650 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKNANDA MAULINA SAFIRA,PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN TERHADAP 2014MAKANAN JAJANAN YANG MENGANDUNG FORMALIN DAN BORAKS (Studi Penelitian di Kota Banda Aceh)Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(iv, 63) pp., tabl., bibl., appdx.( RISMAWATI, S.H., M.Hum. )Dalam Pasal 4 huruf a Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen dijelaskan bahwa konsumen memiliki hak atas keselamatan dalam mengkonsumsi barang. Dalam Pasal 67 Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2012 tentang Pangan dijelaskan bahwa ketentuan keamanan pangan diselenggarakan untuk menjaga pangan tetap aman dikonsumsi, sehingga terhindar dari kemungkinan cemaran biologis atau kimia yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia. Dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 33 Tahun 2012 tentang Bahan Tambahan Pangan disebutkan bahwa bahan yang dilarang digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan pangan diantaranya adalah formalin dan boraks. Pada kenyataannya, di Kota Banda Aceh terdapat masalah dalam mewujudkan perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks.Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks, faktor penyebab tidak berjalannya perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks, dan upaya mengatasi hambatan perwujudan perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks.Data yang diperlukan dalam tulisan ini adalah data sekunder dan data primer. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara membaca peraturan perundang-undangan, buku-buku, surat kabar dan bahan-bahan lain yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini, dan data primer diperoleh dengan cara mewancarai responden dan informan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks di Kota Banda Aceh, belum berjalan sebagaimana yang telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2012 dan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 33 Tahun 2012. Faktor penyebab tidak berjalannya perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks yaitu kurangnya sosialisasi peraturan perundang-undangan, kurangnya pengawasan, kurangnya ketegasan dalam penerapan sanksi dan kurangnya laporan dari pihak masyarakat.Upaya mengatasi hambatan perwujudan perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks yaitu penyuluhan hukum, pengawasan, peringatan dan pembinaan.Disarankan kepada instansi pemerintahan seperti Dinas Kesehatan dan BBPOM untuk menambah jumlah petugas serta mengalokasikan dana dalam melakukan pemeriksaan dan pengujian makanan jajanan sehingga terselenggaranya perlindungan konsumen terhadap makanan jajanan yang mengandung formalin dan boraks.Banda Ace

    SETD5 Gene Haploinsufficiency in Three Patients With Suspected KBG Syndrome

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    Mendelian disorders of the epigenetic machinery (MDEMs), also named chromatin modifying disorders, are a broad group of neurodevelopmental disorders, caused by mutations in functionally related chromatin genes. Mental retardation autosomal dominant 23 (MRD23) syndrome, due to SETD5 gene mutations, falls into this group of disorders. KBG syndrome, caused by ANKRD11 gene haploinsufficiency, is a chromatin related syndrome not formally belonging to this category. We performed high resolution array CGH and trio-based WES on three molecularly unsolved patients with an initial KBGS clinical diagnosis. A de novo deletion of 116 kb partially involving SETD5 and two de novo frameshift variants in SETD5 were identified in the patients. The clinical re-evaluation of the patients was consistent with the molecular findings, though still compatible with KBGS due to overlapping phenotypic features of KBGS and MRD23. Careful detailed expert phenotyping ascertained some facial and physical features that were consistent with MRD23 rather than KBGS. Our results provide further examples that loss-of-function pathogenic variants in genes encoding factors shaping the epigenetic landscape, lead to a wide phenotypic range with significant clinical overlap. We recommend that clinicians consider SETD5 gene haploinsufficiency in the differential diagnosis of KBGS. Due to overlap of clinical features, careful and detailed phenotyping is important and a large gene panel approach is recommended in the diagnostic workup of patients with a clinical suspicion of KBGS

    9q34.3 microduplications lead to neurodevelopmental disorders through EHMT1 overexpression

