126 research outputs found

    Humoral Responses against BQ.1.1 Elicited after Breakthrough Infection and SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination.

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    The Omicron BQ.1.1 variant is now the major SARS-CoV-2 circulating strain in many countries. Because of the many mutations present in its Spike glycoprotein, this variant is resistant to humoral responses elicited by monovalent mRNA vaccines. With the goal to improve immune responses against Omicron subvariants, bivalent mRNA vaccines have recently been approved in several countries. In this study, we measure the capacity of plasma from vaccinated individuals, before and after a fourth dose of mono- or bivalent mRNA vaccine, to recognize and neutralize the ancestral (D614G) and the BQ.1.1 Spikes. Before and after the fourth dose, we observe a significantly better recognition and neutralization of the ancestral Spike. We also observe that fourth-dose vaccinated individuals who have been recently infected better recognize and neutralize the BQ.1.1 Spike, independently of the mRNA vaccine used, than donors who have never been infected or have an older infection. Our study supports that hybrid immunity, generated by vaccination and a recent infection, induces higher humoral responses than vaccination alone, independently of the mRNA vaccine used

    A MANBA mutation resulting in residual beta-mannosidase activity associated with severe leukoencephalopathy: a possible pseudodeficiency variant

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>β-Mannosidosis (OMIM 248510) is a rare inborn lysosomal storage disorder caused by the deficient activity of β-mannosidase, an enzyme encoded by a single gene (<it>MANBA</it>) located on chromosome 4q22-25. To date, only 20 cases of this autosomal recessive disorder have been described and 14 different <it>MANBA </it>mutations were incriminated in the disease. These are all null mutations or missense mutations that abolish β-mannosidase activity. In this study, we characterized the molecular defect of a new case of β-mannosidosis, presenting with a severe neurological disorder.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes of the patient to allow <it>MANBA </it>sequencing. The identified mutation was engineered by site-directed mutagenesis and the mutant protein was expressed through transient transfection in HEK293T cells. The β-mannosidase expression and activity were respectively assessed by Western blot and fluorometric assay in both leukocytes and HEK293T cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A missense disease-associated mutation, c.1922G>A (p.Arg641His), was identified for which the patient was homozygous. In contrast to previously described missense mutations, this substitution does not totally abrogate the enzyme activity but led to a residual activity of about 7% in the patient's leukocytes, 11% in lymphoblasts and 14% in plasma. Expression studies in transfected cells also resulted in 7% residual activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Correlations between MANBA mutations, residual activity of β-mannosidase and the severity of the ensuing neurological disorder are discussed. Whether the c.1922G>A mutation is responsible for a yet undescribed pseudodeficiency of β-mannosidase is also discussed.</p

    Intra-Host Evolution Analyses in an Immunosuppressed Patient Supports SARS-CoV-2 Viral Reservoir Hypothesis.

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    Throughout the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, several variants of concern (VOCs) have been identified, many of which share recurrent mutations in the spike glycoprotein's receptor-binding domain (RBD). This region coincides with known epitopes and can therefore have an impact on immune escape. Protracted infections in immunosuppressed patients have been hypothesized to lead to an enrichment of such mutations and therefore drive evolution towards VOCs. Here, we present the case of an immunosuppressed patient that developed distinct populations with immune escape mutations throughout the course of their infection. Notably, by investigating the co-occurrence of substitutions on individual sequencing reads in the RBD, we found quasispecies harboring mutations that confer resistance to known monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) such as S:E484K and S:E484A. These mutations were acquired without the patient being treated with mAbs nor convalescent sera and without them developing a detectable immune response to the virus. We also provide additional evidence for a viral reservoir based on intra-host phylogenetics, which led to a viral substrain that evolved elsewhere in the patient's body, colonizing their upper respiratory tract (URT). The presence of SARS-CoV-2 viral reservoirs can shed light on protracted infections interspersed with periods where the virus is undetectable, and potential explanations for long-COVID cases

    Disentangling molecular and clinical stratification patterns in beta-galactosidase deficiency

