276 research outputs found

    Cascade theory of plasma turbulence in a strong magnetic field

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    Cascade theory of plasma turbulence in strong magnetic fiel

    Turbulence in a rarefied plasma

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    Theory for damping process in turbulent plasma, nonlinear Landau damping, correlated from Vlasov-Poisson equation

    Turbulence by Electrostatic Fluctuations

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    Derivation of spectra of turbulence and density fluctuations in plasma from hydrodynamic descriptio

    Cascade theory of plasma turbulence

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    Cascade theory of plasma turbulence described by small eddy group mixing with larger ones to provide gradient diffusive flo

    Cascade mechanism of nonlinear interactions between modes in a turbulent plasma

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    Cascade mechanism for developing hydrodynamical model of nonlinear plasma turbulenc

    Fluctuation theory of ambipolar diffusion in a magneto-plasma

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    Fluctuation theory of ambipolar diffusion in magnetoplasm

    Rape Reform and a Statutory Consent Defense

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    Rape Reform and a Statutory Consent Defense

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    Still Grateful after All These Years

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    Still Grateful after All These Years

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