257 research outputs found

    Estructura poblacional de Morpho sulkowskyi Kollar, 1850 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) en un sector de la cordillera occidental, departamento del Cauca (Colombia).

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    PRIETO C, TAKEGAMI C, RIVERA JM. 2005. Population structure of Morpho sulkowskyi Kollar, 1850 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the western Cordillera, Cauca department (Colombia). Entomotropica 20(1): 15-22. Between the months of April and August of 2003 we stimated the Morpho sulkowskyi population size in a site of the western mountain range in the department of the Cauca by means of three methodologies of mark-release-recapture (MRR): Peterson, Jolly-Seber and Schnabel compared with the method of abundance by observation of Pollard. We captured 152 individuals with a recapture success of 23.68%. The ages structure and the recapture success showed that this is a nonconfined population with an emergency tip between July and August. The size of the population varied between 9 and 348 individuals. The residence time average was 3 days and the maximum observed measured for males was 8 days. The number of captured and recaptured individuals showed a positive correlation with the monthly average temperature. The individuals flew mainly between 9:00 and 14:00 hours; and when the temperature was higher than 15 \ub0 C.PRIETO C, TAKEGAMI C, RIVERA JM. 2005. Estructura poblacional de Morpho sulkowskyi Kollar, 1850 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) en un sector de la cordillera occidental, departamento del Cauca (Colombia). Entomotropica 20(1): 15-22. Entre los meses de abril y agosto de 2003 se estim\uf3 el tama\uf1o de una poblaci\uf3n de Morpho sulkowskyi conocida para la cordillera occidental en el departamento del Cauca por medio de tres metodolog\uedas de Marcaje-recaptura (MRR): Peterson, Jolly-Seber y Schnabel comparadas con el m\ue9todo de abundancia por observaci\uf3n de Pollard. Se capturaron 152 individuos y se obtuvo un \ue9xito de recaptura del 23.68%. La estructura de edades y el \ue9xito de recaptura muestran que esta es una poblaci\uf3n no confinada con un pico de emergencia entre julio y agosto. El tama\uf1o de la poblaci\uf3n vari\uf3 entre 9 y 348 individuos. El tiempo de residencia promedio fue de 3 d\uedas y el m\ue1ximo observado fue de 8 d\uedas para machos. El n\ufamero de individuos capturados y recapturados mostr\uf3 una correlaci\uf3n positiva con la temperatura media mensual. Los individuos vuelan principalmente entre las 9:00 y 14:00 horas y cuando la temperatura ambiental es superior a 15 \ub0 C

    Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the Japanese version of the Neck Pain and Disability Scale

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    Abstract Background Until recently, no Japanese versions have existed of the more popular, patient-reported disability questionnaires for neck pain. This study aimed to test the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the Japanese version of the Neck Pain and Disability Scale (NPDS), one of the most widely used questionnaires in patients with neck pain. Methods In this validation study, 167 outpatients with neck pain participated. Patients received the NPDS and the Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36-item Health Survey (SF-36), and used Visual Analog Scales (VASs) to assess pain and global health. To examine test-retest reliability, patients who were considered stable by clinicians were given the NPDS 2 weeks after baseline. To examine responsiveness, patients who had not undergone treatment at the time of the first data collection or had no change in treatment over 3 months were studied again 2 weeks after starting a new medication or physical therapy. Results Of the 167 participants, 143 completed the questionnaires (85.6%). Factor analysis showed two factors, defined as neck-pain-related disability (factor 1) and neck-related pain (factor 2). Cronbach's a coefficient for factor 1, factor 2, and total score was 0.94, 0.93, and 0.96. The intra-class correlation coefficients for the 19 more stable patients were 0.79, 0.88, and 0.87. For concurrent validity, the correlation between NPDS subscales and total score and SF-36 subscale scores ranged from r = -0.54 to -0.22 (p \ 0.01). Correlations between the NPDS subscales and total score and VAS of pain ranged from 0.56 to 0.77 (p \ 0.01) and those for VAS of global health ranged from 0.48 to 0.63 (p \ 0.01). The NPDS subscales and total scores of the 41 patients retested after treatment were significantly improved. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this articl

    Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs interferes with epidermal growth factor receptor signaling

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    金沢大学がん研究所The reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs (RECK) gene had been isolated as an antagonist to RAS signaling; however, the mechanism of its action is not clear. In this study, the effect of loss of RECK function was assessed in various ways and cell systems. Successive cell cultivation of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) according to 3T3 protocol revealed that the germline knockout of RECK confers accelerated cell proliferation and early escape from cellular senescence associated with downregulation of p19 Arf, Trp53 and p21Cdkn1a. In contrast, short hairpin RNA-mediated depletion of RECK induced irreversible growth arrest along with several features of the Arf, Trp53 and Cdkn1a-dependent cellular senescence. Within 2 days of RECK depletion, we observed a transient increase in protein kinase B (AKT) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation associated with an upregulated expression of cyclin D1, p19Arf, Trp53, p21Cdkn1a and Sprouty 2. On further cultivation, RAS, AKT and ERK activities were then downregulated to a level lower than control, indicating that RECK depletion leads to a negative feedback to RAS signaling and subsequent cellular senescence. In addition, we observed that epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activity was transiently upregulated by RECK depletion in MEFs, and continuously downregulated by RECK overexpression in colon cancer cells. These findings indicate that RECK is a novel modulator of EGFR signaling. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved

    Effects of TGF-β1 and IGF-1 on proliferation of human nucleus pulposus cells in medium with different serum concentrations

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    BACKGROUND: The low proliferative viability of human nucleus pulposus(NP) cells is considered as a cause of intervertebral discs degeneration. Growth factors, such as TGF-β1 and IGF-1, have been implicated in cell proliferation and matrix synthesis. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the dose-response and time-course effect of transforming growth factorβ1(TGF-β1) and insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1) on proliferation of NP cells. STUDY DESIGN: 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) is reduced by dehydrogenase in mitochondria of live cells. The proliferative viability of cells corresponds to the amount of MTT reduced, which is measured with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay plate reader. In this study, we assessed dose- and time-dependent effects of NP cells to TGF-β1 and IGF-1 in medium with different serum concentrations by MTT assay. METHODS: After release of informed consent, tissue samples of NP were obtained from anterior surgical procedures performed on five donors with idiopathic scoliosis. Isolated cells were cultured in F12 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum(FBS). Cells were seeded in 96-well plates at 1 × 10(3 )cells/well. After synchronization, medium was replaced by F12 containing 1% or 10% FBS with either single or combination of TGF-β1 and IGF-1. Dose-response and time-course effect were examined by MTT assay. RESULTS: In the presence of 1% FBS, the response to IGF-1 was less striking, whereas TGF-β1 had a remarkably stimulating effect on cell proliferation. In 10% FBS, both of the two growth factors had statistical significant mitogenic effects, especially TGF-β1. The dose-dependent effect of TGF and IGF on cell proliferation was found within different concentrations of each growth factor(TGF-β1 1–10 μg/L, IGF-1 10–100 μg/L). The time-course effect showed a significant elevation three days later. CONCLUSION: TGF-β1 and IGF-1 were efficient to stimulate cell proliferation of human NP cells in vitro with a dose- and time-dependent manner. These results support the therapeutic potentials of the two growth factors in the treatment of disc degeneration

    Liposomes as a model for the biological membrane : studies on daunorubicin bilayer interaction

