484 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence techniques towards adaptive digital games

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    Digital games rely on suspension of disbelief and challenge to immerse players in the game experience. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a significant role in this task, both to provide adequate challenges to the player and to generate believable behaviours. An emerging area of application for digital games is augmented reality. Theme parks are expressing interest to augment the user experience via digital games. Bringing together cyber- and physical- aspects in theme parks will provide new avenues of entertainment to customers. This thesis contributes to the field of AI in games, in particular by proposing techniques aimed at improving players' experience. The technical contributions are in the field of learning from demonstration, abstraction in learning and dynamic difficulty adjustment. In particular, we propose a novel approach to learn options for the Options framework from demonstrations; a novel approach to handle progressively refined state abstractions for the Reinforcement Learning framework; a novel approach to dynamic difficulty adjustment based on state-action values, which in our experiments we compute via Monte Carlo Tree Search. All proposed techniques are tested in video games. The final contribution is an analysis of real-world data, collected in a theme park queuing area where we deployed an augmented reality mobile game; the data we collected suggests that digital games in such environments can benefit from AI techniques, which can improve time perception in players. Time perception, in fact, is altered when players enter the state of "flow", which can only happen if suspension of disbelief is maintained and if the level of challenge is adequate. The conclusion suggests this is a promising direction for investigation in future work

    First Laboratory Detection of N13CO-and Semiexperimental Equilibrium Structure of the NCO-Anion

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    The cyanate anion (NCO-) is a species of considerable astrophysical relevance. It is widely believed to be embedded in interstellar ices present in young stellar objects but has not yet been detected in the dense gas of the interstellar medium. Here we report highly accurate laboratory measurements of the rotational spectrum of the N13CO-isotopologue at submillimeter wavelengths along with the detection of three additional lines of the parent isotopologue up to 437.4 GHz. With this new data, the rotational spectrum of both isotopologues can be predicted to better 0.25 km s-1in equivalent radial velocity up to 1 THz, more than adequate for an astronomical search in any source. Moreover, a semiexperimental equilibrium structure of the anion is derived by combining the experimental ground-state rotational constants of the two isotopologues with theoretical vibrational corrections, obtained by using the coupled-cluster method with inclusion of single and double excitations and perturbative inclusion of triple excitations (CCSD(T)). The estimated accuracy of the two bond distances is on the order of 5 × 10-4Å: a comparison to the values obtained by geometry optimization with the CCSD(T) method and the use of a composite scheme, including additivity and basis-set extrapolation techniques, reveals that this theoretical procedure is very accurate

    Player retention in league of legends: A study using survival analysis

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    © 2018 ACM. Multi-player online esports games are designed for extended durations of play, requiring substantial experience to master. Furthermore, esports game revenues are increasingly driven by in-game purchases. For esports companies, the trends in players leaving their games therefore not only provide information about potential problems in the user experience, but also impacts revenue. Being able to predict when players are about to leave the game-churn prediction-is therefore an important solution for companies in the rapidly growing esports sector, as this allows them to take action to remedy churn problems. The objective of the work presented here is to understand the impact of specific behavioral characteristics on the likelihood of a player continuing to play the esports title League of Legends. Here, a solution to the problem is presented based on the application of survival analysis, using Mixed Effects Cox Regression, to predict player churn. Survival Analysis forms a useful approach for the churn prediction problem as it provides rates as well as an assessment of the characteristics of players who are at risk of leaving the game. Hazard rates are also presented for the leading indicators, with results showing that duration between matches played is a strong indicator of potential churn

    The Partial Visibility Representation Extension Problem

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    For a graph GG, a function ψ\psi is called a \emph{bar visibility representation} of GG when for each vertex vV(G)v \in V(G), ψ(v)\psi(v) is a horizontal line segment (\emph{bar}) and uvE(G)uv \in E(G) iff there is an unobstructed, vertical, ε\varepsilon-wide line of sight between ψ(u)\psi(u) and ψ(v)\psi(v). Graphs admitting such representations are well understood (via simple characterizations) and recognizable in linear time. For a directed graph GG, a bar visibility representation ψ\psi of GG, additionally, puts the bar ψ(u)\psi(u) strictly below the bar ψ(v)\psi(v) for each directed edge (u,v)(u,v) of GG. We study a generalization of the recognition problem where a function ψ\psi' defined on a subset VV' of V(G)V(G) is given and the question is whether there is a bar visibility representation ψ\psi of GG with ψ(v)=ψ(v)\psi(v) = \psi'(v) for every vVv \in V'. We show that for undirected graphs this problem together with closely related problems are \NP-complete, but for certain cases involving directed graphs it is solvable in polynomial time.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Response-Hiding Encrypted Ranges: Revisiting Security via Parametrized Leakage-Abuse Attacks

