610 research outputs found

    Dabigatrán su eficacia y seguridad en el tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular de origen no valvular. Experiencia personal de tres años

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    La fibrilación auricular (FA) es la arritmia cardiaca sostenida más frecuente con una prevalencia en la población general del 1.5 al 2%1 que aumenta con la edad llegando hasta el 15% en la población igual o mayor a los 80 años2 . La FA es una enfermedad grave que se asocia a una mayor tasa de mortalidad y de morbilidad asociadas a accidente vascular cerebral (AVC) y otros episodios tromboembólicos.Introducción: La fibrilación auricular (FA) es la arritmia cardiaca sostenida más frecuente y un factor de riesgo para accidente vascular cerebral y otros tipos de embolismo. Desde el estudio RE-LY, dabigatrán demostró su eficacia y seguridad en la prevención de estas complicaciones. El objetivo es evaluar su seguridad y eficacia en la FA. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, transversal, descriptivo, observacional de enero 2011 a diciembre 2013. A los pacientes con FA no valvular se les prescribió dabigatrán 150 mg dos veces al día después de estratificar su score de CHA2DS2-VASc y HAS-BLED. La evaluación fue a los 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 y 36 meses para presencia de accidente vascular cerebral, embolismo sistémico y sangrados mayores. Análisis estadístico con la prueba de Chi cuadrada. Resultados: 1430 pacientes atendidos. Sólo 49 pacientes fueron incluidos por FA no valvular con score de CHA2DS2VASc de 3.1, HAS-BLED de 1.5. Los pacientes tomaron dabigatrán en promedio 13.6 meses. El 48.9% eran hombres. Se encontró una edad media de 72.7+8.4. Hubo 4 defunciones (8.1%): dos por embolismo pulmonar, uno por IAMAS y uno por progresión de su ICC. Hubo un evento de Infarto agudo al miocardio anteroseptal STDA (2%). Conclusiones: El dabigatrán demostró ser seguro y eficaz en el tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular no valvular

    QR Code Integrity Verification Based on Modified SHA-1 Algorithm

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    The modified SHA-1 algorithm was applied in the data integrity verification process of certificates with QR code technology. This paper identified the requirements needed in the certificate verification that uses the modified SHA-1. The application was tested using legitimate and fraudulent certificates. Based on the results, the application successfully generated QR codes, printed certificates, and verified certificates with 100% accuracy. During the trial run of the app, four test cases were seen which involves correct names and QR codes, and three other possible test cases of faking certificates such as modification of the name, regeneration of QR codes using valid hash and a fake name, and modification of the QR code. Although these cases exist, the app successfully verified all thirty certificates correctly. Also, it is noticed that during the scanning, the smartphone camera should be in focus to capture the QR code clearly

    Information Quality in Latin American Digital Native Media: Analysis Based on Structured Dimensions and Indicators

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    The current communicative ecosystem has profoundly transformed journalistic work and the media, generating with great eagerness the emergence of digital native media that do not follow the logic of their conventional peers. Although the advent of these media is not entirely negative, as they create multiple voices that contribute to pluralism, their quality has undoubtedly been questioned on several academic fronts. This work analyzes the most important Latin American digital native media by number of accesses (traffic), using a taxonomy of evaluation of dimensions of the informative quality, in which aspects such as informative sources, uses of international news agencies, correction of contents and factuality levels, ideological plurality in their opinion contents, among others, are taken into consideration. Of the emerging results, the ‘use of statistical indicators’ was the least rated (32.5%), mainly due to a lack of data journalism in the media studied. It is also worth noting that the indicator ‘comments and monitoring’ obtained the second-lowest rating, indicating an absence of conversation between the media and its audience through the comments section of each content

    Genome sequences of Burkholderia sp. Strains CCGE1002 and H160, isolated from legume nodules in Mexico and Brazil.

