270 research outputs found

    Analisis Penggunaan Struktur Modal dalam Kaitan Solvabilitas Perbankan pada Bank Bumn di Indonesia

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    Struktur modal merupakan masalah yang penting bagi setiap Perusahaan termasuk perbankan, karena baik buruknya struktur modalnya akan mempunyai pengaruh yang langsung terhadap posisi keuangan dan solvabilitas Perusahaan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penggunaan struktur modal dalam kaitan solvabilitas perbankan pada Bank BRI, Bank BNI, dan Bank Mandiri. Dalam melakukan analisis penulis menggunakan alat analisis struktur modal yakni Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio dan analisis solvabilitas yang terdiri dari Primary Ratio, Risk Assets Ratio, Capital Ratio dan Capital Adequacy Ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penurunan struktur modal akan meningkatkan rasio solvabilitas jika peningkatan modal sendiri dibarengi dengan penurunan penggunaan hutang jangka panjang dan peningkatan penggunaan hutang jangka panjang yang lebih besar dibandingkan peningkatan penggunaan modal sendiri dapat meningkatkan rasio solvabilitas dalam peningkatan yang rendah. Sebaiknya Perbankan lebih meningkatkan penggunaan modal sendiri ketimbang hutang jangka panjang pada struktur modal guna meningkatkan solvabilitasnya dengan peningkatan yang lebih tinggi. Kata kunci : struktur modal, solvabilitas, bank, kinerj


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    The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) predicts an increase in the number of DM-based in Indonesia from 9.1 million in 2014 to 14.1 million in 2035. The Indonesian Society of Endocrinology (PERKENI) states that there are at least 4 successful pillars of diabetes mellitus, education, diet, activity and treatment. The objective of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of physical activity and diet to the speed of control of blood sugar levels in patients with DM. The design of study used is observational research. The research population is all patients who have DM in the work area of Sarudik Puskesmas Central Tapanuli District as much as 70 respondents. Sampling technique is Purposive Sampling. The measuring instruments used are dummy tables and glucometers. Data analysis using Chi Square Test. The result oh this study indicate that the majority of respondents had less physical activity of 25 people (78.1%), having a less than good diet of 27 people (84.4%) and has a poor blood sugar control rate of 28 people (87.5%). The conclusion of research is the effectiveness of physical activity and diet to the speed of blood sugar control in patients with DM. It is suggested that respondents can follow regular physical activity and make meal arrangement in order to lower blood sugar levels

    Isolasi dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Senyawa Flavonoid dari Batang Bauhinia Exelsa

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    Dua senyawa flavonoid yakni 6C,7-O-dimetilaroma-dendrin (1) dan ploretin (2) telah berhasildiisolasi dari batang Bauhinia excelsa.Struktur senyawa ini ditetapkan berdasarkanspektrum UV, IR, MS, 1D dan 2D NMR. Ujiaktivitas antioksidan senyawa 6C,7-O-dimetilaromadendrin (1) dan ploretin (2) terhadapradikal DPPH menunjukkan nilai IC50 sebesar1512,1 dan 638,6 μM. Hasil uji aktivitas antioksidan menunjukkan bahwa kedua senyawatidak aktif terhadap radikal DPP

    Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Metode Balanced Scorecard pada PT. Ria Busana Medan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kinerja Perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan yang maksimal pada PT. Ria Busana Cabang Iskandar Muda Medan dengan menggunakan 4 perspektif Balanced Scorecard. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari laporan keuangan Perusahaan, kuesioner kepuasan pelanggan, data jumlah inovasi produk tiap tahun.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode kinerja Balanced Scorecard secara umum pada perspektif keuangan, perspektif pelanggan, dan perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan menunjukkan hasil yang sudah baik, karena tercapainya beberapa peningkatan tiap tahunnya pada Perusahaan ini baik dari segi keuangan, pelanggan, produk, dan karyawan