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    Both copy number losses and gains occur within subtelomeric 9q34 region without common breakpoints. The microdeletions cause Kleefstra syndrome (KS), whose responsible gene is EHMT1. A 9q34 duplication syndrome (9q34 DS) had been reported in literature, but it has never been characterized by a detailed molecular analysis of the gene content and endpoints. To the best of our knowledge, we report on the first patient carrying the smallest 9q34.3 duplication containing EHMT1 as the only relevant gene. We compared him with 21 reported patients described here as carrying 9q34.3 duplications encompassing the entire gene and extending within ~\u20093 Mb. By surveying the available clinical and molecular cytogenetic data, we were able to discover that similar neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) were shared by patient carriers of even very differently sized duplications. Moreover, some facial features of the 9q34 DS were more represented than those of KS. However, an accurate in silico analysis of the genes mapped in all the duplications allowed us to support EHMT1 as being sufficient to cause a NDD phenotype. Wider patient cohorts are needed to ascertain whether the rearrangements have full causative role or simply confer the susceptibility to NDDs and possibly to identify the cognitive and behavioral profile associated with the increased dosage of EHMT1

    The cooling of atomic and molecular gas in DR21

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    We present an overview of a high-mass star formation region through the major (sub-)mm, and far-infrared cooling lines to gain insight into the physical conditions and the energy budget of the molecular cloud. We used the KOSMA 3m telescope to map the core (10ā€²Ć—14ā€²10'\times 14') of the Galactic star forming region DR 21/DR 21 (OH) in the Cygnus X region in the two fine structure lines of atomic carbon CI and four mid-JJ transitions of CO and 13^{13}CO, and CS J=7\TO6. These observations have been combined with FCRAO J=1\TO0 observations of 13^{13}CO and C18^{18}O. Five positions, including DR21, DR21 (OH), and DR21 FIR1, were observed with the ISO/LWS grating spectrometer in the \OI 63 and 145 Ī¼\mum lines, the \CII 158 Ī¼\mum line, and four high-JJ CO lines. We discuss the intensities and line ratios at these positions and apply Local Thermal Equilibrium (LTE) and non-LTE analysis methods in order to derive physical parameters such as masses, densities and temperatures. The CO line emission has been modeled up to J=20. From non-LTE modeling of the low- to high-JJ CO lines we identify two gas components, a cold one at temperatures of T_\RM{kin}\sim 30-40 K, and one with T_\RM{kin}\sim 80-150 K at a local clump density of about n(H2_2)āˆ¼104āˆ’106\sim 10^4-10^6 cmāˆ’3^{-3}. While the cold quiescent component is massive containing typically more than 94 % of the mass, the warm, dense, and turbulent gas is dominated by mid- and high-JJ CO line emission and its large line widths. The medium must be clumpy with a volume-filling of a few percent. The CO lines are found to be important for the cooling of the cold molecular gas, e.g. at DR21 (OH). Near the outflow of the UV-heated source DR21, the gas cooling is dominated by line emission of atomic oxygen and of CO

    Music benefits on postoperative distress and pain in pediatric day care surgery

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    Postoperative effect of music listening has not been established in pediatric age. Response on postoperative distress and pain in pediatric day care surgery has been evaluated. Forty-two children were enrolled. Patients were randomly assigned to the music-group (music intervention during awakening period) or the non-music group (standard postoperative care). Slow and fast classical music and pauses were recorded and played via ambient speakers. Heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, glucose and cortisol levels, faces pain scale and Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) Pain Scale were considered as indicators of response to stress and pain experience. Music during awakening induced lower increase of systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. The non-music group showed progressive increasing values of glycemia; in music-group the curve of glycemia presented a plateau pattern (P<0.001). Positive impact on reactions to pain was noted using the FLACC scale. Music improves cardiovascular parameters, stress-induced hyperglycemia. Amelioration on pain perception is more evident in older children. Positive effects seems to be achieved by the alternation of fast, slow rhythms and pauses even in pediatric age

