612 research outputs found

    The catalytic role of beta effect in barotropization processes

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    The vertical structure of freely evolving, continuously stratified, quasi-geostrophic flow is investigated. We predict the final state organization, and in particular its vertical structure, using statistical mechanics and these predictions are tested against numerical simulations. The key role played by conservation laws in each layer, including the fine-grained enstrophy, is discussed. In general, the conservation laws, and in particular that enstrophy is conserved layer-wise, prevent complete barotropization, i.e., the tendency to reach the gravest vertical mode. The peculiar role of the Ī²\beta-effect, i.e. of the existence of planetary vorticity gradients, is discussed. In particular, it is shown that increasing Ī²\beta increases the tendency toward barotropization through turbulent stirring. The effectiveness of barotropisation may be partly parameterized using the Rhines scale 2Ļ€E01/4/Ī²1/22\pi E_{0}^{1/4}/\beta^{1/2}. As this parameter decreases (beta increases) then barotropization can progress further, because the beta term provides enstrophy to each layer

    Large-scale circulation with small diapycnal diffusion: The two-thermocline limit

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    The structure and dynamics of the large-scale circulation of a single-hemisphere, closed-basin ocean with small diapycnal diffusion are studied by numerical and analytical methods. The investigation is motivated in part by recent differing theoretical descriptions of the dynamics that control the stratification of the upper ocean, and in part by recent observational evidence that diapycnal diffusivities due to small-scale turbulence in the ocean thermocline are small (ā‰ˆ0.1 cm2 sāˆ’1). Numerical solutions of a computationally efficient, three-dimensional, planetary geostrophic ocean circulation model are obtained in a square basin on a mid-latitude Ī²-plane. The forcing consists of a zonal wind stress (imposed meridional Ekman flow) and a surface heat flux proportional to the difference between surface temperature and an imposed air temperature. For small diapycnal diffusivities (vertical: Īŗv ā‰ˆ0.1 ā€“ 0.5 cm2 sāˆ’1, horizontal: Īŗh ā‰ˆ105 ā€“ 5 Ɨ 106 cm2 sāˆ’1), two distinct thermocline regimes occur. On isopycnals that outcrop in the subtropical gyre, in the region of Ekman downwelling, a ventilated thermocline forms. In this regime, advection dominates diapycnal diffusion, and the heat balance is closed by surface cooling and convection in the northwest part of the subtropical gyre. An ā€˜advectiveā€™ vertical scale describes the depth to which the wind-driven motion penetrates, that is, the thickness of the ventilated thermocline. At the base of the wind-driven fluid layer, a second thermocline forms beneath a layer of vertically homogeneous fluid (ā€˜mode waterā€™). This ā€˜internalā€™ thermocline is intrinsically diffusive. An ā€˜internal boundary layerā€™ vertical scale (proportional to Īŗv1/2) describes the thickness of this internal thermocline. Two varieties of subtropical mode waters are distinguished. The temperature difference across the ventilated thermocline is determined to first order by the meridional air temperature difference across the subtropical gyre. The temperature difference across the internal thermocline is determined to first order by the temperature difference across the subpolar gyre. The diffusively-driven meridional overturning cell is effectively confined below the ventilated thermocline, and driven to first order by the temperature difference across the internal thermocline, not the basin-wide meridional air temperature difference. Consequently, for small diapycnal diffusion, the abyssal circulation depends to first order only on the wind-forcing and the subpolar gyre air temperatures. The numerical solutions have a qualitative resemblance to the observed structure of the North Atlantic in and above the main thermocline (that is, to a depth of roughly 1500 m). Below the main thermocline, the predicted stratification is much weaker than observed

    Mapping the Energy Cascade in the North Atlantic Ocean: The Coarse-graining Approach

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from AMS via the DOI in this record.A coarse-graining framework is implemented to analyze nonlinear processes, measure energy transfer rates and map out the energy pathways from simulated global ocean data. Traditional tools to measure the energy cascade from turbulence theory, such as spectral flux or spectral transfer rely on the assumption of statistical homogeneity, or at least a large separation between the scales of motion and the scales of statistical inhomogeneity. The coarse-graining framework allows for probing the fully nonlinear dynamics simultaneously in scale and in space, and is not restricted by those assumptions. This paper describes how the framework can be applied to ocean flows. Energy transfer between scales is not unique due to a gauge freedom. Here, it is argued that a Galilean invariant subfilter scale (SFS) flux is a suitable quantity to properly measure energy scale-transfer in the Ocean. It is shown that the SFS definition can yield answers that are qualitatively different from traditional measures that conflate spatial transport with the scale-transfer of energy. The paper presents geographic maps of the energy scale-transfer that are both local in space and allow quasi-spectral, or scale-by-scale, dynamics to be diagnosed. Utilizing a strongly eddying simulation of flow in the North Atlantic Ocean, it is found that an upscale energy transfer does not hold everywhere. Indeed certain regions, near the Gulf Stream and in the Equatorial Counter Current have a marked downscale transfer. Nevertheless, on average an upscale transfer is a reasonable mean description of the extra-tropical energy scale-transfer over regions of O(10^3) kilometers in size.Financial support was provided by IGPPS at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and NSF grant OCE-1259794. HA was also supported through DOE grants de-sc0014318, de-na0001944, and the LANL LDRD program through project number 20150568ER. MH was also supported through the HiLAT project of the Regional and Global Climate Modeling program of the DOEā€™s Office of Science, and GKV was also supported by NERC, the Marie Curie Foundation and the Royal Society (Wolfson Foundation). This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231

