348 research outputs found

    Electric field sensing with a scanning fiber-coupled quantum dot

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    We demonstrate the application of a fiber-coupled quantum-dot-in-a-tip as a probe for scanning electric field microscopy. We map the out-of-plane component of the electric field induced by a pair of electrodes by measurement of the quantum-confined Stark effect induced on a quantum dot spectral line. Our results are in agreement with finite element simulations of the experiment. Furthermore, we present results from analytic calculations and simulations which are relevant to any electric field sensor embedded in a dielectric tip. In particular, we highlight the impact of the tip geometry on both the resolution and sensitivity.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum dot opto-mechanics in a fully self-assembled nanowire

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    We show that fully self-assembled optically-active quantum dots (QDs) embedded in MBE-grown GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires (NWs) are coupled to the NW mechanical motion. Oscillations of the NW modulate the QD emission energy in a broad range exceeding 14 meV. Furthermore, this opto-mechanical interaction enables the dynamical tuning of two neighboring QDs into resonance, possibly allowing for emitter-emitter coupling. Both the QDs and the coupling mechanism -- material strain -- are intrinsic to the NW structure and do not depend on any functionalization or external field. Such systems open up the prospect of using QDs to probe and control the mechanical state of a NW, or conversely of making a quantum non-demolition readout of a QD state through a position measurement.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of nanostructuration on compressibility of cubic BN

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    Compressibility of high-purity nanostructured cBN has been studied under quasi-hydrostatic conditions at 300 K up to 35 GPa using diamond anvil cell and angle-dispersive synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction. It has been found that the data fit to the Vinet equation of state yields the values of the bulk modulus B₀ of 375(4) GPa with its first pressure derivative B₀´ of 2.3(3), thus, the nanometer grain size (≈ 20 nm) results in a decrease of the bulk modulus by ≈ 9‰.Сжимаемость высокочистого наноструктурированного cBN была изучена в квазигидростатических условиях при 300 K до 35 GPa в алмазных наковальнях с помощью угловой дисперсионной рентгеновской дифракции синхротронного излучения. Описание полученных данных уравнением состояния Винэ дает значение модуля сжимаемости B₀ = 375(4) ГПа и его первой производной по давлению B₀' = 2.3(3). Наноразмер зерна (~ 20 нм) приводит к уменьшению модуля сжимаемости на ~ 9 %.Стисливість високочистого наноструктурованого cBN була вивчена в квазігідростатичних умовах при 300 K до 35 ГПa в алмазних наковальнях за допомогою кутової дисперсійної рентгенівської дифракції синхротронного випромінювання. Опис одержаних даних рівнянням стану Віне дає значення модуля стисливості B₀ = 375(4) ГПа і його першої похідної по тиску B₀' = 2.3(3). Нанорозмір зерна (~ 20 нм) приводить до зменшення модуля стисливості на ~ 9 %

    Equation of state of single-crystal cubic boron phosphide

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    The 300 K equation of state of cubic (zinc-blende) boron phosphide BP has been studied by in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation up to 55 GPa. The measurements have been performed under quasi-hydrostatic conditions using a Ne pressure medium in a diamond anvil cell. A fit of the experimental p-V data to the Vinet equation of state yields the bulk modulus B0 of 179(1) GPa with its pressure derivative of 3.3(1). These values are in a good agreement with previous elastic measurements, as well as with semiempirical estimations.Уравнение состояния кубического (цинковая обманка) фосфида бора BP при 300 К изучено in situ до давления 55 ГПа с применением монокристаллической дифракции рентгеновских лучей с синхротронным излучением. Измерения проводили в алмазных наковальнях в квазигидростатических условиях с использованием Ne в качестве среды, передающей давление. Соответствие экспериментальных p-V данных уравнению состояния Винета (Vinet) дает объемный модуль упругости B0 = 179(1) ГПа и его производную по давлению 3,3(1). Эти величины хорошо согласуются с прежними измерениями упругости, а также с полуэмпирическими оценками.Рівняння стану кубічного (цинкова обманка) фосфіду бору BP при 300 К вивчено in situ до тиску 55 ГПа зі застосуванням монокристалічної дифракції рентгенівських променів із синхротронним випромінюванням. Вимірювання проводили в алмазних ковадлах у квазігідростатичних умовах з використанням Ne в якості середовища, що передає тиск. Відповідність експериментальних p-V даних рівнянню стану Вінета (Vinet) дає об’ємний модуль пружності B0 = 179(1) ГПа і його похідну по тиску 3,3(1). Ці величини добре узгоджуються з попередніми вимірюваннями пружності, а також із напівемпіричними оцінками

    Salmon and jellies and herring, oh my! Abiotic and biotic-dependent trends in abundance and distribution of pelagic critters in Skagit Bay across 17 years

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    As a large fjord, the Salish Sea exhibits strong spatiotemporal variation in temperature and salinity due to various marine and freshwater inputs. These patterns are particularly evident in Skagit Bay where water conditions are influenced by marine inputs from Deception Pass and Saratoga Passage and seasonal pulses of fresh water from Skagit River. We investigated how abundance and community composition in pelagic surface waters of Skagit Bay varied from 2001-2017, and how temperature and salinity patterns can influence which species predominate in particular years. Data come from long-term monitoring of Skagit Bay using a Kodiak surface trawl that sweeps the uppermost 10 feet of the water column. We evaluated how temperature and salinity influenced species abundance and distribution and tested whether distributions were likely influenced by biotic interactions (e.g. predation, competition), focusing on diadromous species (e.g., salmon, lamprey, starry flounder), forage fish (e.g., Pacific herring, surf smelt, Pacific sandlance), and gelatinous zooplankton (e.g., ctenophores, scyphozoan and hydrozoan medusae). Our results provide evidence for strong abiotic structuring and weaker effects from biotic interactions, although certain species appeared to interact more than others. These results may help us understand how long-term increases in regional and local temperatures and freshening waters will affect Salish Sea ecology

    Effect of nanostructuration on compressibility of cubic BN

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    Compressibility of high-purity nanostructured cBN has been studied under quasi-hydrostatic conditions at 300 K up to 35 GPa using diamond anvil cell and angle-dispersive synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. A data fit to the Vinet equation of state yields the values of the bulk modulus B0 of 375(4) GPa with its first pressure derivative B0' of 2.3(3). The nanometer grain size (\sim20 nm) results in decrease of the bulk modulus by ~9%