    Targeted whole exome sequencing and Drosophila modelling to unveil the molecular basis of primary ovarian insufficiency

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    STUDY QUESTION: Can a targeted whole exome sequencing (WES) on a cohort of women showing a primary ovarian insufļ¬ciency (POI) phenotype at a young age, combined with a study of copy number variations, identify variants in candidate genes conļ¬rming their deleterious effect on ovarian function? SUMMARY ANSWER: This integrated approach has proved effective in identifying novel candidate genes unveiling mechanisms involved in POI pathogenesis. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: POI, a condition occurring in 1% of women under 40 years of age, affects womenā€™s fertility leading to a premature loss of ovarian reserve. The genetic causes of POI are highly heterogeneous and several determinants contributing to its promi-nent oligogenic inheritance pattern still need to be elucidated. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: WES screening for pathogenic variants of 41 Italian women with non-syndromic primary and early secondary amenorrhoea occurring before age 25 was replicated on another 60 POI patients, including 35 French and 25 American women, to reveal statistically signiļ¬cant shared variants. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: The Italian POI patientsā€™ DNA were processed by targeted WES including 542 RefSeq genes expressed or functioning during distinct reproductive or ovarian processes (e.g. DNA repair, meiosis, oocyte maturation, folliculogenesis and menopause). Extremely rare variants were ļ¬ltered and selected by means of a Fisher Exact test using several publicly available datasets. A case-control Burden test was applied to highlight the most signiļ¬cant genes using two ad-hoc control female cohorts. To support the obtained data, the identiļ¬ed genes were screened on a novel cohort of 60 Caucasian POI patients and the same case-control analysis was carried out. Comparative analysis of the human identiļ¬ed genes was performed on mouse and Drosophila melanogaster by analysing the orthologous genes in their ovarian phenotype, and two of the selected genes were fruit ļ¬‚y modelled to explore their role in fertility.MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: The ļ¬ltering steps applied to search for extremely rare pathogenic variants in the Italian cohort revealed 64 validated single-nucleotide variants/Indels in 59 genes in 30 out of 41 screened women. Burden test analysis highlighted 13 ovarian genes as being the most enriched and signiļ¬cant. To validate these ļ¬ndings, ļ¬ltering steps and Burden analysis on the second cohort of Caucasian patients yielded 11 signiļ¬cantly enriched genes. Among them, AFP, DMRT3, MOV10, FYN and MYC were signiļ¬cant in both patient cohorts and hence were considered strong candidates for POI. Mouse and Drosophila comparative analysis evaluated a conserved role through the evolution of several candidates, and functional studies using a Drosophila model, when applicable, supported the conserved role of the MOV10 armitage and DMRT3 dmrt93B orthologues in female fertility

    Targeted whole exome sequencing and Drosophila modelling to unveil the molecular basis of primary ovarian insufficiency

