654 research outputs found

    Education on Sustainable Development Goals: Geographical Perspectives for Gender Equality in Sustainable Cities and Communities

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    Because of its interdisciplinary approach as a social science directly related to the natural sciences, geography is the academic discipline and school subject that equips students well with knowledge, skills, and values related to education on sustainable development goals. This study is part of the results of MyGEO, a project funded by the European Commission, and it is based on a collaborative mapping of streets named after women in a medium-sized city (Zaragoza, Spain), in connection with the international initiative GeoChicas (GeoGirls) on OpenStreetMap. Its main objective is to obtain evidence to emphasize, through public and digital space, gender equality and the empowerment of women in teacher education by means of their achievements. The learning methodology consists of (i) standardization and correction of alphanumeric information referring to street names contained in the OpenStreetMap spatial database that identify gender and (ii) linking and creating thematic information through Wikipedia editing. The results show that Zaragoza is at the top of the ranking of Spanish and Latin American cities mapped to date in the “Women’s Streets” viewer, with 18% of the streets named after women, compared to the average 15% in the rest of the 30 cities involved in GeoChicas. The direct participation of trainee primary and secondary schoolteachers in this project makes it possible to consolidate a narrative as well as a specific instructional design on education for sustainable development, particularly on SDG number 5 (gender balance) and SDG number 11 (sustainable cities and communities). © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Mobile learning for sustainable development and environmental teacher education

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    Outdoor learning has, for a long time, been an important instructional resource in school education, usually embedded in the natural sciences and social sciences curricula. Teaching geography, geology, or biology beyond the traditional classroom allows students to interact with physical and social environments for meaningful learning. Mobile devices that are based on geospatial technologies have provided more accurate data, but also a combined instructional design with other WebGIS, map viewers, or geographic information system (GIS) layers, which are useful to foster education for sustainable development. This paper analyzes the applications of mobile learning based on citizen science and volunteer geographic information, but also on the growing awareness that citizens and educators need a set of digital competencies to enhance and innovate lifelong learning and active citizenship. The empirical research aims to measure teacher–training experience, highlighting the potential of mobile devices and their applications in environmental education. Data collected from the research and results prove the positive impact of mobile learning in environmental education. Finally, a discussion about mobile learning and education for sustainable development is provided

    Analysis of Documental Heritage of CETA in Standardization of the Spanish Manufacturing Automotive Industry

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    AbstractStandardization has taken an active role in the development of several main industrial sectors and the automotive sector has been one of them. Current work shows the collection, analysis, revision and management process developed on CETA (Center of Automotive Technical Study) standards related to the manufacturing automotive sector, an unknown element of Spanish standardization heritage. Also, a comparative evaluation between CETA standards and current UNE standards has been performed. The results show that CETA standards have had a positive influence in the evolution of the automotive sector as well as an important contribution to the contents of the UNE standards

    Design considerations for tailoring the thickness profile of transparent dielectric deposits by continuous-wave laser deposition

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    The distribution of a transparent dielectric material deposited onto a planar substrate by a continuous-wave laser is studied concerning the dependence on the light-intensity distribution. Theory is derived to model the thickness profile of the condensed material, with the aim of supporting the fabrication of free-from optics. Experiments have been performed to test the theory on the basis of an infrared-transmitting chalcogenide glass.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia FIS2008- 00260Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de Andalucía FQM-423

    Escala de Dificuldades De Regulação Emocional (DERS): análise fatorial numa amostra colombiana

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    La Escala de Dificultades en la Regulación Emocional (DERS, por sus siglas en inglés) es un instrumento diseñado para medir la Desregulación Emocional. El presente estudio buscó identificar la consistencia de los factores incluidos en el DERS, y la relevancia de los ítems en cada uno de ellos. Los participantes fueron 251 estudiantes, 68% mujeres, de una universidad en Bogotá-Colombia. En esta investigación se evaluaron los componentes del DERS: (a) no-aceptación, (b) metas, (c) impulsividad, (d) estrategias, (e) conciencia, y (f) claridad. El Análisis Factorial mostró que los ítems de la DERS se reunían en dos factores principales en lugar de seis, y la reducción de datos demostró que 15 de los 36 ítems originales contribuyeron significativamente a la varianza. Se recomienda incrementar las investigaciones en contextos de la salud, y con población clínica y no clínica en Colombia para validar el DERS, y desarrollar un puntaje total de esta escala.A Escala de Dificuldades de Regulação Emocional (DERS, por sua sigla em inglês) é um instrumento desenhado para medir a desregulação emocional. O presente estudo buscou identificar a consistência dos fatores incluídos na DERS e a relevância dos itens em cada um deles. Os participantes foram 251 estudantes, 68% mulheres, de uma universidade em Bogotá (Colômbia). Nesta pesquisa, avaliaram-se os componentes da DERS: 1) não aceitação; 2) metas; 3) impulsividade; 4) estratégias; 5) consciência e 6) clareza. A análise fatorial mostrou que os itens da DERS se reuniam em dois fatores principais em lugar de seis, e a redução de dados mostrou que 15 dos 36 itens originais contribuíram significativamente para a variação. Recomendase aumentar o número de pesquisas em contextos da saúde e com população clínica e não clínica na Colômbia para validar a DERS e desenvolver uma pontuação total dessa escala.The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) is an instrument designed to assess emotional dysregulation. The current study sought to identify consistency of DERS factors and items relevance for each one of them. Participants were 251 students, 68% female, from a university in Bogotá-Colombia. This research assessed the DERS factors: (a) non-acceptance, (b) goals, (c) impulse, (d) strategies, (e) awareness, and (f) clarity. Factor Analysis found that DERS items are gathered in two main factors rather than six, and data reduction demonstrated that only 15 of the 36 items in the original scale contributed significantly to factors variance. It is recommended extending the research to health contexts and to clinical and non-clinical population in Colombia in order to validate the DERS and develop a total score for the scale

