82 research outputs found

    The use of precession modulation for nutation control in spin-stabilized spacecraft

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    The relations which determine the nutation effects induced in a spinning spacecraft by periodic precession thrust pulses are derived analytically. By utilizing the idea that nutation need only be observed just before each precession thrust pulse, a difficult continuous-time derivation is replaced by a simple discrete-time derivation using z-transforms. The analytic results obtained are used to develop two types of modulated precession control laws which use the precession maneuver to concurrently control nutation. Results are illustrated by digital simulation of an actual spacecraft configuration

    Kekalahan Partai Aceh Pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014

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    Partai lokal merupakan nafas hidup baru yang sangat dinanti-nantikan oleh masyarakat. Memiliki partai lokal di provinsi merupakan suatu kebanggaan yang patut di apresiasi. Lahirnya partai lokal di Aceh tidak terlepas dari perjanjian Momerendum Of understanding antara pemerintahan republik Indonesia dengan gerakan Aceh merdeka. Partai lokal adalah perahu bagi rakyat Aceh untuk berlabuh dalam wilayahnya sendiri sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Munculnya partai lokal membuka kacamata pandangan masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam pemilihan wakil rakyat. Sayangnya loyalitas rakyat tidak bisa bertahan lama dalam partai lokal seiring dengan satu periode berjalannya legislatif terpilih gagal dalam mewujudkan keinginan rakyat. Kemenangan dan kekalahan merupakan dua sisi wajah yang kembar yang tidak bisa dipungkiri akan terjadi atau terwujud baik cepat maupun lambat. Kemenangan pada masa lalu merupakan kesuksesan meraih kegemilangan kedepan dengan cara pemograman yang baik. Disisi lain kekalahan menanti yang bisa dikatakan sebagai kesuksesan yang tertunda diakibatkan dari kesalahan atau kekurangan yang terjadi.Kata Kunci: Partai Lokal, Desentralisasi, Kekalahan, Pemilu PENDAHULUANMomerendum Of Understanding (MoU) yang terjadi pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2005 tepatnya sembilan tahun yang silam antara pemerintahan Indonesia dengan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM), menjadi sebuah nafas baru bagi masyarakat Aceh dalam dunia perpolitikan. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2007 memberikan hak kepada Aceh untuk mendirikan partai lokal tersendiri, namun Undang-Undang tersebut tidak terlepas bagi partai lokal untuk berkompetisi dengan partai nasional. Awal Pemilu legislatif pada tahun 2009 melahirkan catatan sejarah yang sangat besar bagi Aceh dikarnakan kemenangan partai lokal yang sangat signifikan, walaupun tidak bisa dipungkiri berdasarkan hitungan sementara Partai Lokal Aceh masih menguasai parlemen untuk tahun 2014. Partai Aceh pada tahun 2009 menjadi mayoritas atau penguasa parlemen mutlak, hal tersebut berhasil karna keinginan masyarakat ingin melihat Perubahan yang akan dilakukan oleh perwakilan dari kelompok yang telah lama berjuang untuk mereka atau Aceh. Seiring berjalannya satu periode kekuasaan legislatif ada Perubahan dan janji yang ditepati oleh pemegang kekuasaan dari partai lokal tersebut, namun masih banyak kekurangan yang terjadi bahkan dilakukan baik secara sengaja maupun tidak oleh para politikus partai lokal

    Modeling of dam reservoir volume using adaptive neuro fuzzy method.

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    Dam reservoir capacity estimation are important for dam structures, operation, design and safety assessments. Predictions of reservoir volumes must be considered as one of the main part of water resources management. As it is known in water resources management, reservoir capacity has direct effects on choosing irrigation systems, energy production, water supply systems etc. in a study region. In this study, the reservoir capacity of the Stony Brook dam in the USA state of Massachusetts, was tried to be estimated. Data set is taken by U.S. Geological Survey Institute (USGS) website. Reservoir capacity was estimated by Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy (NF) and Multilinear Linear Regression Analysis (MLR). NF model results was compared with MLR results. For the comparison, Mean Square Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and correlation coefficient statistics were used

    Influenza burden, prevention and treatment in asthma – a scoping review by the EAACI Influenza in Asthma Task Force

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    To address uncertainties in the prevention and management of influenza in people with asthma, we performed a scoping review of the published literature on influenza burden; current vaccine recommendations; vaccination coverage; immunogenicity, efficacy, effectiveness and safety of influenza vaccines; and the benefits of antiviral drugs in people with asthma. We found significant variation in the reported rates of influenza detection in individuals with acute asthma exacerbations making it unclear to what degree influenza causes exacerbations of underlying asthma. The strongest evidence of an association was seen in studies of children. Countries in the European Union currently recommend influenza vaccination of adults with asthma; however, coverage varied between regions. Coverage was lower among children with asthma. Limited data suggest that good seroprotection and seroconversion can be achieved in both children and adults with asthma and that vaccination confers a degree of protection against influenza illness and asthma related morbidity to children with asthma. There were insufficient data to determine efficacy in adults. Overall, influenza vaccines appeared to be safe for people with asthma. We identify knowledge gaps and make recommendations on future research needs in relation to influenza in patients with asthma

    Analysis of fault detection coverage of a self-test program

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    A comparative review for question answering frameworks on the linked data

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    Background: One of the state-of-the-art techniques for question answering frameworks is using linked data by converting the user input into SPARQL which is the query language for linked data. Objective: The main target is to emphasize the most fundamental issues while developing a question answering frameworks that accept input in natural language and converting it into SPARQL. Methods: The trend of applying linked data as a data source is gaining popularity among the re-searchers. In this study, question answering frameworks that combine both natural language processing techniques and linked data technologies are examined. Common principles of examined question answering frameworks recognize user intention, enriching natural language input and converting it to a SPARQL query. Results: 9 studies are selected for further examination to be compared by using selection criteria de-fined in the research methodology. Conclusion: Resulting outcomes are represented and compared in detail. In addition to the comparative review of systems, a general architecture of question answering frameworks on the linked data is drawn as an outcome of this study to provide a guideline for the researchers who are studying related research fields. © 2021 Bentham Science Publishers
