328 research outputs found

    Fearless: Haya Mohanna

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    Constantly pursuing new avenues on and off campus to engage in different communities, raise awareness about issues in the Gaza Strip, and learn more about leadership, Haya Mohanna ’17 fearlessly pursues knowledge and activism opportunities to learn more about her own leadership style and capability to create change in her home community. [excerpt

    Fearless Friday: Haya Mohanna

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    In this week’s edition of Fearless Friday, SURGE is honoring Haya Mohanna for all of the work she has done in our community. She has received Fearless Friday recognition during her first year at Gettysburg College, and upon graduating this coming May 2017, we’d like to honor her again! [excerpt

    The Proportion of Women Who Have a Breast 4 Years after Breast Cancer Surgery: A Population-Based Cohort Study.

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    BACKGROUND: There are numerous pathways in breast cancer treatment, many of which enable women to retain a breast after treatment. We evaluated the proportion of women who have a breast, either through conserving surgery (BCS) or reconstruction, at 4-years after diagnosis, and how this varied by patient group. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We identified women with breast cancer who underwent initial BCS or mastectomy in English National Health Service (NHS) hospitals between January 2008 and December 2009 using the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) database. Women were assigned into one of four patient groups depending on their age at diagnosis and presence of comorbidities. The series of breast cancer procedure (BCS, mastectomy, immediate, or delayed reconstruction) undergone by each women was identified over four years, and the proportion of women with a breast calculated. Variation was examined across patient groups, and English Cancer Networks. Between 2008 and 2009, 60,959 women underwent BCS or mastectomy. The proportion with a breast at 4 years was 79.3%, and 64.0%, in women less than 70 years without, and with comorbidities. Whilst in women aged 70 and over without, and with comorbidities, proportions were 52.6%, and 38.2%, respectively. Comorbidities were associated with lower proportions of BCS, but had little effect on reconstruction rates unlike age. Networks variation of 15% or more was found within each patient group, and Cancer Networks tended to have either a high or low proportion across all four patient groups. However, while 14% of women under 70 years had undergone reconstruction, less than 2% of women aged 70 or more had this treatment option. CONCLUSION: The proportion of women diagnosed with breast cancer who retain a breast at 4 years is strongly associated with age, and presence of comorbidities. There was significant variation between Cancer Networks indicating that women's experience in England was dependent on their geographical location of treatment

    Iron Deficiency Anemia in Adults and its Diagnosis and Treatment: A Systemic Review

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    The aim of this study is to explore the clinical management in diagnosis and treatment of the iron deficiency anemia in adults with a systematic review methodology, as the iron deficiency is the most frequent cause of anemia worldwide. And it impairs quality of life, increases asthenia and can lead to clinical worsening of patients. In addition, iron deficiency has a complex mechanism whose pathologic pathway is recently becoming better understood. This review summarizes the current knowledge regarding diagnostic algorithms for iron deficiency anemia. The majority of aetiologies occur in the digestive tract, and justify morphological examination of the gut. First line investigations are upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy, and when negative, the small bowel should be explored; newer tools such as video capsule endoscopy have also been developed. The treatment of iron deficiency is aetiological if possible and iron supplementation whether in oral or in parenteral form

