6 research outputs found
Potentiels évoqués au niveau des tubercules quadrijumeaux antérieurs du chat par la stimulation labyrinthique.
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1972
- Field of study
Organisation d'afférences périphériques et interhémisphériques et relation avec l'efférence pyramidale au niveau du cortex moteur du chat
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1974
- Field of study
Sensory projections to the cerebral cortex inPerodicticus potto edwarsi Bouvier
- Author
- A. Krishnamurti
- C. N. Woolsey
- D. Albe-Fessard
- D. Albe-Fessard
- D. E. Haines
- F. E. Beddard
- F. Sanides
- F. Sanides
- G. Elliot Smith
- G. Hildwein
- G. Vogt
- H. Heffner
- H. Stephan
- H. Stephan
- K. Brodmann
- L. B. Radinsky
- L. B. Radinsky
- M. A. Gerebtzoff
- M. Goffart
- M. Roucoux-Hanus
- Nicole Boisacq-Schepens
- O. Vogt
- Osman W. C. Hill
- S. Zuckerman
- Th. Ziehen
- W. Bosman
- W.E. Gros Clark Le
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Vestibular Cortex
- Author
- A Sans
- A Spitzer
- AL Berman
- AM Graybiel
- AM Rubin
- AM Rubin
- AM Rubin
- B Milojevic
- C Vogt
- CG Phillips
- CJ Heath
- D Oscarsson
- DN Pandya
- DWF Schwarz
- DWF Schwarz
- E Krapf
- EA Carmichael
- EA Spiegel
- EA Spiegel
- EG Jones
- EM Walzl
- F Condé
- F Duensing
- G Ettlinger
- GM Stratton
- H Head
- H Kleist
- H Silfvenius
- HH Kornhuber
- HH Kornhuber
- HH Kornhuber
- IE Swett
- J Breuer
- J Hecaen
- J McFie
- J Raymond
- JE Purkinje
- JL Burchfiel
- JM Fredrickson
- JM Fredrickson
- JR Ewald
- JR Haight
- JS Beritachvilli Beritoff
- K Brodmann
- K Brodmann
- L Deecke
- L Deecke
- L Deecke
- L Petrosini
- LC Massopoust
- LM Ödkvist
- LM Ödkvist
- LM Ödkvist
- LM Ödkvist
- LM Ödkvist
- M Bender
- M Critchley
- M Hanus
- M Magnin
- M Magnin
- M Magnin
- M Roucoux-Hanus
- MM Gerebtzoff
- N Boisacq-Schepens
- O Foerster
- O Holmes
- O Potzl
- P Marie
- P Ménière
- PA Hawrylyshyn
- PS Blum
- R Hassler
- R Hassler
- R Hassler
- R Maciewicz
- S Anderson
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- SRC Liedgren
- SRC Liedgren
- SRC Liedgren
- SRC Liedgren
- SRC Liedgren
- U Büttner
- U Büttner
- UR Mills
- W Bader
- W Penfield
- W Penfield
- WA Mickle
- WA Mickle
- WH Kimpinski
- WS Battersby
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1986
- Field of study
The medial geniculate, not the amygdala, as the root of auditory fear conditioning
- Author
- Aitkin
- Aitkin
- Amorapanth
- Andersen
- Apergis-Schoute
- Bakin
- Barnett
- Birt
- Birt
- Blair
- Blum
- Boatman
- Boivie
- Bordi
- Bordi
- Bordi
- Bordi
- Brandner
- Brinkhus
- Buchwald
- Calford
- Campeau
- Carstens
- Cetas
- Chisholm
- Clerici
- Clugnet
- Clugnet
- Clugnet
- Cruikshank
- Disterhoft
- Edeline
- Edeline
- Edeline
- Edeline
- Edeline
- Fanselow
- Fanselow
- Fehr
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- Galambos
- Gallagher
- Gerren
- Halas
- Han
- Hennevin
- Hennevin
- Hennevin
- Hennevin
- Herkenham
- Herkenham
- Huang
- Imig
- Imig
- Jarrell
- Jarrell
- Jarrell
- Jordan
- Kandel
- Khorevin
- Killcross
- Kimura
- Kimura
- Kudo
- Kudo
- Lanuza
- Lanuza
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- LeDoux
- Lehmann
- Lennartz
- Linke
- Linke
- Linke
- Linke
- Lippe
- Lippe
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- Maho
- Maren
- Maren
- Maren
- Maren