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    INTRODUCTION: This study aims to define the phenotypic and molecular spectrum of the two clinical forms of β-galactosidase (β-GAL) deficiency, GM1-gangliosidosis and mucopolysaccharidosis IVB (Morquio disease type B, MPSIVB). METHODS: Clinical and genetic data of 52 probands, 47 patients with GM1-gangliosidosis and 5 patients with MPSIVB were analysed. RESULTS: The clinical presentations in patients with GM1-gangliosidosis are consistent with a phenotypic continuum ranging from a severe antenatal form with hydrops fetalis to an adult form with an extrapyramidal syndrome. Molecular studies evidenced 47 variants located throughout the sequence of the GLB1 gene, in all exons except 7, 11 and 12. Eighteen novel variants (15 substitutions and 3 deletions) were identified. Several variants were linked specifically to early-onset GM1-gangliosidosis, late-onset GM1-gangliosidosis or MPSIVB phenotypes. This integrative molecular and clinical stratification suggests a variant-driven patient assignment to a given clinical and severity group. CONCLUSION: This study reports one of the largest series of b-GAL deficiency with an integrative patient stratification combining molecular and clinical features. This work contributes to expand the community knowledge regarding the molecular and clinical landscapes of b-GAL deficiency for a better patient management

    Comparative effects of RRR-alpha- and RRR-gamma-tocopherol on proliferation and apoptosis in human colon cancer cell lines

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    BACKGROUND: Mediterranean societies, with diets rich in vitamin E isoforms, have a lower risk for colon cancer than those of northern Europe and the Americas. Vitamin E rich diets may neutralize free radicals generated by fecal bacteria in the gut and prevent DNA damage, but signal transduction activities can occur independent of the antioxidant function. The term vitamin E represents eight structurally related compounds, each differing in their potency and mechanisms of chemoprevention. The RRR-γ-tocopherol isoform is found primarily in the US diet, while RRR-α-tocopherol is highest in the plasma. METHODS: The effectiveness of RRR-α- and RRR-γ-tocopherol at inhibiting cell growth and inducing apoptosis in colon cancer cell lines with varying molecular characteristics (SW480, HCT-15, HCT-116 and HT-29) and primary colon cells (CCD-112CoN, nontransformed normal phenotype) was studied. Colon cells were treated with and without RRR-α- or RRR-γ-tocopherol using varying tocopherol concentrations and time intervals. Cell proliferation and apoptosis were measured using the trypan blue assay, annexin V staining, DNA laddering and caspase activation. RESULTS: Treatment with RRR-γ-tocopherol resulted in significant cell death for all cancer cell lines tested, while RRR-α-tocopherol did not. Further, RRR-γ-tocopherol treatment showed no cytotoxicity to normal colon cells CCD-112CoN at the highest concentration and time point tested. RRR-γ-tocopherol treatment resulted in cleavage of PARP, caspase 3, 7, and 8, but not caspase 9. Differences in the percentage cell death and apoptosis were observed in different cell lines suggesting that molecular differences in these cell lines may influence the ability of RRR-γ-tocopherol to induce cell death. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to demonstrate that multiple colon cancer cell lines containing varying genetic alterations will under go growth reduction and apoptosis in the presence of RRR-γ-tocopherol without damage to normal colon cells. The amount growth reduction was dependent upon the molecular signatures of the cell lines. Since RRR-γ-tocopherol is effective at inhibition of cell proliferation at both physiological and pharmacological concentrations dietary RRR-γ-tocopherol may be chemopreventive, while pharmacological concentrations of RRR-γ-tocopherol may aid chemotherapy without toxic effects to normal cells demonstrated by most chemotherapeutic agents

    Production of Multiple Brain-Like Ganglioside Species Is Dispensable for Fas-Induced Apoptosis of Lymphoid Cells

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    Activation of an acid sphingomyelinase (aSMase) leading to a biosynthesis of GD3 disialoganglioside has been associated with Fas-induced apoptosis of lymphoid cells. The present study was undertaken to clarify the role of this enzyme in the generation of gangliosides during apoptosis triggered by Fas ligation. The issue was addressed by using aSMase-deficient and aSMase-corrected cell lines derived from Niemann-Pick disease (NPD) patients. Fas cross-linking elicited a rapid production of large amounts of complex a- and b-series species of gangliosides with a pattern and a chromatographic behavior as single bands reminiscent of brain gangliosides. The gangliosides were synthesized within the first ten minutes and completely disappeared within thirty minutes after stimulation. Noteworthy is the observation that GD3 was not the only ganglioside produced. The production of gangliosides and the onset of apoptotic hallmarks occurred similarly in both aSMase-deficient and aSMase-corrected NPD lymphoid cells, indicating that aSMase activation is not accountable for ganglioside generation. Hampering ganglioside production by inhibiting the key enzyme glucosylceramide synthase did not abrogate the apoptotic process. In addition, GM3 synthase-deficient lymphoid cells underwent Fas-induced apoptosis, suggesting that gangliosides are unlikely to play an indispensable role in transducing Fas-induced apoptosis of lymphoid cells

