448 research outputs found

    Leveraging agrigenomics" for crop improvement"

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    Modern biotechnologies have dramatically reshaped the crop improvement research during the past decade. Biotechniques have become indispensable for efficient and effective development of new knowledge, processes, and products. IITA's biotechnology, strategized as three major themes― genomics, transgenics, and diagnostics, is directed toward the genetic improvement of staple food crops of Africa, such as cooking-banana, plantain, cassava, yam, and cowpea. This section provides some insights and progress in this program

    Food security and transition towards sustainability

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    In the light of linkages in various scales and targets, the complex and nuanced design of the sustainable development goals (SDG) raises more challenges in their implementation on the ground. This paper reviewed 25 food security indicators, proposed improvements to facilitate operationalization, and illustrated practical implementation. The research focused on three essential blind spots that arise from the potential interactions between sustainable food production, consumption, and domestic material consumption (DMC). Projection of latent structure regression was applied to link food security and sustainable development goals. Findings revealed that the key target in reducing trade-offs was the integration of DMC with sustainable food production and consumption. DMC was positively correlated with the creation of coherent SDG strategies and sustainable food security. Practical implications were discussed by highlighting how to achieve food security across contrasting development contexts and the challenges of addressing the links between targets and indicators within and beyond SDGs 2 and 12. The results are useful for setting a proper strategy for sustainable production and consumption that can improve the efficient use of resources in the eight Central European countries

    Bibliography of Jewish Genealogy

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    Cassava improvement in the era of "agrigenomics": the road to nextgeneration breeding.

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    In the last 45 years, IITA has played a pivotal role in the genetic improvement of cassava for resourcepoor farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). More than 400 varieties have been developed that are not only high yielding but also resistant to diseases and pests. Many of these improved varieties have been extensively deployed in SSA and have helped to avert humanitarian crises caused by the viral disease pandemics that devastated local landraces in East and Central Africa

    O Diálogo Entre Teoria e Prática: uma Formação Continuada de Professores de Ciências em Serviço Utilizando o Diagrama v

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    Inicialmente, uma revisão de literatura sobre formação de professores em ciências foi realizada, onde foram elencadas problemáticas, identificados objetivos, referenciais teóricos e categorizadas as conclusões dos artigos selecionados. Esta revisão motivou a seguinte questão de pesquisa: como construir com professores de ciências, em encontros coletivos, reflexões sobre suas práticas no sentido da busca de autonomia, de forma a lidar com suas resistências e tensões para desenvolver estratégias que efetivamente conseguissem utilizar na sala de aula? Neste sentido, foi elaborada uma formação de professores com o objetivo de analisar um processo coletivo de formação contínua de professores em serviço, onde pudessem refletir sobre suas práticas, favorecendo o diálogo entre a teoria e a prática na construção e desenvolvimento do ato pedagógico. Durante o processo de formação foi utilizado o Diagrama V (descrito em detalhes no texto); não como uma metodologia, mas como ferramenta de auxílio nos processos educativos. A formação continuada envolveu cinco professores de ciências de escolas da rede municipal do município de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim ES, que se encontravam na presença e participação do pesquisador, discutindo e tecendo o curso em uma perspectiva formativa e colaborativa. Os encontros presenciais ocorreram durante um semestre letivo, intercalados com a realização de atividades de planejamento em casa e atividades com os alunos na escola. Para a coleta de dados, todos os encontros foram gravados e as falas dos professores transcritas. Além disso, foram coletados os Diagramas V produzidos pelos professores e pelos alunos. As impressões dos alunos em relação às atividades desenvolvidas também foram coletadas, através de falas espontâneas dos mesmos e de textos produzidos. Estes dados foram analisados qualitativamente através da análise de conteúdo e observando os Movimentos Crítico Reflexivos da pesquisa-ação, escolhida como opção teóricometodológica no contexto da formação continuada de professores. Refletir coletivamente, com a construção de Diagramas V com os alunos foi uma prática assumida pelos professores. Eles se inseriram em um caminho onde puderam ser pesquisadores de sua própria prática, puderam conhecer uma nova estratégia de ensino e reconhecer tanto a validade dessa proposta em seus contextos de sala de aula, quanto ao seu potencial pessoal para elaborar e desenvolver inovações no ensino, onde o conceito de Movimento Reflexivo Crítico foi tendo presença marcante na medida em que os ciclos foram avançando. E, finalmente, além de se propor um conceito de Professor Autônomo, no contexto da Formação de Professores, é sugerido, também, uma adaptação e ampliação do Diagrama V de Gowin (1981). Teríamos agora o Diagrama M, fazendo alusão ao Movimento Reflexivo Crítico discutido teoricamente e percebido na prática desse trabalho de doutorado

    Genomic prediction and quantitative trait locus discovery in a cassava training population constructed from multiple breeding stages

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 11 Dec 2019Assembly of a training population (TP) is an important component of effective genomic selection‐based breeding programs. In this study, we examined the power of diverse germplasm assembled from two cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) breeding programs in Tanzania at different breeding stages to predict traits and discover quantitative trait loci (QTL). This is the first genomic selection and genome‐wide association study (GWAS) on Tanzanian cassava data. We detected QTL associated with cassava mosaic disease (CMD) resistance on chromosomes 12 and 16; QTL conferring resistance to cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) on chromosomes 9 and 11; and QTL on chromosomes 2, 3, 8, and 10 associated with resistance to CBSD for root necrosis. We detected a QTL on chromosome 4 and two QTL on chromosome 12 conferring dual resistance to CMD and CBSD. The use of clones in the same stage to construct TPs provided higher trait prediction accuracy than TPs with a mixture of clones from multiple breeding stages. Moreover, clones in the early breeding stage provided more reliable trait prediction accuracy and are better candidates for constructing a TP. Although larger TP sizes have been associated with improved accuracy, in this study, adding clones from Kibaha to those from Ukiriguru and vice versa did not improve the prediction accuracy of either population. Including the Ugandan TP in either population did not improve trait prediction accuracy. This study applied genomic prediction to understand the implications of constructing TP from clones at different breeding stages pooled from different locations on trait accuracy