    Prevalence of Nocturnal Enuresis among Schoolchildren in Sana’a City, Yemen

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    Objective: To estimate the prevalence, frequency and time of nocturnal enuresis (NE) among primary schoolchildren in Sana’a city, Yemen. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study was conducted among 2689 schoolchildren in the primary schools of four randomly selected districts in Sana’a city in the period from September 2012 to December 2013. Data about sociodemographic characteristics, frequency, time, psycho-social effects and the factors possibly associated with NE among children were collected using a pre-designed questionnaire and analyzed using appropriate statistical tests. Results: The overall prevalence of NE was 11.2%, which was significantly higher among males than females (13.0% vs. 10.0%, respectively; P = 0.044) and decreased significantly with increasing age (P <0.001). More than half of children (55.3%) in Sana’a city had the habits of drinking excess fluids and tea at night and/or deep sleeping. Of physical and health disorders, difficulty in breathing and urinary tract infections were the two most frequent conditions among children with NE, being observed among 29.6% and 23.9% of cases, respectively. However, urogenital anomalies and mental retardation were the least frequent conditions in children with NE, being observed among 5.8% and 1.3% of cases, respectively. On the other hand, marital problems (24.8%) and arrival of a new baby (17.9%) were the most frequently observed social conditions among children with NE, while death in the family (8.5%) and parental separation (6.0%) were the least frequently observed conditions. Conclusions: NE is prevalent among 11.2% of schoolchildren in Sana’a city with a significantly higher, though slight, rate among males. This rate is lower than the rates reported from Aden and Mukalla cities in the country and from Saudi Arabia and Turkey. However, it is higher than those reported from Iran and Malaysia. About a third of children experience nightly NE, whereas the lowest proportion of children experience NE twice a month. The habits of drinking excess fluid and tea at night and/or deep sleeping, the disorders of difficulty in breathing and urinary tract infections and the social conditions of marital problems and arrival of a new baby are the most frequent observations among children with NE in Sana’a city

    Clinching process for joining dissimilar materials: state of the art

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    Clinching is a method for mechanically joining sheet metal of different thickness and properties in which the two plates to be joined undergo plastic deformation. The clinching process is established by connection or joining using simple tools: a punch and a die. This method has different characteristics compared to thermal joining methods, such as spot welding, including low purchase and operating costs, little preparatory work, safe and environmentally friendly, interesting mechanical properties, reproducibility, and durability. In this article, a brief review of traditional joining methods for dissimilar materials and the clinching process are illustrated in greater detail. In addition, the article looks to guide researchers for future work by identifying weaknesses of the current processes as well as a potential for valuable contributions in the field of clinching

    In vivo antibacterial activity of whey protein derived from fermented milk of Iraqi buffalo

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    The present study aims to prepare fermented buffalo's milk rich with low molecular weight peptides by using lactic acid starters as a mixture. Skim milk sample was inoculated with 5% of the starter. The growing number of starter and anti-bacterial activity were studied after 24 hours of incubation. Protein and peptide concentration were determined before and after fermentation, then biological active peptides were isolated or separated and purified by gel filtration column of Sephadex G25. Finally, the antibacterial activity of the isolated peptides was studied in vivo. The results of chemical analysis of fresh and fermented milk showed that the concentrations of protein were 0.817mg/ml and 0.501mg/ml before and after fermentation, respectively either peptide concentration was 0.4mg/ml before fermentation and 0.805mg/ml after fermentation. The number of starters was determined during the fermentation process after 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours of incubation and found an increase in the number of lactic acid bacteria. The initiation number was 6.2 × 105 but after the 24 hours, the number increased of up to 1.3×106. The number of lactic bacteria decreased after 24 hours with the increase in the concentration of lactic acid combined with low pH value. Colonies of lactobacilli were isolated from fermented buffalo milk and were characterized by the typical characteristics for the purpose of a rating based on morphological and cultural characters. Gel filtration gave seventy-eight fractions. And depending on the absorbency on wavelength 280 were obtained four peaks, each peak represents a fraction. Peptide concentration was determined in each fraction, these concentrations were (0 and 0243 and 0902 and 0632) mg/ml of fraction 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Fraction three contained a high concentration of peptide. The antibacterial activity of the third fraction was estimated. The results showed that the bioactive peptides of fermented milk have good efficacy in the treatment of diarrhea in laboratory animals

    Deletion of low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (Acp1) protects against stress-induced cardiomyopathy.