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    In this study the interaction of the antitumoral drug daunorubicin with egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC) liposomes, used as a cell membrane model, was quantified by determination of the partition coefficient (Kp). The liposome/aqueous-phase Kp of daunorubicin was determined by derivative spectrophotometry and measurement of the zeta-potential. Mathematical models were used to fit the experimental data, enabling determination of Kp. In the partition of daunorubicin within the membrane both superficial electrostatic and inner hydrophobic interactions seem to be involved. The results are affected by the two types of interaction since spectrophotometry measures mainly hydrophobic interactions, while zeta-potential is affected by both interpenetration of amphiphilic charged molecules in the bilayer and superficial electrostatic interaction. Moreover, the degree of the partition of daunorubicin with the membrane changes with the drug concentration, due mainly to saturation factors. Derivative spectrophotometry and zeta-potential variation results, together with the broad range of concentrations studied, revealed the different types of interactions involved. The mathematical formalism applied also allowed quantification of the number of lipid molecules associated with one drug molecule

    A Global Network of Science and Technology Advice in Foreign Ministries

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    This paper is a product of the International Dialogue on Science and Technology Advice in Foreign Ministries (Vienna Dialogue) in October 2016, involving more than twenty nations and several international organisations. The event was a key step to further develop the Foreign Minister Science and Technology Advisor Network (FMSTAN), growing from an initial group of five nations. The Vienna Dialogue was convened by the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) at the Vienna headquarters of IIASA, bringing together diplomats from foreign ministries to consider the value of evidence for informed decision-making by nations with regard to issues, impacts and resources within, across and beyond national boundaries. The evidence comes from the natural and social sciences with engineering and medicine as well as other areas of technology. By building common interests among nations, science is a tool of diplomacy, promoting cooperation and preventing conflict in our world. Science diplomacy was discussed as an international, interdisciplinary and inclusive process to help balance national interests and common interests in view of urgencies today and across generations in our globally-interconnected civilization

    Observation of Live Ticks (Haemaphysalis flava) by Scanning Electron Microscopy under High Vacuum Pressure

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    Scanning electron microscopes (SEM), which image sample surfaces by scanning with an electron beam, are widely used for steric observations of resting samples in basic and applied biology. Various conventional methods exist for SEM sample preparation. However, conventional SEM is not a good tool to observe living organisms because of the associated exposure to high vacuum pressure and electron beam radiation. Here we attempted SEM observations of live ticks. During 1.5×10−3 Pa vacuum pressure and electron beam irradiation with accelerated voltages (2–5 kV), many ticks remained alive and moved their legs. After 30-min observation, we removed the ticks from the SEM stage; they could walk actively under atmospheric pressure. When we tested 20 ticks (8 female adults and 12 nymphs), they survived for two days after SEM observation. These results indicate the resistance of ticks against SEM observation. Our second survival test showed that the electron beam, not vacuum conditions, results in tick death. Moreover, we describe the reaction of their legs to electron beam exposure. These findings open the new possibility of SEM observation of living organisms and showed the resistance of living ticks to vacuum condition in SEM. These data also indicate, for the first time, the usefulness of tick as a model system for biology under extreme condition

    Hypersomnolence and Sleep-related Complaints in Metropolitan, Urban, and Rural Georgia

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    Persistent daytime hypersomnolence is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, but its prevalence in the population has been poorly documented. This study sought to characterize the prevalence of persistent daytime hypersomnolence, difficulties initiating and maintaining sleep, unrefreshing sleep, snoring, and the presence of physician-diagnosed sleep disorders in metropolitan, urban, and rural US Georgia populations. Between September 2004 and July 2005, a total of 6,530 randomly selected well and unwell adults, identified by screening interviews of 10,837 households (contacted by random digit dialing), completed a detailed phone interview. Sixteen percent reported persistent problems staying awake during the day; 26% reported persistent problems falling asleep at night; 31% experienced problems sleeping through the night; 34% were bothered by unrefreshing sleep; and 33% reported that they snored. In spite of the high occurrence of reported persistent sleep problems, only 10% of the survey participants reported having been diagnosed with a sleep disorder. These study findings highlight the need for increased public and clinician awareness with respect to proactively indentifying signs and symptoms of sleep disorders, a better understanding of their adverse impact upon morbidity and mortality, and their negative impact upon socioeconomic and academic potential
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