55 research outputs found

    Formação de professores dos anos iniciais da Educação Básica na modalidade EaD: ensino de língua materna e a influência das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação

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    O presente artigo tem como finalidade problematizar a percepção dos professores dos anos iniciais, alunos em formação por meio da educação a distância (EaD), no que diz respeito ao ensino de língua materna, em relação: (i) à influência exercida pelo uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) durante o seu processo de aprendizagem da língua escrita; (ii) à forma como passaram pelo processo de aprendizagem da escrita e os reflexos dessa experiência em sua prática docente; (iii) à influência do uso das TIC na escrita dos seus alunos; e (iv) à concepção de língua adotada por esses professores. Em termos metodológicos, trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa em que os sujeitos de pesquisa são alunos do curso de Pedagogia da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), na modalidade a distância. Quanto ao instrumento de coleta de dados, procedeu-se à aplicação de questionários em quatro polos de EaD

    Cultural Phylogenetics of the Tupi Language Family in Lowland South America

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    Background: Recent advances in automated assessment of basic vocabulary lists allow the construction of linguistic phylogenies useful for tracing dynamics of human population expansions, reconstructing ancestral cultures, and modeling transition rates of cultural traits over time. Methods: Here we investigate the Tupi expansion, a widely-dispersed language family in lowland South America, with a distance-based phylogeny based on 40-word vocabulary lists from 48 languages. We coded 11 cultural traits across the diverse Tupi family including traditional warfare patterns, post-marital residence, corporate structure, community size, paternity beliefs, sibling terminology, presence of canoes, tattooing, shamanism, men’s houses, and lip plugs. Results/Discussion: The linguistic phylogeny supports a Tupi homeland in west-central Brazil with subsequent major expansions across much of lowland South America. Consistently, ancestral reconstructions of cultural traits over the linguistic phylogeny suggest that social complexity has tended to decline through time, most notably in the independent emergence of several nomadic hunter-gatherer societies. Estimated rates of cultural change across the Tupi expansion are on the order of only a few changes per 10,000 years, in accord with previous cultural phylogenetic results in other languag

    Trinta anos de sintaxe gerativa no Brasil

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    Statistical analysis of event-related potential elicited by verb-complement merge in Brazilian Portuguese

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    An interesting fact about language cognition is that stimulation involving incongruence in the merge operation between verb and complement has often been related to a negative event-related potential (ERP) of augmented amplitude and latency of ca. 400 ms - the N400. Using an automatic ERP latency and amplitude estimator to facilitate the recognition of waves with a low signal-to-noise ratio, the objective of the present study was to study the N400 statistically in 24 volunteers. Stimulation consisted of 80 experimental sentences (40 congruous and 40 incongruous), generated in Brazilian Portuguese, involving two distinct local verb-argument combinations (nominal object and pronominal object series). For each volunteer, the EEG was simultaneously acquired at 20 derivations, topographically localized according to the 10-20 International System. A computerized routine for automatic N400-peak marking (based on the ascendant zero-cross of the first waveform derivative) was applied to the estimated individual ERP waveform for congruous and incongruous sentences in both series for all ERP topographic derivations. Peak-to-peak N400 amplitude was significantly augmented (P < 0.05; one-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test) due to incongruence in derivations F3, T3, C3, Cz, T5, P3, Pz, and P4 for nominal object series and in P3, Pz and P4 for pronominal object series. The results also indicated high inter-individual variability in ERP waveforms, suggesting that the usual procedure of grand averaging might not be considered a generally adequate approach. Hence, signal processing statistical techniques should be applied in neurolinguistic ERP studies allowing waveform analysis with low signal-to-noise ratio