1,373 research outputs found


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    Misconceptions in the field of science in many areas ranging from primary level to higher education. However, the efforts made to overcome or reduce the occurrence of science misconceptions have not been successful. Therefore, the main problem of this study were (i) how the implementation of learning science at the junior high school today? (ii) how to develop the discovery inquiry learning model is valid, practical and effective way to reduce students  science misconceptions at junior high school. This research is a study of R & D (research and development), which refers to the stages of development Four-D (4-D), which is the stage of define, stage of design, stage of development and the stage of dissemination. The main objective of this research is to develop a learning model discovery inquiry for reducing science misconceptions at junior high school students are valid, practical, and effective. To obtain a valid model, practical, and effective, well developed instruments and learning devices. The products resulting from this research is the model book documents and supporting learning device models. The results showed that this happens science misconception adult students in SMP Negeri 2 Maros South Sulawesi for conception of Vibration and Light. Based on trial results indicate that the discovery inquiry  learning model developed have valid criteria, practical and effective. Discovery inquiry learning model is said to be valid for the assessment of all components of the learning model validator meet the elements of validity. Said to be practical for learning component discovery inquiry  implemented in full, and the ability of teachers to manage learning at the high category. While discovery inquiry  learning model is effective, because students experiencing science misconceptions reduction in the medium category, the activities of students in the learning achievement fulfilled the ideal time and students give positive response to the discovery inquiry  learning model.Keywords : learing model, discovery inquiry, science misconception, model developmentKesalahan konsep dalam bidang IPA terjadi di banyak tempat mulai dari tingkat pendidikan dasar sampai pendidikan tinggi. Namun, upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi atau mereduksi terjadinya miskonsepsi IPA belum banyak membuahkan hasil. Oleh karena itu masalah utama penelitian ini adalah (i) bagaimana pelaksanaan pembelajaran IPA pada tingkat SMP? (ii) bagaimana mengembangkan  model pembelajaran discovery inquiry  yang valid, praktis dan efektif untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi IPA peserta didik SMP. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian R&D (research and development) yang  mengacu pada tahapan pengembangan Four-D (4-D), yaitu tahap pendefinisian (define), tahap perancangan (design), tahap pengembangan (develop) dan tahap diseminasi (disseminate). Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model pembelajaran discovery inquiry untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi IPA peserta didik tingkat SMP yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Untuk memperoleh model yang valid, praktis, dan efektif, dikembangkan pula instrumen dan perangkat pembelajaran. Produk yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini adalah dokumen buku model dan perangkat pembelajaran pendukung model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi miskonsepsi IPA pada peserta didik di SMP Negeri 2 Maros Sulawesi Selatan untuk materi Getaran dan Cahaya. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran discovery inquiry  yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis dan efektif. Model pembelajaran discovery inquiry dikatakan valid karena penilaian seluruh komponen model pembelajaran oleh validator memenuhi unsur kevalidan. Dikatakan praktis karena komponen pembelajaran discovery inquiry terlaksana seluruhnya, dan kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran berada pada kategori tinggi. Sedangkan model pembelajaran discovery inquiry efektif, karena peserta didik mengalami reduksi miskonsepsi IPA pada kategori sedang, aktivitas peserta didik dalam pembelajaran memenuhi unsur pencapaian waktu ideal serta peserta didik memberikan respon positif terhadap model pembelajaran discovery inquiry.Kata Kunci:  model pembelajaran, discovery inquiry, miskonsepsi IPA, pengembangan mode

    Burr Utility

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    This note proposes the Burr utility function. Burr utility is a flexible two-parameter family that behaves approximately power-like (CRRA) remote from the origin, while exhibiting exponential-like (CARA) features near the origin. It thus avoids the extreme behavior of the power family near the origin. We show how to characterize Burr utility as a special case in the general class of utility functions with non-increasing and convex absolute risk aversion, and non-decreasing and concave relative risk aversion. We further show its connection to the Burr probability distribution. A related class of generalized exponential utility functions is also studied.Cardinal scale;Utility function;Harmonic absolute risk aversion (HARA);Exponential utility;Power utility

    Examining Model Development of Physics Learning Through Multi-intelligence to Nurture Autonomous Learners

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    This study aims at examining a model of learning physics through multi-intelligence, which are valid, practical, and effective to enhance learners\u27 autonomy. The authors developed instruments and learning media to obtain a valid, practical, and effective model using research and development design. The results showed that this lack of autonomy of learners in learning physics. The experiment showed that the physics learning through multi-intelligence met the criteria of valid, practical and effective. All the aspects of physics learning with multi-intelligence run well. The ability of teachers to manage learning was at the high category. The physics learning with multi-intelligence was in the medium category. The activities of learners in learning fulfilled the ideal time and learners responded positively to the learning model of physics through multi-intelligence

