590 research outputs found

    Violent paroxysmal activity drives self-feeding magma replenishment at Mt. Etna

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    A new sequence of eruptions occurred at Mt. Etna volcano during the first half of 2017, after almost 8 months of quiescence. These episodes had low-to-mild intensity and markedly differ from the violent paroxysms occurred at the Voragine Crater (VOR) during December 2015 and May 2016. Despite the general weak explosive nature of the eruptions, the activity during 2017 revealed unusually complex dynamics of magma ascent and interaction. Detection and investigation of such dynamics required a multidisciplinary approach in which bulk rock compositions, crystal chemical zoning, diffusion chronometry and ground deformation data have been combined. Bulk rock major and trace elements suggest that the 2017 magmas followed a differentiation path similar to that experienced by magmas erupted at Mt. Etna during the 2015–16 eruptions at VOR. Olivine core compositions and zoning patterns indicate the presence of multiple magmatic environments at depth that strictly interacted each other through some episodes of intrusion and mixing before and during the 2017 eruptive events. Timescales retrieved from diffusion chronometry on olivine normal and reverse zoning correlate well with the ground deformation stages detected through geodetic data and associated models, thus allowing to track the evolution through time of the 2017 volcanic activity. Combination of all petrological and geodetic observations supports the idea that dynamics of magma transfer driving the eruptive episodes of 2017 have been a direct consequence of the violent eruptions occurred at VOR on May 2016, which boosted the ascent of new magma from depth and improved the efficiency of the plumbing system to transfer it upward to the surface. We propose a mechanism of self-feeding replenishment of the volcano plumbing system during 2017, where magma recharge from depth is triggered by sudden unloading of the magma column consequential to the violent paroxysmal activity occurred on May 2016 at VOR

    Perusopetukseen valmistavan opetuksen opettajien kokemuksia saamastaan sosiaalisesta tuesta

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    TiivistelmÀ. TÀmÀn pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittÀÀ, millaisia kokemuksia perusopetukseen valmistavan opetuksen opettajilla on sosiaalisesta tuesta. Perusopetukseen valmistava opetus on perusopetuksen ulkopuolista opetusta, joka on suunnattu maahanmuuttajataustaisille lapsille ja nuorille, joiden suomen kielen taito ei ole vielÀ riittÀvÀ perusopetuksessa opiskeluun. Perusopetukseen valmistavan opetuksen tavoitteena on muun muassa kotoutumisen edistÀminen ja kielitaidon kehittÀminen. Opetuksen suunnittelussa huomioidaan oppilaiden ikÀkausi sekÀ taitotaso. Kielitaidon kehittyessÀ oppilaita integroidaan perusopetuksen ryhmiin. Sosiaalisen tuen kokemuksia tarkastellaan kolmesta eri nÀkökulmasta, jotka ovat omalta koululta, toisilta valmistavan opetuksen opettajilta sekÀ muilta tahoilta saatu sosiaalinen tuki. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa sosiaalinen tuki on jaettu kolmeen osa-alueeseen, jotka ovat vÀlineellinen tuki, emotionaalinen tuki ja tiedollinen tuki. VÀlineellinen tuki on konkreettista apua, kuten työvÀlineiden tai materiaalin jakamista. Emotionaaliseen tukeen liitetÀÀn esimerkiksi empatiakyky, kunnioittaminen ja arvostus toisia kohtaan. Tiedollinen tuki on neuvojen ja ehdotusten antamista. Sosiaalinen tuki on riippuvainen yksilön sosiaalisista suhteista sekÀ ympÀristöstÀ ja se voi olla joko vastaanotettua tai annettua. Sosiaalisella tuella nÀhdÀÀn olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia yksilön terveyteen ja lisÀksi sosiaalinen tuki auttaa yksilöÀ selviytymÀÀn haastavista tilanteista vÀhentÀen stressin oireita. VÀhÀinen sosiaalinen tuki voi heikentÀÀ yksilön itsetuntoa ja johtaa psykologisiin ongelmiin. Työpaikalla sosiaalisella tuella on merkittÀvÀ vaikutus työhyvinvointiin ja työkykyyn. LisÀksi se edistÀÀ työhön sitoutumista ja oman ammattitaidon kehittymistÀ. Sosiaalisen tuen puute työpaikalla voi nÀkyÀ motivaation puutteena ja ahdistuksena. TÀmÀ tutkimus on toteutettu fenomenologisella tutkimusotteella, koska tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittÀÀ perusopetukseen valmistavan opetuksen opettajien kokemuksia. Tutkimusaineisto on kerÀtty teemahaastattelulla ja tutkimukseen osallistui kuusi perusopetukseen valmistavan opetuksen opettajaa. Aineisto on analysoitu teoriaohjaavan sisÀllönanalyysimenetelmÀn mukaisesti. Tutkimustulosten perusteella perusopetukseen valmistavan opetuksen opettajat kokevat saavansa sosiaalista tukea oman koulun henkilökunnalta, toisilta valmistavan opetuksen opettajilta sekÀ muilta tahoilta. Toisaalta tutkimustuloksissa esiintyi myös puutteellisia kokemuksia sosiaalisesta tuesta. Tutkimustuloksissa emotionaalisen ja tiedollisen tuen kokemuksia oli kÀsitelty yhtÀ laajasti ja vÀlineellisen tuen kokemuksia opettajat olivat maininneet selkeÀsti vÀhiten

    Space-time gravity variations to look deep into the southern flank of Etna volcano

