34 research outputs found

    Anatomy of the “false thumb” of Tremarctos ornatus (Carnivora, Ursidae, Tremarctinae) : phylogenetic and functional implications

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    Se describe por primera vez el sesamoideo radial o “falso pulgar” del oso de anteojos (Tremarctos ornatus), mostrando la gran similitud morfolĂłgica con el del panda gigante (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) y las diferencias que presenta con el resto de los Ursidae. Esto apunta a la existencia de un origen comĂşn para esta estructura en ambas especies, pero considerando las filogenias aceptadas de Ursidae, la presencia de falso pulgar en T. ornatus y A. melanoleuca serĂ­a una simplesiomorfĂ­a respecto al resto de Ăşrsidos, en los cuales el sesamoideo radial nunca aumentĂł de tamaño, careciendo de la especializada funciĂłn que posee en Tremarctinae y Ailuropodinae.We describe for the first time the radial sesamoid or “false thumb” of the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), showing its great morphological similarities with that of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and the differences with that of the rest of the Ursidae. This points to the existence of a common origin for this structure in both species, but considering the accepted phylogenies of ursids, the sharing of a “false thumb” in T. ornatus and A. melanoleuca would be a plesiomorphy for these groups, whereas in the rest of the ursids the radial sesamoid was probably reduced, lacking the specialised function that this bone has in Tremarctinae and [email protected] [email protected]

    Translocated LPS Might Cause Endotoxin Tolerance in Circulating Monocytes of Cystic Fibrosis Patients

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    Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited pleiotropic disease that results from abnormalities in the gene codes of a chloride channel. The lungs of CF patients are chronically infected by several pathogens but bacteraemia have rarely been reported in this pathology. Besides that, circulating monocytes in CF patients exhibit a patent Endotoxin Tolerance (ET) state since they show a significant reduction of the inflammatory response to bacterial stimulus. Despite a previous description of this phenomenon, the direct cause of ET in CF patients remains unknown. In this study we have researched the possible role of microbial/endotoxin translocation from a localized infection to the bloodstream as a potential cause of ET induction in CF patients. Plasma analysis of fourteen CF patients revealed high levels of LPS compared to healthy volunteers and patients who suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Experiments in vitro showed that endotoxin concentrations found in plasma of CF patients were enough to induce an ET phenotype in monocytes from healthy controls. In agreement with clinical data, we failed to detect bacterial DNA in CF plasma. Our results suggest that soluble endotoxin present in bloodstream of CF patients causes endotoxin tolerance in their circulating monocytes

    Association of insularity and body condition to cloacal bacteria prevalence in a small shorebird

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    Do islands harbour less diverse disease communities than mainland? The island biogeography theory predicts more diverse communities on mainland than on islands due to more niches, more diverse habitats and availability of greater range of hosts. We compared bacteria prevalences ofCampylobacter,ChlamydiaandSalmonellain cloacal samples of a small shorebird, the Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) between two island populations of Macaronesia and two mainland locations in the Iberian Peninsula. Bacteria were found in all populations but, contrary to the expectations, prevalences did not differ between islands and mainland. Females had higher prevalences than males forSalmonellaand when three bacteria genera were pooled together. Bacteria infection was unrelated to bird's body condition but females from mainland were heavier than males and birds from mainland were heavier than those from islands. Abiotic variables consistent throughout breeding sites, like high salinity that is known to inhibit bacteria growth, could explain the lack of differences in the bacteria prevalence between areas. We argue about the possible drivers and implications of sex differences in bacteria prevalence in Kentish plovers

    Carry-over of persistent organochlorine pesticides through placenta to fetus

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    OBJECTIVE: As a consequence of environmental exposure, organochlorine pesticides accumulate in lipid rich-tissues such as maternal adipose tissue and partition to maternal blood serum and umbilical blood serum. To establish their distribution in the human body, the concentration gradients of organochlorine pesticides between these compartments were determined. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Maternal adipose tissue, blood serum and umbilical blood serum samples from 64 volunteers admitted for cesarean delivery at Hospital Benito Coquet Lagunes were studied in Veracruz during 1997 and 1998. The pesticide residues were determined by gas chromatography and results obtained from different sample groups were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficients and simple lineal regression. RESULTS: Significant results expressed on fat basis of organochlorine pesticides indicate that 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) levels are higher in maternal adipose tissue (4.51 mg/kg DDE and 1.27 mg/kg pp'DDT), maternal blood serum (4.45 mg/kg DDE and 0.78 mg/kg pp'DDT), and umbilical blood serum (4.70 mg/kg DDE and 0.88 mg/kg pp'DDT), due to greater affinity of DDT for lipids. CONCLUSIONS: The statistical evaluation of results and the pairing of samples analyzed indicate that absorbed organochlorine pesticides cross the placental barrier and reach a balanced state between mother and fetus

