265 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menguji pengaruh kualitas corporate governance terhadap risk-taking perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 1 variabel independen yaitu Coporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) dan 1 variabel dependen yaitu risk-taking perusahaan yang diukur dengan risiko sistematis dan risiko non sistematis. Sampel penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dan juga masuk dalam peringkat The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG) pada tahun 2011-2013. Sampel diambil dengan metode purposive sampling. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 13 perusahaan dengan jumlah data observasi 39. Metode statistik menggunakan analisis regresi linear sederhana untuk menguji hipotesis.Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa tingkat kualitas corporate governance mempunya pengaruh yang negatif signifikan terhadap risk-taking perusahaan baik diukur menggunakan risiko sistematis maupun risiko non sistematis. Perusahaan dengan tingkat kualitas perusahaan yang baik akan mengambil keputusan yang berisiko kecil. Kata Kunci: corporate governane, corporate governance perception index, risk-taking, agency theory.ABSTRACTThis research examines about the effect of corporate governance quality level to corporate risk-taking. On the research, there are one independent variable that is Corporate Governance Perception Index and one dependent variable that is corporate risk-taking which is measured by systematic risks and non-systematic risks. The sample of this research was taken from all companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange and also included in the rank of The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG) on 2011-2013. The sample were taken by purposive sampling method. Total sample that were used are 13 corporates with total observation data are 39. Statistical methods using simple linear regression analysis were used to test the hypothesis.The result of this research indicates that the level of corporate governance quality has a negative impact significantly to corporate risk-taking as measured by systematic risk or non-systematic risk. Company with good level of corporate quality will make a small risk decisions.Keywords: corporate governane, corporate governance perception index, risk-taking, agency theory

    Rancang Bangun Pengendalian Alat Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Berbasis Plc Dan Hmi Untuk Gulungan Baru Mesin Listrik

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    Insulation is a very important component in electric machine. Without insulation, electric machines would not work according to the electrical design. There is a method of isolation called Vacuum Pressure Impregnation in maintenance, and repair of electrical machinery. Vacuum Pressure Impregnation is a method of insulation on an electric machine to remove the content of air, gas, and moisture evenly. In order to produce a good quality of insulation in an electric machine, this technology is much needed. The technology used nowadays in industrial are Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and Human Machine Interface (HMI). With the PLC and HMI, the equipments that are manually operated in the production process such as contactors, relays, and others can be reduced. Furthermore that, the system can be monitored by the operator properly, so it can improve the production's quality and quantity. In this study, the design of the system will be applied to the Vacuum Pressure Impregnation with PLC Omron CP1E and HMI Omron NB7W - TW00B as the main controller and monitoring. From the results of the research, it can be concluded that the design of control Vacuum Pressure Impregnation machine with PLC and HMI can be implemented and it works according to EASA standards. The results of resistance test, insulation resistance test, polarity index, high voltage DC test, and surge comparison test in the electrical machines improved after using this equipment.Isolasi merupakan komponen yang sangat penting pada mesin listrik. Tanpa adanya isolasi, mesin listrik tidak akan bekerja sesuai dengan desain elektrikalnya. Dalam perawatan dan perbaikan mesin listrik, ada metode isolasi yang dinamakan Vacuum Pressure Impregnation. Vacuum Pressure Impregnation adalah metode isolasi pada mesin listrik yang berfungsi untuk menghilangkan kandungan udara, gas, dan kelembaban secara merata. Agar dapat menghasilkan kualitas isolasi yang baik maka penggunaan teknologi ini pada mesin listrik sangat diperlukan. Teknologi yang sering digunakan dalam era industri sekarang ini adalah penggunaan Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) dan Human Machine Interface (HMI). Dengan adanya PLC dan HMI, peralatan yang masih berfungsi secara manual dalam proses produksi seperti kontaktor, dan relay dapat dikurangi. Selain itu sistem dapat dimonitor oleh operator sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas. Pada penelitian ini, penggunaan teknologi tersebut akan diaplikasikan pada alat Vacuum Pressure Impregnation dengan PLC Omron CP1E dan HMI Omron NB7W – TW00B sebagai pusat kontrol dan monitoringnya. Dari hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rancang bangun pengendalian alat Vacuum Pressure Impregnation dengan PLC dan HMI dapat dilaksanakan dan dapat bekerja sesuai dengan standard EASA. Hasil pengujian nilai resistansi, tahanan isolasi, polaritas index, tegangan tinggi DC, dan surge comparison test pada mesin listrik terbukti menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik setelah menggunakan alat ini

