958 research outputs found

    Uses and Effects of Religious Programs among Yemeni Audiences

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    Abstract: The study aims to contribute to the current under–standing of how audiences make use of religious programs broadcasted in both religious satellite channels (RSCs) and Arabic satellite channels. 210 respondents were surveyed to address the nature of exposure to RSCs and religious pro–grams, motives, and attitudes toward them. Utilizing uses and effect approach and Hall’s encoding and decoding model of media discourses, this study confirms a high expo–sure to RSCs among adult television viewers in Yemen. Of religious contents, Islamic lectures particularly represent the most watched program by respondents. It also states that emotional effects represent the prominent effects of religious programs uses followed by normative, and limited beha–vioral effects.Keywords: religious programs, uses and effects approach, Hall's encoding/decoding model, Yemeni audience

    Recent H-alpha results on pulsar B2224+65's bow-shock nebula, the "Guitar"

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    We used the 4 m Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT) at Lowell observatory in 2014 to observe the Guitar Nebula, an Hα bow-shock nebula around the high-velocity radio pulsar B2224+65. Since the nebula`s discovery in 1992, the structure of the bow-shock has undergone significant dynamical changes. We have observed the limb structure, targeting the "body" and "neck" of the guitar. Comparing the DCT observations to 1995 observations with the Palomar 200-inch Hale telescope, we found changes in both spatial structure and surface brightness in the tip, head, and body of the nebula

    Systematic and Stochastic Variations in Pulsar Dispersion Measures

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    We analyze deterministic and random temporal variations in dispersion measure (DM) from the full three-dimensional velocities of pulsars with respect to the solar system, combined with electron-density variations on a wide range of length scales. Previous treatments have largely ignored the pulsar's changing distance while favoring interpretations involving the change in sky position from transverse motion. Linear trends in pulsar DMs seen over 5-10~year timescales may signify sizable DM gradients in the interstellar medium (ISM) sampled by the changing direction of the line of sight to the pulsar. We show that motions parallel to the line of sight can also account for linear trends, for the apparent excess of DM variance over that extrapolated from scintillation measurements, and for the apparent non-Kolmogorov scalings of DM structure functions inferred in some cases. Pulsar motions through atomic gas may produce bow-shock ionized gas that also contributes to DM variations. We discuss possible causes of periodic or quasi-periodic changes in DM, including seasonal changes in the ionosphere, annual variation of the solar elongation angle, structure in the heliosphere-ISM boundary, and substructure in the ISM. We assess the solar cycle's role on the amplitude of ionospheric and solar-wind variations. Interstellar refraction can produce cyclic timing variations from the error in transforming arrival times to the solar system barycenter. We apply our methods to DM time series and DM gradient measurements in the literature and assess consistency with a Kolmogorov medium. Finally, we discuss the implications of DM modeling in precision pulsar timing experiments.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figures, published in Ap

    Evaluación de cáscaras de maní como alternativa a arcillas decolorantes

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    Peanut hulls (PNH) were carbonized at different temperatures, times, and evaluated at different concentrations as an alternative to bleaching clays. Evaluation of bleached crude soybean oil with PNH was based on their delta free fatty acids, reduction in peroxide value (PV), reduction in phospholipids (PL) and bleachability. The performance of several commercially used bleaching clays was evaluated, for comparison. Mixtures were formulated including: PNH and Tonsil -N (TN), PNH and Fuller’s earth (FE) and PNH and O-passive (OP) and examined. The oxidative stability of oils was determined. Results for the investigated commercial bleaching clays revealed: TN > FE > F > TF > OP. Highest reduction in PV and PL, and highest bleachability were achieved for soybean oil bleached with 2% PNH carbonized at 500°C for 30 min (PNH”). Mixtures of PNH” with the three chosen bleaching clays indicated that 1PNH”: 2TN gave the highest bleachability. CSO was miscella bleached in hexane using PNH” and resulted in an appreciable improvement in all oil characteristics, especially in bleachability. Oxidative stability of oils was in the following order: TN > control > FE > PNH” with Induction period values of 23,1 > 6,43 > 5,73 > 2,85 h, respectively.Las cáscaras de maní (PNH) fueron carbonizadas a diferentes temperaturas y tiempos, y utilizadas a diferentes concentraciones como una alternativa a las tierras decolorantes. La evaluación de un aceite de soja decolorado con PNH se ha basado en sus ácidos grasos libres, reducción del índice de peróxidos (PV), reducción de los fosfolípidos (PL), y en la blanqueabilidad. El rendimiento de varias tierras decolorantes de uso comercial fue evaluado y comparado con el de PNH carbonizada. Las mezclas formuladas incluían: PNH y Tonsil-N (TN), PNH y tierras de Fuller (FE) y PNH y O-pasivo (OP). La estabilidad oxidativa de los aceites resultantes fue determinada. Los resultados revelaron que la efectividad de la decoloración con las tierras decolorantes investigadas fue el siguiente: TN > FE > F > TF > OP. La mayor reducción en PV y PL, y la mayor decoloración se logró para el aceite de soja blanqueado con un 2% de PHN carbonizada a 500°C durante 30 min (PNH”). Las mezclas de PHN” con las tres tierras de blanqueo elegidas indicaron que 1PHN”: 2TN dio el mayor porcentaje de decoloración. La miscela de aceite de soja crudo en hexano decolorada usando PNH” resultó mejorar apreciablemente todas las características del aceite, sobre todo la blanqueabilidad. La estabilidad oxidativa fue en el siguiente orden: TN > control > FE > PNH” con valores de periodo de inducción de 23,1 > 6,43 > 5,73 > 2,85 h, respectivamente


