1,039 research outputs found

    “Nós, as meninas da minha família, sempre vamos muito cedo para lá”: trajetórias migracionais, redes sociais e espaços de vida das domésticas migrantes

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    Neste trabalho, são analisadas as trajetórias migratórias de domésticas do Norte de Minas Gerais-Brasil, considerando o enfoque nas redes sociais e espaços de vida. O texto ancora-se na realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com mulheres migrantes, relacionando com dados secundários do Censo do IBGE /2010. Investem-se nas causas que provocam a migração e como as redes sociais contribuem para as relações de gênero nas migrações. Conclui-se que as redes promovem a inserção no mercado laboral, a adaptação na sociedade e a manutenção dos laços familiares e culturais com a região de destino, e igualmente uma guetização dos empregos feminino

    Impact of changes in land use and land cover in the contribution basin of Doutor João Penido water supply reservoir of Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.

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    Changes in the land use and land cover in areas adjacent to water reservoirs directly affect the quality of this water. This research presents a study on the water quality in the basin of one of the most important public water supply reservoirs in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. The main objective of this study was to analyze the behavior of limnological parameters and the correlation with land use and land cover in the contribution basin of the Doutor João Penido reservoir (CBJPR). The methodology was based on the analysis of water quality parameters, related to water samples collected from 2012 to 2015. Six sampling points were chosen from different locations: spring, medium course, main tributaries of the reservoir and the reservoir catchment. The parameters analyzed were turbidity, total solids (TS), oxygen consumed (OC), dissolved oxygen (DO), electrical conductivity, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), E. Coli, temperature, pH and total dissolved solids (TDS). The Kendall?s tau test was used to analyze the correlations between the parameters of water quality, land use and land cover in the CBJPR. In general, measured parameters showed better results in spring and in reservoir catchment, showing a worse quality of the water along the tributaries and the dilution power of the reservoir. The correlations pointed to the need for protection and preservation of forests in strategic locations to ensure good water quality

    Diversity, chemical constituents and biological activities of endophytic fungi isolated from Schinus terebinthifolius raddi

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    Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi is a medicinal plant widely used for the treatment of various diseases. The secondary metabolites responsible for the pharmacological properties can be produced directly by the plant or by endophytic fungi. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of endophytic fungi of di erent parts of S. terebinthifolius and to identify chemical compounds produced by endophytes and their antioxidant and antibacterial activities. For this, fruits, stem bark and roots were dried, ground and placed in fungal growth medium. The selected endophytes were grown and subjected to extraction with ethyl acetate. DPPH, FRAP, -carotene bleaching and antimicrobial assays were performed. The phylogenetic tree was elaborated, encompassing 15 di erent species. The fungal extracts showed hydroxybenzoic acids and 1-dodecanol as predominant compounds. All fungal extracts exhibited antioxidant activity. The fungal extracts exhibited bactericidal and bacteriostatic activities against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial ATCC strains and against methicillin-resistant nosocomial bacteria. Among the 10 endophytic fungi evaluated, the extract of the fungus Ochrocladosporium elatum showed higher phenolic content and exhibited higher antioxidant and antibacterial activities in all tests. Together, the results increase the known diversity of S. terebinthifolius endophytic fungi, secondary metabolites produced and their antioxidant and antibacterial activities.Thisworkwas supported by grants fromFoundation to Support to Fundação deApoio aoDesenvolvimento do Ensino, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado deMato Grosso do Sul (FUNDECT), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Características morfológicas e estudo da vascularização do corpo lúteo cíclico de cabras ao longo do ciclo estral

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    Corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland that regulates either the estrous cycle and pregnancy. It presents extreme dependency on the adequate blood supply. This work aims to evaluate goat corpus luteum (CL) vascular density (VD) over the estrous cycle. For that purpose, 20 females were submitted to estrus synchronization/ovulation treatment using a medroxyprogesterone intra-vaginal sponge as well as intramuscular (IM) application of cloprostenol and equine chorionic gonadotrophine (eCG). After sponge removal, estrus was identified at about 72hs. Once treatment was over, female goats were then subdivided into 4 groups (n=5 each) and slaughtered on days 2, 12, 16 and 22 after ovulation (p.o). Ovaries were collected, withdrawn and weighted. CL and ovaries had size and area recorded. Blood samples were collected and the plasma progesterone (P4) was measured through RIA commercial kits. The VD was 24.42±6.66, 36.26±5.61, 8.59±2.2 and 3.97±1.12 vessels/mm² for days 2, 12, 16 and 22 p.o, respectively. Progesterone plasma concentrations were 0.49±0.08, 2.63±0.66, 0.61±0.14 and 0.22±0.04ng/ml for days 2, 12, 16 e 22 p.o, respectively. Studied parameters were affected by the estrous cycle phase. Values greater than 12 p.o were observed. In the present work we observed that ovulation occurred predominantly in the right ovary (70% of the animals), which in turn presented bigger measures than the contra lateral one. There is a meaningful relationship between the weight and size of the ovary and these of CL (r=0.87, r=0.70, respectively, p<0.05). It is possible to conclude that morphology of goat's ovaries and plasma progesterone concentration changed according to estrous cycle stages. We propose these parameters can be used as indicators of CL functional activity.O corpo lúteo é uma glândula endócrina temporária que regula tanto o ciclo estral quanto a prenhez, apresentando extrema dependência de aporte sanguíneo adequado. Objetivaram-se avaliar mudanças morfométricas dos ovários e densidade vascular (DV) dos corpos lúteos (CL) de cabras ao longo do ciclo estral (AOLC). Vinte animais foram submetidos ao tratamento para indução/sincronização do estro, usando esponjas intravaginais commedroxiprogesterona, associadas a aplicações intramusculares de cloprostenol e gonadotrofina coriônica eqüina. Após remoção das esponjas, o estro foi identificado em aproximadamente de 72h. Concluído o tratamento, as cabras foram subdivididas em 4 grupos (n=5 cada) para abate nos dias 2, 12, 16 e 22 após ovulação (p.o.). Posteriormente, foram retirados os ovários e realizadas as mensurações de peso, tamanho e área do órgão e dos CL. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas e a progesterona sérica (P4) mensurada utilizando-se RIA convencional. A DV média dos CL AOLC foi 24,42±6,66; 36,26±5,61; 8,59±2,2 e 3,97±1,12 vasos/mm2 para os dias 2, 12, 16 e 22 p.o., respectivamente. A concentração média de P4 foi de 0,49±0,08; 2,63±0,66; 0,61±0,14 e 0,22±0,04ng/ml para os dias 2, 12, 16 e 22 p.o., respectivamente. Os parâmetros em estudo também se mostraram afetados pela fase do ciclo estral, sendo observados os maiores (p < 0,05) valores no dia 12 p.o. Neste experimento, a ovulação ocorreu predominantemente no ovário direito (70% dos animais), o qual apresentou medidas maiores que o contralateral. Observou-se ainda alta correlação significativa entre o peso do ovário e o do CL (r=0,87; p<0,05) e entre o tamanho destes órgãos (r=0,70; p<0,05). Conclui-se que, a morfologia dos ovários de cabras e a concentração sérica de progesterona variam em função da fase do ciclo estral e podem ser utilizadas como parâmetro na avaliação funcional do órgão