134 research outputs found

    A Phase I/II Study of Crizotinib for Recurrent or Refractory Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase-Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and a Phase I Study of Crizotinib for Recurrent or Refractory Neuroblastoma : Study Protocol for a Multicenter Single-arm Open-label Trial

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    Crizotinib is an inhibitor of multiple tyrosine kinases, including the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK). Responses to crizotinib have also been reported in patients with ALK-positive anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALCL) and solid tumors with ALK-mutation, including neuroblastoma. Optimal treatment for patients with recurrent or refractory ALK-positive ALCL and neuroblastoma has not been established. There is a need to develop new drugs for these patients. The objectives of this trial are to evaluate the tolerability and safety of crizotinib in Japanese patients with recurrent/refractory ALK-positive ALCL or neuroblastoma (phase I) and its efficacy in recurrent/refractory ALK-positive ALCL (phase II)

    Rare coding SNP in DZIP1 gene associated with late-onset sporadic Parkinson's disease

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    We present the first application of the hypothesis-rich mathematical theory to genome-wide association data. The Hamza et al. late-onset sporadic Parkinson's disease genome-wide association study dataset was analyzed. We found a rare, coding, non-synonymous SNP variant in the gene DZIP1 that confers increased susceptibility to Parkinson's disease. The association of DZIP1 with Parkinson's disease is consistent with a Parkinson's disease stem-cell ageing theory.Comment: 14 page

    A Multicenter, Open-label, Clinical Trial to Assess the Effectiveness and Safety of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Using Reduced-intensity Conditioning in Relapsed/refractory Anaplastic Large-cell Lymphoma in Children

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    No standard treatment for relapsed or refractory anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALCL) has been established. This study is a multicenter, open-label trial to examine the effectiveness and safety of transplantation with reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) for patients under 20 years old with relapsed or refractory ALCL. We defined RIC as the administration of fludarabine (30 mg/m2/day) for five days plus melphalan (70 mg/m2/day) for two days and total body irradiation at 4 Gy, followed by allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

    In-Vitro Helix Opening of M. tuberculosis oriC by DnaA Occurs at Precise Location and Is Inhibited by IciA Like Protein

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    BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the pathogen that causes tuberculosis, is capable of staying asymptomatically in a latent form, persisting for years in very low replicating state, before getting reactivated to cause active infection. It is therefore important to study M.tb chromosome replication, specifically its initiation and regulation. While the region between dnaA and dnaN gene is capable of autonomous replication, little is known about the interaction between DnaA initiator protein, oriC origin of replication sequences and their negative effectors of replication. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By KMnO(4) mapping assays the sequences involved in open complex formation within oriC, mediated by M.tb DnaA protein, were mapped to position -500 to -518 with respect to the dnaN gene. Contrary to E. coli, the M.tb DnaA in the presence of non-hydrolysable analogue of ATP (ATPgammaS) was unable to participate in helix opening thereby pointing to the importance of ATP hydrolysis. Interestingly, ATPase activity in the presence of supercoiled template was higher than that observed for DnaA box alone. M.tb rRv1985c, a homologue of E.coli IciA (Inhibitor of chromosomal initiation) protein, could inhibit DnaA-mediated in-vitro helix opening by specifically binding to A+T rich region of oriC, provided the open complex formation had not initiated. rIciA could also inhibit in-vitro replication of plasmid carrying the M.tb origin of replication. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results have a bearing on the functional role of the important regulator of M.tb chromosomal replication belonging to the LysR family of bacterial regulatory proteins in the context of latency

    An Invertebrate Hyperglycemic Model for the Identification of Anti-Diabetic Drugs

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    The number of individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, which is caused by insulin resistance and/or abnormal insulin secretion, is increasing worldwide, creating a strong demand for the development of more effective anti-diabetic drugs. However, animal-based screening for anti-diabetic compounds requires sacrifice of a large number of diabetic animals, which presents issues in terms of animal welfare. Here, we established a method for evaluating the anti-diabetic effects of compounds using an invertebrate animal, the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Sugar levels in silkworm hemolymph increased immediately after feeding silkworms a high glucose-containing diet, resulting in impaired growth. Human insulin and 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR), an AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activator, decreased the hemolymph sugar levels of the hyperglycemic silkworms and restored growth. Treatment of the isolated fat body with human insulin in an in vitro culture system increased total sugar in the fat body and stimulated Akt phosphorylation. These responses were inhibited by wortmannin, an inhibitor of phosphoinositide 3 kinase. Moreover, AICAR stimulated AMPK phosphorylation in the silkworm fat body. Administration of aminoguanidine, a Maillard reaction inhibitor, repressed the accumulation of Maillard reaction products (advanced glycation end-products; AGEs) in the hyperglycemic silkworms and restored growth, suggesting that the growth defect of hyperglycemic silkworms is caused by AGE accumulation in the hemolymph. Furthermore, we identified galactose as a hypoglycemic compound in jiou, an herbal medicine for diabetes, by monitoring its hypoglycemic activity in hyperglycemic silkworms. These results suggest that the hyperglycemic silkworm model is useful for identifying anti-diabetic drugs that show therapeutic effects in mammals

    Association of the Chromosome Replication Initiator DnaA with the Escherichia coli Inner Membrane In Vivo: Quantity and Mode of Binding