    Simulasi Optimasi Sistem Plth Menggunakan Software Homer Untuk Menghemat Pemakaian Bbm Di Pulau Penyengat Tanjung Pinang Kepulauan Riau

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    Currently electrification on Penyengat Island supplied by Diesel Power Plants with total capacity 285 kW to serve peak load system about 250 kW. This research aims to improve the efficiency of Fuel consumption, by means of implementing a Hybrid Power Plants on Penyengat Island. Methods used in this research is simulating and analyzing the result of optimation Hybrid Power Plants system by using Homer Software version 2.81. This software to optimize based on the lowest value of the NPC (Net Present Cost). In this research, result of the simulation and optimation by Homer Software, show that the Hybrid power plant's most optimal to be applied on the Penyengat Island is integration between PLTB, PLTS & PLTD. In this condition, the contribution of the electricity production system of PLTS at 43%, PLTB at 41%, PLTD at 16%. With capital cost for 1.058.906,OperatingCostfor 1.058.906, Operating Cost for 268.758 per year, Net Present Cost for 3.938.507,andCostofenergyfor3.938.507, and Cost of energy for 0.249/kWh. While PLTH fuel consumption is 205.601 litres/year, saving fuel consumption of 316.499 litres/year or 60,6%/year. And saving fuel consumption cost of $ 265.859/yea

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make a Match Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV SD

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas IV SDN 03 Sumberejo yang belum mencapai KKM yang ditentukan yaitu 65, dengan rata-rata kelas 61,67. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Apakah ada pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Make A Match terhadap hasil belajar matematika materi mengenal lambang bilangan romawi siswa kelas IV SDN 03 Sumberejo tahun pelajaran 2012/2013? Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Make A Match terhadap hasil belajar matematika materi mengenal lambang bilangan romawi siswa kelas IV SDN 03 Sumberejo tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Eksperimen kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 31 siswa. Sampel yang diambil semua populasi dengan menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Sebelum penelitian Soal post-test yang akan diberikan terlebih dahulu di uji cobakan di SDN 2 Sumberejo. Lembar observasi dalam penelitian ini digunakan untuk memperoleh data pengelolaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Make A Match oleh guru dan kerjasama siswa selama pembelajaran berlangsung. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah postest only control design. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa kelompok yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Make A Match materi mengenal lambang bilangan romawi lebih berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar dibandingkan kelompok yang pembelajarannya menggunakan dengan metode konvensional. Hal ini terbukti pada analisa akhir diperoleh, nilai thitung = 4,72 dan db =29 dilihat pada tabel t harga t kritik pada t 0,05 = 1,699 pada taraf signifikan 5% didapat 4,72 > 1,699 karena thitung > ttabel maka kelompok eksperimen berpengaruh, diperoleh rata-rata kelas eksperimen 86,25 lebih baik daripada rata-rata kelas kontrol 66,00. Kesimpulannya bahwa hasil belajar matematika yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Make A Match mempengaruhi hasil belajar dibandingkan pembelajaran dengan metode konvensional. Saran yang dapat peneliti sampaikan hendaknya guru dapat menerapkan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Make A Match agar siswa tidak merasa bosan pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung

    Finnish Industry Investment ltd: an International Evaluation

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    The Finnish Industry Investment Ltd. (FII) is a government owned investment company, which started its operations in 1995. Its core purpose is to stimulate the development of the Finnish venture capital industry particularly in those areas where market failure has constrained the supply of equity finance to high potential, small and medium sized Finnish enterprises. FII invests in young firms ‘indirectly’ via participating as a cornerstone investor in the new funds of venture capital firms, as well as investing ‘directly’ into Finnish firms. In common with other European venture capital industries, the Finnish industry grew very rapidly between 1995−2000. However, the Finnish market is still very small and under-developed by international standards, particularly, if the high knowledge intensity of the Finnish economy is taken into consideration. The limited availability of early stage (seed and start-up) venture capital to attractive young firms is the most urgent and persistent failure in the Finnish venture capital market. The primary policy goal of FII has been to address this problem by helping to set up, develop, and provide finance to venture capital funds investing in seed and start-up firms. However, FII has also has had a requirement imposed by government to operate profitably. This has lead the organisation to seek later stage investments in order to meet the profitability target. FII’s focus on profitability goal and its practice of investing on equal terms with private investors has lead to a reduction in its effectiveness in resolving the market failure in early stage venture capital. FII’s reduced impact has occurred at a time of worsening market conditions when the need for effective government intervention is highest. The main conclusion of the evaluation is that FII should focus its operations more directly on resolving remaining market failures in the supply of early stage venture capital. The evaluation also argues strongly that FII should concentrate on an indirect operating mode whereby it finances, and incentivizes by asymmetric profit sharing, private investment professionals to set up venture capital funds targeted at seed and startup stages. The same indirect approach should also continue to be used to resolve market failures in the provision of regional venture capital. Additionally, FII has a valuable role in helping channel foreign capital, including finance from EU, to Finnish early stage venture capital funds. Direct investments by FII to target companies should be avoided as an operating mode. Given the FII’s responsibility for addressing market failures, its performance measurement and governance systems should fully reflect this primary goal. The evaluation also finds that FII’s communication and collaboration with other actors in the Finnish innovation system should be improved. In addition to the need for improved coordination between the government special financing agencies, there is also a need for more effective direction and coordination of policy at the highest executive level, for example in ensuring the integration of enterprise policy and general financial policy to enable significant improvements in the environment for growth-oriented entrepreneurship in Finland.Commissioned by Ministry of Trade and Industr