    Carry-over of persistent organochlorine pesticides through placenta to fetus Paso de los plaguicidas organoclorados persistentes a través de placenta al feto

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    OBJECTIVE: As a consequence of environmental exposure, organochlorine pesticides accumulate in lipid rich-tissues such as maternal adipose tissue and partition to maternal blood serum and umbilical blood serum. To establish their distribution in the human body, the concentration gradients of organochlorine pesticides between these compartments were determined. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Maternal adipose tissue, blood serum and umbilical blood serum samples from 64 volunteers admitted for cesarean delivery at Hospital Benito Coquet Lagunes were studied in Veracruz during 1997 and 1998. The pesticide residues were determined by gas chromatography and results obtained from different sample groups were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficients and simple lineal regression. RESULTS: Significant results expressed on fat basis of organochlorine pesticides indicate that 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) levels are higher in maternal adipose tissue (4.51 mg/kg DDE and 1.27 mg/kg pp'DDT), maternal blood serum (4.45 mg/kg DDE and 0.78 mg/kg pp'DDT), and umbilical blood serum (4.70 mg/kg DDE and 0.88 mg/kg pp'DDT), due to greater affinity of DDT for lipids. CONCLUSIONS: The statistical evaluation of results and the pairing of samples analyzed indicate that absorbed organochlorine pesticides cross the placental barrier and reach a balanced state between mother and fetus.<br>OBJETIVO: Como consecuencia de la exposición ambiental a los plaguicidas organoclorados éstos se acumulan en tejidos ricos en grasa, como el adiposo materno, y se distribuyen en el suero materno y el suero del cordón umbilical. Para establecer la distribución en el organismo humano, se comparó el gradiente de concentración de los plaguicidas organoclorados entre estos compartimentos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se tomaron las muestras de tejido adiposo materno, suero materno y suero del cordón umbilical de 64 participantes voluntarias admitidas para cesárea en el Hospital Benito Coquet Lagunes, de la ciudad de Veracruz, Veracruz, México, durante el periodo 1997-1998. Los residuos de plaguicidas se determinaron por cromatografía de gases y sus resultados se correlacionaron entre las muestras por medio del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson y regresión lineal simple. RESULTADOS: Los resultados más significativos expresados en base lipídica indican que las concentraciones del DDT fueron más altas en el tejido adiposo materno (4.51 mg/kg DDE y 1.27 mg/kg pp'DDT), suero materno (4.45 mg/kg DDE y 0.78 mg/kg pp'DDT) y suero del cordón umbilical (4.70 mg/kg DDE y 0.88 mg/kg pp'DDT), debido a su mayor afinidad a los lípidos. CONCLUSIONES: La evaluación estadística de los resultados y el pareado entre las muestras indican que los plaguicidas organoclorados absorbidos atraviesan la barrera placentaria y forman un equilibrio entre el organismo materno y el feto

    Comparative anatomy of the frontal sinuses in the primitive sabre-toothed felid <i>Promegantereon ogygia</i> (Felidae, Machairodontinae) and similarly sized extant felines

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    In the present work, the frontal sinuses of the sabre-toothed felid Promegantereon ogygia are analysed, in comparison to those of the extant felines <i>Acinonyx jubatus, Puma conocolor</i> and <i>Panthera pardus</i>, of similar body weight. The study was carried out using 3D virtual models obtained from CT Scan images, a non-destructive technique that has revealed as a powerful tool for accessing to all kind of intracranial information. Our study shows that the frontal sinuses of <i>P. ogygia</i> were more similar to those of <i>P. concolor</i>, both in the presence of several struts reinforcing the dorsal part, and in the development of a remarkable caudal expansion. This caudal expansion would act as a thermal insulator of the brain, and would indicate a more open environment than previously supposed for this species, whereas the struts would be related to biomechanical stresses produced during the “canine shear-bite”, the killing method of the machairodontines.<br><br>En el presente trabajo, se analizan los senos frontales del félido dientes de sable Promegantereon ogygia, en comparación con los de los felinos actuales <i>Acinonyx jubatus, Puma conocolor</i> y <i>Panthera pardus</i>, de similar peso corporal. El estudio se llevó a cabo utilizando modelos virtuales 3D obtenidos por tomografía axial computerizada, una técnica no destructiva que se ha revelado como una poderosa herramienta para acceder a todo tipo de información intracraneal. Nuestro estudio muestra que los senos frontales de <i>P. ogygia</i> eran más similares a los de <i>P. concolor</i>, tanto en la presencia de varios puntales óseos de refuerzo de la parte dorsal, y en el desarrollo de una notable expansión caudal. Esta expansión caudal actuaría como un aislante térmico del cerebro, y podría indicar un entorno más abierto de lo que se supone para esta especie, mientras que los puntales óseos se relacionarían con tensiones biomecánicas producidas durante el mordisco típico de los macairodontinos, el método de ataque de los machairodontinos