51 research outputs found

    A experiência do corpo na dança butô: indicadores para pensar a educação

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    Butoh has emerged as one of the genres in evidence within the contemporary scenario of Japanese dance-theatre aesthetics. The present text intends to reflect upon the body in the Butoh dance, the narratives and knowledges that it reveals, drawing from some of Merleau-Ponty writings and based on the phenomenological stance. Considering this aesthetic scenario, we approach the issue of rationality and its unfolding in education. Generally speaking, the body has been understood as an accessory in the educational process, and such conception is still predominant. Our reflection attempts to point to other ways of understanding the body in education, starting from an attitude that seeks to overcome instrumentalism and to expand educational references by considering the phenomenology of the body and its relation to sensitive knowledge as capable of amplifying the corporeal texture of the knowledge processes. Considering the body experience in the Butoh dance, we present pointers to reflect on education related to the aesthetic experience. Among them we highlight: the plasticity of the body, its incessant production of resignifications, its openness to innovation, its mutant condition, its rupture with gestural mechanization, its avoidance of the man-world and thought-feeling fragmentations, all those aspects that bring together the recursive, integrative and creative knowledge of the body are indicators to help us think on education, because their represent new possibilities for reading the real starting from the language of the gesture, effecting dialogues between knowledges and practices in the corporeal experience.Neste artigo pretende-se refletir, apoiado em alguns ensaios de Merleau-Ponty e com base na fenomenologia, acerca do corpo e das narrativas e saberes que nele se anunciam na dança butô - modalidade que combina dança e teatro, criada no Japão na década de 1950. De modo geral, o corpo foi compreendido como elemento acessório no processo educativo, e essa compreensão ainda é predominante no contexto atual. Nossa reflexão tenta apontar outros caminhos de entendimento do corpo na educação, a partir de uma atitude que busca superar o instrumentalismo e ampliar as referências educativas, ao considerar a fenomenologia do corpo, e sua relação com o conhecimento sensível, como aquela capaz de amplificar a textura corpórea dos processos de conhecimento. Considerando a experiência do corpo na dança butô, apresentamos indicadores para pensar a educação, relacionados à experiência estética. Dentre eles destacamos: a plasticidade do corpo, a sua produção incessante de ressignificações, a sua abertura à inovação, a sua condição mutante, a sua ruptura com a mecanização gestual, a sua não dissociação entre homem e mundo, pensamento e sentimento. Todos esses aspectos que reúnem o saber recursivo, integrativo e criativo do corpo, são indicadores para pensarmos na educação, por tratar-se de uma nova possibilidade de leitura do real, a partir da linguagem do gesto, em que dialogam saberes e práticas inscritos na experiência corporal

    A experiência do corpo na dança butô: indicadores para pensar a educação

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    Butoh has emerged as one of the genres in evidence within the contemporary scenario of Japanese dance-theatre aesthetics. The present text intends to reflect upon the body in the Butoh dance, the narratives and knowledges that it reveals, drawing from some of Merleau-Ponty writings and based on the phenomenological stance. Considering this aesthetic scenario, we approach the issue of rationality and its unfolding in education. Generally speaking, the body has been understood as an accessory in the educational process, and such conception is still predominant. Our reflection attempts to point to other ways of understanding the body in education, starting from an attitude that seeks to overcome instrumentalism and to expand educational references by considering the phenomenology of the body and its relation to sensitive knowledge as capable of amplifying the corporeal texture of the knowledge processes. Considering the body experience in the Butoh dance, we present pointers to reflect on education related to the aesthetic experience. Among them we highlight: the plasticity of the body, its incessant production of resignifications, its openness to innovation, its mutant condition, its rupture with gestural mechanization, its avoidance of the man-world and thought-feeling fragmentations, all those aspects that bring together the recursive, integrative and creative knowledge of the body are indicators to help us think on education, because their represent new possibilities for reading the real starting from the language of the gesture, effecting dialogues between knowledges and practices in the corporeal experience.Neste artigo pretende-se refletir, apoiado em alguns ensaios de Merleau-Ponty e com base na fenomenologia, acerca do corpo e das narrativas e saberes que nele se anunciam na dança butô - modalidade que combina dança e teatro, criada no Japão na década de 1950. De modo geral, o corpo foi compreendido como elemento acessório no processo educativo, e essa compreensão ainda é predominante no contexto atual. Nossa reflexão tenta apontar outros caminhos de entendimento do corpo na educação, a partir de uma atitude que busca superar o instrumentalismo e ampliar as referências educativas, ao considerar a fenomenologia do corpo, e sua relação com o conhecimento sensível, como aquela capaz de amplificar a textura corpórea dos processos de conhecimento. Considerando a experiência do corpo na dança butô, apresentamos indicadores para pensar a educação, relacionados à experiência estética. Dentre eles destacamos: a plasticidade do corpo, a sua produção incessante de ressignificações, a sua abertura à inovação, a sua condição mutante, a sua ruptura com a mecanização gestual, a sua não dissociação entre homem e mundo, pensamento e sentimento. Todos esses aspectos que reúnem o saber recursivo, integrativo e criativo do corpo, são indicadores para pensarmos na educação, por tratar-se de uma nova possibilidade de leitura do real, a partir da linguagem do gesto, em que dialogam saberes e práticas inscritos na experiência corporal

