68 research outputs found

    The mineralocorticoid receptor: insights into its molecular and (patho)physiological biology

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    The last decade has witnessed tremendous progress in the understanding of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), its molecular mechanism of action, and its implications for physiology and pathophysiology. After the initial cloning of MR, and identification of its gene structure and promoters, it now appears as a major actor in protein-protein interaction networks. The role of transcriptional coregulators and the determinants of mineralocorticoid selectivity have been elucidated. Targeted oncogenesis and transgenic mouse models have identified unexpected sites of MR expression and novel roles for MR in non-epithelial tissues. These experimental approaches have contributed to the generation of new cell lines for the characterization of aldosterone signaling pathways, and have also facilitated a better understanding of MR physiology in the heart, vasculature, brain and adipose tissues. This review describes the structure, molecular mechanism of action and transcriptional regulation mediated by MR, emphasizing the most recent developments at the cellular and molecular level. Finally, through insights obtained from mouse models and human disease, its role in physiology and pathophysiology will be reviewed. Future investigations of MR biology should lead to new therapeutic strategies, modulating cell-specific actions in the management of cardiovascular disease, neuroprotection, mineralocorticoid resistance, and metabolic disorders

    Why are mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists cardioprotective?

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    Two clinical trials, the Randomized ALdosterone Evaluation Study (RALES) and the EPlerenone HEart failure and SUrvival Study (EPHESUS), have recently shown that mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonists reduce mortality in patients with heart failure on top of ACE inhibition. This effect could not be attributed solely to blockade of the renal MR-mediated effects on blood pressure, and it has therefore been proposed that aldosterone, the endogenous MR agonist, also acts extrarenally, in particular in the heart. Indeed, MR are present in cardiac tissue, and possibly aldosterone synthesis occurs in the heart. This review critically addresses the following questions: (1) is aldosterone synthesized at cardiac tissue sites, (2) what agonist stimulates cardiac MR normally, and (3) what effects are mediated by aldosterone/MR in the heart that could explain the beneficial effects of MR blockade in heart failure? Conclusions are that most, if not all, of cardiac aldosterone originates in the circulation (i.e., is of adrenal origin), and that glucocorticoids, in addition to aldosterone, may serve as the endogenous agonist of cardiac MR. MR-mediated effects in the heart include effects on endothelial function, cardiac fibrosis and hypertrophy, oxidative stress, cardiac inotropy, coronary flow, and arrhythmias. Some of these effects occur via or in synergy with angiotensin II, and involve a non-MR-mediated mechanism. This raises the possibility that aldosterone synthase inhibitors might exert beneficial effects on top of MR blockade

    Prolactin Receptor Signaling Is Essential for Perinatal Brown Adipocyte Function: A Role for Insulin-like Growth Factor-2

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    BACKGROUND: The lactogenic hormones prolactin (PRL) and placental lactogens (PL) play central roles in reproduction and mammary development. Their actions are mediated via binding to PRL receptor (PRLR), highly expressed in brown adipose tissue (BAT), yet their impact on adipocyte function and metabolism remains unclear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: PRLR knockout (KO) newborn mice were phenotypically characterized in terms of thermoregulation and their BAT differentiation assayed for gene expression studies. Derived brown preadipocyte cell lines were established to evaluate the molecular mechanisms involved in PRL signaling on BAT function. Here, we report that newborn mice lacking PRLR have hypotrophic BAT depots that express low levels of adipocyte nuclear receptor PPARgamma2, its coactivator PGC-1alpha, uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) and the beta3 adrenoceptor, reducing mouse viability during cold challenge. Immortalized PRLR KO preadipocytes fail to undergo differentiation into mature adipocytes, a defect reversed by reintroduction of PRLR. That the effects of the lactogens in BAT are at least partly mediated by Insulin-like Growth Factor-2 (IGF-2) is supported by: i) a striking reduction in BAT IGF-2 expression in PRLR KO mice and in PRLR-deficient preadipocytes; ii) induction of cellular IGF-2 expression by PRL through JAK2/STAT5 pathway activation; and iii) reversal of defective differentiation in PRLR KO cells by exogenous IGF-2. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that the lactogens act in concert with IGF-2 to control brown adipocyte differentiation and growth. Given the prominent role of brown adipose tissue during the perinatal period, our results identified prolactin receptor signaling as a major player and a potential therapeutic target in protecting newborn mammals against hypothermia

    What is influencing the phenotype of the common homozygous polymerase-γ mutation p.Ala467Thr?

