13 research outputs found

    13C labeling experiments at metabolic nonstationary conditions: An exploratory study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stimulus Response Experiments to unravel the regulatory properties of metabolic networks are becoming more and more popular. However, their ability to determine enzyme kinetic parameters has proven to be limited with the presently available data. In metabolic flux analysis, the use of <sup>13</sup>C labeled substrates together with isotopomer modeling solved the problem of underdetermined networks and increased the accuracy of flux estimations significantly.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this contribution, the idea of increasing the information content of the dynamic experiment by adding <sup>13</sup>C labeling is analyzed. For this purpose a small example network is studied by simulation and statistical methods. Different scenarios regarding available measurements are analyzed and compared to a non-labeled reference experiment. Sensitivity analysis revealed a specific influence of the kinetic parameters on the labeling measurements. Statistical methods based on parameter sensitivities and different measurement models are applied to assess the information gain of the labeled stimulus response experiment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It was found that the use of a (specifically) labeled substrate will significantly increase the parameter estimation accuracy. An overall information gain of about a factor of six is observed for the example network. The information gain is achieved from the specific influence of the kinetic parameters towards the labeling measurements. This also leads to a significant decrease in correlation of the kinetic parameters compared to an experiment without <sup>13</sup>C-labeled substrate.</p

    An analytic and systematic framework for estimating metabolic flux ratios from 13C tracer experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Metabolic fluxes provide invaluable insight on the integrated response of a cell to environmental stimuli or genetic modifications. Current computational methods for estimating the metabolic fluxes from <sup>13</sup><it>C </it>isotopomer measurement data rely either on manual derivation of analytic equations constraining the fluxes or on the numerical solution of a highly nonlinear system of isotopomer balance equations. In the first approach, analytic equations have to be tediously derived for each organism, substrate or labelling pattern, while in the second approach, the global nature of an optimum solution is difficult to prove and comprehensive measurements of external fluxes to augment the <sup>13</sup><it>C </it>isotopomer data are typically needed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present a novel analytic framework for estimating metabolic flux ratios in the cell from <sup>13</sup><it>C </it>isotopomer measurement data. In the presented framework, equation systems constraining the fluxes are derived automatically from the model of the metabolism of an organism. The framework is designed to be applicable with all metabolic network topologies, <sup>13</sup><it>C </it>isotopomer measurement techniques, substrates and substrate labelling patterns.</p> <p>By analyzing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS) measurement data obtained from the experiments on glucose with the model micro-organisms <it>Bacillus subtilis </it>and <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>we show that our framework is able to automatically produce the flux ratios discovered so far by the domain experts with tedious manual analysis. Furthermore, we show by <it>in silico </it>calculability analysis that our framework can rapidly produce flux ratio equations – as well as predict when the flux ratios are unobtainable by linear means – also for substrates not related to glucose.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The core of <sup>13</sup><it>C </it>metabolic flux analysis framework introduced in this article constitutes of flow and independence analysis of metabolic fragments and techniques for manipulating isotopomer measurements with vector space techniques. These methods facilitate efficient, analytic computation of the ratios between the fluxes of pathways that converge to a common junction metabolite. The framework can been seen as a generalization and formalization of existing tradition for computing metabolic flux ratios where equations constraining flux ratios are manually derived, usually without explicitly showing the formal proofs of the validity of the equations.</p

    Determination of full 13 C isotopomer distributions for metabolic flux analysis using heteronuclear spin echo difference NMR spectroscopy

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    C-13-isotopomer labeling experiments play an increasingly important role in the analysis of intracellular metabolic fluxes for genetic engineering purposes. C-13 NMR spectroscopy is a key technique in the experimental determination of isotopomer distributions. However, only subsets of isotopomers can be quantitated using this technique due to redundancies in the scalar coupling patterns and due to invisibility of the C-12 isotope in NMR. Therefore, we developed and describe in this paper a H-1 NMR spectroscopy method that allows to determine the complete isotopomer distribution in metabolites having a backbone consisting of up to at least four carbons. The proposed pulse sequences employ up to three alternately applied frequency-selective inversion pulses in the C-13 channel. In a first application study, the complete isotopomer distribution of aspartate isolated from [1-C-13]ethanol-grown Ashbya gossypii was determined. A tentative model of the central metabolism of this organism was constructed and used for metabolic flux analysis. The aspartate isotopomer NMR data played a key role in the successful determination of the flux through the peroxisomal glyoxylate pathway. The new NMR method can be highly instrumental in generating the data upon which isotopomer labeling experiments for flux analysis, that are becoming increasingly important, are based. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Metabolic Fluxes during Strong Carbon Catabolite Repression by Malate in Bacillus subtilis*

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    Commonly glucose is considered to be the only preferred substrate in Bacillus subtilis whose presence represses utilization of other alternative substrates. Because recent data indicate that malate might be an exception, we quantify here the carbon source utilization hierarchy. Based on physiology and transcriptional data during co-utilization experiments with eight carbon substrates, we demonstrate that malate is a second preferred carbon source for B. subtilis, which is rapidly co-utilized with glucose and strongly represses the uptake of alternative substrates. From the different hierarchy and degree of catabolite repression exerted by glucose and malate, we conclude that both substrates might act through different molecular mechanisms. To obtain a quantitative and functional network view of how malate is (co)metabolized, we developed a novel approach to metabolic flux analysis that avoids error-prone, intuitive, and ad hoc decisions on 13C rearrangements. In particular, we developed a rigorous approach for deriving reaction reversibilities by combining in vivo intracellular metabolite concentrations with a thermodynamic feasibility analysis. The thus-obtained analytical model of metabolism was then used for network-wide isotopologue balancing to estimate the intracellular fluxes. These 13C-flux data revealed an extraordinarily high malate influx that is primarily catabolized via the gluconeogenic reactions and toward overflow metabolism. Furthermore, a considerable NADPH-producing malic enzyme flux is required to supply the biosynthetically required NADPH in the presence of malate. Co-utilization of glucose and malate resulted in a synergistic decrease of the respiratory tricarboxylic acid cycle flux