1,078 research outputs found

    Entanlement-Assisted Classical Capacity of Quantum Channels with Correlated Noise

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    We calculate the entanglement-assisted classical capacity of symmetric and asymmetric Pauli channels where two consecutive uses of the channels are correlated. It is evident from our study that in the presence of memory, a higher amount of classical information is transmitted over quantum channels if there exists prior entanglement as compared to product and entangled state coding.Comment: 8 Pages, 2 Figure

    Immune checkpoints in circulating and tumor-Infiltrating CD4 + T Cell Subsets in Colorectal cancer patients

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    Blockade of inhibitory immune checkpoints (ICs) is a promising therapeutic approach; however, it has shown limited success in some cancers including colorectal cancer (CRC). The tumor microenvironment (TME) is largely responsible for response to therapy, and its constituents may provide robust biomarkers for successful immunotherapeutic approaches. In this study, we performed phenotypical characterization and critical analyses of key inhibitory ICs and T regulatory cell (Treg)-related markers on CD4+ T cell subsets in CRC patients, and compared with normal colon tissues and peripheral blood from the same patients. We also investigated correlations between the levels of different CD4+ T cell subsets and the clinicopathologic features including disease stage and tumor budding. We found a significant increase in the levels of CD4+FoxP3+Helios+ T cells, which represent potentially highly immunosuppressive Tregs, in the CRC TME. Additionally, tumor-infiltrating CD4+ T cells upregulated programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1), cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein-4 (CTLA-4), T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-3 (TIM-3) and lymphocyte-activation gene 3 (LAG-3). We also characterized the expression of PD-1, CTLA-4, TIM-3, and LAG-3 on different CD4+FoxP3−/+Helios−/+ T cell subsets. Interestingly, we found that CTLA-4, TIM-3, and LAG-3 were mainly co-expressed on FoxP3+Helios+ Tregs in the TME. Additionally, FoxP3high Tregs expressed higher levels of Helios, CTLA-4 and TIM-3 than FoxP3low T cells. These results highlight the significance of Tregs in the CRC TME and suggest that Tregs may hamper response to IC blockade in CRC patients, but effects of different IC inhibition regimes on Treg levels or activity warrants further investigations. We also found that CD4+CTLA-4+ T cells in circulation are increased in patients with advanced disease stage. This study simultaneously provides important insights into the differential levels of CD4+ T cell subpopulations and IC expression in CRC TME, compared to periphery and associations with clinicopathologic features, which could be used as potential biomarkers for CRC progression and response to therapy


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    Master's thesis Business Administration BE501 - University of Agder 2017Industry 4.0 is the upcoming 4th revolution within industrial setups across the world, mainly in manufacturing hubs. Industrial internet of Things (IIOT) will alter the dimensions of the way businesses used to be conducted and the way value was assessed and retrieved. IIOT tends to have a critical impact on the business models (BM) within various industrial sectors, either manufacturing or services. This study tries to observe IIOT related effects on the business models in regards to manufacturing industry from a Tech-based consultancy point of view. This study employs exploratory multiple case study approach to the topic, which is based upon semi-structured expert’s interviews from high-tech consultancy firms and managerial consultancy firms across the Nordic region with holding an international profiles and background experiences. Since it is observed that there is ambiguity and lack of enough research regarding the IIOT and BMs in combine relation, thus this study contribute to the existing managerial literature and preliminary research works with following valuable insights: Collaboration with IT based firms will be key success factor for the successful implementation of smart factory in a sustainable manner. Smart technologies associated with IIOT will adapt in more optimized manner for proactive players according to their specifications. Cost efficiency can be achieved if the structural policy regarding IIOT designs is feasible enough to maintain large scale operations. Moreover, this study provides some valuable advisory information for the firms looking to kick start modernization efforts towards IIOT related advancements. Keywords: Industry 4.0, Industrial internet of things, business models, business model elements, multiple case study, consultancy, expert interviews, qualitative study, smart enablers

    Transcriptomic profiling disclosed the role of DNA methylation and histone modifications in tumor-infiltrating myeloid-derived suppressor cell subsets in colorectal cancer