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    Polymerase-γ (POLG) is a major human disease gene and may account for up to 25% of all mitochondrial diseases in the UK and in Italy. To date, >150 different pathogenic mutations have been described in POLG. Some mutations behave as both dominant and recessive alleles, but an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern is much more common. The most frequently detected pathogenic POLG mutation in the Caucasian population is c.1399G>A leading to a p.Ala467Thr missense mutation in the linker domain of the protein. Although many patients are homozygous for this mutation, clinical presentation is highly variable, ranging from childhood-onset Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome to adult-onset sensory ataxic neuropathy dysarthria and ophthalmoparesis. The reasons for this are not clear, but familial clustering of phenotypes suggests that modifying factors may influence the clinical manifestation. In this study, we collected clinical, histological and biochemical data from 68 patients carrying the homozygous p.Ala467Thr mutation from eight diagnostic centres in Europe and the USA. We performed DNA analysis in 44 of these patients to search for a genetic modifier within POLG and flanking regions potentially involved in the regulation of gene expression, and extended our analysis to other genes affecting mitochondrial DNA maintenance (POLG2, PEO1 and ANT1). The clinical presentation included almost the entire phenotypic spectrum of all known POLG mutations. Interestingly, the clinical presentation was similar in siblings, implying a genetic basis for the phenotypic variability amongst homozygotes. However, the p.Ala467Thr allele was present on a shared haplotype in each affected individual, and there was no correlation between the clinical presentation and genetic variants in any of the analysed nuclear genes. Patients with mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U developed epilepsy significantly less frequently than patients with any other mitochondrial DNA haplotype. Epilepsy was reported significantly more frequently in females than in males, and also showed an association with one of the chromosomal markers defining the POLG haplotype. In conclusion, our clinical results show that the homozygous p.Ala467Thr POLG mutation does not cause discrete phenotypes, as previously suggested, but rather there is a continuum of clinical symptoms. Our results suggest that the mitochondrial DNA background plays an important role in modifying the disease phenotype but nuclear modifiers, epigenetic and environmental factors may also influence the severity of disease

    Familial Glucocorticoid Receptor Haploinsufficiency by Non-Sense Mediated mRNA Decay, Adrenal Hyperplasia and Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess

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    Primary glucocorticoid resistance (OMIM 138040) is a rare hereditary disease that causes a generalized partial insensitivity to glucocorticoid action, due to genetic alterations of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Investigation of adrenal incidentalomas led to the discovery of a family (eight affected individuals spanning three generations), prone to cortisol resistance, bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, arterial hypertension and hypokalemia. This phenotype exacerbated over time, cosegregates with the first heterozygous nonsense mutation p.R469[R,X] reported to date for the GR, replacing an arginine (CGA) by a stop (TGA) at amino-acid 469 in the second zinc finger of the DNA-binding domain of the receptor. In vitro, this mutation leads to a truncated 50-kDa GR lacking hormone and DNA binding capacity, devoid of hormone-dependent nuclear translocation and transactivation properties. In the proband's fibroblasts, we provided evidence for the lack of expression of the defective allele in vivo. The absence of detectable mutated GR mRNA was accompanied by a 50% reduction in wild type GR transcript and protein. This reduced GR expression leads to a significantly below-normal induction of glucocorticoid-induced target genes, FKBP5 in fibroblasts. We demonstrated that the molecular mechanisms of glucocorticoid signaling dysfunction involved GR haploinsufficiency due to the selective degradation of the mutated GR transcript through a nonsense-mediated mRNA Decay that was experimentally validated on emetine-treated propositus' fibroblasts. GR haploinsufficiency leads to hypertension due to illicit occupation of renal mineralocorticoid receptor by elevated cortisol rather than to increased mineralocorticoid production reported in primary glucocorticoid resistance. Indeed, apparent mineralocorticoid excess was demonstrated by a decrease in urinary tetrahydrocortisone-tetrahydrocortisol ratio in affected patients, revealing reduced glucocorticoid degradation by renal activity of the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2, a GR regulated gene. We propose thus that GR haploinsufficiency compromises glucocorticoid sensitivity and may represent a novel genetic cause of subclinical hypercortisolism, incidentally revealed bilateral adrenal hyperplasia and mineralocorticoid-independent hypertension