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    DnaA initiates chromosome replication in most known bacteria and its activity is controlled so that this event occurs only once every cell division cycle. ATP in the active ATP-DnaA is hydrolyzed after initiation and the resulting ADP is replaced with ATP on the verge of the next initiation. Two putative recycling mechanisms depend on the binding of DnaA either to the membrane or to specific chromosomal sites, promoting nucleotide dissociation. While there is no doubt that DnaA interacts with artificial membranes in vitro, it is still controversial as to whether it binds the cytoplasmic membrane in vivo. In this work we looked for DnaA-membrane interaction in E. coli cells by employing cell fractionation with both native and fluorescent DnaA hybrids. We show that about 10% of cellular DnaA is reproducibly membrane-associated. This small fraction might be physiologically significant and represent the free DnaA available for initiation, rather than the vast majority bound to the datA reservoir. Using the combination of mCherry with a variety of DnaA fragments, we demonstrate that the membrane binding function is delocalized on the surface of the protein’s domain III, rather than confined to a particular sequence. We propose a new binding-bending mechanism to explain the membrane-induced nucleotide release from DnaA. This mechanism would be fundamental to the initiation of replication

    Auxiliary role for D-alanylated wall teichoic acid in Toll-like receptor 2-mediated survival of Staphylococcus aureus in macrophages

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系We previously reported that Staphylococcus aureus avoids killing within macrophages by exploiting the action of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), which leads to the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-mediated inhibition of superoxide production. To search for bacterial components responsible for this event, a series of S. aureus mutants, in which the synthesis of the cell wall was interrupted, were screened for the level of JNK activation in macrophages. In addition to a mutant lacking the lipoproteins that have been suggested to act as a TLR2 ligand, two mutant strains were found to activate the phosphorylation of JNK to a lesser extent than the parental strain, and this defect was recovered by acquisition of the corresponding wild-type genes. Macrophages that had phagocytosed the mutant strains produced more superoxide than those engulfing the parental strain, and the mutant bacteria were more efficiently killed in macrophages than the parent. The genes mutated, dltA and tagO, encoded proteins involved in the synthesis of D-alanylated wall teichoic acid. Unlike a cell wall fraction rich in lipoproteins, d-alanine-bound wall teichoic acid purified from the parent strain by itself did not activate JNK phosphorylation in macrophages. These results suggest that the D-alanylated wall teichoic acid of S. aureus modulates the cell wall milieu for lipoproteins so that they effectively serve as a ligand for TLR2. © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Two forms of ribosomal protein L2 of Escherichia coli that inhibit DnaA in DNA replication

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    We purified an inhibitor of oriC plasmid replication and determined that it is a truncated form of ribosomal protein L2 evidently lacking 59 amino acid residues from the C-terminal region encoded by rplB. We show that this truncated form of L2 or mature L2 physically interacts with the N-terminal region of DnaA to inhibit initiation from oriC by apparently interfering with DnaA oligomer formation, and the subsequent assembly of the prepriming complex on an oriC plasmid. Both forms of L2 also inhibit the unwinding of oriC by DnaA. These in vitro results raise the possibility that one or both forms of L2 modulate DnaA function in vivo to regulate the frequency of initiation

    A Novel Gene, fudoh, in the SCCmec Region Suppresses the Colony Spreading Ability and Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureus colonies can spread on soft agar plates. We compared colony spreading of clinically isolated methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). All MSSA strains showed colony spreading, but most MRSA strains (73%) carrying SCCmec type-II showed little colony spreading. Deletion of the entire SCCmec type-II region from these MRSA strains restored colony spreading. Introduction of a novel gene, fudoh, carried by SCCmec type-II into Newman strain suppressed colony spreading. MRSA strains with high spreading ability (27%) had no fudoh or a point-mutated fudoh that did not suppress colony spreading. The fudoh-transformed Newman strain had decreased exotoxin production and attenuated virulence in mice. Most community-acquired MRSA strains carried SCCmec type-IV, which does not include fudoh, and showed high colony spreading ability. These findings suggest that fudoh in the SCCmec type-II region suppresses colony spreading and exotoxin production, and is involved in S. aureus pathogenesis

    Text-derived concept profiles support assessment of DNA microarray data for acute myeloid leukemia and for androgen receptor stimulation

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    BACKGROUND: High-throughput experiments, such as with DNA microarrays, typically result in hundreds of genes potentially relevant to the process under study, rendering the interpretation of these experiments problematic. Here, we propose and evaluate an approach to find functional associations between large numbers of genes and other biomedical concepts from free-text literature. For each gene, a profile of related concepts is constructed that summarizes the context in which the gene is mentioned in literature. We assign a weight to each concept in the profile based on a likelihood ratio measure. Gene concept profiles can then be clustered to find related genes and other concepts. RESULTS: The experimental validation was done in two steps. We first applied our method on a controlled test set. After this proved to be successful the datasets from two DNA microarray experiments were analyzed in the same way and the results were evaluated by domain experts. The first dataset was a gene-expression profile that characterizes the cancer cells of a group of acute myeloid leukemia patients. For this group of patients the biological background of the cancer cells is largely unknown. Using our methodology we found an association of these cells to monocytes, which agreed with other experimental evidence. The second data set consisted of differentially expressed genes following androgen receptor stimulation in a prostate cancer cell line. Based on the analysis we put forward a hypothesis about the biological processes induced in these studied cells: secretory lysosomes are involved in the production of prostatic fluid and their development and/or secretion are androgen-regulated processes. CONCLUSION: Our method can be used to analyze DNA microarray datasets based on information explicitly and implicitly available in the literature. We provide a publicly available tool, dubbed Anni, for this purpose