96 research outputs found

    Kontrola uprave putem ministarskih i međuministarskih inspekcija

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    D\u27origine fort ancienne, les corps d\u27inspection se sont multipliés au XIX° et XX° siècle et les missions de la plupart d\u27entre eux ont sensiblement évolué depuis une trentaine d\u27années. Jadis chargés de veiller d\u27une part à la bonne exécution des instructions gouvernementales ou ministérielles et d\u27autre part à la régularité juridique, budgétaire et comptable de l\u27activité de l\u27administration, ils sont aujourd\u27hui souvent chargés en outre de missions d\u27évaluation de l\u27efficacité des politiques publiques, voire de propositions de réformes administratives. Dotés d\u27un statut qui combine leur indépendance fonctionnelle et leur rattachement direct à un ou plusieurs ministres, les membres de tous ces corps d\u27inspection ont des méthodes de travail particulières, adaptées à la nature de leurs différentes fonctions. Les inspections plus importantes ont une vocation interministérielle (inspection générale des finances, inspection générale de l\u27administration, inspection générale des affaires sociales) ; les plus nombreuses sont propres à chacun des grands ministères (défense, justice, affaires étrangères, éducation nationale, environnement...).Iako su inspekcijska tijela vrlo stara, njihov broj povećao se u 19. i 20. stoljeću, a zadaće većine njih značajno su se promijenile u posljednjih tridesetak godina. Nekoć su imala zadatak brinuti o dobrom izvršenju vladinih ili ministarskih uputa s jedne strane, a s druge strane o pravnoj, proračunskoj i računovodstvenoj regularnosti djelovanja uprave. Danas su često odgovorna za procjenu učinkovitosti javnih politika i za prijedloge upravnih reformi. Budući da imaju status koji kombinira njihovu funkcionalnu neovisnost i njihovu izravnu povezanost s jednim ili više ministara, članovi svih inspekcijskih tijela imaju posebne metode rada koje su prilagođene prirodi njihovih različitih dužnosti. Najvažnije inspekcije djeluju na međuresornoj razini (glavni inspektorat za financije, glavni inspektorat za upravu, glavni inspektorat za socijalna pitanja), a najbrojnije pripadaju svakom od velikih ministarstava (obrana, pravosuđe, vanjski poslovi, nacionalno obrazovanje, okoliš…)

    Precision is in the Eye of the Beholder: Application of Eye Fixation-Related Potentials to Information Systems Research

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    This is the final version. Available from Association for Information Systems via the DOI in this recordThis paper introduces the eye-fixation related potential (EFRP) method to IS research. The EFRP method allows one to synchronize eye tracking with electroencephalographic (EEG) recording to precisely capture users’ neural activity at the exact time at which they start to cognitively process a stimulus (e.g., event on the screen). This complements and overcomes some of the shortcomings of the traditional event related potential (ERP) method, which can only stamp the time at which a stimulus is presented to a user. Thus, we propose a method conjecture of the superiority of EFRP over ERP for capturing the cognitive processing of a stimulus when such cognitive processing is not necessarily synchronized with the time at which the stimulus appears. We illustrate the EFRP method with an experiment in a natural IS use context in which we asked users to read an industry report while email pop-up notifications arrived on their screen. The results support our proposed hypotheses and show three distinct neural processes associated with 1) the attentional reaction to email pop-up notification, 2) the cognitive processing of the email pop-up notification, and 3) the motor planning activity involved in opening or not the email. Furthermore, further analyses of the data gathered in the experiment serve to validate our method conjecture about the superiority of the EFRP method over the ERP in natural IS use contexts. In addition to the experiment, our study discusses important IS research questions that could be pursued with the aid of EFRP, and describes a set of guidelines to help IS researchers use this method.Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaFonds Québécois pour la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC)Fonds de recherche Nature et Technologies (FQRNT

