468 research outputs found

    Behaviors of dissolved and particulate Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb during a mesoscale Fe enrichment experiment (SEEDS II) in the western North Pacific

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    During mesoscale Fe enrichment (SEEDS II) in the western North Pacific ocean, we investigated dissolved and particulate Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in seawater from both field observation and shipboard bottle incubation of a natural phytoplankton assemblage with Fea ddition. Before the Fe enrichment, strong correlations between dissolved trace metals (Ni, Zn and Cd) and PO43-, and between particulate trace metals (Ni, Zn and Cd) and chlorophyll-a were obtained, suggesting that biogeochemical cycles mainly control the distributions of Ni, Zn and Cd in the study area. Average concentrations of dissolved Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in the surface mixed layer (0–20m) were 70 pM, 4.9, 2.1, 1.6, 0.48 nM and 52 pM, respectively, and those for the particulate species were 1.7 pM, 0.052, 0.094, 0.46, 0.037 nM and 5.2 pM, respectively. After Fe enrichment, chlorophyll-a increased 3 fold (up to 3 mg/L) during developing phases of the bloom (12 days). Mesozooplankton biomass also increased. Particulate Co, Ni, Cu and Cd inside the patch increase in the concentrations, but there were no analytically significant differences between concentrations inside and outside the patch. The bottle incubation with Fe addition (1 nM) showed an increase in chlorophyll-a (8.9 mg/L) and raised the particulate fraction up to 3–45% for all the metals, accompanying changes in Si/P, Zn/P and Cd/P. These results suggest that Fe addition lead to changes in biogeochemical cycling of trace metals. The comparison between the mesoscale Fe enrichment and the bottle incubation experiment suggests that although Fe was a limiting factor for the growth of phytoplankton, the enhanced biomass of mesozooplankton also limited the growth of phytoplankton and the transformation of trace metal speciation during the mesoscale Fe enrichment. Sediment trap data and the elemental ratios taken up by phytoplankton suggest that export loss was another reason that no detectable change in the concentrations of particulate trace metals was observed during the mesoscale Fe enrichment

    Distribution of Faraday Rotation Measure in Jets from Active Galactic Nuclei II. Prediction from our Sweeping Magnetic Twist Model for the Wiggled Parts of AGN Jets and Tails

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    Distributions of Faraday rotation measure (FRM) and the projected magnetic field derived by a 3-dimensional simulation of MHD jets are investigated based on our "sweeping magnetic twist model". FRM and Stokes parameters were calculated to be compared with radio observations of large scale wiggled AGN jets on kpc scales. We propose that the FRM distribution can be used to discuss the 3-dimensional structure of magnetic field around jets and the validity of existing theoretical models, together with the projected magnetic field derived from Stokes parameters. In the previous paper, we investigated the basic straight part of AGN jets by using the result of a 2-dimensional axisymmetric simulation. The derived FRM distribution has a general tendency to have a gradient across the jet axis, which is due to the toroidal component of the magnetic field generated by the rotation of the accretion disk. In this paper, we consider the wiggled structure of the AGN jets by using the result of a 3-dimensional simulation. Our numerical results show that the distributions of FRM and the projected magnetic field have a clear correlation with the large scale structure of the jet itself, namely, 3-dimensional helix. Distributions, seeing the jet from a certain direction, show a good matching with those in a part of 3C449 jet. This suggests that the jet has a helical structure and that the magnetic field (especially the toroidal component) plays an important role in the dynamics of the wiggle formation because it is due to a current-driven helical kink instability in our model.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Standards of evidence in chronobiology: critical review of a report that restoration of Bmal1 expression in the dorsomedial hypothalamus is sufficient to restore circadian food anticipatory rhythms in Bmal1-/- mice

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    Daily feeding schedules generate food anticipatory rhythms of behavior and physiology that exhibit canonical properties of circadian clock control. The molecular mechanisms and location of food-entrainable circadian oscillators hypothesized to control food anticipatory rhythms are unknown. In 2008, Fuller et al reported that food-entrainable circadian rhythms are absent in mice bearing a null mutation of the circadian clock gene Bmal1 and that these rhythms can be rescued by virally-mediated restoration of Bmal1 expression in the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (DMH) but not in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (site of the master light-entrainable circadian pacemaker). These results, taken together with controversial DMH lesion results published by the same laboratory, appear to establish the DMH as the site of a Bmal1-dependent circadian mechanism necessary and sufficient for food anticipatory rhythms. However, careful examination of the manuscript reveals numerous weaknesses in the evidence as presented. These problems are grouped as follows and elaborated in detail: 1. data management issues (apparent misalignments of plotted data), 2. failure of evidence to support the major conclusions, and 3. missing data and methodological details. The Fuller et al results are therefore considered inconclusive, and fail to clarify the role of either the DMH or Bmal1 in the expression of food-entrainable circadian rhythms in rodents

