435 research outputs found

    Innovazioni made in Italy nel management alberghiero. La realt\ue0 degli "alberghi diffusi"

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    Le evoluzioni in atto nel mondo del turismo sembrano aprire nuovi orizzonti alla qualificazione dei servizi recettivi, sia alberghieri sia extraalberghieri. Particolarmente, la tendenza, almeno tra le popolazioni economicamente pi\uf9 evolute, a dare maggiore enfasi alla qualit\ue0 della vita e, conseguentemente, alla dimensioni pi\uf9 qualitativa del tempo libero che si intende dedicare ad attivit\ue0 turistiche, sembra sollecitare ripensamenti nei modelli in uso in questo particolare ambito. Si assiste, da un lato, ad una richiesta di servizi ricettivi personalizzati e di pi\uf9 elevata qualit\ue0, dall'altro lato ad un turista sempre pi\uf9 sensibile agli aspetti culturali ed esperenziali della propria vita, aperto alla riscoperta del territorio e delle sue autenticit\ue0. Se l'albergo deve offrire esperienze nuove e differenziate di ospitalit\ue0, allora deve partire non gi\ue0 dalla gestione dello "spazio", bens\uec dalla gestione del tempo "co-vissuto" dall'ospite nel processo di produzione-erogazione del servizio offerto. Lo \u201cspazio\u201d (edificio) resta importante ma in via strumentale. Obiettivo di questo lavoro \ue8 evidenziare la centralit\ue0 del fattore tempo e l'opportunit\ue0 di considerarlo legato alla conoscenza e alla leadership nell'impresa alberghiera, specie allorch\ue9 si ponga il problema dell\u2019innovazione. Siffatto legame, finora poco approfondito negli studi sull\u2019argomento, pu\uf2 rivelarsi prezioso sotto un duplice profilo. Esso infatti, se ben gestito, pu\uf2 favorire non solo la qualit\ue0 delle relazioni all\u2019interno dell\u2019albergo, preservandone l\u2019unit\ue0 e l\u2019integrit\ue0 sistemica, ma anche e soprattutto un orientamento culturale alla coevoluzione impresa-ambiente. La leadership, intesa come forza integratrice di valori ed esigenze anche cognitive e temporali, esistenti dentro e fuori l\u2019impresa, pu\uf2 svolgere un ruolo rilevante nel favorire coerenze dinamiche tra l\u2019impresa e l\u2019ambiente, anche nell\u2019ottica della sostenibilit\ue0. Oggetto privilegiato dell\u2019analisi sono le imprese alberghiere di piccole e medie dimensioni, realt\ue0 prevalente nel comparto ricettivo in Italia, a fronte di una pressione competitiva che si rivela sempre pi\uf9 forte dal punto di vista sia quantitativo sia qualitativo e di fatto globale. Si presenta quindi il caso dell\u2019 \u201calbergo diffuso\u201d Sextantio, apprezzato nel mondo per l\u2019innovativit\ue0 della sua formula imprenditoriale, analizzandone le ricadute in termini di competitivit\ue0 dell\u2019impresa e della destinazione turistica

    Entrepreneurship for sustainable development: co-evolutionary evidence from the tourism sector

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    Purpose – This paper aims to enhance understanding of how sustainable entrepreneurship (SE) contributes to sustainable development in the tourism sector. To do so, specific factors that act as enablers or inhibitors of SE are identified according to a co-evolutionary lens. Design/methodology/approach – A co-evolutionary explanation of the firm? Environment relationship is adopted to undertake a qualitative empirical study of the Castelli Romani tourism destination (Italy), via 23 semi-structured interviews according to a narrative approach. Findings – The paper demonstrates that entrepreneurs play a crucial role in sustainable development but cannot act in isolation. In fact, according to the co-evolutionary approach, they influence and are influenced by 20 factors. Accordingly, SE can be conceptualised as resulting from effective co-evolutionary interactions between micro (i.e. entrepreneurs and their firm), meso (i.e. the destination where tourism firms are based) and macro (i.e. the wider socio-economic and natural system) levels. Practical implications – Several actions are suggested to entrepreneurs and policymakers to help achieve specific sustainable development goals. These actions focus on: (1) training courses, (2) investments in technologies, (3) creation of innovative business models, (4) exploitation of cultural and natural resources, (5) community involvement and (6) multi-level partnerships. Originality/value – This is the first study that adopts a co-evolutionary lens to investigate the influencing factors of SE in tourism, shedding light on the effects of their dynamic interdependence. Thus, it provides a more nuanced SE conceptualisation that takes a holistic and dynamic view of sustainability

