130 research outputs found

    Effect of different artificial diets on the adults biological attributes of sugarcane stalk borer, Chilo auricilius Dudgeon and evaluation of their costs

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different artificial diets on the adult’s biological attributes of sugarcane stalk borer (Chilo auricilius Dudgeon) and their costs. Considering the mean values of first and second generation the maximum adult emergence (80.66 and 79.25), longer adult longevity (4.29 and 4.28), highest fecundity (233.45 and 225.98) and viability of egg (216.25 and 208.74) was recorded on diets A and C. Also the sex-ratio on diets A (M:F::1:1.16) and C (M:F::1:1) favoured the emergence of more number of females thanmales during development. On the basis of the economics also the artificial diets D, C and A (Rs. 48.62, Rs. 48.32, Rs. 103.43, respectively) were found relatively cheaper than the natural food (Rs 166.67). Thus, the overall performance of C. auricilius on diets A and C was found comparatively better than the other diets examined. Therefore, it can be used as an alternate diet other than natural diet E (sugarcane) for the mass rearing of C. auricilius in the laboratory

    Bio-efficacy of bifenthrin 8 SC against shoot and fruit borer and red spidermite of okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench

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    A field study was conducted to evaluate the relative bio-efficacy of bifenthrin 8 SC @60g, 80g, 100g,120g, 140g a.i./ha against shoot and fruit borer and red spider mite of okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench cv. OH -152 at the Central Research Farm of BCKV, Nadia, West Bengal, for two consecutive seasons. Cypermethrin10 EC @70g a.i./ha and dicofol 18.5 EC @500g a.i./ha were used as standard treated check in the experiment. Population of beneficial insects like spider, predatory mites and Braconid parasitoid were also recorded during the time of observation on pests’ infestation. Among treatments, bifenthrin 8 SC @ 100 to 140g a.i./ha was found significantly(p?0.05) superior over treated check cypermethrin 10 EC @ 70g a.i./ha and dicofol 18.5 EC @ 500g a.i./ha tobring down Earias vittella and red spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) population, respectively, on okra. Bifenthrin 8SC @ 140g a.i./ha recorded maximum fruit yield (82.3 q/ha during kharif 2012 and 53.1q/ha during rabi 2012-13) ofokra. Also, foliar application of bifenthrin 8 SC did not reveal any significant (p?0.05) adverse effect on population of spider, predatory mite and Braconid parasitoid in okra crop ecosystem. These findings will facilitate the selection of bifenthrin 8 SC as an effective acaro-insecticides for effective control of shoot and fruit borer and red spider mite of okra

    A Review of ECG Signal De-noising and Peaks Detection Techniques

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    The Modern era is marked by tension and, therefore, heart is in trouble. Whole of the world is busy making research in ECG techniques. on Electrocardiogram and its feature extraction is the area of interest.. Analysis and classification let the medical professional to detect the heart ailments and other diseases. In our research method for De-noising of ECG signal and Feature extraction Algorithm is proposed. We considered the baseline wander problem in ECG signal which is basically due to the measurement error. This work involves the IIR filter Savitzky-Golay filter and Wavelet Transform. ECG signal is de-noised without affecting any information from ECG. We have also designed a feature Extraction algorithm which automatically detects the RR interval and QRS interval along with the amplitude of Q, R, and S. The whole algorithm including the de-noising of signal and Feature extraction. This work has been simulated on the MATLab software

    An Ayurvedic approach to Low Back Pain

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    Low back pain is the leading cause of activity limitation and work absence throughout much of the world, imposing a high economic burden on individuals, families, communities, industry and governments. It is a prevalent condition that afflicts about 70% of people in developing countries at some point in their lifetime. Ayurvedic classical terms such as Katishoola, Kati Graha, Trika Shoola and Gridhrasi are used for describing the low back pain. The pain localized to low back can be considered under Katishoola and pain along with stiffness are included under Katigraha and Pain radiating to lower limb are considered under Gridhrasi. Treatment modalities which are beneficial for pacifying Vata such as Vatasaya Upakrama and Vatavyadhi Chikitsa are used in treating conditions of low back pain. Specific Chikitsa Sutras mentioned for the Katishoola, Katigraha, Trikashoola and Gridhrasi are to be followed in low back pain. To prevent the reoccurrence, lifestyle modification and low back strengthening exercise are to be advised