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    A microgravity 14-year-long data set (October 1994 - September 2007) recorded along a 24-kilometer East-West trending profile of 19 stations was analyzed to detect underground mass redistributions related to the volcanic activity involving the southern flank of Mt Etna volcano (Italy). A multiresolution wavelet analysis was applied to separate the volcano-related signal from the unwanted components due to mainly instrumental, human-made and seasonal effects. The residual space-time image evidenced two complete gravity increase/decrease cycles mainly affecting the central and eastern stations of the profile. The first gravity increase (early-1995 to end-1996) – decrease (end-1996 to late-1998) cycle reached a maximum amplitude of approximately 90 ”Gal. The second gravity increase (mid-1999 to mid-2000) – decrease (mid-2000 to early-2004) cycle attained an amplitude of about 80 ”Gal peak-to-peak. After about five years of a persistent negative gravity anomaly, a new semi-cycle started at the end of 2006 and continued during the last survey carried out in September 2007. We modeled the 1994-2007 gravity anomalies using a Quadratic Programming algorithm to infer the position and the evolution of the sources beneath the profile. The computed positive mass variations of about 1.05 x 1011 kg were interpreted as magma accumulation, while negative mass changes of about -1.20 x 1011 kg could reflect either magma migration or opening of new voids by tectonic tensile stresses within a source volume, where tensional earthquakes occurred

    The role of mentorship in protege performance

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    The role of mentorship on protege performance is a matter of importance to academic, business, and governmental organizations. While the benefits of mentorship for proteges, mentors and their organizations are apparent, the extent to which proteges mimic their mentors' career choices and acquire their mentorship skills is unclear. Here, we investigate one aspect of mentor emulation by studying mentorship fecundity---the number of proteges a mentor trains---with data from the Mathematics Genealogy Project, which tracks the mentorship record of thousands of mathematicians over several centuries. We demonstrate that fecundity among academic mathematicians is correlated with other measures of academic success. We also find that the average fecundity of mentors remains stable over 60 years of recorded mentorship. We further uncover three significant correlations in mentorship fecundity. First, mentors with small mentorship fecundity train proteges that go on to have a 37% larger than expected mentorship fecundity. Second, in the first third of their career, mentors with large fecundity train proteges that go on to have a 29% larger than expected fecundity. Finally, in the last third of their career, mentors with large fecundity train proteges that go on to have a 31% smaller than expected fecundity.Comment: 23 pages double-spaced, 4 figure

    Defining disease modification in myelofibrosis in the era of targeted therapy

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    The development of targeted therapies for the treatment of myelofibrosis highlights a unique issue in a field that has historically relied on symptom relief, rather than survival benefit or modification of disease course, as key response criteria. There is, therefore, a need to understand what constitutes disease modification of myelofibrosis to advance appropriate drug development and therapeutic pathways. Here, the authors discuss recent clinical trial data of agents in development and dissect the potential for novel end points to act as disease modifying parameters. Using the rationale garnered from latest clinical and scientific evidence, the authors propose a definition of disease modification in myelofibrosis. With improved overall survival a critical outcome, alongside the normalization of hematopoiesis and improvement in bone marrow fibrosis, there will be an increasing need for surrogate measures of survival for use in the early stages of trials. As such, the design of future clinical trials will require re-evaluation and updating to incorporate informative parameters and end points with standardized definitions and methodologies

    Use of domesticated pigs by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in northwestern Europe

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    Acknowledgements We thank the Archaeological State Museum Schleswig-Holstein, the Archaeological State Offices of Brandenburg, Lower Saxony and Saxony and the following individuals who provided sample material: Betty Arndt, Jo¹rg Ewersen, Frederick Feulner, Susanne Hanik, Ru¹diger Krause, Jochen Reinhard, Uwe Reuter, Karl-Heinz Ro¹hrig, Maguerita Scha¹fer, Jo¹rg Schibler, Reinhold Schoon, Regina Smolnik, Thomas Terberger and Ingrid Ulbricht. We are grateful to Ulrich Schmo¹lcke, Michael Forster, Peter Forster and Aikaterini Glykou for their support and comments on the manuscript. We also thank many institutions and individuals that provided sample material and access to collections, especially the curators of the Museum fu¹r Naturkunde, Berlin; Muse®um National d0 Histoire Naturelle, Paris; Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C.; Zoologische Staatssammlung, Mu¹nchen; Museum fu¹r Haustierkunde, Halle; the American Museum of Natural History, New-York. This work was funded by the Graduate School ‘Human Development in Landscapes’ at Kiel University (CAU) and supported by NERC project Grant NE/F003382/1. Radiocarbon dating was carried out at the Leibniz Laboratory, CAU. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Exploring the impact of mentoring functions on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of new staff nurses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although previous studies proved that the implementation of mentoring program is beneficial for enhancing the nursing skills and attitudes, few researchers devoted to exploring the impact of mentoring functions on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of new nurses. In this research we aimed at examining the effects of mentoring functions on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of new nurses in Taiwan's hospitals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We employed self-administered questionnaires to collect research data and select new nurses from three regional hospitals as samples in Taiwan. In all, 306 nurse samples were obtained. We adopted a multiple regression analysis to test the impact of the mentoring functions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results revealed that career development and role modeling functions have positive effects on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of new nurses; however, the psychosocial support function was incapable of providing adequate explanation for these work outcomes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is suggested in this study that nurse managers should improve the career development and role modeling functions of mentoring in order to enhance the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of new nurses.</p
