60 research outputs found

    Coupling of equatorial Atlantic surface stratification to glacial shifts in the tropical rainbelt

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    The modern state of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation promotes a northerly maximum of tropical rainfall associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). For continental regions, abrupt millennial–scale meridional shifts of this rainbelt are well documented, but the behavior of its oceanic counterpart is unclear due the lack of a robust proxy and high temporal resolution records. Here we show that the Atlantic ITCZ leaves a distinct signature in planktonic foraminifera assemblages. We applied this proxy to investigate the history of the Atlantic ITCZ for the last 30,000 years based on two high temporal resolution records from the western Atlantic Ocean. Our reconstruction indicates that the shallowest mixed layer associated with the Atlantic ITCZ unambiguously shifted meridionally in response to changes in the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning with a southward displacement during Heinrich Stadials 2–1 and the Younger Dryas. We conclude that the Atlantic ITCZ was located at ca. 1°S (ca. 5° to the south of its modern annual mean position) during Heinrich Stadial 1. This supports a previous hypothesis, which postulates a southern hemisphere position of the oceanic ITCZ during climatic states with substantially reduced or absent cross-equatorial oceanic meridional heat transport

    A Mathematical Model to Optimize the Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Treatment Sequence for Triple-Negative Locally Advanced Breast Cancer

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    Background: Triple-negative locally advanced breast cancer is an aggressive tumor type. Currently, the standard sequence treatment is applied, administering anthracyclines first and then a taxane plus platinum. Clinical studies for all possible treatment combinations are not practical or affordable, but mathematical modeling of the active mitotic cell population is possible. Our study aims to show the regions with the tumor’s most substantial cellular population variation by utilizing all possible values of the parameters () that define the annihilatory drug capacity according to the proposed treatment. Method: A piecewise linear mathematical model was used to analyze the cell population growth by applying four treatments: standard sequences of 21 days (SS21) and 14 days (SS14), administering anthracyclines first, followed by a taxane plus platinum, and inverted sequences of 21 days (IS21) and 14 days (IS14), administering a taxane plus platinum first then anthracyclines. Results: The simulation showed a higher effect of IS14 over SS14 when the rate of drug resistance was larger in the cell population during DNA synthesis (G1 and S) compared to cells in mitosis (G2 and M). However, if the proportion of resistant cells in both populations was equivalent, then treatments did not differ. Conclusions: When resistance is considerable, IS14 is more efficient than SS14, reducing the tumor population to a minimum

    Solar city indicator: a methodology to predict city level PV installed capacity by combining physical capacity and socio-economic factors

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    Shifting to renewable sources of electricity is imperative in achieving global reductions in carbon emissions and ensuring future energy security. One technology, solar photovoltaics (PV), has begun to generate a noticeable contribution to the electricity mix in numerous countries. However, the upper limits of this contribution have not been explored in a way that combines both building-by-building solar resource appraisals with the city-scale socio-economic contexts that dictate PV uptake. This paper presents such a method, whereby a ‘Solar City Indicator’ is calculated and used to rank cities by their capacity to generate electricity from roof-mounted PV. Seven major UK cities were chosen for analysis based on available data; Dundee, Derby, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leicester, Nottingham and Sheffield. The physical capacity of each city was established using a GIS-based methodology, exploiting digital surface models and LiDAR data, with distinct methodologies for large and small properties. Socio-economic factors (income, education, environmental consciousness, building stock and ownership) were chosen based on existing literature and correlation with current levels of PV installations. These factors were enumerated using data that was readily available across each city. Results show that Derby has the greatest potential of all the cities analysed, as it offers both good physical and socio-economic potential. In terms of physical capacity it was seen that over a 15 year payback period there are two plateaus, showing a marked difference in viability between small and large PV arrays. It was found that both the physical and socio-economic potential of a city are strongly influenced by the nature of the local building stock. This study also identifies areas where policy needs to be focused in order to encourage uptake and highlights factors limiting maximum PV uptake. While this methodology has been demonstrated using UK cities, it is equally applicable to any country where city data is available

    Holocene records in the southeastern Bay of Biscay: global versus regional climate signals

