27 research outputs found

    Numerical modeling of Nomex honeycomb core composite plates at meso scale level

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    Kompozitne ploče sa saćastom ispunom se sve više koriste pri izradi primarnih vazduhoplovnih struktura. Ovi materijali koriste se pri konstrukciji oplata trupova letelica, centralnih i spoljnih torzionih kutija krila, oplata pogonskih grupa, vrata stajnih trapova, komandnih površina kao što su spojleri i eleroni. Da bi se odredila polja napona i deformacija opterećene strukture neophodno je poznavanje svih elastičnih koeficijenata. U ovom radu, metod za određivanje svih potrebnih elastičnih koeficijenata ispune i ploča je predstavljen. Koristeći se eksperimentalno dobijenim rezultatima za papir NOMEH (tip 410 ) kao i fenolnu matricu materijalni model je predstavljen, izrađen je model konačnih elemenata kompozitne ploče sa saćastom ispunom i numerički je simuliran test savijanja u tri tačke. Dobijeni rezultati upoređeni su sa rezultatima dobijenim eksperimentom. Primećeno je dobro slaganje između predloženog modela materijala i eksperimentalno dobijenih vrednosti.Honeycomb core composite plates are becoming more important in the construction of primary aerospace structures. Nowadays, these types of materials are used for construction of fuselage skins, central and outer wing boxes, engine tail cones, landing gear doors, command surfaces like spoilers and ailerons etc. To determine the stress strain field in loaded honeycomb plates elastic coefficients are required. In the present work, a method for determining all required elastic coefficients for the core and plates is presented. Using experimentally obtained values for Nomex paper (type 410) and phenolic resin material model is presented and FEA model of composite plate with honeycomb core is created and three point bend test is simulated. Numerically obtained stress and strain values are compared to the experiment. Good agreement between proposed material model and experimentally obtained values is observed

    Numerical modeling of Nomex honeycomb core composite plates at meso scale level

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    Kompozitne ploče sa saćastom ispunom se sve više koriste pri izradi primarnih vazduhoplovnih struktura. Ovi materijali koriste se pri konstrukciji oplata trupova letelica, centralnih i spoljnih torzionih kutija krila, oplata pogonskih grupa, vrata stajnih trapova, komandnih površina kao što su spojleri i eleroni. Da bi se odredila polja napona i deformacija opterećene strukture neophodno je poznavanje svih elastičnih koeficijenata. U ovom radu, metod za određivanje svih potrebnih elastičnih koeficijenata ispune i ploča je predstavljen. Koristeći se eksperimentalno dobijenim rezultatima za papir NOMEH (tip 410 ) kao i fenolnu matricu materijalni model je predstavljen, izrađen je model konačnih elemenata kompozitne ploče sa saćastom ispunom i numerički je simuliran test savijanja u tri tačke. Dobijeni rezultati upoređeni su sa rezultatima dobijenim eksperimentom. Primećeno je dobro slaganje između predloženog modela materijala i eksperimentalno dobijenih vrednosti.Honeycomb core composite plates are becoming more important in the construction of primary aerospace structures. Nowadays, these types of materials are used for construction of fuselage skins, central and outer wing boxes, engine tail cones, landing gear doors, command surfaces like spoilers and ailerons etc. To determine the stress strain field in loaded honeycomb plates elastic coefficients are required. In the present work, a method for determining all required elastic coefficients for the core and plates is presented. Using experimentally obtained values for Nomex paper (type 410) and phenolic resin material model is presented and FEA model of composite plate with honeycomb core is created and three point bend test is simulated. Numerically obtained stress and strain values are compared to the experiment. Good agreement between proposed material model and experimentally obtained values is observed

    Modeling devolatilization process of Serbian lignites using chemical percolation devolatilization model

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    Different mathematical models can describe coal devolatilization as the part of combustion process. Some models are simple, while others are more complex and take into account coal's complexity and heterogeneity of structure. A chemical percolation devolatilization model for describing the devolatilization process of two Serbian lignites from Kostolac and Kolubara open coal mines was studied. Results of the model were compared to devolatilization measurements obtained from two experimental methods - a wire mesh reactor and thermogravimetric analysis. Two coal samples with four different granulations were investigated for each lignite under different experimental conditions (different maximum temperatures and heating rates). Total volatile yields obtained from the wire mesh reactor and thermogravimetric analysis together with results predicted by the chemical percolation devolatilization model are presented and compared with literature data. For thermogravimetric analysis simulation, the chemical percolation devolatilization model yielded better results in cases where the kinetic parameters obtained under experimental conditions were used rather than kinetic parameters derived from predefined values in the model itself. For wire mesh reactor, the chemical percolation devolatilization model predictions of devolatilization were mixed and were dependent on temperature

    Modeling devolatilization process of Serbian lignites using chemical percolation devolatilization model