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    Tracking the user location in indoor environment becomes substantial issue in recent research High accuracy and fast convergence are very important issues for a good localization system. One of the techniques that are used in localization systems is particle swarm optimization (PSO). This technique is a stochastic optimization based on the movement and velocity of particles. In this paper, we introduce an algorithm using PSO for indoor localization system. The proposed algorithm uses PSO to generate several particles that have circular distribution around one access point (AP). The PSO generates particles where the distance from each particle to the AP is the same distance from the AP to the target. The particle which achieves correct distances (distances from each AP to target) is selected as the target. Four PSO variants, namely standard PSO (SPSO), linearly decreasing inertia weight PSO (LDIW PSO), self-organizing hierarchical PSO with time acceleration coefficients (HPSO-TVAC), and constriction factor PSO (CFPSO) are used to find the minimum distance error. The simulation results show the proposed method using HPSO-TVAC variant achieves very low distance error of 0.19 mete

    Estudios detallados de algunos lípidos en aceite de semilla de Silybum marianum L.

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    Eight lipid patterns of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn seed oil, not hitherto reported, (20%) have been elucidated in this laboratory using capillary GLC and HPLC as main tools of analysis. The oil is rich in linoleic acid (53.3%) and oleic acid (21.3%). Five major triacylglycerols containing linoleic acyls namely LLL, LLO, LLP, LOO and LOP were detected by HPLC using FID detector, these triacylglycerols are also predominating in both cottonseed and sunflower oils but in different proportions. The total tocopherols content (260 ppm) was determined directly in the oil by HPLC. It was found that the oil contains alpha -tocopherol as a major constituent (84.5%) resembling sunflower oil. The whole sterols pattern, as determined as their trimethylsilyl derivatives by GLC, includes campesterol, 5-stigmasterol, beta-sitosterol, 7-stigmasterol, avenasterol and spinasterol. The four sterols lipid clases of free and acylated sterols and sterylglycosides have been determined as their 9- and 1- anthroylnitrile derivatives by fluorescence and UV- HPLC respectively.La composición de ocho tipos de lípidos en aceite de semillas de Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn, hasta ahora no reportados, han sido identificados en este laboratorio, usando GLC capilar y HPLC como herramientas principales de análisis. El aceite es rico en ácidos linoleico (53,3%) y oleico (21,3%). El ácido linoleico está contenido principalmente en cinco formas de triacilgliceroles: LLL, LLO, LLP, LOO y LOP, detectadas por HPLC, usando un detector FID, estos triacilgliceroles son también predominantes en los aceites de semillas de algodón o girasol, pero con diferentes proporciones. El contenido total de tocoferoles (260 ppm) fue determinado directamente en el aceite por HPLC. Se encontró que el aceite contenía alfa-tocoferol como principal constituyente (84,5%), recordando al aceite de girasol. El patrón completo de esteroles determinado por GLC como derivados de trimetilsilil incluyó campesterol, 5-estigmasterol, beta-sitosterol, 7-estigmasterol, avenasterol y spinasterol. Las cuatro clases de esteroles lipídicos, de libres y acilados esteroles y esterilglicósidos han sido determinados como sus derivados de 9- y 1- antroilnitrilo respectivamente por fluorescencia y UV- HPLC

    On supra R-open sets and some applications on topological spaces

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    In the present paper a new class of generalized supra open sets called supra R-open set is introduced. The relationships between some generalized supra open sets and this class are investigated and illustrated with enough examples. Also, new types of supra continuous maps, supra open maps, supra closed maps, and supra homeomorphism maps are studied depending on the concept of supra R-open sets. Finally, new separation axioms are dened and their several properties are studied