1,668 research outputs found


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    Impact of oral health on the quality of life of young people in confinement, Córdoba, Argentina: A mixed methods study.

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    Introduction: Quality of life can be understood as the perception subjects have of their position in life in relation to their goals, expectations and concerns. Measuring and understanding the impact of oral health on the quality of life of people may contribute to the promotion of health and prevention of disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of oral health on the quality of life of young people in confinement. Methodology: Cross-sectional study with mixed approach. Adolescents between 14 and 18 years of age, confined in socio-educational juvenile detention centers in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina, were included in the study. After signing of informed consent, the OHIP-49 questionnaire was applied to 70 youngsters and 32 semi-structured interviews were conducted. Results: The OHIP-49 had a mean of 53.37±28.77, the dimensions with more impact were: functional limitation, physical pain and psychological discomfort. Confinement emerges as an amplifier of sensations and as a barrier for accessing palliative care. Regarding aesthetic aspects, subjects reported specific discomfort that does not always interfere with their self-esteem or relationship with peers. Conclusions: Young people perceive the impact of oral health on their quality of life from episodes of suffering, although not only because of pain, but also for aesthetic reasons. Confinement creates a particular context for sensations and resolutions on health-disease-care processes regarding oral health

    Research Notes : United States : Analysis of active transposable element systems in soybean

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    Since the identification of an insertion element (Tgml) in the lectin gene (Lel) of lectin-negative soybean lines (Goldberg et al., 1983; Vodkin et al., 1983), this laboratory has been interested in identifying and characterizing active transposable element systems of soybean. Tgml exhibits the structural features of known transposable element and appears to be related to the En/Spm elements of corn and Taml of snapdragon (Rhodes and Vodkin, 1985). However, there is no evidence for mobility of Tgml and the Le-phenotype is stably inherited

    Penyesalan Pasca Pembelian Ditinjau Dari Big Five Personality

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    The purpose of this study is to determine relationship between big five personality dimensions and post purchase regret. The study was done cross sectionally and involving 207 students of University “X” at Sumatera Utara. Data was collected through Big Five Inventory (BFI) and Post Purchase Consumer Regret (PPCR) scales. Data was analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple regressions. The result shows that there is a significant correlation between big five personality and post purchase regret (r=0.374,

    An Econometric Analysis of Tax Evasion and Its Consequences on Economic Performance

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    This study aimed to estimate the extent of tax evasion in Jordan based on a currency demand methodology, the results of the time series stationarity test showed that there was a time series to be non-stationary at the same degree, and the results of the co-integration test showed the existence of co-integration between the model variables, the size of tax evasion during the period 1980–2019 was estimated using the fully modified ordinary least squares method (FM-OLS).The results showed that the average rate of tax evasion as a percentage of (GDP) amounted to 2.7%, whereas it reached 16.7% of tax revenues, After the extent of tax evasion had been estimated, its impact on some macroeconomic variables was identified through the Toda and Yamamoto causality test, This test showed that tax evasion had an impact on the general consumer price index, GDP, tax revenues, public debt, both public and private investment, and both public and private consumption, Finally the study recommends that more attention should be paid to the tax evasion phenomenon by officials in charge of economic policies and tax administration in order to reduce tax evasion and its impact on the economic variables and, thus, achieve greater economic stability. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01271 Full Text: PD

    Best Practices from the Design and Development of the Ares I Launch Vehicle Roll and Reaction Control Systems

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    On April 15, 2010 President Barak Obama made the official announcement that the Constellation Program, which included the Ares I launch vehicle, would be canceled. NASA s Ares I launch vehicle was being designed to launch the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, returning humans to the moon, Mars, and beyond. It consisted of a First Stage (FS) five segment solid rocket booster and a liquid J-2X Upper Stage (US) engine. Roll control for the FS was planned to be handled by a dedicated Roll Control System (RoCS), located on the connecting interstage. Induced yaw or pitch moments experienced during FS ascent would have been handled by vectoring of the booster nozzle. After FS booster separation, the US Reaction Control System (ReCS) would have provided the US Element with three degrees of freedom control as needed. The best practices documented in this paper will be focused on the technical designs and producibility of both systems along with the partnership between NASA and Boeing, who was on contract to build the Ares I US Element, which included the FS RoCS and US ReCS. In regards to partnership, focus will be placed on integration along with technical work accomplished by Boeing. This will include detailed emphasis on task orders developed between NASA and Boeing that were used to direct specific work that needed to be accomplished. In summary, this paper attempts to capture key best practices that should be helpful in the development of future launch vehicle and spacecraft RCS designs

    Carbon Dioxide Adsorption on a 5A Zeolite Designed for CO2 Removal in Spacecraft Cabins

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    Carbon dioxide adsorption data were obtained for a 5A zeolite manufactured by AlliedSignal Inc. (Des Plaines, Illinois). The material is planned for use in the Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) for U.S. elements of the International Space Station. The family of adsorption isotherms covers a temperature range of O to 250 C, and a pressure range of 0.001 to 800 torr. Coefficients of the Toth equation are fit to the data. Isosteric heats of adsorption are derived from the equilibrium loading data