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    The genome sequences of Burkholderia sp. strains CCGE1002 from Mexico and H160 from Brazil, isolated from legume nodules, are reported. Their gene contents in relation to plant-microbe interactions and xenobiotic degradation are discussed

    ENSEMBLES: a new multi-model ensemble for seasonal-to-annual predictions: Skill and progress beyond DEMETER in forecasting tropical Pacific SSTs

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    A new 46-year hindcast dataset for seasonal-to-annual ensemble predictions has been created using a multi-model ensemble of 5 state-of-the-art coupled atmosphere-ocean circulation models. The multi-model outperforms any of the single-models in forecasting tropical Pacific SSTs because of reduced RMS errors and enhanced ensemble dispersion at all lead-times. Systematic errors are considerably reduced over the previous generation (DEMETER). Probabilistic skill scores show higher skill for the new multi-model ensemble than for DEMETER in the 4–6 month forecast range. However, substantially improved models would be required to achieve strongly statistical significant skill increases. The combination of ENSEMBLES and DEMETER into a grand multi-model ensemble does not improve the forecast skill further. Annual-range hindcasts show anomaly correlation skill of ∼0.5 up to 14 months ahead. A wide range of output from the multi-model simulations is becoming publicly available and the international community is invited to explore the full scientific potential of these data

    Comparative mapping of human chromosome 13 genes in the pig shows a similar gene arrangement

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    Previous comparative mapping between the human and pig genomes suggested complete conservation of human chromosome 13 (HSA13) to pig chromosome 11 (SSC11). The objectives of this study were comparative gene mapping of pig homologs of HSA13 genes and an examination of gene order within this conserved synteny group by physical assignment of each locus. A detailed HSA13 to SSC11 comparison was chosen since the comparative gene map is not well developed for these chromosomes and a rearranged gene order within conserved synteny groups was observed from the comparison between human chromosome 13 and bovine chromosome 12. Pig sequence tagged sites (STSs) for six HSA13 genes were developed and physically mapped using a somatic cell hybrid panel (SCHP) to SSC11 with 85–100% concordance. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) mapping also was applied to determine the gene order within each subchromosomal region. Results from this study increase the comparative information available on SSC11 and suggest the same gene order among examined loci on SSC11 and HSA13

    Woodchip bioreactors provide sustained denitrification of brine from groundwater desalination plants

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    Woodchip bioreactors are widely known as a best management practice to reduce excess nitrate loads that are discharged with agricultural leachates. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of citrus woodchip bioreactors for denitrification of brine (electrical conductivity ≈ 17 mS cm-1) from groundwater desalination plants with high nitrate content (NO3--N ≈ 48 mg L-1) in the Campo de Cartagena agricultural watershed, one of the main providers of horticultural products in Europe. The performance was evaluated relative to seasonal changes in temperature, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) provided by woodchips, hydraulic residence time (HRT) and woodchip aging. Bioreactors (capacity 1 m3) operated for 2.5 years (121 weeks) in batch mode (24 h HRT) with three batches per week. Denitrification efficiency was modulated by DOC concentration, temperature, hydraulic residence time and the drying-rewetting cycles. High salinity of brine did not prevent nitrate removal from occurring. The high DOC availability (> 25 mg C L-1) during the first ≈48 weeks resulted in high nitrate removal rate (> 75 %) and nitrate removal efficiency (until ≈ 25 g N m-3 d-1) regardless of temperature. Moreover, the high DOC contents in the effluents during this period may present environmental drawbacks. Denitrification was still high after 2.5 years (reaching ≈9.3 g N m-3 d-1 in week 121), but dependence on warm temperature became more apparent with woodchips aging from week ≈49 onwards. Nitrate removal efficiency was highest on the first weekly batch, immediately after woodchips had been unsaturated for four days. It was attributable to a flush of DOC produced by aerobic microbial metabolism during drying that stimulated denitrification following re-saturation. Hence, alternance of drying-rewetting cycles is an operation practice that increase bioreactors nitrate removal performance.This study was supported by the Chair of Sustainable Agriculture for the Campo de Cartagena (Cátedra de Agricultura Sostenible para el Campo de Cartagena)