    The mineralocorticoid receptor modulates timing and location of genomic binding by glucocorticoid receptor in response to synthetic glucocorticoids in keratinocytes

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    17 páginas, 6 figurasGlucocorticoids (GCs) exert potent antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory properties, explaining their therapeutic efficacy for skin diseases. GCs act by binding to the GC receptor (GR) and the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), co-expressed in classical and non-classical targets including keratinocytes. Using knockout mice, we previously demonstrated that GR and MR exert essential nonoverlapping functions in skin homeostasis. These closely related receptors may homo- or heterodimerize to regulate transcription, and theoretically bind identical GC-response elements (GRE). We assessed the contribution of MR to GR genomic binding and the transcriptional response to the synthetic GC dexamethasone (Dex) using control (CO) and MR knockout (MREKO ) keratinocytes. GR chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-seq identified peaks common and unique to both genotypes upon Dex treatment (1 h). GREs, AP-1, TEAD, and p53 motifs were enriched in CO and MREKO peaks. However, GR genomic binding was 35% reduced in MREKO , with significantly decreased GRE enrichment, and reduced nuclear GR. Surface plasmon resonance determined steady state affinity constants, suggesting preferred dimer formation as MR-MR > GR-MR ~ GR-GR; however, kinetic studies demonstrated that GR-containing dimers had the longest lifetimes. Despite GR-binding differences, RNA-seq identified largely similar subsets of differentially expressed genes in both genotypes upon Dex treatment (3 h). However, time-course experiments showed gene-dependent differences in the magnitude of expression, which correlated with earlier and more pronounced GR binding to GRE sites unique to CO including near Nr3c1. Our data show that endogenous MR has an impact on the kinetics and differential genomic binding of GR, affecting the time-course, specificity, and magnitude of GC transcriptional responses in keratinocytes.This research is part of the grants PID2020-114652RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 to PP, and PDC2021-121688-I00 to EE-P. The author's work was also supported by Inserm, Université Paris-Saclay. EC-Z was recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship from 15306860, 2023, 1, Downloaded from https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1096/fj.202201199RR by Csic Organización Central Om (Oficialia Mayor) (Urici), Wiley Online Library on [25/01/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License | CARCELLER-ZAZO et al. 15 of 17 the Alfonso Martín Escudero Foundation (Spain); OP-A was funded by EDGJID/2021/098 (Generalitat Valenciana) and by ‘ESF Investing in your future.”. We thank NuRCaMeIN (SAF2017-90604-REDT) for support for dissemination. PP is a member of the Scientific Network on ´Strategies for therapeutic targeting of the Aldosterone-Mineralocorticoid Receptor signaling pathway (ADMIRE network) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG-ID 470188766). This work has benefited from the facilities and expertize of the high-throughput sequencing core facility of I2BC (Centre de Recherche de Gif – http://www.i2bc. paris-saclay.fr/). This work was supported by the DIM Thérapie Génique Paris Ile-de-France Région, IBiSA, and the Labex GR-ExPeer reviewe

    Lack of Renal 11 Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 at Birth, a Targeted Temporal Window for Neonatal Glucocorticoid Action in Human and Mice

