430 research outputs found

    Advanced Exergy Analysis in the Dynamic Framework for Assessing Building Thermal Systems

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    This work applies the Dynamic Advanced Exergy Analysis (DAEA) to a heating and domestic hot water (DHW) facility supplied by a Stirling engine and a condensing boiler. For the first time, an advanced exergy analysis using dynamic conditions is applied to a building energy system. DAEA provides insights on the components’ exergy destruction (ED) by distinguishing the inefficiencies that can be prevented by improving the quality (avoidable ED) and the ones constrained because of technical limitations (unavoidable ED). ED is related to the inherent inefficiencies of the considered element (endogenous ED) and those coming from the interconnections (exogenous ED). That information cannot be obtained by any other approach. A dynamic calculation within the experimental facility has been performed after a component characterization driven by a new grey-box modelling technique, through TRNSYS and MATLAB. Novel solutions and terms of ED are assessed for the rational implementation of the DAEA in building energy installations. The influence of each component and their interconnections are valuated in terms of exergy destruction for further diagnosis and optimization purposes.BMWi, 03ET1218B, Anwendung exergiebasierter Methoden zur Verbesserung von Gebäudeenergiesysteme

    Altered pituitary hormone secretion in male rats exposed to Bisphenol A

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is a xenobiotic estrogenic compound. This compound has been suspected to have estrogenic effects on reproductive system of males and females. In this present study we investigated possible low-dose effects of BPAon Luteinizing Hormone in rats. Male Wistar rats (12-13 weeks old) were administrated a daily intra peritoneal 10 μg/kgbw/day, 50 μg/kgbw/day, 100 μg/kgbw/ day dose of BPA for 6, 6, and 12 days, and one day after last injection, serum level of Luteinizing Hormone was examined by ELISA method. All data were expressed as means ± SE. Two-way ANOVA was performed. Analysis of data showed that in all dose groups, plasma level of Luteinizing Hormone significantly decreased compared to control group. The present study showed that BPA at low doses affects Luteinizing Hormone, one of main hormones in spermatogenesis in the adult Wistar rats, and subsequently alters the steroidgenesis in testicular Leydig cells

    A comparative study on the application of various artificial neural networks to simultaneous prediction of rock fragmentation and backbreak

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    AbstractIn blasting operation, the aim is to achieve proper fragmentation and to avoid undesirable events such as backbreak. Therefore, predicting rock fragmentation and backbreak is very important to arrive at a technically and economically successful outcome. Since many parameters affect the blasting results in a complicated mechanism, employment of robust methods such as artificial neural network may be very useful. In this regard, this paper attends to simultaneous prediction of rock fragmentation and backbreak in the blasting operation of Tehran Cement Company limestone mines in Iran. Back propagation neural network (BPNN) and radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) are adopted for the simulation. Also, regression analysis is performed between independent and dependent variables. For the BPNN modeling, a network with architecture 6-10-2 is found to be optimum whereas for the RBFNN, architecture 6-36-2 with spread factor of 0.79 provides maximum prediction aptitude. Performance comparison of the developed models is fulfilled using value account for (VAF), root mean square error (RMSE), determination coefficient (R2) and maximum relative error (MRE). As such, it is observed that the BPNN model is the most preferable model providing maximum accuracy and minimum error. Also, sensitivity analysis shows that inputs burden and stemming are the most effective parameters on the outputs fragmentation and backbreak, respectively. On the other hand, for both of the outputs, specific charge is the least effective parameter

    Polyphenols content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of extracts of some wild plants collected from the south of Tunisia

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    25 wild plants were collected from the south of Tunisia. The dried aerial parts were extracted under a continuous reflux set-up in a Soxhlet extractor with hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and water. The extracts were screened for total phenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Total phenolic contents were determined using a spectrophotometric technique, based on the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent and calculated as pyrogallol equivalents (PyE) per 100 g of dry weight (dw). Total phenolic content ranged from traces to 2225 ± 267 mg PyE/100 g dw in Periploca angustifolia hexane extract and Erodium glaucophyllum methanol extract, respectively. Total flavonoids and flavonols weremeasured by a colorimetric assay and expressed as mg of rutin equivalents (RuE) per 100 g dw and mg of quercetin equivalents (QuE) per 100 g dw respectively. The highest amounts of flavonoids of 315 mgRuE/100 g dw and of flavonols of 63 mg QuE/100 g dw was recorded in the ethyl acetate extract of Acacia radiana. The antioxidant capacity of all extracts was evaluated with the (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH and 2,2'-azino-bis [3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid]) ABTS tests. Several extracts showed antioxidant capacity higher than (butylated hydroxytoluene) BHT. Different trend was observed for each antioxidant system with respect to solvents used. All tested plants showedantimicrobial activity, but this activity depended closely on the nature of the solvent used and of the microorganism tested. Rhanterium suaveolens ethyl acetate extract showed the largest spectre of antibacterial activity and Bassia indica ethyl acetate extract showed the highest antifungal activity.Interestingly, some of the collected plants had a high phenolic content and powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. These plants may serve as sources of antioxidants with new chemotypes and potential beneficial health properties

    Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Confinement around Crude Oil Storage Cavern in Fractured Rocks: Direct Application of DFN Concept

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    Unlined rock caverns for hydrocarbon storage are mainly excavated in strong and stable rock masses with very low-permeable matrix, where hydrocarbon migration is only possible along fractures connected to the cavern boundaries and their networks. In this paper, the hydraulic confinement around a URC cavern was simulated by directly applying distinct fracture network (DFN) model. First, a computational code, so-called “FNETF”, was developed to generate DFN and solving fluid flow equation along fractures. Proper internal hydraulic boundary condition of water-hydrocarbon interface at cavern boundary was defined based on the fluids properties and applied in the FNETF code. Fluid flow in fracture network was numerically simulated for different outer boundary hydraulic conditions assigned by different groundwater pressures of water curtain. Finally, the assessment achieved to expect the occurrence of hydrocarbon

    The Serum Lead level in Patients With Retained Lead Pellets

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    Background: Patients, who survived from shotgun injuries, often have some retained lead pellets in their bodies. Several cases of lead toxicity have been reported regarding these patients. Objectives: This study seeks to compare the serum lead level in patients who have retained lead pellets in their bodies with the control group. Patients and Methods: In this case-control study, we gathered the serum lead levels of 25 patients with some retained lead pellets in their bodies due to shotgun and 25 volunteers without similar lead exposure and compared them in view of the age, gender, and living place. Results: While the mean serum lead level in both groups was lower than the standard level (i.e. 40 µg/dL) , the mean ± SD of serum lead level were 29 ± 12.8 µg/dL and 25.3 ± 6.4 µg/dL in the case and control groups, respectively without any significant difference (P = 0. 30) . However, a positive relationship was seen between serum lead level, and the number of retained lead pellets (r = 0.447, P = 0. 025) . Conclusions: Although extensive surgery to remove the lead pellets is not recommended in patients injured with shotguns, those with many retained lead pellets in their bodies should be considered at risk for lead poisoning and monitored carefully

    A critical review on polydopamine surface-modified scaffolds in musculoskeletal regeneration

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    Increasing concern about age-related diseases, particularly musculoskeletal injuries and orthopedic conditions, highlights the need for strategies such as tissue engineering to address them. Surface modification has been developed to create pro-healing interfaces, personalize scaffolds and provide novel medicines. Polydopamine, a mussel-inspired adhesive polymer with highly reactive functional groups that adhere to nearly all substrates, has gained attention in surface modification strategies for biomaterials. Polydopamine was primarily developed to modify surfaces, but its effectiveness has opened up promising approaches for further applications in bioengineering as carriers and nanoparticles. This review focuses on the recent discoveries of the role of polydopamine as a surface coating material, with focus on the properties that make it suitable for tackling musculoskeletal disorders. We report the evolution of using it in research, and discuss papers involving the progress of this field. The current research on the role of polydopamine in bone, cartilage, muscle, nerve, and tendon regeneration is discussed, thus giving comprehensive overview about the function of polydopamine both in-vitro and in-vivo. Finally, the report concludes presenting the critical challenges that must be addressed for the clinical translation of this biomaterial while exploring future perspectives and research opportunities in this area

    Le secteur caprin laitier andalou : Stratégies de recherche, développement et formation afin d’augmenter la valeur ajoutée des fromages artisanaux

