38 research outputs found


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    Penelitian yang dilakukan dalam mengkaji Pengaruh Mata Pelajaran Akidah Ahlak Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa di MA Amanatul Ummah Surabaya. Islam adalah agama yang diturunkan kepada manusia sebagai rohmat bagi alam semesta. Ajaran-ajarannya selalu membawa kemaslahatan bagi kehidupan manusia di dunia ini. Di dalam agama Islam, banyak sekali ajaran-ajaran yang terbagi dalam subsub bagian, yang salah satunya yaitu Aqidah Akhlak. Mata pelajaran aqidah akhlak adalah sub mata pelajaran pada jenjang pendidikan dasar yang membahas ajaran agama Islam dalam segi aqidah dan akhlak. Mata pelajaran aqidah akhlak juga merupakan bagian dari mata pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam yang memberikan bimbingan kepada siswa agar memahami, menghayati, meyakini kebenaran ajaran Islam serta bersedia mengamalkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, angket dan dokumenter. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan rumus statistik yaitu rumus prosentase, product moment dan rumus regresi agar mendapatkan hasil penganalisaan data secara aktual dan mendalam


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    M. ALI ROSYIDIN : Pengggunaan Alat Peraga Virus Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Di Kelas X Madrasah Aliayah Rabithatul Ulum Krangkeng Indramayu. Kegiatan pembelajaran Biologi di sekolah dewasa ini kurang menunjang terhadap keterampilan dan kreativitas siswa yang sekiranya dapat memotivasi belajarnya sehingga hasil belajar pun meningkat dengan baik., namun salah satu penyebabnya adalah guru dalam proses belajar mengajar sudah terbiasa hanya memberikan teorinya saja tanpa membekali mereka dengan berbagai berbagai metode belajar yang dapat memberikan memotivasi belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa melalui pengggunaan alat peraga virus pada sub pokok bahasan virus. Mengetahui sejauhmana motivasi belajar siswa dengan pengggunaan alat peraga virus. Mengkaji seberapa besar pengaruh pengggunaan alat peraga virus dengan motivasi belajar siswa dari angket untuk kelas eksperimen dalam penelitian Pembelajaran Biologi harus dibekali dengan keterampilan yang dapat diterapkan pada saat pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran untuk menumbuhkan motivasi belajar agar PBM lebih meningkatkan hasil belajarnya. Sehingga dengan pengggunaan alat peraga virus dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dasar yang dimiliki pada anak sesuai dengan taraf kemampuannya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dan metodenya eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah melalui observasi, angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MA Rabitatul Ulum (kelas eksperimen). Untuk teknis analisis datanya menggunakan uji prasyarat yaitu dengan menggunakan Uji Normalitas , Uji Homogenitas, Uji Regresi, Uji Gain dan Uji Hipotesis. Sedangkan untuk angket respon siswa adalah dengan menggunakan rumus Produk Moment Pearson dengan pengukuran skala prosentase. Pembelajaran menggunakan alat peraga virus berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar siswa, hal ini dapat dilihat dari data didapat nilai uji t dengan t hitung adalah = 9,191 sedangkan t tabel sebesar = 1,993 dan nilai signifikannya didapat 0,000 (< 0,05) pengaruh tersebut dapat dituliskan dalam bentuk persamaan regresi linier Y = 26,129 + 0,615 X. Karena t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel maka terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan alat peraga virus dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Maka Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak

    Pelanggaran Inggris terhadap Konvensi Basel: Digital Dumping Ground di Nigeria

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    This research identifies the causes of the United Kingdom's violation of the Basel Convention in the case of disposal of electronic waste from United Kingdom to Nigeria in 2003-2010. This research is using grounded theory, the research method draws conclusions and theories from the empirical data. The results of this research showed that the UK's non compliance to the Basel Convention lack of the UK's commitment to environmental and health issues. UK often received a warning from the European Commission and other countries regarding their transgressions of environmental issues at the global and domestic level since UK is more focusing on traditional issues of International relations, such as military, security and political issues. In addition, Nigeria's population demand on used electrical and electronic equipment is quite high, because many citizens are involved in this sector, either as recyclers or consumers. This is why UK continues to dispose its electronic waste to Nigeria

    Rasional-konstruktivis: Indonesia Di Persimpangan Jalan Merespon Kebijakan ‘Turn Back the Boats' Australia

