7,289 research outputs found

    Drones and Dirty Hands

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    The period known as the “War on Terror” has prompted a revival of interest in the idea of moral dilemmas and the problem of “dirty hands” in public life. Some contend that a policy of targeted killing of terrorist actors is (under specified but not uncommon circumstances) an instance of a dirty-handed moral dilemma – morally required yet morally forbidden, the least evil choice available in the circumstances, but one that nevertheless leaves an indelible moral stain on the character of the person who makes the choice. In this chapter we argue that, while dirty hands situations do exist as a persistent problem of political life, it is generally a mistake to classify policies of target killing (such as the current US policy) as examples of dirty hands. Instead, we maintain, such policies, if justified at all, must ordinarily be justified under the more exacting standards of just war theory and its provisions for justified killing – in particular the requirement that (with limited and defined exceptions) non-combatants be immune from intentional violence. Understanding this distinction both clarifies the significance of dirty hands as a moral phenomenon and also forestalls a set of predictable and all-too-easy appropriations of the concept to domains it was never intended to address

    Land use, state and local users

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    The state and local and land use sessions involved a cross section of the expanding community of government managers who use remotely sensed information to make programmatic decisions. Problems that can be inferred from the presentations and resulting discussion are addressed. Recommendations are also given to facilitate utilization of remote sensing technology

    Buoyancy Instabilities in a Weakly Collisional Intracluster Medium

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    The intracluster medium of galaxy clusters is a weakly collisional, high-beta plasma in which the transport of heat and momentum occurs primarily along magnetic-field lines. Anisotropic heat conduction allows convective instabilities to be driven by temperature gradients of either sign, the magnetothermal instability (MTI) in the outskirts of non-isothermal clusters and the heat-flux buoyancy-driven instability (HBI) in their cooling cores. We employ the Athena MHD code to investigate the nonlinear evolution of these instabilities, self-consistently including the effects of anisotropic viscosity (i.e. Braginskii pressure anisotropy), anisotropic conduction, and radiative cooling. We highlight the importance of the microscale instabilities that inevitably accompany and regulate the pressure anisotropies generated by the HBI and MTI. We find that, in all but the innermost regions of cool-core clusters, anisotropic viscosity significantly impairs the ability of the HBI to reorient magnetic-field lines orthogonal to the temperature gradient. Thus, while radio-mode feedback appears necessary in the central few tens of kpc, conduction may be capable of offsetting radiative losses throughout most of a cool core over a significant fraction of the Hubble time. Magnetically-aligned cold filaments are then able to form by local thermal instability. Viscous dissipation during the formation of a cold filament produces accompanying hot filaments, which can be searched for in deep Chandra observations of nearby cool-core clusters. In the case of the MTI, anisotropic viscosity maintains the coherence of magnetic-field lines over larger distances than in the inviscid case, providing a natural lower limit for the scale on which the field can fluctuate freely. In the nonlinear state, the magnetic field exhibits a folded structure in which the field-line curvature and field strength are anti-correlated.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures, submitted to ApJ; Abstract abridge

    Shaken and stirred: conduction and turbulence in clusters of galaxies

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    (abridged) Uninhibited radiative cooling in clusters of galaxies would lead to excessive mass accretion rates contrary to observations. One of the key proposals to offset radiative energy losses is thermal conduction from outer, hotter layers of cool core clusters to their centers. However, conduction is sensitive to magnetic field topology. In cool-core clusters the heat buoyancy instability (HBI) leads to B-fields ordered preferentially in the direction perpendicular to that of gravity, which significantly reduces the level of conduction below the classical Spitzer-Braginskii value. However, the cluster cool cores are rarely in perfect hydrostatic equilibrium. Sloshing motions due to minor mergers, galaxy motions or AGN can significantly perturb the gas and affect the level of thermal conduction. We perform 3D AMR MHD simulations of the effect of turbulence on the properties of the anisotropic thermal conduction in cool core clusters. We show that very weak subsonic motions, well within observational constraints, can randomize the magnetic field and significantly boost effective thermal conduction beyond the saturated values expected in the pure unperturbed HBI case. We find that the turbulent motions can essentially restore the conductive heat flow to the cool core to level comparable to the theoretical maximum of 1/3 Spitzer for a highly tangled field. Runs with radiative cooling show that the cooling catastrophe can be averted and the cluster core stabilized. Above a critical Froude number, these same turbulent motions also eliminate the tangential bias in the velocity and magnetic field that is otherwise induced by the trapped g-modes. Our results can be tested with future radio polarization measurements, and have implications for efficient metal dispersal in clusters.Comment: submitted to ApJ, references added, expanded Section