    Imprese agricole, territorio e turismo in sinergia per lo sviluppo sostenibile

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    The aim of this paper is to understand the role played by Italian farms in the local sustainable development processes, through the analysis of the agritourism phenomenon. In order to do so, the study proposes an integrated and dynamic vision of the three sustainability dimensions, focusing on the relationship between farms, territories and tourists in a co-evolutionary perspective. The proposed framework is tested through the analysis of ten case studies localized in the Lazio region. Findings show that farms, through the strategic choice of agritourism, activate sustainability-oriented synergies based on effective co-evolutionary adaptations between multiple actors, improving the territories competitiveness with positive effects on the social wellbeing. Common vision and both ethical and moral values are the fundamental pre-requisites to realize these synergies. Overall, the study adds new elements on the sustainability literature. Thus, both theoretical and managerial implications emerge, together with suggestions for future research

    A Single Wearable Sensor for Gait Analysis in Parkinson’s Disease: A Preliminary Study

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    Movement monitoring in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) is critical for quantifying disease progression and assessing how a subject responds to medication administration over time. In this work, we propose a continuous monitoring system based on a single wearable sensor placed on the lower back and an algorithm for gait parameters evaluation. In order to preliminarily validate the proposed system, seven PD subjects took part in an experimental protocol in preparation for a larger randomized controlled study. We validated the feasibility of our algorithm in a constrained environment through a laboratory scenario. Successively, it was tested in an unsupervised environment, such as the home scenario, for a total of almost 12 h of daily living activity data. During all phases of the experimental protocol, videos were shot to document the tasks. The obtained results showed a good accuracy of the proposed algorithm. For all PD subjects in the laboratory scenario, the algorithm for step identification reached a percentage error low of 2%, 99.13% of sensitivity and 100% of specificity. In the home scenario the Bland–Altman plot showed a mean difference of −3.29 and −1 between the algorithm and the video recording for walking bout detection and steps identification, respectively

    Penetrating particle ANalyzer (PAN)

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    PAN is a scientific instrument suitable for deep space and interplanetary missions. It can precisely measure and monitor the flux, composition, and direction of highly penetrating particles (>∼> \sim100 MeV/nucleon) in deep space, over at least one full solar cycle (~11 years). The science program of PAN is multi- and cross-disciplinary, covering cosmic ray physics, solar physics, space weather and space travel. PAN will fill an observation gap of galactic cosmic rays in the GeV region, and provide precise information of the spectrum, composition and emission time of energetic particle originated from the Sun. The precise measurement and monitoring of the energetic particles is also a unique contribution to space weather studies. PAN will map the flux and composition of penetrating particles, which cannot be shielded effectively, precisely and continuously, providing valuable input for the assessment of the related health risk, and for the development of an adequate mitigation strategy. PAN has the potential to become a standard on-board instrument for deep space human travel. PAN is based on the proven detection principle of a magnetic spectrometer, but with novel layout and detection concept. It will adopt advanced particle detection technologies and industrial processes optimized for deep space application. The device will require limited mass (~20 kg) and power (~20 W) budget. Dipole magnet sectors built from high field permanent magnet Halbach arrays, instrumented in a modular fashion with high resolution silicon strip detectors, allow to reach an energy resolution better than 10\% for nuclei from H to Fe at 1 GeV/n

    Un estudio sobre la percepción del estigma asociado al consumo de drogas en una muestra de italianos y no italianos

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    The goal of the present study has been to exploratorily analyse the possible differences in perceived stigma on drug use between a sample of students and health services workers from Italy and Belgium. The Perceived Stigma of Addiction Scale (PSAS) (Luoma, Hair, Kohlenberg, Hayes, and Fletcher, 2010) was used. A total of 277 participants took part in this study. Outcomes\ud showed that the perceived stigma among Italians was signifi- cantly higher (M= 23.68) than that reported by Belgians (M = 20.26). Authors argued that many factors (e.g., social, cultural, etc.) may explain the differences obtained. On the other hand, the existence of a stigma circuit (Scioli and Paniccia), which would\ud share some similarities with the anxiety circuit, seems to trap the person in a vicious cycle of events that would make the relapse from addiction harder. The limitations and scope of the obtained results in the frame of this ex- ploratory study is discussed

    Article 4 Prevalence of Accommodative and Non-Strabismic Binocular Anomalies in a Puerto Rican Pediatric Population

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    ABSTRACT Background: There exists a considerable void in the literature of studies that examine the prevalence of non-strabismic binocular and accommodative disorders in the pediatric population of Puerto Rico. The purpose of this retrospective study was to fill this void by performing a comprehensive record review of the pediatric clinical population of the InterAmerican University College of Optometry satellite clinics

    The electromagnetic calorimeter of the AMS-02 experiment

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    The electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of the AMS-02 experiment is a 3-dimensional sampling calorimeter, made of lead and scintillating fibers. The detector allows for a high granularity, with 18 samplings in the longitudinal direction, and 72 sampling in the lateral direction. The ECAL primary goal is to measure the energy of cosmic rays up to few TeV, however, thanks to the fine grained structure, it can also provide the separation of positrons from protons, in the GeV to TeV region. A direct measurement of high energy photons with accurate energy and direction determination can also be provided.Comment: Proceedings of SF2A conference 201
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