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    STUDY QUESTION: Can a targeted whole exome sequencing (WES) on a cohort of women showing a primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) phenotype at a young age, combined with a study of copy number variations, identify variants in candidate genes confirming their deleterious effect on ovarian function? SUMMARY ANSWER: This integrated approach has proved effective in identifying novel candidate genes unveiling mechanisms involved in POI pathogenesis. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: POI, a condition occurring in 1% of women under 40 years of age, affects womenā€™s fertility leading to a premature loss of ovarian reserve. The genetic causes of POI are highly heterogeneous and several determinants contributing to its prominent oligogenic inheritance pattern still need to be elucidated. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: WES screening for pathogenic variants of 41 Italian women with non-syndromic primary and early secondary amenorrhoea occurring before age 25 was replicated on another 60 POI patients, including 35 French and 25 American women, to reveal statistically significant shared variants. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: The Italian POI patientsā€™ DNA were processed by targeted WES including 542 RefSeq genes expressed or functioning during distinct reproductive or ovarian processes (e.g. DNA repair, meiosis, oocyte maturation, folliculogenesis and menopause). Extremely rare variants were filtered and selected by means of a Fisher Exact test using several publicly available datasets. A case-control Burden test was applied to highlight the most significant genes using two ad-hoc control female cohorts. To support the obtained data, the identified genes were screened on a novel cohort of 60 Caucasian POI patients and the same case-control analysis was carried out. Comparative analysis of the human identified genes was performed on mouse and Drosophila melanogaster by analysing the orthologous genes in their ovarian phenotype, and two of the selected genes were fruit fly modelled to explore their role in fertility. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: The filtering steps applied to search for extremely rare pathogenic variants in the Italian cohort revealed 64 validated single-nucleotide variants/Indels in 59 genes in 30 out of 41 screened women. Burden test analysis highlighted 13 ovarian genes as being the most enriched and significant. To validate these findings, filtering steps and Burden analysis on the second cohort of Caucasian patients yielded 11 significantly enriched genes. Among them, AFP, DMRT3, MOV10, FYN and MYC were significant in both patient cohorts and hence were considered strong candidates for POI. Mouse and Drosophila comparative analysis evaluated a conserved role through the evolution of several candidates, and functional studies using a Drosophila model, when applicable, supported the conserved role of the MOV10 armitage and DMRT3 dmrt93B orthologues in female fertility. LARGE SCALE DATA: The datasets for the Italian cohort generated during the current study are publicly available at ClinVar database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/): accession numbers SCV001364312 to SCV001364375. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: This is a targeted WES analysis hunting variants in candidate genes previously identified by different genomic approaches. For most of the investigated sporadic cases, we could not track the parental inheritance, due to unavailability of the parentsā€™ DNA samples; in addition, we might have overlooked additional rare variants in novel candidate POI genes extracted from the exome data. On the contrary, we might have considered some inherited variants whose clinical significance is uncertain and might not be causative for the patientsā€™ phenotype. Additionally, as regards the Drosophila model, it will be extremely important in the future to have more mutants or RNAi strains available for each candidate gene in order to validate their role in POI pathogenesis. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: The genomic, statistical, comparative and functional approaches integrated in our study convincingly support the extremely heterogeneous oligogenic nature of POI, and confirm the maintenance across the evolution of some key genes safeguarding fertility and successful reproduction. Two principal classes of genes were identified: (i) genes primarily involved in meiosis, namely in synaptonemal complex formation, asymmetric division and oocyte maturation and (ii) genes safeguarding cell maintenance (piRNA and DNA repair pathways). STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S): This work was supported by Italian Ministry of Health grants ā€˜Ricerca Correnteā€™ (08C621_2016 and 08C924_2019) provided to IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, and by ā€˜Piano Sostegno alla Ricercaā€™ (PSR2020_FINELLI_LINEA_B) provided by the University of Milan; M.P.B. was supported by Telethon-Italy (grant number GG14181). There are no conflicts of interest

    Mutations and novel polymorphisms in coding regions and UTRs of CDK5R1 and OMG genes in patients with nonsyndromic mental retardation