    The Effects of Magnetic Fields and Inhomogeneities on Accretion Disk Spectra and Polarization

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    We present the results of one and three-dimensional radiative transfer calculations of polarized spectra emerging from snapshots of radiation magnetohydrodynamical simulations of the local vertical structure of black hole accretion disks. The simulations cover a wide range of physical regimes relevant for the high/soft state of black hole X-ray binaries. We constrain the uncertainties in theoretical spectral color correction factors due to the presence of magnetic support of the disk surface layers and strong density inhomogeneities. For the radiation dominated simulation, magnetic support increases the color correction factor by about ten percent, but this is largely compensated by a ten percent softening due to inhomogeneities. We also compute the effects of inhomogeneities and Faraday rotation on the resulting polarization. Magnetic fields in the simulations are just strong enough to produce significant Faraday depolarization near the spectral peak of the radiation field. X-ray polarimetry may therefore be a valuable diagnostic of accretion disk magnetic fields, being able to directly test simulations of magnetorotational turbulence.Comment: 18 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Hair follicle epidermal stem cells define a niche for tactile sensation

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    The heterogeneity and compartmentalization of stem cells is a common principle in many epithelia, and is known to function in epithelial maintenance, but its other physiological roles remain elusive. Here we show transcriptional and anatomical contributions of compartmentalized epidermal stem cells in tactile sensory unit formation in the mouse hair follicle. Epidermal stem cells in the follicle upper-bulge, where mechanosensory lanceolate complexes innervate, express a unique set of extracellular matrix (ECM) and neurogenesis-related genes. These epidermal stem cells deposit an ECM protein called EGFL6 into the collar matrix, a novel ECM that tightly ensheathes lanceolate complexes. EGFL6 is required for the proper patterning, touch responses, and αv integrin-enrichment of lanceolate complexes. By maintaining a quiescent original epidermal stem cell niche, the old bulge, epidermal stem cells provide anatomically stable follicle–lanceolate complex interfaces, irrespective of the stage of follicle regeneration cycle. Thus, compartmentalized epidermal stem cells provide a niche linking the hair follicle and the nervous system throughout the hair cycle

    Enhancing caregivers’ understanding of dementia and tailoring activities in frontotemporal dementia:two case studies

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    PURPOSE: To describe the intervention process and results of the Tailored Activities Program (TAP) in two people diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). METHOD: TAP is an occupational therapy (OT) community-based intervention program that prescribes personalised activities to reduce difficult behaviours of dementia. The OT works with carers over a 4-month period (assessment, activity prescription, and generalisation of strategies). Study measures were collected (blind researcher) pre- and post- intervention: cognition, functional disability, behavioural symptoms, and Caregiver Confidence and Vigilance. RESULTS: A 51-year-old woman with behavioural-variant FTD could consistently engage in more activities post-intervention, with scores indicating improvements to behaviour, function, and caregiver confidence. A 63-year-old man with semantic variant FTD engaged well in the prescribed activities, with scores reflecting reduced carer distress regarding challenging behaviours and improved caregiver vigilance. CONCLUSIONS: TAP is efficacious in FTD, allowing for differences in approach for FTD subtype, where behavioural symptoms are very severe and pervasive

    Numerical Examination of the Stability of an Exact Two-dimensional Solution for Flux Pile-up Magnetic Reconnection

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    The Kelvin--Helmholtz (KH) and tearing instabilities are likely to be important for the process of fast magnetic reconnection that is believed to explain the observed explosive energy release in solar flares. Theoretical studies of the instabilities, however, typically invoke simplified initial magnetic and velocity fields that are not solutions of the governing magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. In the present study, the stability of a reconnecting current sheet is examined using a class of exact global MHD solutions for steady state incompressible magnetic reconnection, discovered by Craig & Henton. Numerical simulation indicates that the outflow solutions where the current sheet is formed by strong shearing flows are subject to the KH instability. The inflow solutions where the current sheet is formed by a fast and weakly sheared inflow are shown to be tearing unstable. Although the observed instability of the solutions can be interpreted qualitatively by applying standard linear results for the KH and tearing instabilities, the magnetic field and plasma flow, specified by the Craig--Henton solution, lead to the stabilization of the current sheet in some cases. The sensitivity of the instability growth rate to the global geometry of magnetic reconnection may help in solving the trigger problem in solar flare research.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Associated movie files and a PDF with high-resolution figures are available at http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~shirose/Craig

    Evolving a photosynthetic organelle

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    The evolution of plastids from cyanobacteria is believed to represent a singularity in the history of life. The enigmatic amoeba Paulinella and its 'recently' acquired photosynthetic inclusions provide a fascinating system through which to gain fresh insight into how endosymbionts become organelles
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