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    International audienceBackground Glucocorticoid hormones play a major role in fetal organ maturation. Yet, excessive glucocorticoid exposure in utero can result in a variety of detrimental effects, such as growth retardation and increased susceptibility to the development of hypertension. To protect the fetus, maternal glucocorticoids are metabolized into inactive compounds by placental 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type2 (11βHSD2). This enzyme is also expressed in the kidney, where it prevents illicit occupation of the mineralocorticoid receptor by glucocorticoids. We investigated the role of renal 11βHSD2 in the control of neonatal glucocorticoid metabolism in the human and mouse. Methods Cortisol (F) and cortisone (E) concentrations were measured in maternal plasma, umbilical cord blood and human newborn urine using HPLC. 11βHSD2 activity was indirectly assessed by comparing the F/E ratio between maternal and neonatal plasma (placental activity) and between plasma and urine in newborns (renal activity). Direct measurement of renal 11βHSD2 activity was subsequently evaluated in mice at various developmental stages. Renal 11βHSD2 mRNA and protein expression were analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry during the perinatal period in both species. Results We demonstrate that, at variance with placental 11βHSD2 activity, renal 11βHSD2 activity is weak in newborn human and mouse and correlates with low renal mRNA levels and absence of detectable 11βHSD2 protein. Conclusions We provide evidence for a weak or absent expression of neonatal renal 11βHSD2 that is conserved among species. This temporal and tissue-specific 11βHSD2 expression could represent a physiological window for glucocorticoid action yet may constitute an important predictive factor for adverse outcomes of glucocorticoid excess through fetal programming

    DNA repair deficiency sensitizes lung cancer cells to NAD+ biosynthesis blockade.

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    Synthetic lethality is an efficient mechanism-based approach to selectively target DNA repair defects. Excision repair cross-complementation group 1 (ERCC1) deficiency is frequently found in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), making this DNA repair protein an attractive target for exploiting synthetic lethal approaches in the disease. Using unbiased proteomic and metabolic high-throughput profiling on a unique in-house-generated isogenic model of ERCC1 deficiency, we found marked metabolic rewiring of ERCC1-deficient populations, including decreased levels of the metabolite NAD+ and reduced expression of the rate-limiting NAD+ biosynthetic enzyme nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT). We also found reduced NAMPT expression in NSCLC samples with low levels of ERCC1. These metabolic alterations were a primary effect of ERCC1 deficiency, and caused selective exquisite sensitivity to small-molecule NAMPT inhibitors, both in vitro - ERCC1-deficient cells being approximately 1,000 times more sensitive than ERCC1-WT cells - and in vivo. Using transmission electronic microscopy and functional metabolic studies, we found that ERCC1-deficient cells harbor mitochondrial defects. We propose a model where NAD+ acts as a regulator of ERCC1-deficient NSCLC cell fitness. These findings open therapeutic opportunities that exploit a yet-undescribed nuclear-mitochondrial synthetic lethal relationship in NSCLC models, and highlight the potential for targeting DNA repair/metabolic crosstalks for cancer therapy

    Clinical, biochemical and genetic spectrum of 70 patients with ACAD9 deficiency: Is riboflavin supplementation effective?

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    Background: Mitochondrial acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 9 (ACAD9) is essential for the assembly of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I. Disease causing biallelic variants in ACAD9 have been reported in individuals presenting with lactic acidosis and cardiomyopathy. Results: We describe the genetic, clinical and biochemical findings in a cohort of 70 patients, of whom 29 previously unpublished. We found 34 known and 18 previously unreported variants in ACAD9. No patients harbored biallelic loss of function mutations, indicating that this combination is unlikely to be compatible with life. Causal pathogenic variants were distributed throughout the entire gene, and there was no obvious genotype-phenotype correlation. Most of the patients presented in the first year of life. For this subgroup the survival was poor (50% not surviving the first 2 years) comparing to patients with a later presentation (more than 90% surviving 10 years). The most common clinical findings were cardiomyopathy (85%), muscular weakness (75%) and exercise intolerance (72%). Interestingly, severe intellectual deficits were only reported in one patient and