16 research outputs found

    Strategi Pendampingan Daum Peningkatan Kemandirian Beujar Masyarakat

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    Untuk dapat meningkatkan kemandirian belajar bagi warga belajar pada komunitas belajar Nusa Madani Desa Cibogo Lembang diperlukan strategi pendampingan yang tepat dari para psilitator dengan membekali warga belajar dengan berbagai keterampilan hidup (life skill) dan kompetensi lain yang memberikan nilai tambah secara ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya. Kualitas warga Negara yang diharapkan dalam pendidikan luar sekolah sebagai pengejawantahan dari pendidikan non-formal diantaranya harus memiliki kepekaan terhadap (1) jatidlri dan potensi untuk membangun identitas etnik; (2) kemampuan untuk toleran dan bekerjasama dengan orang lain yang berbeda; (3) keinginan untuk berpartisipasi dalam meningkatkan akuntabilitas pemerintahan; (4) keinginan untuk mengendalikan dan bertanggung jawab terhadap kebutuhan ekonomi dan pilihan pribadi; (5) keadilan dan komitmen terhadap pemerataan kesejahteraan masyarakat. (Hufad: 2009)

    Pengaruh Molar Rasio Tetracalcium Phosphate Dan Dicalcium Phosphate Dan Penambahan Chitosan Sebagai Gelling Agent Dalam Sintesis Pasta Calcium Phosphate Cement

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    Bone cement berbasis calcium phosaphate banyak digunakan dalam aplikasi kedokteran karena memiliki in-situ-setting ability, osteoconductivity, dan bone-replacement capability yang baik. Akan tetapi, calcium phosphate cement memiliki keterbatasan yaitu setting time yang lama, mudah washout, dan memiliki strength yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, pada studi ini penulis mencoba memodifikasi sifat dari calcium phospate cement tersebut dengan memodifikasi molar rasio tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP) dan dicalcium phosphate (DCPA), dan menambahkan chitosan sebagai gelling agent. Modifikasi molar rasio bertujuan untuk menurunkan setting time, sedangkan penambahan chitosan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan washout resistance, mempercepat pertumbuhan apatit dan mempercepat setting time. Modifikasi molar rasio tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP) dan dicalcium phosphate (DCPA) dari 1:1 menjadi 1:2 menunjukan penurunan setting time yang signifikan dari 30 menit menjadi 12 menit untuk sampel tanpa penambahan chitosan, dan untuk sampel dengan penambahan chitosan terjadi penurunan setting time dari 28 menit menjadi 8 menit. Penambahan chitosan terbukti efektif mempercepat setting time sekitar 2-4 menit, mempercepat pertumbuhan apatit dan dapat meningkatkan washout resistance semua sampel

    Non Dispersive Chemical Deacidification of Crude Palm Oil in Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor

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    Performance of chemical deacidification of crude palm oil (CPO) using aqueous NaOH solution in a polysulfone hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane was investigated. The effects of operating temperature, NaOH concentration and flow rates on percentage of free fatty acids (FFA) removal, oil loss, soap entrainment and overall mass transfer coefficient were evaluated. Overall mass transfer coefficients, soap content in oil and neutral oil loss all increased when the temperature was increased from 60 to 70°C due to an increase of the FFA distribution value. A minimum 0.25 N of NaOH or a NaOH to FFA molar ratio of about 7.62 was required to facilitate the expected extraction efficiency. The increased oil flowrate slightly enhanced the solute transport kinetics, while the aqueous phase flowrate did not significantly influence deacidification efficiency or mass transfer coefficient. About 97% of FFA removal was achieved within 4 hours. The maximum oil loss observed was 11% and the highest soap content in the oil without separation step was 3150 ppm. The values of the overall mass transfer coefficient varied from 2.97×10-7 to 7.71×10-7 m/s. These results show the potential of using the non dispersive membrane contacting process for chemical deacidification of CPO as well as other vegetable oils

    Aliran Fluida Lewat Partikel Tunggal dan Unggun Diam (Mekanika Fluida, Perpindahan Massa dan Panas)

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    Aliran fluida melewati sebuah partikel tunggal dan unggun diam telah dikaji secara menyeluruh. Suatu analisis kinetika fisika diterapkan pada aspek fenomena perpindahan di seputar butiran tunggal yang kaku, sehingga dapat dikemukakan persamaan-persamaan yang dapat digunakan untuk memperkirakan semua karakteristik perpindahannya, termasuk perpindahan gerak, massa dan panas. Atas dasar pengetahuan karakteristik perpindahan pada sebuah butir tunggal, kemudian dikembangkan metoda untuk memperkirakan karakteristik perpindahan pada kumpulan banyak butiran yang berupa unggun diam. Juga dikemukakan wawasan pengembangannya lebih lanjut seperti pada fenomena gelembung, tetesan dan unggun terfluidakan

    Preliminary Study of Synthesis of Sodium Manganese Oxide Using Sol-Gel Method as Sodium Ion Battery Material

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    Sodium ion battery is one of the promising alternatives to lithium ion battery. Sodium manganese oxide as the sodium ion battery catode material has been synthesized by modifying the sol-gel method used to obtain lithium manganese oxide. The precursors used were table salt and manganese chloride. The sol-gel process used was water solvent, citric acid as a chelating agent and chitosan as the template. Thermal decomposition and formation zone obtained from simple thermal analysis using furnace and digital scales. Calcination was carried out at 600°C and 850°C for 2 hours. Crystal properties and morphology were analyzed using XRD and SEM. Based on the analysis of XRD pattern, sodium manganese oxide crystals (Na0.7MnO2.05 JCPDS 27-0751) have been formed at both of the calcination temperature. Observed morphology of the sample showed the domination Mn3O4 JCPDS 18-0803 in accordance with crystalline phase identification. These results demonstrate that the modified sol-gel method could be used to obtain sodium manganese oxide as sodium ion battery cathode material

    Synthesis of zeolite and y-alumina nanoparticles as ceramic membranes for desalination applications

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    Development of ceramic membrane for desalination is gaining interest in order to provide fresh water for human's life. In this work, a ceramic membrane was developed by coating of porous geopolymer with nanoparticles of gamma alumina (γ-Al2O3) (Al membrane), zeolite (Z membrane), and its combination (Al-Z membrane) which were synthesized through a sol-gel method. Nanoparticles of γ-Al2O3 exhibit rod structures with 10-20 nm in diameter and 40-70 nm in length, a surface area of 326.26 m2/g, total pore volume of 0.10 cm3/g, and an average pore diameter of 2.10 nm. Zeolite nanoparticles were obtained from a composition of 6Na2O: 0.55Al2O3: SiO2: 150H2O having particle sizes in the range from 100 to 400 nm, a surface area of 97.32 m2/g, total pore volume of 0.80 cm3/g, and an average pore diameter of 11.19 nm. The performance of membranes was evaluated by measuring the salt rejection and the flux of NaCl 1% (w/v) solution that was passed through the membrane. The Z membrane demonstrated the highest salt rejection, up to 87.88%, whereas the Al-Z membrane reached 68%. The Al membrane exhibited the lowest salt rejection rate, amounted to 57.14%. The highest flux was obtained using Al membrane, which was to 3.43 × 103 L/m2h on the 54.29% rejection value; whereas the Z membrane reached 3.28 × 103 L/m2h on the 87.88% salt rejection value, and the lowest flux of 2.91 × 103 L/m2h showed by the Al-Z membrane at the 62% salt rejection value. It is promising to use the synthesized γ-Al2O3 and zeolite nanoparticles as alternative ceramic membrane materials to be applied in the desalination