    Assessment of welfare and brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome signs in young, breeding age French Bulldogs and Pugs, using owner questionnaire, physical examination and walk tests

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    Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) is a major welfare problem in short-nosed breeds, such as the French Bulldog and Pug. In addition to respiratory difficulties, exercise intolerance and impaired recovery are major signs of BOAS. To select healthier breeding animals, exercise tolerance tests, such as the 1,000-m walk test, are already used in several countries for brachycephalic dogs, although evidence supporting their use is still scarce. The aims of this study were to assess the daily welfare of young, breeding-age French Bulldogs (n = 44) and Pugs (n = 51) using an owner questionnaire, and to evaluate 6-min walk test (6MWT) and 1,000-m walk test usability for differentiation between non-or mildly BOAS-affected dogs and more severely affected dogs. Only four out of 95 French Bulldog and Pug owners reported that the BOAS signs limited the daily activities of their dogs. However, according to the physical, examination-based veterinary BOAS grading, 31/95 of the dogs had moderate to severe BOAS signs. In both breeds, the more severely affected dogs performed both exercise tests more poorly than those with no or mild BOAS signs. The longer exercise, namely the 1,000-m test, seemed slightly better able at differentiating between affected dogs and less affected ones. The results of this study further support the use of exercise tests as an important part of the breeding selection in French Bulldogs and Pugs. By influencing the breed standards set by Kennel Clubs and by using breeding selection tools, the harmful impacts of brachycephaly can be diminished.Peer reviewe

    A follow-up study of exercise test results and severity of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome signs in brachycephalic dogs

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    To promote successful breeding against brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS), it is important to assess how BOAS signs progress during young adulthood and how evaluation age and ageing affect the results of chosen breeding selection tools. The aims of this study were to assess how veterinary-assessed and owner-reported BOAS signs and exercise test results change when dogs age. Eight English Bulldogs, 25 French Bulldogs, and 31 Pugs that had undergone previous evaluation were re-examined 2- 3 years later. An owner questionnaire regarding BOAS signs, a veterinary assessment of BOAS severity, and exercise, ie walk tests were re-performed. In Pugs, both 6-min walking distance and 1,000-m time worsened and the initial evaluation age had a significant effect on the 1,000-m time. No significant changes were seen in the results of the French Bulldogs but a negative effect on the 1,000-m time was seen with weight gain. Exercise test statistics were not performed with regard to English Bulldogs due to low sample size. The veterinary-assessed BOAS severity class remained the same in the majority of dogs and the BOAS grade worsened mostly in those dogs that were initially evaluated at less than two years of age. Most owners reported no major changes in BOAS severity. BOAS grading and walk tests were easy to repeat and results remained relatively constant in dogs initially evaluated at over two years of age, supporting the use of these breeding selection tools. However, further, large-scale offspring studies are still needed.Peer reviewe

