405 research outputs found

    The hall effect and the associated phenomena in cadmium sulphide

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    Hall effect and photo Hall measurements have been made on a number of crystals. These crystals were grown (in this laboratory) using a modified method of the technique of growth by vacuum sublimation. The object of the photo Hall measurements was to determine some of the parameters of the imperfection centres with energy levels in the forbidden gap in photosensitive cadmium sulphide crystals. Two crystals (crystals 78 and 79) with dark conductivities less than 10(^-7) mho cm(^-1)were chosen for the investigation. Their conductivities could be increased to 10(^-2) mho cm(^-1) by optical excitation with an intensity of 3200 ft-c. The photo Hall effect was investigated at different temperatures. Measurements were made to determine the variation in the value of Hall mobility as a function of the location of the electron Fermi level which was achieved by changing the intensity of photoexcitation. From the plots of 1/µ versus E(_fn) (at different temperatures) four electron trapping levels with energy depths of 0.12, 0.l6, 0-22 and 0.33 eV and six electron trapping levels with energy depths of O.O98, 0.13, 0'19, 0.23, 0.33 and 0.42 eV below the conduction band were obtained for crystals 78 and 79 respectively. The photoHall data were also used to determine the charge state and the scattering cross-sections of the imperfection centres. The experimental values of the scattering cross-sections were of the -11 2order of 10cm. From a study of the temperature dependence of concentration of photoexcited carriers, the height of the energy levels of the sensitizing centres above the valence band was found to be 1.04 eV. The Hall coefficient was also measured for a number of semiconducting samples between 14 K and 300 K. The donor ionization energies and the donor and acceptor concentrations were determined from the variation of carrier concentration with temperature above 30 K. Below 30 K, the variation of carrier concentration with temperature was found to be dominated by an impurity band conduction mechanism (non-metallic type). Polar optical mode scattering was the dominant intrinsic scattering mechanism at the higher temperatures. The experimental mobility data could be fitted to theoretically computed values of µ assuming that polar optical mode, piezoelectric and ionized impurity scattering processes were operative. The effective mass was used as an adjustable parameter. The best fit was obtained with m*(_e) = 0.19 m

    Strategi Pemasaran Syari'ah pada Bmt Al-amanah dalam Meningkatkan Modal dan Penyaluran Pembiayaan

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    This research is a field research conducted at the Al-Amanah BMT in Jambi City. Data collection techniques in this study use methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the marketing strategy carried out by BMT Al-Amanah in increasing capital and financing distribution, the constraints faced and efforts to overcome these obstacles. This study produces three conclusions, namely: (1) the marketing strategy carried out by BMT Al-Amanah Jambi City in increasing capital and financing distribution is by determining the market segmentation of products and services, conducting marketing activities in accordance with the target market, as well as positioning and mixing concepts. marketing; (2) the constraints faced include the lack of human resources who are competent in their fields, the source of funds as limited capital, and the existence of tight competition with other financial institutions. (3) efforts made to overcome obstacles are by improving the quality of human resources, continuing to strive to be able to increase the number of customers, and increase capital and financing distribution through promotion and introducing the BMT financial system to the wider community

    Pengaruh Pengetahuan Mengenai Risiko Dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Underwriter Perusahaan Di Industri Asuransi Kerugian (Umum) Di Indonesia

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    The objective of this study was to determine whether Knowledge about the risk and Competence affect the Undewriter performance of companies in General Insurance Industry in Indonesia. Respondents in this study is the Head of Underwriting or Head of Marine Underwriting Section and Head of Non-Marine Underwriting Section or the representative, of the total sample of 68 companies in the GeneralInsurance Industry in Indonesia. From this study, the results showed that Knowledge about the risks and Competence has a positive relationship either partially or simultaneously with The Underwriters performance, so Knowledge about the risks and Competence significant effect on The Underwriter Performance, either partially or simultaneously anyway


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    Garam mempunyai posisi penting pada terjadinya tekanan darah tinggi. Hasil pengamatan terhadap 5 penderita hipertensi di RW VI Kelurahan Wonokromo, 3 diantaranya mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan yang kurang tentang diet rendah garam. Kurangnya pengetahuan diet rendah garam akan berdampak pada asupan garam tinggi yang akan meningkatkan tekanan darahnya hingga ke tingkat yang membahayakan dan menimbulkan serangkaian komplikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat pengetahuan tentang diet rendah garam pada penderita hipertensi di RW VI Kelurahan Wonokromo Kecamatan Wonokromo Surabaya. Desain penelitian ini deskriptif. Populasi penelitian yaitu semua penderita hipertensi di RW VI Kelurahan Wonokromo Kecamatan Wonokromo Surabaya, sebanyak 39 penderita. Besar sampel sebanyak 36 responden diambil dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Variabel penelitian ini adalah tingkat pengetahuan tentang diet rendah garam pada penderita hipertensi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, selanjutnya diolah dan dianalisis dalam tabel distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sebagian besar tingkat pengetahuan responden tentang diet rendah garam kurang yaitu sebanyak 21 responden (58,3%), dan sisanya dengan tingkat pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 15 responden (41,7%). Simpulan penelitian ini adalah tingkat pengetahuan tentang diet rendah garam sebagian besar kurang. Disarankan petugas kesehatan meningkatkan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya diet rendah garam, sehingga penderita hipertensi lebih faham akan pentingnya diet rendah garam dan lebih mempersiapkan diri untuk melakukan diet rendah garam

    Breeding, Management and Environmental Issues at Peri-Urban Dairy Farms

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    Uji Efisiensi Budi Daya Tumpangsari Tanaman Kacang Buncis (Phaseolusvulgaris L.) Dengan Sawi Putih (Brassica Juncea L.) Pada Pola Tanam Yang Berbeda

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    This research is to know at the result white mustard and intercropping green beans farm and to know the efficiency in using land in intercropping white mustard and green beans.This research was used randomize design method single factor, with 5 treatment suchas cropping patterns between white mustard and green beans repeated 3 times, so there were 15 experimental units. There are research treatment: T01: green beans monoculture control, T02: mustard monoculture control, T1: green benas line1 mustard line, T2: 2 green beanslines 1 mustard line, and T3: 1 green beans line 2 mustard lines. The observed variables: diameter crop, a fresh weight of white mustard, the number of green beans, and a fresh weight of green beans. The data was analyzed using F test, continued with BNJ test withextent error 5%. The result of the research showed that T02 treatment give the best effect on diamer mustard variable, T1 give the best effect on fresh weight mustard variable, T2 show the best effect on the number of green beans pod, and fresh weight green beans pod. Based on equity ratio of land, mustard and green beans planted using intercropping system showed that it more efficient than using monoculture syste

    Knowledge of Fatwa, Coronavirus, and Family Factors towards Policies of Social Distancing

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    This study aims to determine the effect of knowledge of fatwa, the knowledge of coronavirus disease, and family factors on student compliance with social distancing policies to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia. This study was quantitative and the data were collected through questionnaires distributed via google forms. The data were collected from 426 respondents who were students of private and public Universities in Indonesia. The tool of analysis used in this study was the Partial Least Square (PLS) method, a variance-based structural equation analysis (SEM) that can simultaneously perform the measurement and structural model testing. The study found that there was a significant influence of the family factors on the compliance of students with social distancing policies. While there was no significant influence of the knowledge of fatwa and Covid-19 variables on student compliance with social distancing. The results of this study contribute to enriching the discourse of the role of religious and social factors on student compliance with social distancing policy to reduce the spread of Covid-1
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