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    Increased numbers of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are positively correlated with poor prognosis and reduced survivals of cancer patients. They play central roles in tumor immune evasion and tumor metastasis. However, limited data are available on phenotypic/transcriptomic characteristics of the different MDSCs subsets in cancer. These cells include immature (I-MDSCs), monocytic (M-MDSCs), and polymorphonuclear/granulocytic (PMN-MDSCs). Phenotypic characterization of myeloid subsets from 27 colorectal cancer (CRC) patients was assessed by flow cytometric analyses. RNA-sequencing of sorted I-MDSCs, PMN-MDSCs, and antigen-presenting cells (APCs) was also performed. We found that the levels of I-MDSCs and PMN-MDSCs were increased in tumor tissues (TT), compared with normal tissues (NT) in colorectal cancer. Our functional annotation analyses showed that genes associated with histone deacetylase (HDAC) activation- and DNA methylation-mediated transcriptional silencing were upregulated, and histone acetyl transferase (HAT)-related genes were downregulated in tumor-infiltrating I-MDSCs. Moreover, pathways implicated in cell trafficking and immune suppression, including Wnt, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling, were upregulated in I-MDSCs. Notably, PMN-MDSCs showed downregulation in genes related to DNA methylation and HDAC binding. Using an ex vivo model, we found that inhibition of HDAC activation or neutralization of IL-6 in CRC tumor tissues downregulates the expression of genes associated with immunosuppression and myeloid cell chemotaxis, confirming the importance of HDAC activation and IL-6 signaling pathway in MDSC function and chemotaxis. This study provides novel insights into the epigenetic regulations and other molecular pathways in different myeloid cell subsets within the CRC tumor microenvironment (TME), giving opportunities to potential targets for therapeutic benefits

    Quantum Games with Correlated Noise

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    We analyze quantum game with correlated noise through generalized quantization scheme. Four different combinations on the basis of entanglement of initial quantum state and the measurement basis are analyzed. It is shown that the advantage that a quantum player can get by exploiting quantum strategies is only valid when both the initial quantum state and the measurement basis are in entangled form. Furthermore, it is shown that for maximum correlation the effects of decoherence diminish and it behaves as a noiseless game.Comment: 12 page

    Transcriptomic profiling of tumor-infiltrating CD4 + TIM-3 + T Cells reveals their suppressive, exhausted, and metastatic characteristics in colorectal cancer patients

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    T cell immunoglobulin mucin-3 (TIM-3) is an immune checkpoint identified as one of the key players in regulating T-cell responses. Studies have shown that TIM-3 is upregulated in the tumor microenvironment (TME). However, the precise role of TIM-3 in colorectal cancer (CRC) TME is yet to be elucidated. We performed phenotypic and molecular characterization of TIM-3+ T cells in the TME and circulation of CRC patients by analyzing tumor tissues (TT, TILs), normal tissues (NT, NILs), and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). TIM-3 was upregulated on both CD4+ and CD3+CD4− (CD8+) TILs. CD4+TIM-3+ TILs expressed higher levels of T regulatory cell (Tregs)-signature genes, including FoxP3 and Helios, compared with their TIM-3− counterparts. Transcriptomic and ingenuity pathway analyses showed that TIM-3 potentially activates inflammatory and tumor metastatic pathways. Moreover, NF-ÎșB-mediated transcription factors were upregulated in CD4+TIM-3+ TILs, which could favor proliferation/invasion and induce inflammatory and T-cell exhaustion pathways. In addition, we found that CD4+TIM-3+ TILs potentially support tumor invasion and metastasis, compared with conventional CD4+CD25+ Tregs in the CRC TME. However, functional studies are warranted to support these findings. In conclusion, this study discloses some of the functional pathways of TIM-3+ TILs, which could improve their targeting in more specific therapeutic approaches in CRC patients

    Naked Mole-Rat Social Phenotypes Vary in Investigative and Aggressive Behavior in a Laboratory Partner Preference Paradigm

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    Here we employed the partner preference test (PPT) to examine how naked mole-rat non-breeding individuals of different behavioral phenotypes make social decisions. Naked mole-rats from six colonies were classified into three behavioral phenotypes (soldiers, dispersers, and workers) using a battery of behavioral tests. They then participated in a 3 h long PPT, where they could freely interact with a tethered familiar or tethered unfamiliar conspecific. By comparing the three behavioral phenotypes, we tested the hypothesis that the PPT can be used to interrogate social decision-making in this species, revealing individual differences in behavior that are consistent with discrete social phenotypes. We also tested whether a shorter, 10 min version of the paradigm is sufficient to capture group differences in behavior. Overall, soldiers had higher aggression scores toward unfamiliar conspecifics than both workers and dispersers at the 10 min and 3 h comparison times. At the 10 min comparison time, workers showed a stronger preference for the familiar animal’s chamber, as well as for investigating the familiar conspecific, compared to both dispersers and soldiers. At the 3 h time point, no phenotype differences were seen with chamber or investigation preference scores. Overall, all phenotypes spent more time in chambers with another animal vs. being alone. Use of the PPT in a comparative context has demonstrated that the test identifies species and group differences in affiliative and aggressive behavior toward familiar and unfamiliar animals, revealing individual differences in social decision-making and, importantly, capturing aspects of species-specific social organization seen in nature
