38 research outputs found

    Speeding up liquid crystal SLMs using overdrive with phase change reduction

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    Nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulators (SLMs) with fast switching times and high diffraction efficiency are important to various applications ranging from optical beam steering and adaptive optics to optical tweezers. Here we demonstrate the great benefits that can be derived in terms of speed enhancement without loss of diffraction efficiency from two mutually compatible approaches. The first technique involves the idea of overdrive, that is the calculation of intermediate patterns to speed up the transition to the target phase pattern. The second concerns optimization of the target pattern to reduce the required phase change applied to each pixel, which in addition leads to a substantial reduction of variations in the intensity of the diffracted light during the transition. When these methods are applied together, we observe transition times for the diffracted light fields of about 1 ms, which represents up to a tenfold improvement over current approaches. We experimentally demonstrate the improvements of the approach for applications such as holographic image projection, beam steering and switching, and real-time control loops

    Optomechanical deformation and strain in elastic dielectrics

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    Light forces induced by scattering and absorption in elastic dielectrics lead to local density modulations and deformations. These perturbations in turn modify light propagation in the medium and generate an intricate nonlinear response. We generalise an analytic approach where light propagation in one-dimensional media of inhomogeneous density is modelled as a result of multiple scattering between polarizable slices. Using the Maxwell stress tensor formalism we compute the local optical forces and iteratively approach self-consistent density distributions where the elastic back-action balances gradient- and scattering forces. For an optically trapped dielectric we derive the nonlinear dependence of trap position, stiffness and total deformation on the object's size and field configuration. Generally trapping is enhanced by deformation, which exhibits a periodic change between stretching and compression. This strongly deviates from qualitative expectations based on the change of photon momentum of light crossing the surface of a dielectric. We conclude that optical forces have to be treated as volumetric forces and that a description using the change of photon momentum at the surface of a medium is inappropriate

    Tailoring ultrasonic beams with optoacoustic holography

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    ABSTRACT A combination of laser-induced ultrasound generation and ultrasonic holography for spatial control of the generated ultrasonic pulse is presented. Ultrasound is produced by absorption of laser pulses at an absorbing layer in a water tank via the optoacoustic effect. In order to produce a defined ultrasonic frequency in the MHz range, the laser pulses are harmonically time-modulated using an acousto-optic modulator (AOM). Additionally, the laser intensity is spatially controlled. This is realized with a high resolution liquid crystal spatial light modulator (LCD). A computer generated pattern is displayed at the LCD and projected by the expanded laser beam to an absorptive layer in the water tank. As a result, the emitted ultrasonic wave emerges in a predetermined way, which is an acoustical analogue to the effect of a "diffractive optical element" in laser optics. The flexible method of optical ultrasound generation and diffractive steering promises new applications in medical and technical ultrasound diagnostics

    A multi-modal stereo microscope based on a spatial light modulator

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    Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs) can emulate the classic microscopy techniques, including differential interference (DIC) contrast and (spiral) phase contrast. Their programmability entails the benefit of flexibility or the option to multiplex images, for single-shot quantitative imaging or for simultaneous multi-plane imaging (depth-of-field multiplexing). We report the development of a microscope sharing many of the previously demonstrated capabilities, within a holographic implementation of a stereo microscope. Furthermore, we use the SLM to combine stereo microscopy with a refocusing filter and with a darkfield filter. The instrument is built around a custom inverted microscope and equipped with an SLM which gives various imaging modes laterally displaced on the same camera chip. In addition, there is a wide angle camera for visualisation of a larger region of the sample

    Generally applicable holographic torque measurement for optically trapped particles

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    We present a method to measure the optical torque applied to particles of arbitrary shape such as micrometer-sized micro-organisms or cells held in an optical trap, inferred from the change of angular momentum of light induced by the particle. All torque components can be determined from a single interference pattern recorded by a camera in the back focal plane of a high-NA condenser lens provided that most of the scattered light is collected. We derive explicit expressions mapping the measured complex field in this plane to the torque components. The required phase is retrieved by an iterative algorithm, using the known position of the optical traps as constraints. The torque pertaining to individual particles is accessible, as well as separate spin or orbital parts of the total torque

    Spatial patterns in optical parametric oscillators with spherical mirrors: classical and quantum effects: errata

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    We investigate the formation of transverse patterns in a doubly resonant degenerate optical parametric oscillator. Extending previous work, we treat the more realistic case of a spherical mirror cavity with a finite-sized input pump field. Using numerical simulations in real space, we determine the conditions on the cavity geometry, pump size and detunings for which pattern formation occurs; we find multistability of different types of optical patterns. Below threshold, we analyze the dependence of the quantum image on the width of the input field, in the near and in the far field

    Mimicking a Squeezed Bath Interaction: Quantum Reservoir Engineering with Atoms

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    The interaction of an atomic two-level system and a squeezed vacuum leads to interesting novel effects in atomic dynamics, including line narrowing in resonance fluorescence and absorption spectra, and a suppressed (enhanced) decay of the in-phase and out-of phase component of the atomic polarization. On the experimental side these predictions have so far eluded observation, essentially due to the difficulty of embedding atoms in a 4 pi squeezed vacuum. In this paper we show how to ``engineer'' a squeezed-bath-type interaction for an effective two-level system. In the simplest example, our two-level atom is represented by the two ground levels of an atom with angular momentum J=1/2 -> J=1/2 transition (a four level system) which is driven by (weak) laser fields and coupled to the vacuum reservoir of radiation modes. Interference between the spontaneous emission channels in optical pumping leads to a squeezed bath type coupling, and thus to symmetry breaking of decay on the Bloch sphere. With this system it should be possible to observe the effects predicted in the context of squeezed bath - atom interactions. The laser parameters allow one to choose properties of the squeezed bath interaction, such as the (effective) photon number expectation number N and the squeezing phase phi. We present results of a detailed analytical and numerical study.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Noise reduction in a laser by nonlinear damping

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    We consider the reduction of the intensity fluctuations in a laser by intracavity nonlinear absorption. The optimum operating conditions for reducing the intracavity intensity fluctuations are not the same as the conditions for reducing the intensity fluctuations in the output field. For a quite general class of models, we show that at the optimum operating point for reducing intensity fluctuations in the output field reduction in the intracavity intensity fluctuations is half of the maximum level that can be achieved in the model. We also show that as the laser intensity fluctuations are reduced the phase fluctuations, as measured by the laser linewidth, are correspondingly increased

    Squeezed light from a coherently pumped four-level laser

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    We calculate the amplitude squeezing in the output of a coherently pumped four-level laser and compare it with that from a similar incoherently pumped laser. We find that squeezing may be considerably enhanced by pumping with coherent light. The squeezing in both types of laser is explained by a simple statistical model