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    Despite a growing body of work on leakage-abuse attacks for encrypted databases, attacks on practical response-hiding constructions are yet to appear. Response-hiding constructions are superior in that they nullify access-pattern based attacks by revealing only the search token and the result size of each query. Response-hiding schemes are vulnerable to existing volume attacks, which are, however, based on strong assumptions such as the uniform query assumption or the dense database assumption. More crucially, these attacks only apply to schemes that cannot be deployed in practice (ones with quadratic storage and increased leakage) while practical response-hiding schemes (Demertzis et al. [SIGMOD’16] and Faber et al. [ESORICS’15]) have linear storage and less leakage. Due to these shortcomings, the value of existing volume attacks on response-hiding schemes is unclear. In this work, we close the aforementioned gap by introducing a parametrized leakage-abuse attack that applies to practical response-hiding structured encryption schemes. The use of non-parametric estimation techniques makes our attack agnostic to both the data and the query distribution. At the very core of our technique lies the newly defined concept of a counting function with respect to a range scheme. We propose a two-phase framework to approximate the counting function for any range scheme. By simply switching one counting function for another, i.e., the so-called “parameter” of our modular attack, an adversary can attack different encrypted range schemes. We propose a constrained optimization formulation for the attack algorithm that is based on the counting functions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our leakage-abuse attack on synthetic and real-world data under various scenarios

    Rotational and high-resolution infrared spectrum of HC3_3N: global ro-vibrational analysis and improved line catalogue for astrophysical observations

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    HC3_3N is an ubiquitous molecule in interstellar environments, from external galaxies, to Galactic interstellar clouds, star forming regions, and planetary atmospheres. Observations of its rotational and vibrational transitions provide important information on the physical and chemical structure of the above environments. We present the most complete global analysis of the spectroscopic data of HC3_3N. We have recorded the high-resolution infrared spectrum from 450 to 1350 cm1^{-1}, a region dominated by the intense ν5\nu_5 and ν6\nu_6 fundamental bands, located at 660 and 500 cm1^{-1}, respectively, and their associated hot bands. Pure rotational transitions in the ground and vibrationally excited states have been recorded in the millimetre and sub-millimetre regions in order to extend the frequency range so far considered in previous investigations. All the transitions from the literature and from this work involving energy levels lower than 1000 cm1^{-1} have been fitted together to an effective Hamiltonian. Because of the presence of various anharmonic resonances, the Hamiltonian includes a number of interaction constants, in addition to the conventional rotational and vibrational l-type resonance terms. The data set contains about 3400 ro-vibrational lines of 13 bands and some 1500 pure rotational lines belonging to 12 vibrational states. More than 120 spectroscopic constants have been determined directly from the fit, without any assumption deduced from theoretical calculations or comparisons with similar molecules. An extensive list of highly accurate rest frequencies has been produced to assist astronomical searches and data interpretation. These improved data, have enabled a refined analysis of the ALMA observations towards Sgr B2(N2).Comment: 35 pages, 14 figures, accepted for pubblication in ApJ Supplemen

    DC3_3N observations towards high-mass star-forming regions

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    We present the study of deuteration of cyanoacetylene (HC3_3N) towards a sample of 28 high-mass star-forming cores divided into different evolutionary stages, from starless to evolved protostellar cores. We report for the first time the detection of DC3_3N towards 15 high-mass cores. The abundance ratios of DC3_3N with respect HC3_3N range in the interval 0.003-0.022, lower than those found in low-mas protostars and dark clouds. No significant trend with the evolutionary stage, or with the kinetic temperature of the region, has been found. We compare the level of deuteration of HC3_3N with those of other molecules towards the same sample, finding weak correlation with species formed only or predominantly in gas phase (N2_2H+^+ and HNC, respectively), and no correlation with species formed only or predominantly on dust grains (CH3_3OH and NH3_3, respectively). We also present a single-dish map of DC3_3N towards the protocluster IRAS 05358+3543, which shows that DC3_3N traces an extended envelope (\sim0.37 pc) and peaks towards two cold condensations separated from the positions of the protostars and the dust continuum. The observations presented in this work suggest that deuteration of HC3_3N is produced in the gas of the cold outer parts of massive star-forming clumps, giving us an estimate of the deuteration factor prior to the formation of denser gas.Comment: Accepted in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society -- 11 pages, 7 Figures, 2 Tables. Version with some typos correcte

    Factorization methods for Noncommutative KP and Toda hierarchy

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    We show that the solution space of the noncommutative KP hierarchy is the same as that of the commutative KP hierarchy owing to the Birkhoff decomposition of groups over the noncommutative algebra. The noncommutative Toda hierarchy is introduced. We derive the bilinear identities for the Baker--Akhiezer functions and calculate the NN-soliton solutions of the noncommutative Toda hierarchy.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, AMS-LaTeX, minor corrections, final version to appear in Journal of Physics