    Stratospheric sudden warmings in an idealized GCM

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    PublishedJournal ArticleAn idealized general circulation model (GCM) with an analytically described Newtonian cooling term is employed to study the occurrence rate of sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) over a wide range of parameters. In particular, the sensitivity of the SSW occurrence rates to orographic forcing and both relaxation temperature and damping rate is evaluated. The stronger the orographic forcing and the weaker the radiative forcing (in both temperature and damping rate), the higher the SSW frequency. The separate effects of the damping rates at low and high latitudes are somewhat more complex. Generally, lower damping rates result in higher SSW frequency. However, if the low- and high-latitude damping rates are not the same, SSW frequency tends to be most sensitive to a fractional change in the lower of the two damping rates. In addition, the effect of the damping rates on the stratospheric residual circulation is investigated. It is found that higher high-latitude damping rate results in deeper but narrower circulation, whereas higher low-latitude damping rates cause strengthening of the stream function in the tropical midstratosphere to upper stratosphere. Finally, the relation between easily measured and compared climatological fields and the SSW occurrence rate is determined. The average stratospheric polar zonal mean zonal wind shows a strong anticorrelation with the SSW frequency. In the troposphere, there is a high correlation between the meridional temperature gradient and SSW frequency, suggesting that the strength of synoptic activity in the troposphere may be an important influence on SSW occurrence.National Science FoundationSwiss National Science Foundatio

    Absorbed dose evaluation of Auger electron-emitting radionuclides: impact of input decay spectra on dose point kernels and S-values

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of decay data provided by the newly developed stochastic atomic relaxation model BrIccEmis on dose point kernels (DPKs - radial dose distribution around a unit point source) and S-values (absorbed dose per unit cumulated activity) of 14 Auger electron (AE) emitting radionuclides, namely 67Ga, 80mBr, 89Zr, 90Nb, 99mTc, 111In, 117mSn, 119Sb, 123I, 124I, 125I, 135La, 195mPt and 201Tl. Radiation spectra were based on the nuclear decay data from the medical internal radiation dose (MIRD) RADTABS program and the BrIccEmis code, assuming both an isolated-atom and condensed-phase approach. DPKs were simulated with the PENELOPE Monte Carlo (MC) code using event-by-event electron and photon transport. S-values for concentric spherical cells of various sizes were derived from these DPKS using appropriate geometric reduction factors. The number of Auger and Coster-Kronig (CK) electrons and x-ray photons released per nuclear decay (yield) from MIRD-RADTABS were consistently higher than those calculated using BrIccEmis. DPKs for the electron spectra from BrIccEmis were considerably different from MIRD-RADTABS in the first few hundred nanometres from a point source where most of the Auger electrons are stopped. S-values were, however, not significantly impacted as the differences in DPKS in the sub-micrometre dimension were quickly diminished in larger dimensions. Overestimation in the total AE energy output by MIRD-RADTABS leads to higher predicted energy deposition by AE emitting radionuclides, especially in the immediate vicinity of the decaying radionuclides. This should be taken into account when MIRD-RADTABS data are used to simulate biological damage at nanoscale dimensions.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    The backbone of the climate network

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    We propose a method to reconstruct and analyze a complex network from data generated by a spatio-temporal dynamical system, relying on the nonlinear mutual information of time series analysis and betweenness centrality of complex network theory. We show, that this approach reveals a rich internal structure in complex climate networks constructed from reanalysis and model surface air temperature data. Our novel method uncovers peculiar wave-like structures of high energy flow, that we relate to global surface ocean currents. This points to a major role of the oceanic surface circulation in coupling and stabilizing the global temperature field in the long term mean (140 years for the model run and 60 years for reanalysis data). We find that these results cannot be obtained using classical linear methods of multivariate data analysis, and have ensured their robustness by intensive significance testing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    The Impact of Parameterized Convection on Climatological Precipitation in Atmospheric Global Climate Models