    Plasma levels of procalcitonin and eight additional inflammatory molecules in febrile neutropenic patients

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the association between different inflammatory markers and specific clinical endpoints in patients with febrile neutropenia. METHOD: We prospectively evaluated the expression of procalcitonin (PCT), interleukin 8 (IL-8), induced protein-10, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), two soluble TNF-a receptors (sTNF-R I and sTNF-R II), monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha, and eotaxin in 37 episodes of febrile neutropenia occurring in 31 hospitalized adult onco-hematologic patients. Peripheral blood samples were collected in the morning at inclusion (day of fever onset) and on days 1, 3, and 7 after the onset of fever. Approximately 2-3 ml of plasma was obtained from each blood sample and stored at -80°C. RESULTS: The sTNF-R II level at inclusion (day 1), the PCT level on the day of fever onset, and the change (day 3 - day 1) in the IL-8 and eotaxin levels were significantly higher in patients who died during the 28-day follow-up. A requirement for early adjustment of antimicrobial treatment was associated with higher day 3 levels of IL-8, sTNF-R II, PCT, and MCP-1. CONCLUSION: Procalcitonin, sTNF-R II, IL-8, MCP-1, and eotaxin could potentially be used to assess the risk of death and the requirement for early adjustment of antimicrobial treatment in febrile, neutropenic onco-hematologic patients. The levels of the other markers showed no association with any of the evaluated endpoints

    Differential Adhesive Properties of Sequestered Asexual and Sexual Stages of Plasmodium falciparum on Human Endothelial Cells Are Tissue Independent

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    The protozoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum, responsible for the most severe form of malaria, is able to sequester from peripheral circulation during infection. The asexual stage parasites sequester by binding to endothelial cell receptors in the microvasculature of various organs. P. falciparum gametocytes, the developmental stages responsible for parasite transmission from humans to Anopheles mosquitoes, also spend the almost ten days necessary for their maturation sequestered away from the peripheral circulation before they are released in blood mainstream. In contrast to those of asexual parasites, the mechanisms and cellular interactions responsible for immature gametocyte sequestration are largely unexplored, and controversial evidence has been produced so far on this matter. Here we present a systematic comparison of cell binding properties of asexual stages and immature and mature gametocytes from the reference P. falciparum clone 3D7 and from a patient parasite isolate on a panel of human endothelial cells from different tissues. This analysis includes assays on human bone marrow derived endothelial cell lines (HBMEC), as this tissue has been proposed as a major site of gametocyte maturation. Our results clearly demonstrate that cell adhesion of asexual stage parasites is consistently more efficient than that, virtually undetectable of immature gametocytes, irrespectively of the endothelial cell lines used and of parasite genotypes. Importantly, immature gametocytes of both lines tested here do not show a higher binding efficiency compared to asexual stages on bone marrow derived endothelial cells, unlike previously reported in the only study on this issue. This indicates that gametocyte-host interactions in this tissue are unlikely to be mediated by the same adhesion processes to specific endothelial receptors as seen with asexual forms

    Validation of the content of the prevention protocol for early sepsis caused by Streptococcus agalactiaein newborns

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    AbstractObjective: to validate the content of the prevention protocol for early sepsis caused by Streptococcus agalactiaein newborns.Method: a transversal, descriptive and methodological study, with a quantitative approach. The sample was composed of 15 judges, 8 obstetricians and 7 pediatricians. The validation occurred through the assessment of the content of the protocol by the judges that received the instrument for data collection - checklist - which contained 7 items that represent the requisites to be met by the protocol. The validation of the content was achieved by applying the Content Validity Index.Result: in the judging process, all the items that represented requirements considered by the protocol obtained concordance within the established level (Content Validity Index > 0.75). Of 7 items, 6 have obtained full concordance (Content Validity Index 1.0) and the feasibility item obtained a Content Validity Index of 0.93. The global assessment of the instruments obtained a Content Validity Index of 0.99.Conclusion: the validation of content that was done was an efficient tool for the adjustment of the protocol, according to the judgment of experienced professionals, which demonstrates the importance of conducting a previous validation of the instruments. It is expected that this study will serve as an incentive for the adoption of universal tracking by other institutions through validated protocols

    Inducible developmental reprogramming redefines commitment to sexual development in the malaria parasite <i>Plasmodium berghei</i>

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    During malaria infection, Plasmodium spp. parasites cyclically invade red blood cells and can follow two different developmental pathways. They can either replicate asexually to sustain the infection, or differentiate into gametocytes, the sexual stage that can be taken up by mosquitoes, ultimately leading to disease transmission. Despite its importance for malaria control, the process of gametocytogenesis remains poorly understood, partially due to the difficulty of generating high numbers of sexually committed parasites in laboratory conditions1. Recently, an apicomplexa-specific transcription factor (AP2-G) was identified as necessary for gametocyte production in multiple Plasmodium species2,3, and suggested to be an epigenetically regulated master switch that initiates gametocytogenesis4,5. Here we show that in a rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei, conditional overexpression of AP2-G can be used to synchronously convert the great majority of the population into fertile gametocytes. This discovery allowed us to redefine the time frame of sexual commitment, identify a number of putative AP2-G targets and chart the sequence of transcriptional changes through gametocyte development, including the observation that gender-specific transcription occurred within 6 h of induction. These data provide entry points for further detailed characterization of the key process required for malaria transmission
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