    Implementación de las tecnologías infocomunicacionales en la práctica profesional de los profesores de formación inicial

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    [ES]El objetivo de la tesis fue analizar los constructos psicológicos que afectan la implementación de recursos infocomunicacionales (TI) en futuros profesores (n=115), mediante la estructura conceptual que ofrece la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado (TBP). Se realizó un análisis de regresión múltiple siendo la intención conductual la variable dependiente y los predictores las medidas directas de TPB. Los resultados revelan un modelo significativo (F3,106=6,557; p<0,001, R2 =16% de la varianza explicada). Se discute el papel de las creencias y del componente Actitud hacia la implementación en cuanto mejor predictor de la intención hacia el uso de las TI (B=0,28; t= 2,82; p=0,01)

    Synthesis of optimal digital shapers with arbitrary noise using a genetic algorithm

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    This paper presents structure, design and implementation of a novel technique for determining the optimal shaping, in time-domain, for spectrometers by means of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) specifically designed for this purpose. The proposed algorithm is able to adjust automatically the coefficients for shaping an input signal. Results of this experiment have been compared to a previous simulated annealingalgorithm. Finally, its performance and capabilities were tested using simulation data and a real particle detector, as a scintillator.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Uso de R en bibliometría: exploración de técnicas para la detección de temas locales de investigación

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    En este trabajo se muestran resultados preliminares obtenidos al aplicar la técnica de clustering basado en k-means y un modelado de tópicos usando Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) sobre un corpus de registros de la base de datos Scopus utilizando paquetes del lenguaje R. El objetivo general es detectar aquellas áreas que permitan estimar el esfuerzo que realizan los recursos humanos de investigación de determinado lugar geográfico para abordar los problemas que son propios de ese territorio y sus habitantes. Por ello, el corpus responde a una estrategia de búsqueda que comprende la producción del gran área Ciencias Sociales &amp; Humanas en el periodo 2010-2015, restringida a aquellos trabajos que tuvieran algún autor con afiliación argentina, además de contener Argentina (o alguna de sus variaciones explicitadas en la estrategia de búsqueda) en los campos título, resumen y palabras clave. Para el procesamiento se utilizaron los paquetes bibliometrix (2017), que sirve para realizar análisis bibliométricos y de co-citación; el paquete topicsmodels (2017) que permite implementar LDA y CTM (Correlated Topics Models); el paquete tidytext (2017) que permite aplicar algunas técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural dentro de las cuales se encuentra la detección de n-gramas. En este trabajo, se procedió a sacar bigramas y se los interpretó de manera cualitativa, detectando 7 áreas (ver referencia de colores en figura 1). Se generaron los clusters mediante la técnica de K-medias y se procedió a realizar un análisis de los clusters obtenidos a la luz de las categorías que se derivaron de los bigramas. Luego se realizó lo mismo aplicando modelado de tópicos con LDA.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    On the presence of Trachinus pellegrini (Trachinidae) in the Canary and Cape Verde Islands (north-eastern Atlantic)

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    Présence de Trachinus pellegrini (Trachinidae) aux îles Canaries etCanaries et aux îles du Cap-Vert (Atlantique nord-est). Trachinus pellegrini Cadenat, 1937 est signalée pour la première fois aux îles Canaries, ce qui représente sa limite de répartition la plus septentrionale. Les différences morphologiques entre adultes et juvéniles sont également présentées. La présence de cette espèce aux îles du Cap-Vert est aussi confirmée.Postprin