2,703 research outputs found

    Identidad indígena

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    Denominamos pueblos indígenas a unos grupos humanos dispersos por casi un centenar de Estados, a pesar de la heterogeneidad que apreciamos entre, por ejemplo, los esquimales y los indígenas yora de la Amazonia peruana, existen unos elementos comunes que permiten considerarlos como pueblos indígenas. En este trabajo se identifican y desmenuzan cuales son, a la luz de la práctica no solo reflejada en la Declaración de Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, sino también la de los órganos internacionales y nacionales que han tenido oportunidad de enfrentarse a cuestiones derivadas de la identidad indígena para intentar profundizar en todos los aspectos relacionados con ellaIndigenous peoples refer to different human groups scattered around the world in about hundred States. In spite of the heterogeneity that prevails among them, for example, between the Sami and the Yora living in the Peruvian Amazonas, all these groups share some common elements that make it possible to consider them indigenous peoples. This study identifies and discusses these elements in the light of the practice reflected not only in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, but also in the pronouncements of international and national organs that have been given the opportunity to analyze questions concerning the indigenous identity and come to develop more thorough meanings of all its aspect

    La inmunidad del Estado y los bienes culturales

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    En la actualidad, los préstamos de obras de arte entre museos son una materialización de la cooperación en materia cultural interestatal. En este contexto se han producido reclamaciones de piezas que conforman esas exposiciones temporales, encontrándose con el muro de las inmunidades del Estado prestador en el territorio del foro, en su doble vertiente: de jurisdicción y de ejecución. La inmunidad de los préstamos no es un nuevo tipo de inmunidad, sino una aplicación práctica de estas inmunidades conocidas que plantea, como las anteriores, la dependencia de la legislación interna del Estado en el que tiene lugar el procedimiento judicial. Los Estados, para evitarlo, suelen celebrar acuerdos bilaterales que les permiten blindar las colecciones que prestan. La consecuencia de estas prácticas pone en evidencia, una vez más, el difícil equilibrio entre las inmunidades del Estado y el derecho a la propiedad individual y el derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva; o entre el interés colectivo –la cooperación cultural– y el individual –la recuperación de la posesión del bien–.The lending of works of art between museums is a contemporary manifestation of interstate cultural cooperation. In this context, reclamations of pieces of art that form part of temporary exhibitions have been produced. However, these reclamations are unsuccessful as they encounter the wall of state immunity enjoyed by the lending state in the territory of the forum state in its two-fold aspect: immunity from jurisdiction and from execution. The immunity of the loans is not a new type of immunity, but a practical application of these conventional immunities. As is the case with such immunities, the immunity of the loans considers the dependency of the internal legislation of the state in which the judicial proceeding takes place. To avoid this, the states tend to conclude bilateral agreements that protect the collections that they lend. The consequence of these practices reveal, once more, the difficult balance between state immunity and the individual right to property and the right to effective judicial remedies; or between the collective interest –cultural cooperation –and the individual– the recuperation of the goo

    The current consequences of the illegal deprivation of art works in the Nazism time and State immunity: The Cassirer case

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    Hay consecuencias del Holocausto que aún no se han resuelto. Buena muestra de ello son las reclamaciones de devolución de los bienes que fueron incautados por los nazis, especialmente obras de arte, que llegan hasta nuestros días. La inexistencia de órganos internacionales competentes para resolver aquellas junto con la carencia de normas internacionales aplicables a los supuestos acaecidos antes de su entrada en vigor nos ubican en un escenario de soluciones heterogéneas, debido a la dispersión en lo que se refiere a las normas nacionales existentes al efecto. Por otra parte, los tribunales estadounidenses, que han tenido que resolver múltiples demandas en este sentido, han aplicado sistemáticamente la excepción de expropiación, que presenta dificultades en lo que a su compatibilidad con las normas internacionales (en la actualidad de naturaleza consuetudinaria) existentes sobre las inmunidades de los Estados y de sus bienes, así como sobre la jurisprudencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia existente en este puntoThere are consequences of the Holocaust that remain unsolved. We can think, for example, of the claims for the restitution of the properties that were seized by the Nazis, especially art pieces that still have not been resolved. The absence of competent international organs to resolve these cases, along with the scarce international norms that are effectively applicable to events happening before their entry into force, brings us to a diverse scene marked by the heterogeneity of national legislations and national courts rulings. On the other side, American courts have ruled several times on these matters, systematically leaving aside the exception of expropriation. These decisions arise compatibility issues with the existing set of international norms –which has nowadays a customary nature– about the immunity of the States and their properties, as well as with the most recent case law of the International Court of Justice on this issu

    Automatic Link Balancing Using Fuzzy Logic Control of Handover Parameter

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    Automatic Link Balancing Using Fuzzy Logic Control of Handover Parameter

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    Reconstructing palaeo-volcanic geometries using a Geodynamic Regression Model (GRM): Application to Deception Island volcano (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)

