110 research outputs found

    Factor Structure of Items from the Personality Adjective Check List in a Sample of Normal Adolescents

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    We present the results of a principal-components analysis of the Personality Adjective Check List (PACL) at the item level, rather than at the scale level. The PACL was constructed by Strack (1987) to evaluate the personality scales proposed by Millon (1981). Data were obtained from a sample of normal adolescents. A scree test was applied to determine the number of factors to be extracted, and the retained factors were then rotated using a varimax procedure. Using the data from this second analysis, congruence coefficients were calculated by correlating the factor weights from the two analyses of men and women. Results reveal the existence in the whole sample of five unipolar personality factors, which we have called: Aggressive, Conscientious, Inhibited, Impulsive and Gregarious. These are not similar to those obtained from a sample of normal adults.Se presentan los resultados de un análisis de componentes principales del Personality Adjective Check List (PACL) al nivel de los ítems en vez del nivel de escala. El PACL fue construido por Strack (1987) para evaluar las escalas de personalidad ropuestas or Millon (1981). Los datos se obtuvieron de una muestra de adolescentes normales. e aplicó una prueba scree ara determinar el número de factores a extraer, y los factores etenidos se rotaron con el procedimiento varimax. Empleando os datos de este segundo nálisis, se calcularon los coeficientes de congruencia al correlacionar los pesos factoriales e los os análisis de varones y mujeres. Los resultados revelan la existencia en toda a muestra de cinco factores unipolares de ersonalidad, que hemos denominado: Agresivo, concienzudo, Inhibido, Impulsivo y Gregario. No se parecen a los factores obtenidos de una muestra de adultos normales

    All you need is Facebook friends? Associations between online and face-to-face friendships and health

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    Positive social relations are known to have a beneficial impact on health, however, little is known about the links of health with online relationships. In this study, we compare face-to-face and virtual friendships in their association with health. By building on previous results of studies conducted on the well-being of college students, we expect to find stronger associations of face-to-face friendships with health than of those established through Facebook. Furthermore, we expect to test the mediating role of social capital variables in this process. Two large-scale studies conducted in community samples (Study 1 = 350 urban residents; Study 2 = 803 urban and rural residents) showed that the number and quality of face-to-face friendships were directly associated with self-reported health status, however, the same did not occur with Facebook friendships. Moreover, the association of face-to-face friendships with health was totally mediated by bonding (mostly) but also bridging social capital. These results, replicated in both studies, were found controlling for confounding variables such as age, gender, education, living alone, self-esteem, and socioeconomic status. This pattern of results emphasizes the gains of face-to-face over online friendships for individuals’ health status in community samples.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Régimen de Ventanilla Única de Comercio Exterior y su impacto en el Sector Agrario

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    El atractivo perfil exportador que posee Argentina, gracias a su extensión geográfica, variedad de climas, y amplia oferta en recursos naturales no siempre es acompañado por la eficiencia en la gestión de trámites implicados en la logística. Una de las herramientas del Acuerdo de Facilitación del Comercio Internacional, es el Régimen de Ventanilla Única del Comercio Exterior. Por medio del cual, la documentación se presenta en un solo punto de entrada, simplificando el procedimiento de la exportación. El objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar sobre el impacto del Régimen V.U.C.E.A en las pymes del Sector Agrario. Por lo cual se ha realizado un relevamiento bibliográfico en fuentes nacionales e internacionales, proyectos, acuerdos y leyes relacionas al Sistema de Ventanilla Única y Facilitación Comercial. Nuestra investigación nos indica que las innovaciones tecnológicas que el Estado Nacional está desarrollando en función del Acuerdo de Facilitación del Comercio, permitirán al Sector Agrario expandir sus exportaciones, con alto valor agregado y libre de trabas. La implementación de la Ventanilla Única de Comercio Exterior será de manera gradual y paulatina. En la actualidad, ya se encuentra en marcha el Tablero V.U.C.E, plataforma digital, a través del cual el empresario gestiona y realiza un seguimiento de los trámites y requisitos que deba cumplir previo a exportar. Nuestra conclusión está orientada a marcar la vacancia de un Plan de Gestión Administrativa, cuyo propósito consiste en generar un contexto de aprendizaje y capacitación dentro del sector que acompañe aquellas empresas agrarias que deseen internacionalizarse, en función de sus debilidades y fortalezas. Pensamos que sería importante reflexionar sobre el uso de la herramienta en las empresas agropecuarias y su potencial para modificar la actual cadena comercial de productos exportables

