510 research outputs found

    AntiPlag: Plagiarism Detection on Electronic Submissions of Text Based Assignments

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    Plagiarism is one of the growing issues in academia and is always a concern in Universities and other academic institutions. The situation is becoming even worse with the availability of ample resources on the web. This paper focuses on creating an effective and fast tool for plagiarism detection for text based electronic assignments. Our plagiarism detection tool named AntiPlag is developed using the tri-gram sequence matching technique. Three sets of text based assignments were tested by AntiPlag and the results were compared against an existing commercial plagiarism detection tool. AntiPlag showed better results in terms of false positives compared to the commercial tool due to the pre-processing steps performed in AntiPlag. In addition, to improve the detection latency, AntiPlag applies a data clustering technique making it four times faster than the commercial tool considered. AntiPlag could be used to isolate plagiarized text based assignments from non-plagiarised assignments easily. Therefore, we present AntiPlag, a fast and effective tool for plagiarism detection on text based electronic assignments

    Establishment and characterization of two human breast carcinoma cell lines by spontaneous immortalization: Discordance between Estrogen, Progesterone and HER2/neu receptors of breast carcinoma tissues with derived cell lines

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    Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women throughout the world. Therefore, established cell lines are widely used as in vitro experimental models in cancer research.Methods: Two continuous human breast cell lines, designated MBC1 and MBC2, were successfully established and characterized from invasive ductal breast carcinoma tissues of Malaysian patients. MBC1 and MBC2 have been characterized in terms of morphology analysis, population doubling time, clonogenic formation, wound healing assay, invasion assay, cell cycle, DNA profiling, fluorescence immunocytochemistry, Western blotting and karyotyping.Results: MBC1 and MBC2 exhibited adherent monolayer epithelial morphology at a passage number of 150. Receptor status of MBC1 and MBC2 show (ER+, PR+, HER2+) and (ER+, PR-, HER2+), respectively. These results are in discordance with histopathological studies of the tumoral tissues, which were triple negative and (ER-, PR-, HER2+) for MBC1 and MBC2, respectively. Both cell lines were capable of growing in soft agar culture, which suggests their metastatic potential. The MBC1 and MBC2 metaphase spreads showed an abnormal karyotype, including hyperdiploidy and complex rearrangements with modes of 52-58 chromosomes per cell.Conclusions: Loss or gain in secondary properties, deregulation and specific genetic changes possibly conferred receptor changes during the culturing of tumoral cells. Thus, we hypothesize that, among heterogenous tumoral cells, only a small minority of ER+/PR+/HER2+ and ER+/PR-/HER2+ cells with lower energy metabolism might survive and adjust easily to in vitro conditions. These cell lines will pave the way for new perspectives in genetic and biological investigations, drug resistance and chemotherapy studies, and would serve as prototype models in Malaysian breast carcinogenesis investigations. © 2012 Kamalidehghan et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Spin-orbit induced backflow in neutron matter with auxiliary field diffusion Monte Carlo

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    The energy per particle of zero-temperature neutron matter is investigated, with particular emphasis on the role of the LS\vec L\cdot\vec S interaction. An analysis of the importance of explicit spin--orbit correlations in the description of the system is carried out by the auxiliary field diffusion Monte Carlo method. The improved nodal structure of the guiding function, constructed by explicitly considering these correlations, lowers the energy. The proposed spin--backflow orbitals can conveniently be used also in Green's Function Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Fibulin-2 is required for basement membrane integrity of mammary epithelium

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    Fibulin-2 (FBLN2) is a secreted extracellular matrix glycoprotein which has been associated with tissue development and remodelling. In the mouse mammary gland, FBLN2 can be detected during ductal morphogenesis in cap cells and myoepithelial cells at puberty and early pregnancy, respectively. In an attempt to assign its function, we knocked down Fbln2 in the mouse mammary epithelial cell line EpH4. FBLN2 reduction led to an increase in the size of spheroidal structures when compared to scrambled control shRNA-transduced cells plated on Matrigel matrix. This phenotype was associated with a disruption of the collagen IV sheath around the epithelial spheroids and downregulation of integrin β1, suggesting a role for FBLN2 in stabilizing the basement membrane (BM). In contrast to mice, in normal adult human breast tissue, FBLN2 was detected in ductal stroma, and in the interlobular stroma, but was not detectable within the lobular regions. In tissue sections of 65 breast cancers FBLN2 staining was lost around malignant cells with retained staining in the neighbouring histologically normal tissue margins. These results are consistent with a role of FBLN2 in mammary epithelial BM stability, and that its down-regulation in breast cancer is associated with loss of the BM and early invasion