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    The low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (LMPTP), encoded by the ACP1 gene, is a ubiquitously expressed phosphatase whose in vivo function in the heart and in cardiac diseases remains unknown. To investigate the in vivo role of LMPTP in cardiac function, we generated mice with genetic inactivation of the Acp1 locus and studied their response to long-term pressure overload. Acp1(-/-) mice develop normally and ageing mice do not show pathology in major tissues under basal conditions. However, Acp1(-/-) mice are strikingly resistant to pressure overload hypertrophy and heart failure. Lmptp expression is high in the embryonic mouse heart, decreased in the postnatal stage, and increased in the adult mouse failing heart. We also show that LMPTP expression increases in end-stage heart failure in humans. Consistent with their protected phenotype, Acp1(-/-) mice subjected to pressure overload hypertrophy have attenuated fibrosis and decreased expression of fibrotic genes. Transcriptional profiling and analysis of molecular signalling show that the resistance of Acp1(-/-) mice to pathological cardiac stress correlates with marginal re-expression of fetal cardiac genes, increased insulin receptor beta phosphorylation, as well as PKA and ephrin receptor expression, and inactivation of the CaMKIIδ pathway. Our data show that ablation of Lmptp inhibits pathological cardiac remodelling and suggest that inhibition of LMPTP may be of therapeutic relevance for the treatment of human heart failure

    Gender Dimorphism in Aspartame-Induced Impairment of Spatial Cognition and Insulin Sensitivity

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    Previous studies have linked aspartame consumption to impaired retention of learned behavior in rodents. Prenatal exposure to aspartame has also been shown to impair odor-associative learning in guinea pigs; and recently, aspartame-fed hyperlipidemic zebrafish exhibited weight gain, hyperglycemia and acute swimming defects. We therefore investigated the effects of chronic lifetime exposure to aspartame, commencing in utero, on changes in blood glucose parameters, spatial learning and memory in C57BL/6J mice. Morris Water Maze (MWM) testing was used to assess learning and memory, and a random-fed insulin tolerance test was performed to assess glucose homeostasis. Pearson correlation analysis was used to investigate the associations between body characteristics and MWM performance outcome variables. At 17 weeks of age, male aspartame-fed mice exhibited weight gain, elevated fasting glucose levels and decreased insulin sensitivity compared to controls (P<0.05). Females were less affected, but had significantly raised fasting glucose levels. During spatial learning trials in the MWM (acquisition training), the escape latencies of male aspartame-fed mice were consistently higher than controls, indicative of learning impairment. Thigmotactic behavior and time spent floating directionless was increased in aspartame mice, who also spent less time searching in the target quadrant of the maze (P<0.05). Spatial learning of female aspartame-fed mice was not significantly different from controls. Reference memory during a probe test was affected in both genders, with the aspartame-fed mice spending significantly less time searching for the former location of the platform. Interestingly, the extent of visceral fat deposition correlated positively with non-spatial search strategies such as floating and thigmotaxis, and negatively with time spent in the target quadrant and swimming across the location of the escape platform. These data suggest that lifetime exposure to aspartame, commencing in utero, may affect spatial cognition and glucose homeostasis in C57BL/6J mice, particularly in males

    Antiplatelet Intake Medications for Patients Undergoing Dental Surgery

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    This study aims at exploring the patients taking antiplatelet medications who are undergoing dental surgery, physicians and dentists must weigh the bleeding risks in continuing antiplatelet medications versus the thrombotic risks in interrupting antiplatelet medications. Bleeding complications requiring more than local measures for hemostasis are rare after dental surgery in patients taking antiplatelet medications. Conversely, the risk for thrombotic complications after interruption of antiplatelet therapy for dental procedures apparently is significant, although small. When a clinician is faced with a decision to continue or interrupt antiplatelet therapy for a dental surgical patient, the decision comes down to “bleed or die.” That is, there is a remote chance that continuing antiplatelet therapy will result in a (nonfatal) bleeding problem requiring more than local measures for hemostasis versus a small but significant chance that interrupting antiplatelet therapy will result in a (possibly fatal) thromboembolic complication. The decision is simple: It is time to stop interrupting antiplatelet therapy for dental surgery