454 research outputs found

    Podvodnoe zoloto. Nicšeanskie motivy v "Dare" Nabokova

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    This collection brings together the articles dedicated to the 60th birthday of Professor Wolf Schmid, one of the foremost literary scholars of our times who made a crucial contribution to a wide range of scholarly fields: narratology, poetics, history of Russian and Slavic literature, Pushkin and Dostoevsky. The contributors form a distinguished international group of prominent scholars whose essays in this volume further develop Wolf Schmid\u27s narratological theory, shed new light on major works of literature and offer fascinating new insights into various periods of literary history.This collection brings together the articles dedicated to the 60th birthday of Professor Wolf Schmid, one of the foremost literary scholars of our times who made a crucial contribution to a wide range of scholarly fields: narratology, poetics, history of Russian and Slavic literature, Pushkin and Dostoevsky. The contributors form a distinguished international group of prominent scholars whose essays in this volume further develop Wolf Schmid\u27s narratological theory, shed new light on major works of literature and offer fascinating new insights into various periods of literary history

    The concept of optimal bar roll pass design. Report 4. Optimization of roll pass design scheme

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    Roll pass design of shape rolling rolls is considered from the standpoint of system analysis within “UrFU concept of optimal roll pass design” created in the Chair “Metal Forming” of the Ural Federal University. Roll pass design as a technological system can be changed in two methods: 1) changing the structure of the system which corresponds to a change in the groove shape; 2) changing the control of the system, which corresponds to changing reduction through the pass in the grooves, that is, by changing the reduction mode. Roll pass design that compose of the definite grooves and realize the definite reduction mode, which assures of optimal properties of preassigned objective function depending on the specified parameters, is considered optimal. General conception of two-stage optimization of roll pass design: consistent conduct of optimization of roll pass design scheme (first stage of optimization) and mode of reduction (second stage of optimization), was considered in previous reports. Procedures of formation of optimization space for first stage – space of virtual schemes of roll pass design generated by the special generator and set of all possible types of grooves that can be used at this particular stage of rolling, were also described. To calculate the objective function of the optimality criterion of the roll pass design scheme, the authors introduced the concept of “space of grooves efficiency”. Formation of this space is carried out using a formalized procedure for expert evaluation of the degree of influence of various permissible forms of grooves used in roll pass design on the diverse technological, economic and other characteristics of a particular rolling mill. The objective function is calculated as variance of integral performance indicators of the grooves included in the roll pass design relative to the hypothetical “ideal” groove with the best values of the selected performance indicators. The roll pass design scheme corresponding to the minimum value of the objective function is considered the best. © 2022 National University of Science and Technology MISIS. All rights reserved

    Concept of Optimal Bar Roll Pass Design. Report 4. Optimization of Roll Pass Design Scheme

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    Abstract: This study considers roll pass design from the standpoint of system-level analysis within the UrFU concept of optimal roll pass design developed at the Department of Metal Forming of the Ural Federal University. Roll pass design as a process system is changed by two methods, that is, either by changing the structure of the system, which corresponds to changes in the groove shape, or by changing the control of the system, which corresponds to changing reductions by passes in one and the same grooves, that is, by changing reduction mode. The roll pass design that is considered optimal contains such grooves and uses such reduction mode, at which the extreme properties of preset target functions are ensured depending on the indicated parameters. In previous reports, the general concept of the two-stage optimization of roll pass design is considered. This concept implies a consistent optimization of the roll pass design scheme (optimization stage one) and reduction mode (optimization stage two). In addition, procedures of shaping the optimization space for stage one are considered. This space includes virtual roll pass design schemes and is shaped by the special generator of these schemes and the set of all possible types of grooves that can be used at this particular stage of rolling. To calculate the target function of the optimality criterion of the roll pass design scheme, the groove efficiency space concept is introduced. This space is shaped by the formalized expert assessment of the degree of influence of various permissible forms of grooves used in roll pass design on the diverse technological, economic and other characteristics of a particular rolling mill. The target function is calculated as variance of integral performance indicators of the grooves included in the roll pass design relative to the hypothetical ideal groove with the best values of selected performance indicators. The roll pass design scheme corresponding to the minimal target function is considered the best. © 2022, Allerton Press, Inc

    Concrete–abstract–new-concrete: Freudenthal and Davydov in advancing embodied design framework: Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 12)

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    Freudenthal and Davydov-two giants of mathematics education research-had a similar sophisticated vision on the position of mathematical models and symbols in abstract-concrete dialectics. In our vertical analysis of those approaches, we integrate them in a spiral vision of mathematics learning. Starting from concrete enactment, students abstract previously latent aspects of their reality. Further, students fixate abstract ideas in mathematical artifacts, which in turn enable new concrete experiences. We show how local integration of two theoretical approaches can support an empirical analysis of embodied design for proportions and act as backing a design heuristic for embodied technologically supported activities

