56 research outputs found

    Cell-seeded thermoreversible hydrogel-polyurethane composites for nucleus pulposus augmentation

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    Tissue engineering represents an alternative approach to the current invasive surgical procedures for the intervertebral disc (IVD) repair. The combination of injectable hydrogels and elastic biomaterials allow three-dimensional cell cultures and provide mechanical stability. In the present study a thermoreversible hyaluronan (HA) hydrogel as well as fibrin glue were mixed with polyurethane (PU) and their effect was investigated on the proliferation and differentiation of human IVD (hIVD cells) and mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) by in vitro and ex-vivo experiments

    Enthesis tissue engineering: biological requirements meet at the interface

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    Tendon-to-bone interface (enthesis) exhibits a complex multiscale architectural and compositional organization maintained by a heterogeneous cellular environment. Orthopedic surgeons have been facing several challenges when treating tendon pullout or tear from the bony insertion due to unsatisfactory surgical outcomes and high retear rates. The limited understanding of enthesis hinders the development of new treatment options toward enhancing regeneration. Mimicking the natural tissue structure and composition is still a major challenge to be overcome. In this review, we critically assess current tendon-to-bone interface tissue engineering strategies through the use of biological, biochemical, or biophysical cues, which must be ultimately combined into sophisticated gradient systems. Cellular strategies are described, focusing on cell sources and cocultures to emulate a physiological heterotypic niche, as well as hypoxic environments, alongside with growth factor delivery and the use of platelet-rich hemoderivatives. Biomaterial design considerations are revisited, highlighting recent progresses in tendon-to-bone scaffolds. Mechanical loading is addressed to uncover prospective engineering advances. Finally, research challenges and translational aspects are considered. In summary, we highlight the importance of deeply investigating enthesis biology toward establishing foundational expertise and integrate cues from the native niche into novel biomaterial engineering, aiming at moving today's research advances into tomorrow's regenerative therapies.Authors thank the support from the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON2020 [TEAMING Grant agreement No 739572 - The Discoveries CTR]; FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for the PhD grant of IC [PD/BD/128088/2016]; the Project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000021:“Accelerating tissue engineering and personalized medicine discoveries by the integration of key enabling nanotechnologies, marine-derived biomaterials and stem cells”, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the ERC Consolidator grant of ME [ERC-2017-CoG-772817]

    Stem cell effect is influenced by the degenerative state of intervertebral discs

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    Mesenchymal Stem Cell Homing Into Intervertebral Discs Enhances the Tie2-positive Progenitor Cell Population, Prevents Cell Death, and Induces a Proliferative Response.

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    STUDY DESIGN Experimental study with human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and intervertebral disc (IVD) tissue samples. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to characterize the effect of MSC homing on the Tie2-positive IVD progenitor cell population, IVD cell survival, and proliferation. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA Homing of human MSCs has been described as potential alternative to MSC injection, aiming to enhance the regenerative capacity of the IVD. IVD cells expressing Tie2 (also known as CD202b or Angiopoietin-1 receptor TEK tyrosine kinase) represent a progenitor cell population with discogenic differentiation potential. However, the fraction of Tie2-positive progenitor cells decreases with aging and degree of IVD degeneration, resulting in a potential loss of the IVD's regenerative capacity. METHODS Human MSCs, isolated from vertebral bone marrow aspirates, were labeled and seeded onto the endplate of bovine IVDs and human IVD tissue. Following MSC migration for 5 days, IVD cells were isolated by tissue digestion. The fractions of Tie2-positive, dead, apoptotic, and proliferative IVD cells were evaluated by flow cytometry and compared to untreated IVDs. For human IVDs, 3 groups were investigated: nondegenerated (organ donors), IVDs of patients suffering from spinal trauma, and degenerative IVD tissue samples. RESULTS MSC homing enhanced the fraction of Tie2-positive IVD cells in bovine and human IVD samples. Furthermore, a proliferative response and lower fraction of dead cells were observed after MSC homing in both bovine and human IVD tissues. CONCLUSION Our findings indicate that MSC homing enhances the survival and regenerative capability of IVD cells, which may be mediated by intercellular communication. MSC homing could represent a potential treatment strategy to prevent the onset of the degenerative cascade in IVDs at risk such as IVDs adjacent to a fused segment or IVDs after herniation. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE N/A

    Thermoreversible hyaluronan-based hydrogel supports in vitro and ex vivo disc-like differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells

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    BACKGROUND CONTEXT The fate of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) supplied to the degenerating intervertebral disc (IVD) is still not fully understood and can be negatively affected by low oxygen, pH, and glucose concentration of the IVD environment. The hMSC survival and yield upon injection of compromised IVD could be improved by the use of an appropriate carrier and/or by predifferentiation of hMSCs before injection. PURPOSE To optimize hMSC culture conditions in thermoreversible hyaluronan-based hydrogel, hyaluronan-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (HA-pNIPAM), to achieve differentiation toward the disc phenotype in vitro, and evaluate whether preconditioning contributes to a better hMSC response ex vivo. STUDY DESIGN In vitro and ex vivo whole-organ culture of hMSCs. METHODS In vitro cultures of hMSCs were conducted in HA-pNIPAM and alginate for 1 week under hypoxia in chondropermissive medium alone and with the supplementation of transforming growth factor β1 or growth and differentiation factor 5 (GDF-5). Ex vivo, hMSCs were either suspended in HA-pNIPAM and directly supplied to the IVDs or predifferentiated with GDF-5 for 1 week in HA-pNIPAM and then supplied to the IVDs. Cell viability was evaluated by Live-Dead assay, and DNA, glycosaminoglycan (GAG), and gene expression profiles were used to assess hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype. RESULTS The HA-pNIPAM induced hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype more effectively than alginate: in vitro, higher GAG/DNA ratio and higher collagen type II, SOX9, cytokeratin-19, cluster of differentiation 24, and forkhead box protein F1 expressions were found for hMSCs cultured in HA-pNIPAM compared with those cultured in alginate, regardless of the addition of growth factors. Ex vivo, direct combination of HA-pNIPAM with the disc environment induced a stronger disc-like differentiation of hMSCs than predifferentiation of hMSCs followed by their delivery to the discs. CONCLUSIONS Hyaluronan-based thermoreversible hydrogel supports hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype without the need for growth factor supplementation in vitro and ex vivo. Further in vivo studies are required to confirm the suitability of this hydrogel as an effective stem cell carrier for the treatment of IVD degeneration

    Calcium phosphate substrates with emulsion-derived roughness: processing, characterisation and interaction with human mesenchymal stem cells

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    Calcium phosphates (CaP) have been the subject of several studies that often lack a systematic approach to understanding how their properties affect biological response. CaP particles functionalised with a pH-responsive polymer (BCS) were used to prepare microporous substrates (porosity between 70 and 75% and pore sizes of 5–20 μm) through the aggregation of oil-in-water emulsions by controlling solid loading, emulsification energy, pH, drying and sintering conditions. The combined effect of surface roughness (roughness amplitude, Ra between 0.9–1.7 μm) and chemistry (varying Hydroxyapatite/β-Tricalcium phosphate ratio) on human mesenchymal stem cells was evaluated. HA substrates stimulated higher cell adhesion and proliferation (especially with lower Ra), but cell area increased with β-TCP content. The effect of surface roughness depended of chemistry: HA promoted higher mineralising activity when Ra ∼ 1.5 μm, whereas β-TCP substrates stimulated a more osteogenic profile when Ra ∼ 1.7 μm. A novel templating method to fabricate microporous CaP substrates was developed, opening possibilities for bone substitutes with controlled features

    The dark atrophy with indocyanine green angiography in Stargardt disease

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate differences in fluorescein angiography (FA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), findings between subjects affected by Stargardt disease (STGD) and atrophic AMD. METHODS: This was a consecutive, cross-sectional case series. A total of 24 eyes of 12 patients with STGD and 23 eyes of 14 patients with atrophic AMD were enrolled in the study. Patients underwent dynamic simultaneous FA and ICGA using a dual beam confocal scanning system. Images were recorded from the initial filling of choroidal and retinal vessels throughout all the phases of the angiogram. Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and fundus autofluorescence were also executed. FA and ICGA findings in the two groups were evaluated. RESULTS: In 92% (22/24) of eyes affected by STGD, ICGA showed hypocyanescence from the areas of atrophy, more evident in the late phases. This finding, defined as ICGA-imaged "dark atrophy," was present in only 13% (3/23) of the eyes affected by atrophic AMD. The remaining eyes in both groups showed iso- or mild hypercyanescence from the areas of atrophy. Eyes with ICGA-imaged dark atrophy, both in STGD and in atrophic AMD groups, did not show early obscuration of the choroidal vessels by FA. SD-OCT revealed morphologically intact choroid in STGD patients with ICGA-imaged dark atrophy. In atrophic AMD eyes with ICGA-imaged dark atrophy, SD-OCT revealed a severely thinned choroid. CONCLUSIONS: Hypocyanescence by ICGA from the areas of atrophy was more frequent in STGD compared with atrophic AMD. This finding, along with SD-OCT evidence of intact choroid, suggests a possible selective damage of the choriocapillaris in STGD