    Dural lymphatics regulate clearance of extracellular tau from the CNS

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    BackgroundAlzheimer's disease is characterized by two main neuropathological hallmarks: extracellular plaques of amyloid- (A) protein and intracellular aggregates of tau protein. Although tau is normally a soluble monomer that bind microtubules, in disease it forms insoluble, hyperphosphorylated aggregates in the cell body. Aside from its role in AD, tau is also involved in several other neurodegenerative disorders collectively called tauopathies, such as progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), corticobasal degeneration (CBD), some forms of frontotemporal dementia, and argyrophilic grain disease (AGD). The prion hypothesis suggests that after an initial trigger event, misfolded forms of tau are released into the extracellular space, where they spread through different brain regions, enter cells, and seeding previously normal forms. Thus understanding mechanisms regulating the clearance of extracellular tau from the CNS is important. The discovery of a true lymphatic system in the dura and its potential role in mediating A pathology prompted us to investigate its role in regulating extracellular tau clearance.MethodsTo study clearance of extracellular tau from the brain, we conjugated monomeric human tau with a near-infrared dye cypate, and injected this labeled tau in the parenchyma of both wild-type and K14-VEGFR3-Ig transgenic mice, which lack a functional CNS lymphatic system. Following injection we performed longitudinal imaging using fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) and quantified fluorescence to calculate clearance of tau from the brain. To complement this, we also measured tau clearance to the periphery by measuring plasma tau in both groups of mice.ResultsOur results show that a significantly higher amount of tau is retained in the brains of K14-VEGFR3-Ig vs. wild type mice at 48 and 72h post-injection and its subsequent clearance to the periphery is delayed. We found that clearance of reference tracer human serum albumin (HSA) was also significantly delayed in the K14-VEGFR3-Ig mice.ConclusionsThe dural lymphatic system appears to play an important role in clearance of extracellular tau, since tau clearance is impaired in the absence of functional lymphatics. Based on our baseline characterization of extracellular tau clearance, future studies are warranted to look at the interaction between tau pathology and efficiency of lymphatic function.Peer reviewe

    Crowd-sourced amputee gait data : a feasibility study using YouTube videos of unilateral trans-femoral gait

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    Collecting large datasets of amputee gait data is notoriously difficult. Additionally, collecting data on less prevalent amputations or on gait activities other than level walking and running on hard surfaces is rarely attempted. However, with the wealth of user-generated content on the Internet, the scope for collecting amputee gait data from alternative sources other than traditional gait labs is intriguing. Here we investigate the potential of YouTube videos to provide gait data on amputee walking. We use an example dataset of trans-femoral amputees level walking at self-selected speeds to collect temporal gait parameters and calculate gait asymmetry. We compare our YouTube data with typical literature values, and show that our methodology produces results that are highly comparable to data collected in a traditional manner. The similarity between the results of our novel methodology and literature values lends confidence to our technique. Nevertheless, clear challenges with the collection and interpretation of crowd-sourced gait data remain, including long term access to datasets, and a lack of validity and reliability studies in this area

    Le contrôle de l'administration par les inspections ministérielles et interministérielles

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    D'origine fort ancienne, les corps d'inspection se sont multipliés au XIX° et XX° siècle et les missions de la plupart d'entre eux ont sensiblement évolué depuis une trentaine d'années. Jadis chargés de veiller d'une part à la bonne exécution des instructions gouvernementales ou ministérielles et d'autre part à la régularité juridique, budgétaire et comptable de l'activité de l'administration, ils sont aujourd'hui souvent chargés en outre de missions d'évaluation de l'efficacité des politiques publiques, voire de propositions de réformes administratives. Dotés d'un statut qui combine leur indépendance fonctionnelle et leur rattachement direct à un ou plusieurs ministres, les membres de tous ces corps d'inspection ont des méthodes de travail particulières, adaptées à la nature de leurs différentes fonctions. Les inspections plus importantes ont une vocation interministérielle (inspection générale des finances, inspection générale de l'administration, inspection générale des affaires sociales) ; les plus nombreuses sont propres à chacun des grands ministères (défense, justice, affaires étrangères, éducation nationale, environnement...)


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    Nous rapportons nos résultats de dichroïsme circulaire magnétique et de dichroïsme linéaire sous contrainte du centre F tétraédrique dans SrCl2 et des centres F tétragonaux dans BaCIF. Dans tous les cas le facteur de Landé orbital de l'état excité est proche de zéro et la constante de couplage spin orbite est déterminée. L'analyse des moments d'ordre supérieur des courbes d'absorption et de dichroïsme permet d'atteindre certains paramètres de couplage électron-réseau.Results of magneto-optical and stress linear dichroism on tetrahedral F centre in SrCl2 and tetragonal F centres in BaCIF are presented. In both cases, the excited state Landé factor is found to be close to zero and the spin orbit splitting is determined. The analysis of higher order moments of absorption and dichroism curves leads to the determination of some electron lattice coupling parameters

    The ‘New Retina’ in Crime Investigation

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