497 research outputs found

    Application of Spherical Copper Oxide (II) Water Nano-fluid as a Potential Coolant in a Boiling Annular Heat Exchanger

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    Convective boiling heat transfer coefficient of spherical CuO (II) nanoparticles dispersed in water is experimentally quantified inside the vertical heat exchanger. Influence of different operating parameters including applied heat and mass fluxes, sub-cooling temperature and concentration of nano-fluid on forced convection and nucleate boiling heat transfer mechanisms is experimentally investigated and briefly discussed. Results show that by increasing heat and mass fluxes, the heat transfer coefficient considerably increases for both heat transfer regions, while by increasing the nanoparticle weight concentration, the heat transfer coefficient increases in convective heat transfer (about 35 % at the maximum concentration) and deteriorates the heat transfer coefficient (about 9 % at maximum concentration) in nucleate boiling region due to the formation of nanoparticle deposition on heating surface. Experimental results are then compared to well-known correlations. Results of comparisons reveal good agreement between experimental data and those obtained by some correlations. In addition, thermo-physical properties of CuO nano-fluid are experimentally measured and represented, which are a good reference for other nano-fluid-related studies

    Effect of dietary cation-anion balance on milk production and blood mineral of Holstein cows during the last two months of pregnancy

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of three diets with different cation-anion differences ((DCAD: mEq[(Na + K) − (Cl + S)]/100 g of dry matter)) in far-off and close-up period, on milk production and blood mineral of Holstein cows. Eighteen pregnant cows (220 - 225 d) were fed a base diet with three DCAD (+13 (control), 0, −13/100 g dry matter) for 60 ± 5 days. Control diet consisted of 170 g/kg corn silage, 396 g/kg alfalfa hay and 424 g/kg concentrate mix (dry matter basis). For decrease DCAD, two anionic salts such as ammonium chloride and ammonium sulphate were used. Production of milk and 3.5% fat corrected milk (FCM) were increased with decreasing DCAD. However, milk composition and yield of milk fat, protein and lactose were not affected by diets containing +13, 0 and −13 DCAD. In addition, prepartum dry matter intake, BCS change and body weight gains were similar for cows fed the three diets with different cation-anion differences. At calving, plasma calcium concentration was 6.55, 6.46 and 6.78 mg/dl for cows fed diets containing +13, 0 and −13 DCAD, respectively. Blood pH and concentration of K, Mg and Na were not affected by dietary cation-anion balance. Urinary pH of cows was affected by diets and was decreased linearly with decreasing DCAD. The mean urinary pH was 7.99, 6.81 and 6.11 for cows fed diets containing +13, 0 and −13 DCAD, respectively.Keywords: Metabolic disorders, pregnant cow, anionic saltsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(36), pp. 5983-5988, 6 September, 201

    Formulation of the Eigenvalue Problem for an Unconstrained Circular Bar

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    1 Many eminent mathematicians and applied mechanicists have been interested in the vibration problems of naturally curved and twisted bars These equations are solved for some cases, such as an elastic solid full toroid [1, 2, 5], whereas for an incomplete circular bar the solution, because of tedious calculations, has been left in a closed form Derivations of the Eigenvalue Problem The homogenous elastic circular bar of constant cross section is referred to a fixed system of orthogonal Cartesian coordinates (Q, T = \ f {r;t).(r;t)pdu ) + a(e\t) For the in-plane motion (that is, the displacement of the center line of the circular bar is predominantly in the plane containing the undeformed center line), the position vector r in terms of the unit vectors may be expressed a

    Feeding habits of yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) in the northern region of the Persian Gulf

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    Feeding habits of yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) was investigated in coastal waters of the Northern Persian Gulf. This investigation was conducted by monthly sampling of thirty fish from September 2011 through August 2012. Fish size ranged from 17.98 ± 2.07 to 32.31 ± 6.52 cm in total length and from 134.01 ± 45.62 to 720.46 ± 292.58 g in weight. The highest value of gastro-somatic index was obtained in September (5.22 ± 0.04) and the lowest in December (1.61 ± 0.03) with annual average of 2.50 ± 0.60. The result of gastro-somatic index revealed that the highest feeding activity of A. latus was during autumn. The highest level of vacuity index was observed in summer (34.95 ± 4.71) and the lowest in autumn (25.88 ± 2.71) indicating that the highest number of empty stomachs was in summer. Annual average of vacuity index was 30.14 ± 5.72 exhibiting that A. latus was comparatively gluttonous in the Northern Persian Gulf. Bivalves and shrimps were the major food items found in the stomach of A. latus showing food preference indices of 45.86% and 30.67%, respectively. Other food items included crabs (12.66%), aquatic plants (4.05%), animal derivatives (4.52%) and gastropods (2.23%). According to the results, animal derivatives, aquatic plants and gastropods were eaten accidentally and were not the food items of A. latus in coastal waters of Hormozgan. The average relative length of gut was 1.41 ± 0.15 showing that A. latus was omnivorous in this region

    The effects of different levels of sodium caseinate on rumen fermentation pattern, digestibility and microbial protein synthesis of Holstein dairy cows