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    Objective: This study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy and prescribing pattern of antibiotics in the skin and skin structure infections (SSTIs) at tertiary care teaching hospital. Methods: In this prospective observational study, an attempt was made to evaluate the efficacy and prescribing pattern of antibiotics. Subjects were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and patient case sheets were analyzed for patient demographic details, results of physical examination and laboratory parameters, and prescription pattern. Results: Cellulitis was the most common skin and skin structure infection among the subjects, followed by an ulcer. Few patients showed discomforts such as pain, swelling, and purulent discharge. Surgical procedure has been done in 76 patients. Out of 99 patients, 11 patients showed a prolonged length of stay (LOS) (≥16 d), which is an indication of the poor efficacy of antibiotics. Intravenous to oral antibiotic therapy switch was seen in 47 patients, which indicates that the patient’s condition was improved. The mean length of hospital stay was 8.79 d. The majority of patients have been discharged within 15 d. Cephalosporins were the most frequently prescribed class of antibiotics in patients with skin and soft tissue infections. Metronidazole was the most frequently used antibiotic as monotherapy followed by cefuroxime. Piperacillin+Tazobactam was the most frequently used combination antibiotic. This study finds that the antibiotic treatment was efficacious in the majority of the patients. Conclusion: This study finds that the antibiotic treatment was efficacious in the majority of the patients

    Survival and quality of life analysis in glioblastoma multiforme with adjuvant chemoradiotherapy: a retrospective study

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    Background: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary intracranial tumor. Despite modern therapies, it is still fatal with tremendously poor prognosis with a median survival of 14 months. Even though mean survival and progression-free survival (PFS) are considered as primary response measure, it is important to assess the effects of therapies on disease burden and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Changes in quality of life (QoL) indicates the impact of cytotoxic therapy and may aid in defining response in the absence of quantifiable endpoints like tumor regression. The objective was to assess 2-year survival and quality of life in GBM patients who underwent primary surgery followed by chemo-radiotherapy and 6-month adjuvant chemotherapy with temozolomide.  Materials and methods: Single-institution retrospective study of 60 patients of GBM from 2015 to 2017. Data regarding patient factors, disease factors, and treatment factors were collected and survival was calculated. Results: 60 patients with GBM were analyzed, male to female ratio was 1.6:1. Patients most commonly presented with headache. Most common tumour site is the frontal lobe. The median overall survival (OS) was 10 months. The 1-year and 2-year survival rates were 30% and 6.7%, respectively. Compared to before surgery patients have showed improved emotional, social and role functioning in Post radiotherapy period. There was a decrease in symptoms like pain, headache and seizures. Conclusions: OS and QoL in GBM patients remains poor despite constant research and studies. Maximum safe resection followed by adjuvant temozolomide has shown improvement in OS. Post-surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy patients have shown a decrease in symptoms and better QoL

    Development and Validation of Analytical Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate and Fluticasone Propionate from Bulk and Dry Powder Inhaler Formulation

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    A method was developed and validated for analysis of Formoterol Fumarate and Fluticasone Propionate in dry powder inhaler formulations. Separation was achieved on a HiQ Sil C18HS, 250×4.6 mm, 5 µm column using a mobile phase consisting of Acetonitrile: 0.01 M Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate solution (80:20 %v/v) at a flow rate of 1ml/min PDA detection at 215.0 nm. This method is validated according to ICH guidelines, which include linearity, precision, accuracy, specificity, robustness. The result obtained were within the acceptance criteria as per ICH guidelines. Keywords: formoterol fumarate dihydrate, fluticasone propionate, buffer, HPLC