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    Core KS10b (North East Atlantic, water depth 550 m) was recovered at a location of high sediment deposition including a high-resolution palaeoclimatic record for the southeastern Bay of Biscay (BoB) over the last 9.0 cal ka BP. The effect of global and regional climatic forcing factors (e.g. orbital forcing, North Atlantic Oscillation: NAO) and their subsequent control on water temperature, sea-level, hydrology and continental influence were investigated by studying foraminiferal faunas, sedimentology, and stable isotopes. Results indicate probable episodic incursions of the warm and salty Iberian Poleward Current (IPC) into the BoB by the intermittent presence of the subtropical species Globigerinoides ruber. These incursions seem to be triggered by negative NAO-like conditions. Our data show five main climatic periods, which are in general agreement with literature data on the climatic variability in the North Atlantic and the Iberian Peninsula: The early Holocene (~9.0–7.4 cal ka BP) is characterised by low sea-level, significant downslope transport, eutrophic benthic settings and high surface water productivity. These environmental characteristics are probably due to the general wet and warm climate under a prevailing negative NAO, increasing precipitation and river runoff and favouring the incursion of the IPC into the BoB. The climatic optimum appears between ~7.4 and 6.0 cal ka BP under a generally positive NAO index. In the following (~6.0–3.5 cal ka BP), surface water cooling is matching a steep decline of the Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Meanwhile, benthic settings are changing progressively towards present day trophic conditions. The time interval from ~3.5 to 1.8 cal ka BP encompasses the Iberian-Roman Humid period characterised by warm and humid conditions, and increasing primary production under a prevailing negative NAO index. The last 1.8 ka were characterised by stable cool conditions, reflecting a change towards a positive NAO state

    Coupling of equatorial Atlantic surface stratification to glacial shifts in the tropical rainbelt

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    The modern state of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation promotes a northerly maximum of tropical rainfall associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). For continental regions, abrupt millennial–scale meridional shifts of this rainbelt are well documented, but the behavior of its oceanic counterpart is unclear due the lack of a robust proxy and high temporal resolution records. Here we show that the Atlantic ITCZ leaves a distinct signature in planktonic foraminifera assemblages. We applied this proxy to investigate the history of the Atlantic ITCZ for the last 30,000 years based on two high temporal resolution records from the western Atlantic Ocean. Our reconstruction indicates that the shallowest mixed layer associated with the Atlantic ITCZ unambiguously shifted meridionally in response to changes in the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning with a southward displacement during Heinrich Stadials 2–1 and the Younger Dryas. We conclude that the Atlantic ITCZ was located at ca. 1°S (ca. 5° to the south of its modern annual mean position) during Heinrich Stadial 1. This supports a previous hypothesis, which postulates a southern hemisphere position of the oceanic ITCZ during climatic states with substantially reduced or absent cross-equatorial oceanic meridional heat transport

    Aspergillus Niger QH27 in the Removal of Toxic Dyes: Biosorption of Eriochrome Black T Under Various Experimental Conditions

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    Water pollution by toxic dyes such as Eriochrome Black T (EBT) is an increasing environmental issue, and the use of biosorbents represents a sustainable alternative for their treatment. In this study, the ability of Aspergillus niger QH27 fungal biomass in removing EBT under various experimental conditions was investigated. The main objective was to evaluate biosorption efficiency and determine the optimal conditions for dye removal. The methodology consisted of performing experiments by varying pH (5, 7 and 9) and agitation speed (100, 150 and 200 rpm), and analysing dye removal efficiency and adsorption capacity. Results showed that EBT removal was most effective at low pH values and higher agitation speeds. At a pH of 5 and agitation of 200 rpm, the maximum removal efficiency (99.17 %) and adsorption capacity (1.24 mg/g) were achieved. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses were carried out to examine the changes in functional groups of fungal biomass before and after EBT biosorption. FTIR results suggested the active involvement of these groups in the dye removal process. In conclusion, Aspergillus niger QH27 biomass proved to be an efficient biosorbent for the removal of EBT dye in aqueous solutions. This study provides valuable information for the development of sustainable and low-cost strategies in treating wastewater contaminated with dyes and expands the knowledge of dye biosorption using fungal biomass

    Environmental Predictors of Diversity in Recent Planktonic Foraminifera as Recorded in Marine Sediments

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    © 2016 Fenton et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. [4.0 license]. The attached file is the published version of the article