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of peptide supplementation on rumen fermentation pattern, digestibility and microbial protein synthesis. Three rumen-cannulated Holstein dairy cows were used in a 3 × 3 Latin square experiment within 21 days period. The ruminal infusion of sodium caseinate (CN) was 0 (control), 50 and 100 g/d. Dry matter intake, milk yield and composition , total tract apparent digestibility of nutrient, rumen parameters and purine derivatives inurine of cows were measured. Results showed that dairy cows received sodium caseinate, had significantly increased microbial protein synthesis, milk fat yield, acetate and branched chain fatty acids concentrations in rumen fluid and fiber digestibility compared with the control treatment (P <0.05). CN significantly affected the concentrations of rumen ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), rumen peptide nitrogen (Pep-N) and the ratio of rumen ammonia nitrogen/ rumen peptide nitrogen (P < 0.05) and consequently blood urea nitrogen, milk urea nitrogen and urinary urea nitrogen concentrations. However digestibility of dry matter and crude protein did not differ among treatments. In conclusion, if the optimum level of NH3-N/Pep-N was the best compromise among the need for rumen fermentation, microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen excretion through urine in animal, the recommended level from this study would be 0.86 in rumen fluid

    Развитие ионизационного монитора поперечного сечения протонного пучка линейного ускорителя ИЯИ РАН

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    Для обеспечения прозрачных измерений поперечного сечения и профилей токовых импульсов в широком диапазоне энергий и амплитуд разработан и установлен на ускорителе специальный ионизационный монитор поперечного сечения (ИМПС) на остаточном газе. ИМПС оборудован зеркально-линзовым трактом для транспортировки изображения пучка от детектора до ТВ-камеры и защиты ПЗС-матрицы и электроники ТВ-камеры от бомбардировки нейтронами и γ-квантами. В работе приводится схема и описание датчика, а также некоторые детали программного и аппаратного обеспечения системы съема и обработки изображений. Представлены полученные результаты измерений импульсного тока протонов.Для забезпечення прозорих вимірів поперечного переріза й профілів струмових імпульсів у широкому діапазоні енергій і амплітуд розроблений і встановлений на прискорювачі спеціальний іонізаційний монітор поперечного переріза (ІМПС) на залишковому газі. ІМПС обладнаний дзеркально-лінзовим трактом для транспортування зображення пучка від детектора до ТВ-камери і захисту Пзс-матриці й електроніки ТВ-камеры від бомбардування нейтронами і γ-квантами. У роботі приводиться схема й опис датчика, а також деякі деталі програмного й апаратного забезпечення системи знімання й обробки зображень. Представлено отримані результати вимірів імпульсного струму протонів.To provide non-intercepting measurements of beam pulse transverse section and profile the special residual gas ion transverse section monitor (ITSM) for wide energy and amplitude range is developed and installed on the accelerator. ITSM is provided by lens-mirror line for transport beam image from the detector to TV camera and saving CCD and electronics of TV camera from neutron and γ hitting. The ITSM functioning details and image processing system are described. The available results of beam pulse measurements are presented

    A cyber-kill-chain based taxonomy of crypto-ransomware features

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    In spite of being just a few years old, ransomware is quickly becoming a serious threat to our digital infrastructures, data and services. Majority of ransomware families are requesting for a ransom payment to restore a custodian access or decrypt data which were encrypted by the ransomware earlier. Although the ransomware attack strategy seems to be simple, security specialists ranked ransomware as a sophisticated attack vector with many variations and families. Wide range of features which are available in different families and versions of ransomware further complicates their detection and analysis. Though the existing body of research provides significant discussions about ransomware details and capabilities, the all research body is fragmented. Therefore, a ransomware feature taxonomy would advance cyber defenders’ understanding of associated risks of ransomware. In this paper we provide, to the best of our knowledge, the first scientific taxonomy of ransomware features, aligned with Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain (CKC) model. CKC is a well-established model in industry that describes stages of cyber intrusion attempts. To ease the challenge of applying our taxonomy in real world, we also provide the corresponding ransomware defence taxonomy aligned with Courses of Action matrix (an intelligence-driven defence model). We believe that this research study is of high value for the cyber security research community, as it provides the researchers with a means of assessing the vulnerabilities and attack vectors towards the intended victims

    Comparative review of three approaches to biofuel production from energy crops as feedstock in a developing country

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    This study is a comparative evaluation of three approaches to biofuel production from energy crops including biogas, bioethanol and biodiesel to ascertain which one is the most effective and more energy-efficient than the others. Moreover, the potential of biofuel production from the best option was studied. For this purpose, biogas generation from corn silage, bioethanol generation from corn, and biodiesel production from peanuts in Iran (as a case study) were studied. The results revealed that 10,683.36 m3 of biogas, 2.53 m3 of bioethanol and 0.70 m3 of biodiesel could be produced per each hectare of energy crops. The total greenhouse gas emissions for each MJ energy generation of biogas, bioethanol and biodiesel were 0.01, 0.04 and 0.03 kgCO2eq, respectively. Accordingly, the total annual biogas potential from corn silage (as the best option) in Iran is 3953.74 million m3, which is equivalent to 1515.94 million barrels of oil