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    Résumé. Le secteur caprin laitier andalou produit 50% du lait de l’Espagne et possède des opportunités de développement très claires utilisant des races autochtones et des grandes surfaces de pâturages disponibles. La production de fromages de chèvre en Andalousie peut être considérée comme un modèle de développement rural durable. Différents organismes publics et privés ont créé récemment un réseau de travail multidisciplinaire pour travailler sur la promotion et le développement des fromages artisanaux andalous, en établissant des stratégies de recherche, de développement et de formation destinées à la valorisation de ces fromages, spécialement ceux de chèvre. A partir des résultats d’une analyse stratégique, le présent travail propose des activités de recherche, de développement et de formation consacrées à la caractérisation de la qualité des fromages artisanaux, aux études de marché sur la connaissance et la perception de la qualité, aux activités de formation spécialisée dans la fromagerie et aux activités de promotion.Abstract. The Andalusian dairy goat sector (representing 50% of the national goat milk production) has potential opportunities for development using autochthonous breeds and semi-extensive production systems. Goat cheese production in Andalusia can be considered as a model for a sustainable rural development. Public institutions of research, development, and training as well as private ones have recently created a multidisciplinary and multinstitutional network to perform actions in favour of the marketing and promotion of the andalusian goat cheeses. In this paper, through the results of a strategic analysis, some research, development, and training actions were proposed. These actions are related with the improvement of quality, and the definition of the hand made cheese attributes; studies on the demand side, and consumer perception of quality; and those related to training and promotion

    Dietary intake and lifestyle behavior in different phenotypes of polycystic ovarian syndrome: a case-control study

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    Objective: To compare dietary intake and lifestyle behaviour in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and healthy women. Methods: 160 healthy women (partner with male infertility) were recruited to a control group; 168 women with PCOS (diagnosed on ultrasound) were recruited to a case study group for this cross-sectional comparative study. The case group was classified into three phenotypes based on presence or absence of menstrual disorder (M), hyperandrogenism (HA), and polycystic ovary according to sonography (PCO): HA+PCO (n=53), PCO+M (n=57) and M+HA+PCO (n=66). Dietary intake and lifestyle behaviour were measured using a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and a lifestyle questionnaire (LQ). Results: The mean energy (P<0.001) and fat intake (P<0.001) were greater in PCOS groups compared with the control group. The average energy and fat intake were greater in HA+M+PCO group after age and BMI adjustment compared with other phenotypes (P<0.001). In comparison with the control group, lifestyle scores were lower in the PCOS group in the fields of physical activity, weight and nutrition control after age and BMI adjustment (P<0.001). The average score of lifestyle in the fields of physical activity, weight and nutrition control, and psychological health was lower in the phenotype HA+M+PCO compared with other phenotypes (P<0.001). Conclusions: Limited energy and fat intake is strongly recommended in Iranian women with PCOS especially in phenotype HA+M+PCO. Consultation on improvement of psychological health and the importance of weight and nutrition control, and appropriate physical activity in patients especially in HA+M+PCO is advocated. Keywords: Lifestyle, polycystic ovarian syndrome, die

    Selection of Bread Wheat for Low Grain Cadmium Concentration at the Seedling Stage Using Hydroponics versus Molecular Markers

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    The excessive accumulation of Cd in harvested crops grown on high-Cd soils has increased public concerns for food safety. Due to the high consumption of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) per capita, high concentrations of Cd in wheat grain can significantly affect human health. Breeding is a promising way to reduce grain Cd concentration. However, a lack of efficient selection methods impedes breeding for low grain Cd concentration in bread wheat. In this study, a recombinant inbred population segregating for grain Cd concentration was used to assess the efficacy of two selection methods for decreasing grain Cd concentration in bread wheat: a hydroponic selection method used shoot Cd concentration in 2-wk-old seedlings growing in Cd-containing medium, and a marker-based selection method using markers linked to heavy metal transporting P1B-ATPase 3 (HMA3), the gene underlying Cdu1. Both methods effectively selected low-Cd lines. The HMA3-linked marker-based selection was superior to hydroponic selection in terms of both simplicity and response to selection. The HMA3-linked markers explained 20% of the phenotypic variation in grain Cd concentration with an additive effect of 0.014 mg kg−1. The hydroponic selection and marker-based selection may target two different and independent processes controlling grain Cd accumulation, and they had no effect on grain Zn and Fe concentrations. The ALMT1-UPS4 marker associated with Al tolerance was not associated with grain Cd concentration but increased grain Zn and Fe concentrations. The 193-bp allele of the Rht8-associated marker, GWM261, was associated with increased grain Cd concentration