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- McEchron
- McEchron
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- McGaugh
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- Mineka
- Morest
- Morest
- Morest
- Morest
- Morris
- Niimi
- Niimi
- Norman M. Weinberger
- Obrist
- Oliver
- Oliver
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- O’Connor
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- Poremba
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- Powell
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- Rescorla
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- Romanski
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- Roucoux-Hanus
- Rouiller
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- Ryugo
- Scheel
- Scheich
- Selden
- Sommer-Smith
- Suga
- Supple
- Talk
- Tranel
- Vazdarjanova
- Weinberger
- Weinberger
- Weinberger
- Weinberger
- Weinberger
- Weinberger
- Wenstrup
- Wepsic
- Whitley
- Whitlock
- Wilensky
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Winer
- Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A Kölliker
- A Morel
- A Sousa-Pinto
- AE Walker
- AK Tebēcis
- AM Graybiel
- AM Graybiel
- AM Graybiel
- AM Graybiel
- AM Graybiel
- C Golgi
- C Golgi
- C Golgi
- C Golgi
- C Pontes
- CK Henkel
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CU Ariëns Kappers
- D Bodian
- DK Morest
- DK Morest
- DK Morest
- DK Morest
- DK Morest
- DK Morest
- DK Morest
- DK Morest
- DK Morest
- DK Morest
- DK Ryugo
- DK Ryugo
- DK Ryugo
- DL Oliver
- DL Oliver
- DL Oliver
- DM Rioch
- DP Phillips
- DRF Irvine
- E Ramon-Moliner
- E Ramon-Moliner
- E Ramon-Moliner
- E Rouiller
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EV Famiglietti Jr
- F Hajdu
- F Kopsch
- F Ribaupierre de
- FF Ebner
- FF Ebner
- FT Russchen
- G Somogyi
- GE Schneider
- GF Poggio
- GF Poggio
- H Burton
- H Kimura
- H Kolb
- H Kuhlenbeck
- H Kuhlenbeck
- H-J Leppelsack
- HI Ralston
- HJ Karten
- HL Mannen
- HO Adrián
- HW Ades
- I Darian-Smith
- IC Whitfield
- IT Diamond
- IT Diamond
- IT Diamond
- J Graham
- J Jerger
- J Raymond
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JA Winer
- JC Middlebrooks
- JC Middlebrooks
- JE Hind
- JE Rose
- JE Rose
- JE Rose
- JG Wepsic
- JH Casseday
- JH LaVail
- JH Morrison
- JK Harting
- JL O’Leary
- JP McAllister
- JR Haight
- JR Hazlett
- JS Lund
- JS Lund
- JW Papez
- JW Papez
- JW Papez
- K Kawamura
- K Niimi
- K Niimi
- KD Saini
- KD Saini
- KJ Berkley
- KK Glendenning
- L Descarries
- LA Palmer
- LM Aitkin
- LM Aitkin
- LM Aitkin
- LM Aitkin
- LM Aitkin
- LM Aitkin
- LM Aitkin
- M Kudo
- M Paula-Barbosa
- M Roucoux-Hanus
- MB Calford
- MB Pritz
- MB Pritz
- ME Scheibel
- ME Scheibel
- ME Scheibel
- ME Scheibel
- ME Scheibel
- MJ Friedlander
- MM Merzenich
- MM Merzenich
- MM Merzenich
- MP Ogren
- N-S Kiang
- NB Cant
- NB Gross
- PG Nelson
- PL Knight
- R Galambos
- R Galambos
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- R Spreafico
- RA Andersen
- RA Andersen
- RA Code
- RA Reale
- RB Glassman
- RE Kalil
- RH Browner
- RJ Tusa
- RW Guillery
- RY Moore
- S Kallert
- SD Erulkar
- SD Winguth
- SS Orman
- T Itakura
- TA Leontovich
- TJ Imig
- TJ Imig
- TJ Imig
- TR Bourk
- W Cox
- WA Mickle
- WE Clark
- WM Cowan
- WR Lippe
- WR Lippe
- WR Mehler
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1985
- Field of study