238 research outputs found

    Analyzing data in complicated 3D domains: Smoothing, semiparametric regression, and functional principal component analysis

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    In this work, we introduce a family of methods for the analysis of data observed at locations scattered in three-dimensional (3D) domains, with possibly complicated shapes. The proposed family of methods includes smoothing, regression, and functional principal component analysis for functional signals defined over (possibly nonconvex) 3D domains, appropriately complying with the nontrivial shape of the domain. This constitutes an important advance with respect to the literature, because the available methods to analyze data observed in 3D domains rely on Euclidean distances, which are inappropriate when the shape of the domain influences the phenomenon under study. The common building block of the proposed methods is a nonparametric regression model with differential regularization. We derive the asymptotic properties of the methods and show, through simulation studies, that they are superior to the available alternatives for the analysis of data in 3D domains, even when considering domains with simple shapes. We finally illustrate an application to a neurosciences study, with neuroimaging signals from functional magnetic resonance imaging, measuring neural activity in the gray matter, a nonconvex volume with a highly complicated structure

    Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, and Sleep Hygiene (HEPAS) as the Winning Triad for Sustaining Physical and Mental Health in Patients at Risk for or with Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Considerations for Clinical Practice

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    Neuropsychiatric disorders stem from gene-environment interaction and their development can be, at least in some cases, prevented by the adoption of healthy and protective lifestyles. Once full blown, neuropsychiatric disorders are prevalent conditions that patients live with a great burden of disability. Indeed, the determinants that increase the affliction of neuropsychiatric disorders are various, with unhealthy lifestyles providing a significant contribution in the interplay between genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors that ultimately represent the pathophysiological basis of these impairing conditions. On one hand, the adoption of Healthy Eating education, Physical Activity programs, and Sleep hygiene promotion (HEPAS) has the potential to become one of the most suitable interventions to reduce the risk to develop neuropsychiatric disorders, while, on the other hand, its integration with pharmacological and psychological therapies seems to be essential in the overall management of neuropsychiatric disorders in order to reduce the disability and improve the quality of life of affected patients. We present an overview of the current evidence in relation to HEPAS components in the prevention and management of neuropsychiatric disorders and provide suggestions for clinical practice

    La messa in sicurezza dell'area industriale di Priolo-Augusta rispetto ai rischi da terremoto e maremoto

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    I recenti forti terremoti che hanno interessato zone particolarmente industrializzate in Turchia ed in India (terremoto del 17.8.1999, Kocaeli, Turchia, Mw = 7.4; e terremoto di Guyarat, India, del 26.01.2001, Mw =7.7) hanno messo in evidenza che al danno prodotto dal terremoto si pu\uf2 aggiungere quello dovuto alle conseguenze di incidenti e/o rotture negli impianti, cosiddetti, \u201ca rischio di incidente rilevante\u201d. Il rischio totale nell\u2019area pu\uf2 quindi assumere valori estremamente elevati in termini economici, ambientali, e talvolta con perdita di vite umane. Ad esempio, nel caso del terremoto turco, il danneggiamento della raffineria Tupras di IZMIT ha provocato l\u2019incendio della stessa e la fuoriuscita di una quantit\ue0 rilevante di olio (Foto 1). Sulla base di quanto sopra e di quanto conosciuto, il presente studio si propone come elemento di base per l\u2019impostazione di interventi strutturali sugli impianti e sul territorio con l\u2019obiettivo di mettere il tutto in condizioni di sicurezza a fronte del terremoto (ed eventuale maremoto associato) atteso nell\u2019area. A questo scopo \ue8 stata realizzata un\u2019analisi per mettere in evidenza l\u2019entit\ue0 e la frequenza dei fenomeni naturali (terremoti e maremoti) che possono determinare significativi impatti sia sull\u2019ambiente fisico che su quello antropizzato (infrastrutture) nell\u2019area di Priolo-Augusta. Il progetto ha avuto come obiettivo iniziale la valutazione dei carichi dovuti a fenomeni naturali che, trasformati in termini ingegneristici, devono essere utilizzati per la verifica della idoneit\ue0 progettuale degli impianti industriali presenti nelle aree studiate. In particolare \ue8 stato valutato, dapprima, il terremoto di riferimento per la progettazione, in termini di picco massimo di accelerazione e spettro di risposta associato. In tale fase si \ue8 anche provveduto alla costruzione di scenari associati ad un eventuale maremoto. I siti prescelti sono esposti ad un elevato rischio sismico la cui definizione ha richiesto l\u2019adozione delle metodologie pi\uf9 avanzate disponibili. A tale scopo sono stati applicati diversi approcci innovativi sia di tipo sismologico che ingegneristico

    The core planar cell polarity gene, Vangl2, directs adult corneal epithelial cell alignment and migration

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    This work was supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) DTG PhD studentship to A.F., an Anatomical Society PhD Studentship (‘The Roles of planar cell polarity genes in a classical anatomical system: the cornea’) to D.A.P./J.M.C. and BBSRC Project Grants BB/J015172/1 and BB/J015237/1 to J.D.W. and J.M.C., respectively.Peer reviewedPublisher PD