    Optimization of roll calibration for flange shape rolling. Groove space

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    The most important component of any rolling mill is the calibration of the rolls. The ability to obtain a finished product of high quality at minimal cost depends on the right calibration. According to the previous experience and practice a large number of different calibrations for the flange profiles production are known. The universal 'concept of two-stage optimization', consisting of two successively carried out optimization stages developed in the Department of Metal Forming of the Ural Federal University in relation to optimization of the roll calibration for flange shape rolling is considered in this article. Common features of these shapes classification and their variation levels are identified and justified. This developed classification structure is the basis for the formation of spaces of groove schemes, due to which the groove space is formed. In the software implementation the groove space is represented as a 'groove database'. In the future this database will be used to form the space of calibration schemes that are fundamentally suitable for these shapes rolling. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project 20-38-90246

    Minimal deformations of the commutative algebra and the linear group GL(n)

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    We consider the relations of generalized commutativity in the algebra of formal series Mq(xi) M_q (x^i ) , which conserve a tensor Iq I_q -grading and depend on parameters q(i,k) q(i,k) . We choose the Iq I_q -preserving version of differential calculus on Mq M_q . A new construction of the symmetrized tensor product for Mq M_q -type algebras and the corresponding definition of minimally deformed linear group QGL(n) QGL(n) and Lie algebra qgl(n) qgl(n) are proposed. We study the connection of QGL(n) QGL(n) and qgl(n) qgl(n) with the special matrix algebra \mbox{Mat} (n,Q) containing matrices with noncommutative elements. A definition of the deformed determinant in the algebra \mbox{Mat} (n,Q) is given. The exponential parametrization in the algebra \mbox{Mat} (n,Q) is considered on the basis of Campbell-Hausdorf formula.Comment: 14 page

    Робочий зошит для лабораторних робіт з курсу „Анатомія людини”

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    Розроблений згідно навчальної програми з курсу «Анатомія людини» згідно вимог кредитно-модульної системи навчання. Містить елементи робочої програми, методичні вказівки до лабораторних робіт та перелік запитань для контролю знань при самостійному вивченні окремих розділів програми. Рекомендований для студентів біологічного факультету денної форми навчанняРобочий зошит з матрицею протоколів 10-и лабораторних робіт, визначених навчальним планом та складеною за новим Державним стандартом спеціальності „Біологія” робочою програмою з курсу „Анатомія людини”. Для орієнтування у об’ємі матеріалу, який потрібно засвоїти, перші сторінки висвітлюють структуру курсу „Анатомія людини”, теми лекцій з переліком питань, що планується розкрити в ході їх читання, тематику лабораторних робіт. Кожен протокол лабораторного заняття має порядковий номер, тему, мету, завдання, які необхідно виконати, перелік літератури, якою можна скористатися при вивченні даної теми (з вказаними сторінками). На порожніх сторінках необхідно зробити замальовки і написи (українською і латинською мовами), скласти необхідні схеми, таблиці, короткі нотатки тощо. Протокол закінчується висновками. Для того, щоб зорієнтуватися в переліку питань для самостійного опрацювання за кожною з виучуваних в курсі „Анатомія людини” темою, у зошиті подані запитання для самостійної роботи. У зошиті вміщено також перелік запитань до екзамену, який буде складати кожен студент у ІІІ семестрі. Список основної і додаткової літератури, що рекомендується використати для глибокого засвоєння матеріалу з „Анатомії людини” додається в кінці зошита і допоможе кожному студенту успішно вивчити будову організму людини. На форзаці видрукувані норми оцінювання знань та умінь

    Бад Киссинген (Bad Kissingen) — основной гастроэнтерологический курорт Германии

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    The information on the largest gastroenterology resort of Germany Bud Kissingen is presented. The main medical factor of a resort is external and especially internal application of mineral waters. With medical objective Bud Kissingen uses seven sources. The information on history of opening, structure of water of sources, the basic places of interest, medical means of a resort is given.Представлена информация о крупнейшем гастроэнтерологическом курорте Германии Бад Киссинген. Главным лечебным фактором курорта является наружное и особенно внутреннее применение минеральных вод. С лечебной целью Бад Киссинген использует семь источников. Дана информация об истории открытия, составе воды источников, основных достопримечательностях, лечебных средствах курорта

    Increasing the quantum efficiency of InAs/GaAs QD arrays for solar cells grown by MOVPE without using strain-balance technology

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    Research into the formation of InAs quantum dots (QDs) in GaAs using the metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy technique ispresented. This technique is deemed to be cheaper than the more often used and studied molecular beam epitaxy. The bestconditions for obtaining a high photoluminescence response, indicating a good material quality, have been found among awide range of possibilities. Solar cells with an excellent quantum ef?ciency have been obtained, with a sub-bandgapphoto-response of 0.07 mA/cm2per QD layer, the highest achieved so far with the InAs/GaAs system, proving the potentialof this technology to be able to increase the ef?ciency of lattice-matched multi-junction solar cells and contributing to abetter understanding of QD technology toward the achievement of practical intermediate-band solar cells