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    Seagrasses are flowering plants (angiosperms) that live on a substrate of sand, muddy sand, and sand mixed with coral fragments. Seagrass beds have an important role both for supports the life of various types of marine biota as well as protein source for the coastal community. The purposes of this study were to find out the types of seagrasses and to assess seagrass bed conditions around Lantung village waters. The line transect quadrat method was using for data collection. Four transects were laid perpendicular from the sea to the shoreline. A 50 x 50 cm frame was used to asstimet seagrass percent cover and laid every ten meters along the transect line. This study found 7 species of seagrass namely Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule pinifolia, Halophila decipiens, and Halophila ovalis. The average value of seagrass percent cover at the location was 66.44% and it was categorized as ‘healthy’. The environmental parameters values were 29.86°C, 29.05‰ and 8.45 for temperature, salinity and pH respectively.Keywords: Lantung, seagrass, health condition, percent coverABSTRAK Lamun adalah tumbuh-tumbuhan berbunga (angiospermae) yang hidup pada substrat pasir, pasir berlumpur, dan pasir bercampur pecahan karang. Padang lamun memiliki peran penting dalam suatu ekosistem perairan dangkal yang menunjang kehidupan beragam jenis biota laut dan lumbung protein bagi masyarakat. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mengetahui jenis-jenis lamun yang ada di lokasi penelitian dan mengkaji kondisi kesehatan padang lamun dengan teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan metode transek kuadran yang ditarik tegak lurus garis pantai, dengan ukuran frame 50x 50 cm. Hasil penelitian di Perairan Lantung, Kecamatan Wori, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara ditemukan 7 jenis lamun yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule pinifolia, Halophila decipiens, dan Halophila ovalis. Nilai rata- rata penutupan lamun pada lokasi penelitian sebesar 66,44% dan di kategorikan sehat. Parameter di Perairan Lantung yaitu suhu, salinitas, pH, dan substrat tergolong baik dengan nilai rata- rata parameter tergolong optimun dan berada pada kisaran baku mutu air laut dan dapat di toleransi lamun dengan nilai suhu 29,86°C, nilai salinitas 29,05‰ dan nilai pH 8,45.Kata kunci: Lantung, lamun, kondisi kesehatan, penutupa

    Flexible Ink‐Jet Printed Polymer Light‐Emitting Diodes using a Self‐Hosted Non‐Conjugated TADF Polymer

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    Thermally activated delayed fluorescent (TADF) emitters have become the leading emissive materials for highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). The deposition of these materials in scalable and cost-effective ways is paramount when looking toward the future of OLED applications. Herein, a simple OLED with fully solution-processed organic layers is introduced, where the TADF emissive layer is ink-jet printed. The TADF polymer has electron and hole conductive side chains, simplifying the fabrication process by removing the need for additional host materials. The OLED has a peak emission of 502 nm and a maximum luminance of close to 9600 cd m2_{−2}. The self-hosted TADF polymer is also demonstrated in a flexible OLED, reaching a maximum luminance of over 2000 cd m2_{−2}. These results demonstrate the potential applications of this self-hosted TADF polymer in flexible ink-jet printed OLEDs and, therefore, for a more scalable fabrication process

    Dose bridging data for mometasone furoate in once-daily fixed-dose inhaled combinations of mometasone furoate/indacaterol and mometasone furoate/ indacaterol/glycopyrronium in patients with asthma

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    Once-daily (o.d.) fixed-dose combinations of mometasone furoate/indacaterol acetate and mometasone furoate/indacaterol acetate/glycopyrronium bromide, both delivered via the Breezhaler® device, are approved for the maintenance treatment of asthma. Across these fixed-dose combinations, while the doses of bronchodilators remain the same, the nominal doses of mometasone furoate in micrograms differ. This article presents the steps followed in bridging the mometasone furoate doses at the corresponding dose strengths in the mometasone furoate formulation delivered via the Twisthaler® and mometasone furoate/indacaterol acetate and mometasone furoate/indacaterol acetate/glycopyrronium bromide formulations delivered via the Breezhaler®. These were: (i) bridging the mometasone furoate doses in the Twisthaler® (previously approved) to mometasone furoate doses in the Breezhaler®; (ii) bridging the mometasone furoate doses in the Breezhaler® to mometasone furoate/indacaterol acetate and mometasone furoate/indacaterol acetate/glycopyrronium bromide formulation. Following this stepwise approach, it was determined that mometasone furoate 80 μg o.d. (medium dose strength) and 160 μg o.d. (high dose strength) in mometasone furoate/indacaterol acetate/glycopyrronium bromide formulation provided comparable inhaled corticosteroid efficacy to mometasone furoate 160 μg o.d. (medium dose strength) and 320 μg o.d. (high dose strength) in the mometasone furoate/indacaterol acetate formulation, respectively. These doses were used in the PLATINUM Phase III clinical program that investigated the efficacy and safety of mometasone furoate/indacaterol acetate and mometasone furoate/indacaterol acetate/glycopyrronium bromide combinations in patients with asthma