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    The flow of asylum seekers caused by the many conflicts that arose in theMiddle East and around Asia since about 2001 led Australia to start behavingantipathy to them. Those asylum seekers usually called boat people. Then, itbecomes a reason for Australia to apply restrictive asylum policies. One of thepolicy is called 'turn back the boats' namely by bringing back the boat peoplewho indicated from Indonesia back to Indonesia. This causes asylum seekersexploded in Indonesia region and impacted negative causes. Indonesia wasforced to accept these asylum seekers even though it is detrimental and was notan obligation for Indonesia. This paper intends to analyze the dilemma ofIndonesia to address the Australian policy and asylum-seekers issue usingrationalist and constructivist theory. On the one hand, Indonesia in accordancewith the rationalist view, refuse the asylums and Australia's policy because ofthe cost-benefit considerations and it is not the obligation for Indonesia.However, on the other hand, Indonesia recessive condition forced to accept theboat people and it is consistent with the constructivist view. But apparently,constructivist still has not succeeded explaining this somehow-unique caseconsidering that Indonesia has no commitment in conducting the reception ofthe asylum seekers

    Identitas Kolektif Amerika Serikat Dan Meksiko Dalam Merida Initiative 2008 Untuk Menanggulangi Peredaran Gelap Narkotika (Periode 2008-2014)

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    The Merida Initiative 2008 showed the anomalous relationship between UnitedStates and Mexico that have a history of disharmonious relationship overhundreds of years ago. In addition, this study also aims to determine the effortsthat have been made between United States and Mexico in implementing thepoints of agreement on the Merida Initiative 2008. Using constructivismparadigm of collective identity, the research method used in this research isdescriptive explanatory method with the variable dependent lies on thecollective identity of the United States and Mexico under the Merida Initiative,and the independent variables lies on three determinants of collective identity,which are structural, systemic and strategic factors. Merida Initiative can beregarded as an effective cooperation, since the two countries haveimplemented the points of agreement in this cooperation positively. It ischaracterized by the high number of drug seizures, arrested officials of drugcartels, and the continuation of this cooperation. United States and Mexicoalso described Merida Initiative as a new paradigm in their securitycooperation. Merida Initiative has successfully renew the relationship betweenthe two countries, especially in diplomatic relations on security cooperation

    Politik Organisasi Internasional : Kepentingan Amerika Serikat Melalui Unhcr Dalam Pemberian Refugee Status Determination Di Rumah Detensi Imigrasi Pusat Tanjungpinang

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    Immigrant become an important issue because some state used it for atool to fight for their interest. Tanjungpinang UNHCR discriminativepolicy for the sake of the interest of the donor state resulted a loss inUNHCR independency in giving a humanitarian aid. This researchobjective is to know United States through UNHCR within RefugeeStatus Determination giving in Rumah Detensi Imigrasi PusatTanjungpinang. In knowing that interest, used a theory called realismtheory. The type of this research is mixed methods that analyzed theTanjungpinang UNHCR discriminative policy that favor theAfghanistan nationality immigrant in Rumah Detensi Imigrasi PusatTanjungpinang. The discriminative policy that occur is to favor anAfghanistan nationality immigrants in term of giving the refugeestatus determination. The obtained result by this research shows thatUNHCR discriminative policy are not to bring United States interestto reform their image, but more to fight for their other interest

    Identitas dalam Hubungan Internasional: Dilema Kebijakan Luar Negeri Finlandia dalam Krisis Ukraina 2014

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    This research aims to explain why Finland did not play role as peacemaker in UkraineCrisis. The great contribution on mediating conflicts in International relation has made Finland plays role as peacemaker, a country who being well known with their peace action.But as Ukraine Crisis occurs, Finland only helps by sending foreign aid and giving advice toRussia and Ukraine to arrange a mediation, without present itself as the mediator. Usingconstructivist approaches, this research argues that there is identity conflict betweenFinland's identity as a peacemaker and as a member of The European Union which isagainst Russia. The strong solidarity between The European Union and Finland causedFinland tends to support The European Union's decision to impose economic sanctionagainst Russia, instead of mediating the conflict. This research confirms a constructivist assumption that states must consider their identities in determining foreign policy, so they will not turned dilemma when they face a situation where they need to use more than one identity to conduct foreign policy

    Flywheel Generator

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    Lately, the needs of energy is increasing but its availability is very limited. Therefore,it is important to do more research on energy reform. Generator is one of the alternative energy which commonly used by the public, but it has a minus value such as the voltage instability and low efficiency of the generator . Based on those issues,so we made an application flywheel in electrical generator, which aims to produce a concept of power efficiency increase, stabilize the output voltage of the generator and begin to process power plant. How to operate it is by connecting the outlet of electricity, then TPDT converted to first position (position I), when the indicator light on the generator turns on, TPDT converted into the second position (position II) and began to process power plant.Making process of flywheel application machine in electrical generator start from designing of flywheel mechanims, find the amount of rotation per minute from generator (by experiments), find element of machine which uses(shaft,pin, chain, sprocket, bearing and flywheel), the value of power and the output value of generator. from the results of design of the machine is needed a 700watt with 1500 rpm motor with a transmission system using chain no.25, 10,5 kg mass of flywheel, and the maximum output power from generator 1200watt for 12 minutes