    Balancing Control and Trust to Manage CSR Compliance in Supply Chains

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    This study examines how buyers and suppliers balance control and trust to manage compliance with corporate social responsibility (CSR) requirements in supply chains (SCs). Two indepth qualitative case studies of the Bangladesh apparel industry on two multinational companies of the same european country were conducted. This study indicates that a buyer's need for control and trust is important in contact with other actors for managing CSR compliance in supply chains. This study analyzes control and trust to fill an important gap in Sc theory on relationships by stressing how these constructs, interact and complement each other to manage CSR compliance in apparel industry. This study notes that managers need bothe formal and informal control to create competence and intentional trust in the supplychain

    Pemanfaatan Lempung Desa Gema Teraktivasi H2so4 Untuk Peningkatan Mutu Minyak Goreng Curah

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    Clay from Gema Village, Kampar Regency, Riau Province has been applied as an adsorbent. The increase of clay\u27s adsortive capacity can be done by modification. This study was aimed to use the activated clay to improve the quality of bulk cooking oil. The adsorbent preparation was began with activation process by using 0,5 M H2SO4, for 3 hours, and stirring rate 500 rpm. Activated clay showed the increase the intensity of quartz and montmorillonit, and accompanied by the loss of muscovite and kaolinite. The parameters that were used in this study were peroxide value, acid value, water content, odor, and colour. Adsorption process was observed in 7 gram activated clay with various contact time (30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes), the results then compared with SNI 3741:2013. The obtained result showed that the activated clay 0,5 M H2SO4 was able to decrease the acid value, and water content, respectively 54,55%, 48,75% with 120 minute and 7 gram weight of activated clay, it was also able to decrease peroxide value 39,64% with 60 minute and 7 gram weight of activated clay, and the color of bulk cooking oil was more clear, but it\u27s smells like clay

    Fibulin-2 is required for basement membrane integrity of mammary epithelium

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    Fibulin-2 (FBLN2) is a secreted extracellular matrix glycoprotein which has been associated with tissue development and remodelling. In the mouse mammary gland, FBLN2 can be detected during ductal morphogenesis in cap cells and myoepithelial cells at puberty and early pregnancy, respectively. In an attempt to assign its function, we knocked down Fbln2 in the mouse mammary epithelial cell line EpH4. FBLN2 reduction led to an increase in the size of spheroidal structures when compared to scrambled control shRNA-transduced cells plated on Matrigel matrix. This phenotype was associated with a disruption of the collagen IV sheath around the epithelial spheroids and downregulation of integrin β1, suggesting a role for FBLN2 in stabilizing the basement membrane (BM). In contrast to mice, in normal adult human breast tissue, FBLN2 was detected in ductal stroma, and in the interlobular stroma, but was not detectable within the lobular regions. In tissue sections of 65 breast cancers FBLN2 staining was lost around malignant cells with retained staining in the neighbouring histologically normal tissue margins. These results are consistent with a role of FBLN2 in mammary epithelial BM stability, and that its down-regulation in breast cancer is associated with loss of the BM and early invasion

    Neutron star matter equation of state and gravitational wave emission

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    The EOS of strongly interacting matter at densities ten to fifteen orders of magnitude larger than the typical density of terrestrial macroscopic objects determines a number of neutron star properties, including the pattern of gravitational waves emitted following the excitation of nonradial oscillation modes. This paper reviews some of the approaches employed to model neutron star matter, as well as the prospects for obtaining new insights from the experimental study of gravitational waves emitted by neutron stars.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. To be published as a Brief Review in Modern Physics Letters

    6th International Conference on Libraries (ICOL) 2017 “Towards Lean Libraries”

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    The International Conference on Libraries (ICOL2017) held in Penang, Malaysia on 2-3 August 2017, was the sixth international ICOL conference, a once-every-two-years opportunity that provides platform for participants and presenters to access the best information, discover new ideas and network with people in the profession. More than 20 abstracts submitted by interested authors, however, after being reviewed, only 18 papers have been accepted. Two accepted papers were withdrawn by their authors by the time of publishing. There were two speakers sponsored by the vendors who gave inputs on topics relevant to the conference but not included in this proceeding. A total of 14 full papers are included in this publication which covers the section of Managing Libraries; Creativity and Innovation; Right Tool at the Right Time and Improve while Reduce