    Martuppak Tradition in The Marriage of Mandailing Tribe in Pasaman District from The Perspective of Islamic Law

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    This research is motivated by the Mandailing tribe in Pasaman Regency considers that the practice of the Martuppak tradition is a form of debt and credit that is carried out when they want to hold a marriage. Then in the practice of the Martuppak tradition there is an obligation for someone to pay back the money that has been given. This is the cause and effect of the Martuppak tradition practice system, there is a reciprocal relationship between the giver of tuppak money and the recipient of tuppak money. Martuppak is giving some money to someone or to the suhut and then must be returned based on the amount given with an additional amount of at most 10% and at least 1% (sincerely). Therefore, researchers are interested in researching the problem, as for the formulation of the problem in this study is first, how is the implementation of the Martuppak tradition at the Mandailing tribe community marriage in Pasaman Regency. Second, what are the views of religious leaders, traditional leaders and the people of Pasaman Regency about the Martuppak tradition, third, how is the legal analysis of the Martuppak tradition at the Mandailing tribe community marriage in Pasaman Regency in the perspective of Islamic law? The aims of this research is to find out how the implementation of the Martuppak tradition at the Mandailing tribe community marriage in Pasaman Regency. To find out how religious leaders, traditional leaders and the people of Pasaman Regency view the Martuppak tradition and to find out the legal analysis of the Martuppak tradition at the Mandailing tribe's marriage in Pasaman Regency in the perspective of Islamic law. The method used is field research using interview techniques, then the data is analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis methods. From the results of the analysis that the author conducted on the data, it can be concluded that every debt and credit that contains benefits is usury, and everything that contains usury is forbidden. Therefore, the Martuppak tradition practiced by the Mandailing tribe in Pasaman Regency is included in debts and credits that contain benefits and the tradition is a fasid tradition

    The Influence of Culture on General Elections in Indonesia

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    Introduction. Culture in society has an influence on general elections. It has particular influence over the legislative elections in South Nias district. Customary and kinship system living in the society as a law affect the legislative elections. The influence can be constructive and destructive. In order to investigate the influence of culture over the general elections, the researchers carried out a case study on legislative elections in Nias Selatan district, North Sumatra province, Indonesia in 2014. Method. This research is a qualitative research conducted through in-depth interviews to the people of South Nias district. Results. The findings showed that culture has influenced the general elections.     Keywords: Influence, Culture, Legislative Election, Indonesia

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Pramuwisata di Istana Asserayah Hasyimiah Siak Sri Indrapura

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    The This research aims to find out how the quality service of the tour guide in the palace Asserayah Hasyimiah Siak Sri Indrapura.This research used qualitative desciptive method to analyze the problems. The sample in this research are 100 samples by using accidental sampling. And then the techniques to collected data in this research are using observation, questionnaire and interview. And it was using likert scale to know the length of intervals.Based on the result of the research thats been done, it looks that the quality service tour guide in the palace Asserayah Hasyimiah still low and need to be improved again.Keywords : Service Quality, Tour Guide, The Palace Asserayah Hasyimia

    Demokrasi dan Legalitas Mantan Narapidana dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah dan Pemilihan Umum

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    The focus of this study was on the decision of the Constitutional Court number 4/PUU-VII/2009 and decision number 14-17/PUU-V/2007 which legitimize former prisoners as regional head and legislative candidates. This study aimed to analyze the legality of former prisoners to participate in an election and the efforts to be made after the Constitutional Court\u27s decisions in terms of building democracy in Indonesia. This study used normative research method with statute and conceptual approaches. The results of this study concluded that first, a former prisoner has constitutional right as a candidate in an election that is a part of non-derogable rights except by a court decision that has permanent legal force. Some efforts to build democracy are made by issuing regulations that technically explain the decisions of the Constitutional Court for former prisoners who will participate in an election as well as severe sanctions for the violations, and involving the supervision of election organizing committee in the nomination process
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