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    Different mathematical models can describe coal devolatilization as the part of combustion process. Some models are simple, while others are more complex and take into account coal's complexity and heterogeneity of structure. A chemical percolation devolatilization model for describing the devolatilization process of two Serbian lignites from Kostolac and Kolubara open coal mines was studied. Results of the model were compared to devolatilization measurements obtained from two experimental methods - a wire mesh reactor and thermogravimetric analysis. Two coal samples with four different granulations were investigated for each lignite under different experimental conditions (different maximum temperatures and heating rates). Total volatile yields obtained from the wire mesh reactor and thermogravimetric analysis together with results predicted by the chemical percolation devolatilization model are presented and compared with literature data. For thermogravimetric analysis simulation, the chemical percolation devolatilization model yielded better results in cases where the kinetic parameters obtained under experimental conditions were used rather than kinetic parameters derived from predefined values in the model itself. For wire mesh reactor, the chemical percolation devolatilization model predictions of devolatilization were mixed and were dependent on temperature

    Basketball game-related statistics that discriminate between teams season-long success

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    The aim of the present study was to identify the game-related statistics that discriminate between season-long successful and unsuccessful basketball teams participating in the Spanish Basketball League (LEB1). The sample included all 145 average records per season from the 870 games played between the 2000-2001 and the 2005-2006 regular seasons. The following game-related statistics were gathered from the official box scores of the Spanish Basketball Federation: 2- and 3-point field-goal attempts (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), defensive and offensive rebounds, assists, steals, turnovers, blocks (both made and received), and fouls (both committed and received). To control for season variability, all results were normalized to minutes played each season and then converted to z-scores. The results allowed discrimination between best and worst teams' performances through the following game-related statistics: assists (SC=0.47), steals (SC=0.34), and blocks (SC=0.30). The function obtained correctly classified 82.4% of the cases. In conclusion, season-long performance may be supported by players' and teams' passing skills and defensive preparation

    Biomass gasification with chp production a review of the state-of-the-art technology and near future perspectives

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    This paper is a review of the state-of-the-art of biomass gasification and the future of using biomass in Serbia and it presents researches within the project "The Development of a CHP Plant with Biomass Gasification". The concept of downdrafi demonstration unit coupled with gas engine is adopted. Downdrafi fixed-bed gasification is generally favored for CHP, owing to the simple and reliable gasifiers and low content of tar and dust in produced gas. The composition and quantity of gas and the amount of air are defined by modeling biomass residues gasification process. The gas (290-400 m(3)/h for 0.5-0.7 MW biomass input) obtained by gasification at 800 degrees C with air at atmospheric pressure contains 14% H-2, 27% CO, 9% CO2, 2% CH4, and 48% N-2, and its net heating value is 4.8-6 MJ/Nm(3). The expected gasifier efficiency is up to 80%. The review of the work on biomass gasification has shown that the development of technology has reached the mature stage. There are CHP plants with biomass gasification operating as demonstration plants and several gasification demonstration units are successfully oriented to biofuel production. No attempt has been made here to address the economic feasibility of the system. Economics will be the part of a later work as firmer data are acquired

    Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Woods with an Emphasis on Torrefaction

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    The pyrolysis kinetics of Norwegian spruce and birch wood was studied to obtain information on the kinetics of torrefaction. Thermogravimetry (TGA) was employed with nine different heating programs, including linear, stepwise, modulated and constant reaction rate (CRR) experiments. The 18 experiments on the 2 feedstocks were evaluated simultaneously via the method of least-squares. Part of the kinetic parameters could be assumed common for both woods without a considerable worsening of the fit quality. This process results in better defined parameters and emphasizes the similarities between the woods. Three pseudo-components were assumed. Two of them were described by distributed activation energy models (DAEMs), while the decomposition of the cellulose pseudo-component was described by a self-accelerating kinetics. In another approach, the three pseudo-components were described by n-order reactions. Both approaches resulted in nearly the same fit quality, but the physical meaning of the model, based on three n-order reactions, was found to be problematic. The reliability of the models was tested by checking how well the experiments with higher heating rates can be described by the kinetic parameters obtained from the evaluation of a narrower subset of 10 experiments with slower heating. A table of data was calculated that may provide guidance about the extent of devolatilization at various temperature residence time values during wood torrefaction

    Weasel claims in advertisements in English and Serbian

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    This paper investigates the use of weasel claims in advertisements in English and Serbian. Weasel claims represent a form of covert communication and are characterized by the use of deliberately vague and misleading language. In the advertising discourse, this linguistic device helps advertisers to deal with sensitive issues, overcome consumers' distrust and thus influence their behavior. The research has been conducted on a corpus of 100 advertisements that belong to various categories, such as cars, cleaning products, cosmetics, drinks, food, etc., published in printed magazines and online sources from the year 2000 onwards. The aim of the analysis is to identify manifestations of weasel claims in the corpus, establish similarities and differences regarding their use in the given languages, and show how they influence the interpretation of the advertising message and create consumer behavioral patterns. Descriptive and contrastive analyses have been employed in the research. The study also draws on Grice's Cooperative Principle. The results will show that this deceptive tool is widespread in both languages and that its use in the advertising discourse in Serbian requires further research