579 research outputs found

    Diversitas dan Distribusi Alga Merah (Rhodophyta) di Perairan Pulau Ternate

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    Red algae (Rhodophyta) are low-level plants that generally grow attached to certain substrates such as coral, mud, sand, rocks and other massive objects. This type of algae take nutrients from the substrate by diffusion through the walls from its thallus. This alga prefers habitat of clear waters that have substrate base of coral, dead coral, volcanic rocks or massive objects. Red algae can be found in intertidal, subtidal to coastal areas with strong waves and currents as well as in mangrove area. This study aims to determine the diversity and distribution patterns and associations of red algae in seagrass ecosystems and coastal coral reefs of Ternate Island. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with sampling by line-transect quadrat (1x1 meter). The sampling locations were divided into three stations. Data were analyzed descriptively and the number of red algae (Rhodophyta) found at each station was included in a distribution map based on depth and density index. The results showed that the total number of individuals found at the three stations was 33, where ST II dominated with 12 with an average of 3 individuals per depth. Distribution of individuals per depth at ST II was highest at a depth of 10 m with 4 individuals, followed by a depth of 5 and 15 m each with 3 individuals, a depth of 25 m was 1 individual, and no individual was found at 20 m depth. Substrate type at a depth of 10 m was dominated by coral and sandy fractures that could support well the growth and development of red algae.  Alga merah (Rhodophyta) merupakan tumbuhan tingkat rendah yang umumnya tumbuh melekat pada substrat tertentu seperti pada karang, lumpur, pasir, batu dan benda keras lainnya. Salah satu alga yang penting untuk diteliti adalah alga merah (Rhodophyta). Jenis alga ini mengambil nutrisi dari substrat secara difusi melalui dinding thallus-nya sedangkan habitatnya adalah perairan jernih yang mempunyai substrat dasar batu karang, batuan vulkanik dan benda-benda yang bersifat massive yang berada di dasar perairan. Alga merah dapat ditemukan pada daerah intertidal, subtidal sampai daerah tubir dengan ombak besar dan arus deras serta di hutan mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui diversitas dan pola sebaran serta asosiasi alga merah pada ekosistem lamun dan terumbu karang pesisir Pulau Ternate. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pengambilan sampel secara line transek kuadrat (1x1 meter). Lokasi pengambilan sampel dibedakan menjadi tiga stasiun. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan jumlah alga merah (Rhodophyta) yang ditemukan pada setiap stasiun di tuangkan dalam peta distribusi berdasarkan data kedalaman serta indeks kepadatannya.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total individu yang ditemukan pada ketiga stasiun adalah sebanyak 33, dimana pada ST II mendominasi dengan jumlah 12 dengan rata-rata perkedalaman adalah 3 individu. Sebaran individu perkedalaman ST II terbanyak pada kedalaman 10 m sebanyak 4 individu, diikuti kedalaman 5 dan 15 m masing-masing adalah 3 individu, kedalaman 25 m sebanyak 1 individu, sedangkan pada kedalaman 20 m tidak ditemukan. Tipe pada kedalam 10 m didominasi oleh patahan karang dan berpasir dimana pada kondisi substrat tersebut dapat mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan alga merah.

    Asymptotic behavior of the average local ionization energy in finite basis sets

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    The average local ionization energy (ALIE) has important applications in several areas of electronic structure theory. Theoretically, the ALIE should asymptotically approach the first vertical ionization energy (IE) of the system, as implied by the rate of exponential decay of the electron density; for one-determinantal wavefunctions, this IE is the negative of the highest-occupied orbital energy. In practice, finite-basis-set representations of the ALIE exhibit seemingly irregular and sometimes dramatic deviations from the expected asymptotic behavior. We analyze the long-range behavior of the ALIE in finite basis sets and explain the puzzling observations. The findings have implications for practical calculations of the ALIE, the construction of Kohn–Sham potentials from wavefunctions and electron densities, and basis-set development

    UWB channel characterization in 28 ghz millimeter waveband for 5G cellular networks

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    The demands of high data rate transmission for future wireless communication technologies are increasing rapidly. The current bands for cellular network will not be able to satisfy these requirements. The millimeter wave (mm-wave) bands are the candidate bands for the future cellular networks. The 28 GHz band is the strongest candidate for 5G cellular networks. The large bandwidth at this band is one of the main parameters that make the mm-wave bands promising candidate for the future cellular networks. To know the wideband channel behavior in mm-wave bands, the wideband channel characterizations are required. In this paper, the 3D WINNER model is used to model the wideband channel at 28 GHz band. Based on this model, the time dispersion parameters at 28 GHz mm-wave band are investigated. The root mean square delay spread and the mean excess delay are the main parameters that can be used to characterize the wideband channel. Morever, the cumulative distribution function (CDF) is used to model the RMS delay spreads. The results show that the RMS delay spread varies between 4.1 ns and 443.7 ns