    Neighborhood Care and Neighborhood Bonds:An Unequal Relationship

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    Research in environmental psychology has found a positive relationship between place bonds and behaviors related to care and maintenance of place. Although this relationship has been analyzed in natural environments, it has been less frequently studied in urban environments and has yielded contradictory results. The aim of this study is to analyze behavior related to care and conservation of neighborhood and its possible relationship to place bonds, as well as to other variables that we think may be important in explaining this behavior. The participants were 407 residents from eight different neighborhoods with different sociodemographic characteristics in one Spanish city. The results indicate that the relationship between attachment and behavior is significant only in residents with higher socioeconomic levels. These findings may help to explain the contradictory results found in the literature. Other variables which are significant in explaining neighborhood care are social norms, residential satisfaction, and support for protection policies. Place identity was not found to be significantly correlated with neighborhood care

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de ptosis palpebral miogénica adquirida

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    Objective: To report the surgical outcome of aponeurosis surgery in patients with acquired myogenic eyelid ptosis and describe surgical guidelines for their correction. Methods: The clinical records of two patients with acquired myogenic eyelid ptosis after surgical correction were reviewed. Results: In two patients with acquired myogenic eyelid ptosis and barely good levator function, levator resection surgery was performed. Corneal complications appeared in both cases. Conclusion: Patients with acquired myogenic eyelid ptosis are at risk of post-operative surgical complications from corneal exposure. Surgical correction should be conservative and performed only when the visual axis is compromise

    Anxiety as a stigma: The stereotype of the anxious person in the clinical, health-care professional, and general population

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue la evaluación de la teoría implícita o estereotipo que diferentes grupos de población tienen de las personas con ansiedad clínica. Para ello se administró un listado de adjetivos para la heteroevaluación de la persona ansiosa a un total de 400 participantes, distribuidos en cuatro grupos: pacientes con trastorno de ansiedad, población general, médicos y diplomados en enfermería. A los pacientes ansiosos se les volvió a administrar el listado de adjetivos para su autoevaluación. Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo mediante la prueba de χ2 para determinar las diferencias entre grupos en relación a los adjetivos más utilizados. Seguidamente se realizaron dos ANOVAs para establecer diferencias entre grupos a partir de la hetero-evaluación y para comprobar si había diferencias entre la heteroevaluación y la autoevaluación de las personas con trastornos de ansiedad. Los resultados muestran diferencias en la percepción de las personas ansiosas por parte de los 4 grupos; pero solo en el grupo general se detectan creencias prejuiciosas en el estereotipo que muestran de las personas ansiosas. Dichos hallazgos ponen de manifiesto las diferencias en los estereotipos de cada población referentes a las personas con ansiedad clínicaThe implicit theory or stereotype of anxious personality was assessed in different samples. A list of adjectives was administered for hetero-evaluation to 400 participants, divided into four groups: Patients with anxiety dicorders, general population, doctors, and nurses. Anxious patients were re-administered the list of adjectives for self-evaluation. A descriptive study was conducted using χ2 to discriminate the adjectives used between groups. Two ANOVAs were performed to establish differences between groups from hetero-evaluation and to test the presence of differences between the hetero- and the self-evaluation. Results showed the existence of differences between the clinically anxious group, the group of doctors and the group of nurses in the stereotype of anxious individuals, although no evidence of stigma was found. However, the general population group showed a perceptual bias of anxious individuals, which may indicate readiness to stigmatize these patients
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