    Karakteristik Radiofarmaka 99mtc-glutation

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    KARAKTERISTIK RADIOFARMAKA 99mTc-GLUTATION. Senyawa bertandateknesium-99m-glutation (99mTc-GSH) merupakan radiofarmaka yang digunakan dalam bidangkedokteran nuklir untuk diagnosis kanker dengan metode pencitraan. Karakteristik fisiko-kimiadan biologis suatu radiofarmaka memegang peranan penting dalam penyebaran sertapenimbunannya di dalam tubuh. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjamin keberhasilan penggunaanradiofarmaka perlu dilakukan pengujian sifat fisiko-kimia dan biologisnya. Pengujian kemurnianradiokimia dilakukan dengan kromatografi lapis tipis (TLC-SG) menggunakan aseton kering danNaCL 0,9% sebagai fase gerak. Muatan 99mTc-GSH ditentukan dengan metode elektroforesisdan lipofilisitasnya (P) diketahui dengan menentukan koefisien partisinya dalam pelarut organikair.Ikatan protein plasma ditentukan secara in-vitro dengan metode pengendapanmenggunakan larutan asam trikloro asetat (TCA) 5%. Di samping itu, dilakukan juga pengujianpengaruh besarnya radioaktivitas 99mTc terhadap stabilitas 99mTc-GSH serta stabilitas di dalamplasma secara in-vitro. Dari hasil percobaan diperoleh bahwa radiofarmaka 99mTc-GSHmempunyai kemurnian radiokimia 99,08 ± 0,26%; tidak bermuatan listrik (netral); lipofilisitas =0,03 ± 0,002; ikatan protein plasma sebesar 30,31 ± 0,04%. Penggunaan larutan Na99mTcO4sampai mencapai konsentrasi radioaktivitas 21 mCi/2 mL menghasilkan radiofarmaka 99mTc-GSH yang tetap stabil hingga 5 jam dengan kemurnian radiokimia ≥ 95%. Uji stabilitas 99mTc-GSH dalam plasma secara in-vitro menunjukkan bahwa kemurnian radiokimia menurun dengancepat pada penyimpanan satu jam pertama, yaitu sebesar 63,41± 4,86% dan kemurnianradiokimia antara 55 - 57 % bertahan hingga 5 jam penyimpanan

    Formulasi Radiofarmaka 99mtc-glutation untuk Diagnosis Kanker

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    Glutation (GSH) merupakan tripeptida alam yang memegang peranan penting dalam reaksidetoksifikasi, pelindung sel terhadap kerusakan akibat xenobiotic spektrum lebar. GSH dapatmembentuk kompleks khelat dengan ion-ion logam seperti teknesium-99m (99mTc), yang dalambidang kedokteran nuklir dapat digunakan untuk diagnosis kanker leher dan kepala. Gunamemenuhi kebutuhan senyawa bertanda 99mTc-glutation (99mTc-GSH) di dalam negeri, telahdilakukan penandaan GSH dengan radionuklida 99mTc dengan memvariasikan beberapaparameter. Penentuan efisiensi penandaan 99mTc-GSH dilakukan dengan melihat kemurnianradiokimianya yang ditentukan dengan kromatografi lapis tipis menggunakan TLC-SG dengan 2macam fase gerak, yaitu aseton kering dan larutan NaCl 0,9%. Kondisi penandaan optimaldicapai pada penggunaan 20 mg GSH; 0,3 mg SnCl2.2H2O; pH reaksi 7-7,5; dan pengocokanbeberapa saat pada temperatur kamar, memberikan efisiensi penandaan ± 98%. Total volumereaksi hingga 5 ml tidak memberikan pengaruh pada tingkat kemurnian hasil penandaan. Ujistabilitas menunjukkan bahwa 99mTc-GSH tetap stabil sampai 6 jam pada temperatur kamardengan kemurnian radiokimia 99,34 %

    Formulasi Radiofarmaka 99mtc-glutation untuk Diagnosis Kanker

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    Glutation (GSH) merupakan tripeptida alam yang memegang peranan penting dalam reaksidetoksifikasi, pelindung sel terhadap kerusakan akibat xenobiotic spektrum lebar. GSH dapatmembentuk kompleks khelat dengan ion-ion logam seperti teknesium-99m (99mTc), yang dalambidang kedokteran nuklir dapat digunakan untuk diagnosis kanker leher dan kepala. Gunamemenuhi kebutuhan senyawa bertanda 99mTc-glutation (99mTc-GSH) di dalam negeri, telahdilakukan penandaan GSH dengan radionuklida 99mTc dengan memvariasikan beberapaparameter. Penentuan efisiensi penandaan 99mTc-GSH dilakukan dengan melihat kemurnianradiokimianya yang ditentukan dengan kromatografi lapis tipis menggunakan TLC-SG dengan 2macam fase gerak, yaitu aseton kering dan larutan NaCl 0,9%. Kondisi penandaan optimaldicapai pada penggunaan 20 mg GSH; 0,3 mg SnCl2.2H2O; pH reaksi 7-7,5; dan pengocokanbeberapa saat pada temperatur kamar, memberikan efisiensi penandaan ± 98%. Total volumereaksi hingga 5 ml tidak memberikan pengaruh pada tingkat kemurnian hasil penandaan. Ujistabilitas menunjukkan bahwa 99mTc-GSH tetap stabil sampai 6 jam pada temperatur kamardengan kemurnian radiokimia 99,34 %
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