    First Ionization Energy as the Asymptotic Limit of the Average Local Electron Energy

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    The first vertical ionization energy of an atom or molecule is encoded in the rate of exponential decay of the exact natural orbitals. For natural orbitals represented in terms of Gaussian basis functions, this property does not hold even approximately. We show that it is nevertheless possible to deduce the first ionization energy from the long-range behavior of Gaussian-basis-set wavefunc- tions by evaluating the asymptotic limit of a quantity called the average local electron energy (ALEE), provided that the most diffuse functions of the basis set have suitable shape and location. The ALEE method exposes subtle qualitative differences between seemingly analogous Gaussian basis sets and complements the extended Koopmans theorem by being robust in situations where the one-electron reduced density matrix is ill-conditioned

    Window-based channel impulse response prediction for time-varying ultra-wideband channels

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    This work proposes channel impulse response (CIR) prediction for time-varying ultra-wideband (UWB) channels by exploiting the fast movement of channel taps within delay bins. Considering the sparsity of UWB channels, we introduce a window-based CIR (WB-CIR) to approximate the high temporal resolutions of UWB channels. A recursive least square (RLS) algorithm is adopted to predict the time evolution of the WB-CIR. For predicting the future WB-CIR tap of window wk, three RLS filter coefficients are computed from the observed WB-CIRs of the left wk-1, the current wk and the right wk+1 windows. The filter coefficient with the lowest RLS error is used to predict the future WB-CIR tap. To evaluate our proposed prediction method, UWB CIRs are collected through measurement campaigns in outdoor environments considering line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios. Under similar computational complexity, our proposed method provides an improvement in prediction errors of approximately 80% for LOS and 63% for NLOS scenarios compared with a conventional method

    Internet protocol MANET vs named data MANET: A critical evaluation

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    Many researches have been done in the field of mobile networking, specifically in the field of ad-hoc networks.The major aim of these networks is the delivery of data to a given node at the destination, irrespective of its location.Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) employs the traditional TCP/IP structure to provide end-to-end communication between nodes (we named this type of architecture is IP-MANET).However, due to their mobility and the limited resource in wireless networks, each layer in the TCP/IP model requires redefinition or modifications to function efficiently in MANET. Named Data MANET (NDMANET) architecture is a recently emerging research area. The in-network chunk-based caching feature of NDN is beneficial in coping with the mobility and intermittent connectivity challenges in MANETs.In the natural disaster field, MANET is considered a challenging task because of the unpredictable changes in the network topology due to the absence of any centralized control.The goals of this paper have two ways: first, this study provides a performance comparison of IP-MANET to ND-MANET in terms of throughput, delay, and packet loss.While the second contribution is to identify which architecture has an impact on the natural disaster (i.e., Flooding disaster) in rural areas and suggests which one may perform better.For experimental purposes, our analyses IP-MANET and ND-MANET by extensive simulations in the NS 3 simulator under a number of different network scenarios, and show that how number of nodes and variety packets size affect their performance

    Indoor path loss model for 4G wireless network at 2.6 GHz

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    In this paper, a short-range, narrowband indoor propagation at 2.6 GHz was measured and modeled. The measurement campaign was conducted to characterize the path loss (PL) of Radio frequency (RF) at the Razak School building corridor. The corridor has unique structure and segmented in different sections. The irregular structure of corridor, further with various interior material used gives the unique characterization to the received power. The research work made in this paper is predominately targets to characterizing radio link of 2.6 GHz frequency in typical indoor corridor

    Economic Valuation of Mangrove Forest Ecosystem in Waidoba Island, South Kayoa District, South Halmahera Regency

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    Mangrove Forest ecosystems have distinctive characteristics and forms and have functions and benefits as development resources both as economic resources and ecological resources that have long been felt by the Indonesian people, especially for the people who live around that area. This research aims to identify the types of utilization of mangrove forest ecosystems and to analyze the total economic value of mangrove forest ecosystems in the area of Waidoba Island, South Kayoa District, South Halmahera Regency. The sampling method in this study used a purposive sampling method. Based on the results identification of the benefits and functions of the mangrove forest ecosystem in Waidoba Island area, Kayoa Selatan District, that there were (4) four types of mangrove forest ecosystem benefits, namely (1) direct benefits (2) indirect benefits, (3) optional benefits and (4) benefits of existence. While the results of costs and benefits of the total economic value of mangrove forest ecosystem in Waidoba Island area of South Kayoa District were obtained Rp. Rp.170.520.720.104/year or Rp.418.014.659,-/ha/year. This total economic value was the benefit value of mangrove forest ecosystem that utilized by the community covering an area of 407.93 Ha