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Convective parameterizations are widely believed to be essential for realistic simulations of the atmosphere. However, their deficiencies also result in model biases. The role of convection schemes in modern atmospheric models is examined using Selected Process On/Off Klima Intercomparison Experiment (SPOOKIE) simulations without parameterized convection and forced with observed sea surface temperatures. Convection schemes are not required for reasonable climatological precipitation. However, they are essential for reasonable daily precipitation and restraining extreme daily precipitation that otherwise develops. Systematic effects on lapse rate and humidity are likewise modest compared with the inter-model spread. Without parameterized convection Kelvin waves are more realistic. An unexpectedly large moist Southern Hemisphere storm track bias is identified. This storm track bias persists without convection schemes, as does the double intertropical convergence zone and excessive ocean precipitation biases. This suggests that model biases originate from processes other than convection or that convection schemes are missing key processes.PM, GKV and PGS are funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and Met Office as part of the EuroClim project (grant number NE/M006123/1), ParaCon project (grant number NE/N013123/1) and the Royal Society (Wolfson Foundation). MJW is supported by the Joint UK BEIS/Defra Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme number GA01101. SCS acknowledges the Australian Research Council (grant number FL150100035)

    Reduced high-latitude land seasonality in climates with very high carbon dioxide

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    This is the final version. Available from the American Meteorological Society via the DOI in this recordā€ÆCode and data availability: The code to reproduce the figures is available at https://github.com/matthewjhenry/simple-seasonality-arctic and the data is available at https://zenodo.org/record/4529135.Observations of warm past climates and projections of future climate change show that the Arctic warms more than the global mean, particularly during winter months. Previous work has attributed this reduced Arctic land seasonality to the effects of sea ice or clouds. In this paper, we show that the reduced Arctic land seasonality is a robust consequence of the relatively small surface heat capacity of land and the nonlinearity of the temperature dependence of surface longwave emission, without recourse to other processes or feedbacks. We use a General Circulation Model (GCM) with no clouds or sea ice and a simple representation of land. In the annual mean, the equator-to-pole surface temperature gradient falls with increasing CO2, but this is only a near-surface phenomenon and is not caused by the change in total meridional heat transport, which is virtually unaltered. The high-latitude land has about twice as much warming in winter than in summer, whereas highlatitude ocean has very little seasonality in warming. A surface energy balance model shows how the combination of the smaller surface heat capacity of land and the nonlinearity of the temperature dependence of surface longwave emission gives rise to the reduced seasonality of the land surface. The increase in evaporation over land also leads to winter amplification of warming over land, although amplification still occurs without it. While changes in clouds, sea ice, and ocean heat transport undoubtedly play a role in high-latitude warming, these results show that enhanced land surface temperature warming in winter can happen in their absence for robust reasons.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Variations on a pathway to an early Eocene climate

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    This is the final version. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.ā€ÆThe climate of the early Eocene was characterized by much higher temperatures and a smaller equator-to-pole surface temperature gradient than today. Comprehensive climate models have been reasonably successful in simulating that climate in the annual average. However, good simulations of the seasonal variations, and in particular much warmer Arctic winters over land, have proven more difficult. Further, while increased greenhouse gases seems necessary to achieve an Eocene climate, it is unclear whether there is a unique combination of factors that leads to agreement with all available proxies. Here we use a very flexible General Circulation Model to examine the sensitivity of the modeled climate to differences in CO2 concentration, land surface properties, ocean heat transport, and cloud extent and thickness. Even in the absence of ice or changes in cloudiness, increasing the CO2 concentration leads to a polar-amplified surface temperature change because of increased water vapor levels combined with the lack of convection at high latitudes, with the nonlinear dependence of longwave radiation on temperature amplifying the increase in winter over land. Additional low clouds over Arctic land generally decrease summer temperatures and further increase winter temperatures (except at very high CO2 levels). An increase in the land surface heat capacity, plausible given large changes in vegetation, also decreases the Arctic land seasonality. Thus, different combinations of factorsā€”high CO2 levels, changes in low-level clouds, and an increase in land surface heat capacityā€”can lead to a simulation within the proxy uncertainty range of the majority of proxy data.Natural Environment Research CouncilNational Science Foundatio

    Hsc70-induced changes in clathrin-auxilin cage structure suggest a role for clathrin light chains in cage disassembly

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    The molecular chaperone, Hsc70, together with its co-factor, auxilin, facilitates the ATP-dependent removal of clathrin during clathrin-mediated endocytosis in cells. We have used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the 3D structure of a complex of clathrin, auxilin401-910 and Hsc70 at pH 6 in the presence of ATP, frozen within 20 seconds of adding Hsc70 in order to visualize events that follow the binding of Hsc70 to clathrin and auxilin before clathrin disassembly. In this map, we observe density beneath the vertex of the cage that we attribute to bound Hsc70. This density emerges asymmetrically from the clathrin vertex, suggesting preferential binding by Hsc70 for one of the three possible sites at the vertex. Statistical comparison with a map of whole auxilin and clathrin previously published by us reveals the location of statistically significant differences which implicate involvement of clathrin light chains in structural rearrangements which occur after Hsc70 is recruited. Clathrin disassembly assays using light scattering suggest that loss of clathrin light chains reduces the efficiency with which auxilin facilitates this reaction. These data support a regulatory role for clathrin light chains in clathrin disassembly in addition to their established role in regulating clathrin assembly
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