    Buoyant Bubbles in Intracluster Gas: Effects of Magnetic Fields and Anisotropic Viscosity

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    Recent observations by Chandra and XMM-Newton indicate there are complex structures at the cores of galaxy clusters, such as cavities and filaments. One plausible model for the formation of such structures is the interaction of radio jets with the intracluster medium (ICM). To investigate this idea, we use three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations including anisotropic (Braginskii) viscosity to study the effect of magnetic fields on the evolution and morphology of buoyant bubbles in the ICM. We investigate a range of different initial magnetic field geometries and strengths, and study the resulting x-ray surface brightness distribution for comparison to observed clusters. Magnetic tension forces and viscous transport along field lines tend to suppress instabilities parallel, but not perpendicular, to field lines. Thus, the evolution of the bubble depends strongly on the initial field geometry. We find toroidal field loops initially confined to the interior of the bubble are best able reproduce the observed cavity structures.Comment: 1 table, 10 figures, 29 pages. Accepted at ApJ. Figures with better quality are available at ApJ onlin

    An empirical analysis of the distribution of the duration of overshoots in a stationary gaussian stochastic process

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    This analysis utilizes computer simulation and statistical estimation. Realizations of stationary gaussian stochastic processes with selected autocorrelation functions are computer simulated. Analysis of the simulated data revealed that the mean and the variance of a process were functionally dependent upon the autocorrelation parameter and crossing level. Using predicted values for the mean and standard deviation, by the method of moments, the distribution parameters was estimated. Thus, given the autocorrelation parameter, crossing level, mean, and standard deviation of a process, the probability of exceeding the crossing level for a particular length of time was calculated

    Cosmological MHD simulations of cluster formation with anisotropic thermal conduction

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    (abridged) The ICM has been suggested to be buoyantly unstable in the presence of magnetic field and anisotropic thermal conduction. We perform first cosmological simulations of galaxy cluster formation that simultaneously include magnetic fields, radiative cooling and anisotropic thermal conduction. In isolated and idealized cluster models, the magnetothermal instability (MTI) tends to reorient the magnetic fields radially. Using cosmological simulations of the Santa Barbara cluster we detect radial bias in the velocity and magnetic fields. Such radial bias is consistent with either the inhomogeneous radial gas flows due to substructures or residual MTI-driven field rearangements that are expected even in the presence of turbulence. Although disentangling the two scenarios is challenging, we do not detect excess bias in the runs that include anisotropic thermal conduction. The anisotropy effect is potentially detectable via radio polarization measurements with LOFAR and SKA and future X-ray spectroscopic studies with the IXO. We demonstrate that radiative cooling boosts the amplification of the magnetic field by about two orders of magnitude beyond what is expected in the non-radiative cases. At z=0 the field is amplified by a factor of about 10^6 compared to the uniform magnetic field evolved due to the universal expansion alone. Interestingly, the runs that include both radiative cooling and anisotropic thermal conduction exhibit stronger magnetic field amplification than purely radiative runs at the off-center locations. In these runs, shallow temperature gradients away from the cluster center make the ICM neutrally buoyant. The ICM is more easily mixed in these regions and the winding up of the frozen-in magnetic field is more efficient resulting in stronger magnetic field amplification.Comment: submitted to ApJ, higher resolution figures available at: http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/~mateuszr

    Letter from Parrish to Roach, January 11, 1974

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    A letter from James M. Parrish, Dean of the College of Business administration to W.J. Roach, Chairman, Department of Language and Literature. The letter congratulates Mr. Roach and the Halyard staff on the first edition of the campus newspaper

    The Theological Origins of Modernity, by Michael Allen Gillespie

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