate. An 80 percent gold 20 percent platinum catalyst cathode was developed which has the same performance and stability as the standard 90 percent gold - 10 percent platinum cathode but at half the loading. A hybrid polysulfone/epoxy-glass fiber frame was developed which combines the resistance to the cell environment of pure polysulfone with the fabricating ease of epoxy-glass fiber laminate. These cell components were evaluated in various configurations of full-size cells. The ways in which the baseline engineering model system would be modified to accommodate the requirements of the space tug application are identified

    A Reanalysis of the Carbon Abundance in the Translucent Cloud toward HD 24534

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    We have reanalyzed the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph data set presented by Snow et al. which contains the interstellar intersystem C II] 2325A line through the translucent cloud toward HD 24534 (X Persei). In contrast to the results of Snow et al., we clearly detect the C II] feature at the 3-sigma confidence level and measure a C^+ column density of 2.7 +/- 0.8 x 10^17 cm^-2. Accounting for the C I column density along the line of sight, we find 10^6 C/H = 106 +/- 38 in the interstellar gas toward this star. This gas-phase carbon-to-hydrogen ratio suggests that slightly more carbon depletion may be occurring in translucent as compared to diffuse clouds. The average diffuse-cloud C/H, however, is within the 1-sigma uncertainty of the measurement toward HD 24534. We therefore cannot rule out the possibility that the two cloud types have comparable gas-phase C/H, and therefore comparable depletions of carbon.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Physical Purification of Quantum States

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    We introduce the concept of a physical process that purifies a mixed quantum state, taken from a set of states, and investigate the conditions under which such a purification map exists. Here, a purification of a mixed quantum state is a pure state in a higher-dimensional Hilbert space, the reduced density matrix of which is identical to the original state. We characterize all sets of mixed quantum states, for which perfect purification is possible. Surprisingly, some sets of two non-commuting states are among them. Furthermore, we investigate the possibility of performing an imperfect purification.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; published versio