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    This article describes a reconstruction made of the palaeo-volcanic edifice on Deception Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) prior to the formation of its present caldera. Deception Island is an active Quaternary volcano located in the Bransfield Strait, between the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula. The morphology of the island has been influenced mainly by the volcanic activity but geodynamics and volcanic deformation have also contributed. A volcanic reconstruction method, the Geodynamic Regression Model (GRM), which includes a terrain deformation factor, is proposed. In the case of Deception Island, the directions of this deformation are NW–SE and NE–SW, and match both the observed deformation of the Bransfield Strait and the volcanic deformation monitored over the last 20 years in the island, using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) techniques. Based on these data, possible volcanic deformation values of 5–15 mm/yr in these directions have been derived. A possible coastline derived from a current bathymetry is transformed, according to values for the chosen date, to obtain the palaeo-coastline of Deception Island of 100 k years ago. Topographic, geomorphologic, volcanological and geological data in a GIS system have been considered, for computation of the outside caldera slope, palaeo-coastline, palaeo-summit height and palaeo digital elevation model (DEM). The result is a 3D palaeo-geomorphological surface model of a volcano, reaching 640 m in height, with an increase of 4 km3 in volume compared to the current edifice, covering 4 km2 more surface area and the method reveals the previous existence of parasite volcanoes. Two photorealistic images of the island are obtained by superposition of textures extracted from a current Quick Bird satellite image also. This technique for reconstructing the terrain of an existing volcano could be useful for analysing the past and future geomorphology of this island and similar locations

    La ingeniería de caminos durante la Guerra Civil española: destrucción y reconstrucción de puentes

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    [Resumo] A enxeñería de camiños é una rama da técnica cuxa aplicación práctica é básica para o benestar dun país. As infraestructuras contribúen ao desenvolvemento e ó fomento dun territorio, a través do establecemento das vías de comunicación. En tempos de guerra, o seu valor mantense ademáis, pola importancia estratéxica que adquiere, ó resultar fndamentais para garantir os transportes tanto civís como militares. No periodo da guerra civil española, as infraestructuras terrestres, polo seu papel clave, foron obxeto de destrucción como resultado de operacións tácticas. Por outro lado, a enxeñería tivo de porse ó servicio da guerra para realizar as reparación e reconstrucción necesarias dentro das accións militares e tamén civís. Na tese trátase de presentar a influencia que a área da enxeñería civil tivo neste contexto. A partires da análise previa da organización que desenrolaron cada un dos contendentes neste campo, preséntase a evolución das infraestructuras terrestres, as estradas e os ferrocarrís en dito periodo. Os elementos destas infraestructuras que resultaron máis afectados por ser os máis vulnerables, foron as pontes. Para iso descríbense as destruccións que sufriron xunto coas reconstruccións máis características.[Resumen] La ingeniería de caminos es una rama de la técnica cuya aplicación práctica resulta básica para el bienestar de un país. Las infraestructuras contribuyen al desarrollo y al fomento de un territorio, a través del establecimiento de vías de comunicación. En tiempos de guerra su valor se mantiene además, por la importancia estratégica que adquieren, al resultar fundamentales para garantizar los transportes tanto civiles como militares. En el periodo de la guerra civil española, las infraestructuras terrestres, por su papel clave, fueron objeto de destrucción como resultado de operaciones tácticas. Por otro lado, la ingeniería hubo de ponerse al servicio de la guerra para realizar las reparaciones y reconstrucciones necesarias dentro de las acciones militares y también civiles. En esta tesis se trata de presentar la influencia que el área de la ingeniería civil tuvo en este contexto. A partir del análisis previo de la organización que desarrollaron cada uno de los contendientes en este campo, se presenta la evolución de las infraestructuras terrestres, las carreteras y los ferrocarriles, en dicho periodo. Los elementos de estas infraestructuras que resultaron más afectados, por ser los más vulnerables, fueron los puentes. Para ello se detallan las destrucciones que sufrieron junto con las reconstrucciones más características.[Abstract] Civil engineering is a technical area which practical aplication is essential for the progress of a country. Infrastructures contribute to the regional development and promotion, through the implementation of communication networks. During a war, this value is maintained in addition for the estrategical importance, due to the fact that they are essential to guarantee civil and militar transport. During the Spanish Civil War, infrastructures were destroyed as result of tactical operations. On the other hand, engineering had to serve war interests to repair and rebuild within militar operations. This thesis deal with the influence of the civil engineering in this context. From the previous analysis of the organization developed for each side, the evolution of the roads and railways is shown for this period. The bridges were the elements of these infrastructures more affected. So the destructions and reconstructions they suffered are described

    Effects of maternal subnutrition during early pregnancy on cow hematological profiles and offspring physiology and vitality in two beef breeds

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    This experiment evaluated the effects of subnutrition during early gestation on hematology in cows (Bos Taurus) and on hematological, metabolic, endocrine, and vitality parameters in their calves. Parda de Montaña and Pirenaica dams were inseminated and assigned to either a control (CONTROL, 100% requirements) or a nutrient‐restricted group (SUBNUT, 65%) during the first third of gestation. Dam blood samples were collected on days 20 and 253 of gestation, and calf samples were obtained during the first days of life. Pirenaica dams presented higher red series parameters than Parda de Montaña dams, both in the first and the last months of gestation. During early pregnancy, granulocyte numbers and mean corpuscular hemoglobin were lower in Pirenaica‐SUBNUT than in Pirenaica‐CONTROL cows. Calves from the SUBNUT cows did not show a physiological reduction in red series values in early life, suggesting later maturation of the hematopoietic system. Poor maternal nutrition affected calf endocrine parameters. Newborns from dystocic parturitions showed lower NEFA concentrations and weaker vitality responses. In conclusion, maternal nutrition had short‐term effects on cow hematology, Pirenaica cows showing a higher susceptibility to undernutrition; and a long‐term effect on their offspring endocrinology, SUBNUT newborns showing lower levels of IGF‐1 and higher levels of cortisol.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business and the European Union Regional Development Funds (INIA RTA 2013‐00059‐C02 and INIA RZP 2015‐001) and the Government of Aragon under the Grant Research Group Funds (A14_17R). A. Noya received a PhD grant from INIA‐Government of Aragon