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    Mental retardation (MR) is displayed by 57% of NF1 patients with microdeletion syndrome as a result of 17q11.2 region haploinsufficiency. We considered the cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulatory subunit 1 (CDK5R1) and oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein (OMG) genes, mapping in the NF1 microdeleted region, as candidate genes for MR susceptibility. CDK5R1 encodes for a neurone-specific activator of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) involved in neuronal migration during central nervous system development. OMG encodes for an inhibitor of neurite outgrowth by the binding to the Nogo-66 receptor (RTN4R). CDK5R1 and OMG genes are characterized by large 3\u2032 and 5\u2032 untranslated regions (UTRs), where we predict the presence of several transcription/ translation regulatory elements. We screened 100 unrelated Italian patients affected by unspecific MR for mutations in CDK5R1 and OMG coding regions and in their 3\u2032 or 5\u2032 UTRs. Four novel mutations and two novel polymorphisms for CDK5R1 and three novel mutations for OMG were detected, including two missense changes (c.323C>T; A108V in CDK5R1 and c.1222A>G; T408A in OMG), one synonymous codon variant (c.532C>T; L178L in CDK5R1), four variants in CDK5R1 3\u2032UTR and two changes in OMG 5\u2032UTR. All the mutations were absent in 370 chromosomes from normal subjects. The allelic frequencies of the two novel polymorphisms in CDK5R1 3\u2032UTR were established in both 185 normal and 100 mentally retarded subjects. Prediction of mRNA and protein secondary structures revealed that two changes lead to putative structural alterations in the mutated c.2254C>G CDK5R1 3\u2032UTR and in OMG T408A gene product

    Molecular Etiology Disclosed by Array CGH in Patients With Silver–Russell Syndrome or Similar Phenotypes

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    Introduction: Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) is an imprinting disorder primarily caused by genetic and epigenetic aberrations on chromosomes 11 and 7. SRS is a rare growth retardation disorder often misdiagnosed due to its heterogeneous and non-specific clinical features. The Netchine-Harbison clinical scoring system (NH-CSS) is the recommended tool for differentiating patients into clinical SRS or unlikely SRS. However, the clinical diagnosis is molecularly confirmed only in about 60% of patients, leaving the remaining substantial proportion of SRS patients with unknown genetic etiology. Materials and Methods: A cohort of 34 Italian patients with SRS or SRS-like features scored according to the NH-CSS and without any SRS-associated (epi)genetic alterations was analyzed by high-resolution array-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) in order to identify potentially pathogenic copy number variants (CNVs). Results and Discussion: In seven patients, making up 21% of the initial cohort, five pathogenic and two potentially pathogenic CNVs were found involving distinct genomic regions either previously associated with growth delay conditions (1q24.3-q25.3, 17p13.3, 17q22, and 22q11.2-q11.22) and with SRS spectrum (7p12.1 and 7p15.3-p14.3) or outlined for the first time (19q13.42), providing a better definition of reported and as yet unreported SRS overlapping syndromes. All the variants involve genes with a defined role in growth pathways, and for two genes mapping at 7p, IGF2BP3 and GRB10, the association with SRS turns out to be reinforced. The deleterious effect of the two potentially pathogenic variants, comprising GRB10 and ZNF331 genes, was explored by targeted approaches, though further studies are needed to validate their pathogenic role in the SRS etiology. In conclusion, we reconfirm the utility of performing a genome-wide scan to achieve a differential diagnosis in patients with SRS or similar features and to highlight novel chromosome alterations associated with SRS and growth retardation disorders

    Detection of chromosome aberrations in metaphase and interphase tumor cells by in situ hybridization using chromosome-specific library probes

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    Chromosome aberrations in two glioma cell lines were analyzed using biotinylated DNA library probes that specifically decorate chromosomes 1, 4, 7, 18 and 22 from pter to qter. Numerical changes, deletions and rearrangements of these chromosomes were radily visualized in metaphase spreads, as well as in early prophase and interphase nuclei. Complete chromosomes, deleted chromosomes and segments of translocated chromosomes were rapidly delineated in very complex karyotypes. Simultaneous hybridizations with additional subregional probes were used to further define aberrant chromosomes. Digital image analysis was used to quantitate the total complement of specific chromosomal DNAs in individual metaphase and interphase cells of each cell line. In spite of the fact that both glioma lines have been passaged in vitro for many years, an under-representation of chromosome 22 and an over-representation of chromosome 7 (specifically 7p) were observed. These observations agree with previous studies on gliomas. In addition, sequences of chromosome 4 were also found to be under-represented, especially in TC 593. These analyses indicate the power of these methods for pinpointing chromosome segments that are altered in specific types of tumors
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