    Mice Doubly-Deficient in Lysosomal Hexosaminidase A and Neuraminidase 4 Show Epileptic Crises and Rapid Neuronal Loss

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    Tay-Sachs disease is a severe lysosomal disorder caused by mutations in the HexA gene coding for the α-subunit of lysosomal β-hexosaminidase A, which converts GM2 to GM3 ganglioside. Hexa−/− mice, depleted of β-hexosaminidase A, remain asymptomatic to 1 year of age, because they catabolise GM2 ganglioside via a lysosomal sialidase into glycolipid GA2, which is further processed by β-hexosaminidase B to lactosyl-ceramide, thereby bypassing the β-hexosaminidase A defect. Since this bypass is not effective in humans, infantile Tay-Sachs disease is fatal in the first years of life. Previously, we identified a novel ganglioside metabolizing sialidase, Neu4, abundantly expressed in mouse brain neurons. Now we demonstrate that mice with targeted disruption of both Neu4 and Hexa genes (Neu4−/−;Hexa−/−) show epileptic seizures with 40% penetrance correlating with polyspike discharges on the cortical electrodes of the electroencephalogram. Single knockout Hexa−/− or Neu4−/− siblings do not show such symptoms. Further, double-knockout but not single-knockout mice have multiple degenerating neurons in the cortex and hippocampus and multiple layers of cortical neurons accumulating GM2 ganglioside. Together, our data suggest that the Neu4 block exacerbates the disease in Hexa−/− mice, indicating that Neu4 is a modifier gene in the mouse model of Tay-Sachs disease, reducing the disease severity through the metabolic bypass. However, while disease severity in the double mutant is increased, it is not profound suggesting that Neu4 is not the only sialidase contributing to the metabolic bypass in Hexa−/− mice

    Targeting of T/Tn Antigens with a Plant Lectin to Kill Human Leukemia Cells by Photochemotherapy

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    Photochemotherapy is used both for solid tumors and in extracorporeal treatment of various hematologic disorders. Nevertheless, its development in oncology remains limited, because of the low selectivity of photosensitizers (PS) towards human tumor cells. To enhance PS efficiency, we recently covalently linked a porphyrin (TrMPyP) to a plant lectin (Morniga G), known to recognize with high affinity tumor-associated T and Tn antigens. The conjugation allowed a quick uptake of PS by Tn-positive Jurkat leukemia cells and efficient PS-induced phototoxicity. The present study was performed: (i) to evaluate the targeting potential of the conjugate towards tumor and normal cells and its phototoxicity on various leukemia cells, (ii) to investigate the mechanism of conjugate-mediated cell death. The conjugate: (i) strongly increased (×1000) the PS phototoxicity towards leukemic Jurkat T cells through an O-glycan-dependent process; (ii) specifically purged tumor cells from a 1∶1 mixture of Jurkat leukemia (Tn-positive) and healthy (Tn-negative) lymphocytes, preserving the activation potential of healthy lymphocytes; (iii) was effective against various leukemic cell lines with distinct phenotypes, as well as fresh human primary acute and chronic lymphoid leukemia cells; (iv) induced mostly a caspase-independent cell death, which might be an advantage as tumor cells often resist caspase-dependent cell death. Altogether, the present observations suggest that conjugation with plant lectins can allow targeting of photosensitizers towards aberrant glycosylation of tumor cells, e.g. to purge leukemia cells from blood and to preserve the normal leukocytes in extracorporeal photochemotherapy

    Proteomic Analysis of S-Acylated Proteins in Human B Cells Reveals Palmitoylation of the Immune Regulators CD20 and CD23

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    S-palmitoylation is a reversible post-translational modification important for controlling the membrane targeting and function of numerous membrane proteins with diverse roles in signalling, scaffolding, and trafficking. We sought to identify novel palmitoylated proteins in B lymphocytes using acyl-biotin exchange chemistry, coupled with differential analysis by liquid-chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. In total, we identified 57 novel palmitoylated protein candidates from human EBV-transformed lymphoid cells. Two of them, namely CD20 and CD23 (low affinity immunoglobulin epsilon Fc receptor), are immune regulators that are effective/potential therapeutic targets for haematological malignancies, autoimmune diseases and allergic disorders. Palmitoylation of CD20 and CD23 was confirmed by heterologous expression of alanine mutants coupled with bioorthogonal metabolic labeling. This study demonstrates a new subset of palmitoylated proteins in B cells, illustrating the ubiquitous role of protein palmitoylation in immune regulation