    Scrap Value Functions in Dynamic Decision Problems

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    We introduce an accurate, easily implementable, and fast algorithm to compute optimal decisions in discrete-time long-horizon welfaremaximizing problems. The algorithm is useful when interest is only in the decisions up to period T, where T is small. It relies on a flexible parametrization of the relationship between state variables and optimal total time-discounted welfare through scrap value functions. We demonstrate that this relationship depends on the boundedness, half-boundedness, or unboundedness of the utility function, and on whether a state variable increases or decreases welfare. We propose functional forms for this relationship for large classes of utility functions and explain how to identify the parameters.Scrap value function;Dynamic optimization;Computation;Short horizon.

    Facing the Beast Apart Together: Fear in Boys and Girls after Processing Information about Novel Animals Individually or in a Duo

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    In this experimental study, we made an attempt to examine gender-related peer influences on childhood fear. Nine- to 12-year-old boys and girls were provided with ambiguous and positive information about novel animals and then asked to provide a subjective fear rating of the animals under two conditions: fear of one animal was assessed individually by the child on its own, whereas fear of the other animal was measured after a brief discussion on fear-related issues with a same-gender peer. Results indicated that children who completed the FBQ after a discussion with a same-gender peer displayed lower fear beliefs scores than children who completed the questionnaire fully on their own. This fear-suppression effect was mainly evident in boys after hearing ambiguous information about the novel animals. The implications of these findings are briefly discussed

    "i'm not really afraid of Osama Bin Laden!" fear of terrorism in dutch children

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    We examined to what extent children in The Netherlands are affected by the threat of terrorism. For this purpose, a sample of school children living in Rotterdam or adjacent satellites (N = 216) completed a fear survey that included a number of terrorism-related items, and were confronted with ambiguous vignettes to measure threat-related interpretation bias. The results demonstrated that although a number of terrorism-related items (i.e., bombing attacks, explosions in a bus or subway) listed high in a ranking of most intense childhood fears, very few children made terrorist-related interpretations of ambiguous situations

    Expected Utility and Catastrophic Risk in a Stochastic Economy-Climate Model

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    Associative Activation as a Mechanism Underlying False Memory Formation

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    We recently made the case that associative activation is a viable mechanism underlying false memory formation and hence, also false memory formation in psychopathology (Otgaar, Muris, Howe, & Merckelbach, 2017). Tryon (in press) argued that our description of associative activation did not meet the criteria of causation and explanatory value in order to quality as a mechanism. In this commentary, we explain why we disagree with Tryon. Many studies focused on associative activation and false memory creation. We believe that these studies provide good arguments for associative activation as a likely causal antecedent in the production of false memories

    Psychometric properties of the brief Questionnaire on Smoking Urges (QSU-Brief) in a Dutch smoker population

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    Abstract We investigated the reliability, validity, and factor structure of the 10-item Questionnaire on Smoking Urges (QSU-Brief) in a Dutch smokers sample (N = 208). The questionnaire displayed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alphas > 0.83), and scores were strongly correlated with three other rating scales for measuring craving, urge, and desire for cigarettes, and moderately linked to questionnaires that tap related constructs, such as cigarette dependence. As in previous research, a two factor structure was revealed. The first factor was best described by ‘the relief from nicotine withdrawal or negative affect with an urgent and overwhelming desire to smoke’, and appeared to be associated with negative affect, but not with positive affect. The second factor reflected ‘the desire and intention to smoke’, and was neither associated with positive nor negative affect. The factor structure, however, slightly deviates from the original, English version of the QSU-Brief, which might be explained by language differences. Overall, the Dutch translation of the QSU-Brief offers a reliable, valid, and multidimensional assessment of cigarette craving and appears suitable for use in a general population of young, Dutch adults

    Who is the better eyewitness? Sometimes Adults but at Other Times Children

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    Suggestibility is regarded as a major issue when children testify in court. Many legal professionals and memory researchers view children as inferior witnesses. Although differences exist between children and adults in suggestibility, these are much more complex than is usually assumed. We show that under certain conditions, adults are more susceptible to suggestion and false memories than children. We demonstrate that age-related shifts in suggestibility and false memory appear contingent on how fast and automatic children and adults make associations when experiencing events. Specifically, when confronted with suggestive information about a related, but non-experienced detail, adults more frequently than children, automatically generate links between items experienced and those already in memory making them more susceptible to suggestion than children