    Feasibility and Acceptability of Mobile Phone–Based Auto-Personalized Physical Activity Recommendations for Chronic Pain Self-Management: Pilot Study on Adults

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    Background: Chronic pain is a globally prevalent condition. It is closely linked with psychological well-being, and it is often concomitant with anxiety, negative affect, and in some cases even depressive disorders. In the case of musculoskeletal chronic pain, frequent physical activity is beneficial. However, reluctance to engage in physical activity is common due to negative psychological associations (eg, fear) between movement and pain. It is known that encouragement, self-efficacy, and positive beliefs are effective to bolster physical activity. However, given that the majority of time is spent away from personnel who can give such encouragement, there is a great need for an automated ubiquitous solution. Objective: MyBehaviorCBP is a mobile phone app that uses machine learning on sensor-based and self-reported physical activity data to find routine behaviors and automatically generate physical activity recommendations that are similar to existing behaviors. Since the recommendations are based on routine behavior, they are likely to be perceived as familiar and therefore likely to be actualized even in the presence of negative beliefs. In this paper, we report the preliminary efficacy of MyBehaviorCBP based on a pilot trial on individuals with chronic back pain. Methods: A 5-week pilot study was conducted on people with chronic back pain (N=10). After a week long baseline period with no recommendations, participants received generic recommendations from an expert for 2 weeks, which served as the control condition. Then, in the next 2 weeks, MyBehaviorCBP recommendations were issued. An exit survey was conducted to compare acceptance toward the different forms of recommendations and map out future improvement opportunities. Results: In all, 90% (9/10) of participants felt positive about trying the MyBehaviorCBP recommendations, and no participant found the recommendations unhelpful. Several significant differences were observed in other outcome measures. Participants found MyBehaviorCBP recommendations easier to adopt compared to the control (βint=0.42, P<.001) on a 5-point Likert scale. The MyBehaviorCBP recommendations were actualized more (βint=0.46, P<.001) with an increase in approximately 5 minutes of further walking per day (βint=4.9 minutes, P=.02) compared to the control. For future improvement opportunities, participants wanted push notifications and adaptation for weather, pain level, or weekend/weekday. Conclusions: In the pilot study, MyBehaviorCBP’s automated approach was found to have positive effects. Specifically, the recommendations were actualized more, and perceived to be easier to follow. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time an automated approach has achieved preliminary success to promote physical activity in a chronic pain context. Further studies are needed to examine MyBehaviorCBP’s efficacy on a larger cohort and over a longer period of time

    Folk taxonomy and traditional management of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) diversity in southern and central Benin

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important food security crop for poor rural communities, particularly in Africa. At household level, cassava landraces used for cultivation are mainly selected based on farmers' interests, leading to very particular diversity evolution over generations. The structure, composition and factors influencing cassava diversity at that level is not well monitored and under documented. This study aimed at capturing and analyzing local knowledge on cassava genetic diversity and the key parameters affecting it in Benin, for better and sustainable local cassava genetic resources management. The methodological approach was based on field visits, interview using questionnaire and group discussion with farmers. Data were collected from one hundred and ninety eight (198) respondents and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The majority (82%) of the respondents were male, generally 20 to 80 years old. Positive correlation was found between cassava diversity maintained per household with cultivated area and household size (R2 = 0.162). Farmers used mainly stem and leaves characteristics to identify cassava varieties. Plant materials for next season were mostly selected according to the disease (mainly plant free of viral infection) status, size of the stem and number of nodes. The study revealed existence of a high diversity of cassava at the household level. However, various factors constrained cassava production and threats on cassava diversity were observed. Establishment of community field genebank, introduction of new varieties were some of the on-farm conservation strategies proposed by cassava farmers

    Functional outcome of diaphyseal fractures of forearm in children treated with titanium elastic nailing system

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    Background: Forearm fractures are common injuries in children, with diaphyseal fractures of the forearm being among the most frequent injuries treated in the pediatric population. This study aimed to assess the functional outcome of diaphyseal fractures of the forearm in children treated with the titanium elastic nailing system. Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at the Department of Orthopaedics, Mainamoti Medical College, Cumilla, Bangladesh from January 2020 to December 2022. The study included 67 patients aged 6-15 with diaphyseal forearm fractures treated with the titanium elastic nailing system, selected through purposive sampling. MS Office tools were used for data analysis. Results: According to the functional outcome criteria described by Price et al., it was observed that in the highest number of patients (86.56%), the functional outcome was excellent, followed by good, fair, and poor outcomes found in 8.96%, 2.99%, and 1.49% of the cases, respectively. As the postoperative complications, the delayed union was found among 4%, and skin infection was found among 3% of cases. Conclusions: Considering the excellent outcomes and lower complication rate, the titanium elastic nailing system may be considered a very effective and safe treatment method for the management of diaphyseal fractures of the forearm in children